No. 21 of 1911.
An. Act to amend Section Nine of the Australian Notes Act 1910.
[Assented to 22nd December, 1911.]
BE it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty; the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—
Short title and citation.
1.—(1.) This Act may be cited as the Australian Notes Act 1911.
(2.) The Australian Notes Act 1910, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the Australian Notes Act 1910-11.
Amendment of s. 9.
2. Section nine of the Australian Notes Act 1910 is amended by omitting sub-section (1.) therefrom and by inserting in its stead the following sub-section:—
“(1.) The Treasurer shall hold in gold coin a reserve of not less than one-fourth of the amount of Australian Notes issued.”
Commencement of Act.
3. This Act shall come into operation on the first day of July, One thousand nine hundred and twelve.