1909. No. 113.
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, do hereby make the following Regulation under the Sugar Bounty Act 1905, to come into operation forthwith.
Provisional Regulation (Statutory Rule 1909, No. 43) under the said Act, made on the 23rd day of April, 1909, is hereby cancelled.
Dated this 24th day of September, One thousand nine hundred and nine.
By His Excellency’s Command,
The Sugar Bounty Regulations (Statutory Rule, No. 53 of 1908) are amended by inserting after Regulation 12 the following Regulation, 12a:—
Bounty to be paid to Grower only.
12a. (1) Bounty shall be payable to the grower only.
(2) To secure that bounty shall be so payable:—
(a) every claim for bounty, and every bounty note issued in pursuance of a claim for bounty, shall be incapable of assignment;
(b) every bounty note issued in pursuance of a claim for bounty shall be issued to the grower personally, or to some person (approved by the Collector) authorized to receive it on behalf of the grower; and
(c) every bounty note shall be paid only to the grower, or to some bank authorized to receive payment of it on behalf of the grower, or to some person (approved by the Collector) authorized to receive payment of it on behalf of the grower.
(3) Every person (not being the grower or his banker), who receives any money in payment of a bounty note, shall pay such money to the grower personally or to the grower’s credit in a bank to which the grower has authorized him to pay it, and in default of his doing so the grower may recover the amount thereof by action or other appropriate proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction.
Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by J. Kemp, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.
C.12374.—Price 3d.