1906. No. 115.
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL, in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Distillation Act 1901, to come into operation forthwith.
Dated this eleventh day of December, One thousand nine hundred and six.
By His Excellency’s Command,
Contents and Marking of Casks.
Regulation 48 of the Distillation Regulations, Schedule III., Distillation Act 1901, is hereby amended by the addition of the following words, viz.:—
“The Collector may, on the application of a purchaser of the spirits, permit the erasure from the casks of the name of the distiller or of the distillery, and of the place where the distillery is situated, and the substitution of the trade name and mark of the purchaser, provided that the bond marks are preserved undefaced, and that the words ‘Made in Australia’ are legibly cut, or branded, or painted in oil colours on the casks.”
Regulation 69 of the Distillation Regulations, Schedule III., Distillation Act 1901, is hereby cancelled, and the following Regulation is substituted in place thereof:—
Regulation 69—
“No cask shall be taken into the spirit warehouse unless—
“(a) Its contents are at least ten imperial gallons.
“(b) It is marked as required by Regulation 48.”
Regulation 70 of the Distillation Regulations, Schedule III., Distillation Act 1901, is hereby amended by the addition of the following words, viz.:—
“Except by the permission of the Collector under Regulation 48.”
Statutory Rule 1906, No. 54, made as provisional Regulations under the said Act, is hereby cancelled.
By Authority: J. Kemp, Acting Government Printer, Melbourne.
C.13915.—Price 3d.