No. 16 of 1910.

An Act to amend the Sugar Bounty Act 1905.

[Assented to 25th October, 1910.]

BE it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—

Short title and citation.

1.—(1.) This Act may be cited as the Sugar Bounty Act 1910.

(2.) The Sugar Bounty Act 1905 as amended by this Act may be cited as the Sugar Bounty Act 1905-1910.

Amendment of s. 3.

2. Section three of the Sugar Bounty Act 1905 is amended by omitting therefrom the following words and before the first day of January One thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

Amendment of s. 6 by omitting sliding scale.

3. Section six of the Sugar Bounty Act 1905 is amended by omitting therefrom the following proviso:—

Provided that the rates payable on all such cane or beet delivered during the years 1911 and 1912 shall be respectively two-thirds and one-third of the aforesaid rates.

4. Section nine of the Sugar Bounty Act 1905 is repealed, and the following section substituted in lieu thereof:—

Conditions of employment and rates of wages.

Cf. 1908 No. 26. s. 11.

9.—(1.) Every grower of white-grown sugar cane or beet who claims the bounty payable under this Act shall, in making his claim, certify to the Minister the conditions of employment and the rates of wages paid to any labour employed by him, other than the labour of members of his family.

(2.) If the Minister finds that the rates of wages and conditions of employment, or any of them—

(a) are below the standard rates and conditions of employment prescribed by any Commonwealth or State Industrial authority; or

(b) in the absence of any such standard applicable to the case, are below the standard rates payable and conditions of employment obtainable in the locality in which the sugar is grown; or

(c) in the absence of any such standard rates and conditions of employment respectively, are, on application by


the Minister to the President of the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, declared not to be fair and reasonable by him or by a Judge of the Supreme Court of a State or any person or persons who compose a State Industrial authority to whom he may refer the matter,

the Minister may withhold the whole or any part of the bounty payable.

(3.) All the provisions of the Excise Procedure Act 1907 and of any regulations made thereunder shall apply in relation to any application under paragraph (c) of the last preceding sub-section as if the application were an application as defined in that Act, and the application shall, for the purposes of that Act, be deemed to be an application under that Act:

Provided that section four of that Act shall be read as if the words claimant for bounty were substituted for the word applicant.