No. 1 of 1907.

An Act to alter the provisions of the Constitution relating to the Election of Senators.

[Assented to 3rd April, 1907.]

BE it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, with the approval of the electors, as required by the Constitution, as follows :—

Short title

1. This Act may be cited as Constitution Alteration (Senate Elections) 1906.

Rotation of senators.

2. Section thirteen of the Constitution is altered—

(a) by omitting the words the third year, and inserting in lieu thereof the words three years;

(b) by omitting the words the sixth year, and inserting in lieu thereof the words six years;

(c) by omitting the words in the year at the expiration of which, and inserting in lieu thereof within one year before;

(d) by omitting the word January wherever it occurs, and inserting in lieu hereof the word July’’.

Extension of terms of service of certain senators.

3.(1.) The terms of service of the senators whose places -would, but for this Act, become vacant at the expiration of the terms year One thousand nine hundred and nine are extended until the thirtieth day of June One thousand nine hundred and ten.

(2.) The terms of service of the senators whose places would, but for this Act, become vacant at the expiration of the year One thousand nine hundred and twelve are extended until the thirtieth day of June One thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

Beginning of term of service of senators elected in 1906 not altered.

4. This Act shall not be taken to alter the time of beginning of the term of service of any senator elected in the year One thousand nine hundred and six.