1913. No. 343.
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Distillation Act 1901, to come into operation forthwith.
Dated this 19th day of December, One thousand nine hundred and thirteen.
By His Excellency’s Command,
Minister of State for Trade and Customs.
Distillation Regulations.
Short Title.
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Distillation Regulations 1913.
Application for Spirit Maker’s Licence.
2. The application shall be in duplicate in Form A, and shall comply with all the requirements indicated therein.
3. If, after inspection, an officer certifies in Form B, the licence may be granted.
4. The licence shall be in Form C or Form D.
Requirements as to Premises and Plant.
5. The following requirements must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Collector in relation to every distillery licensed under a Spirit Maker’s licence:—
(a) The premises must admit of the proper supervision of operations by officers.
(b) When required by the Collector the premises must be securely walled or fenced, and furnished with substantial gates, which shall be provided with locks approved by the Collector.
(c) There must be on the premises—
(i) A material store or material tank for the reception of material;
(ii) A spirit store for the storing of spirits pending warehousing or for storing of spirits in vats during the process of maturing;
(iii) A warehouse for the warehousing of spirits;
(iv) Reasonable office accommodation for the supervising officer.
(d) The name of every store-house or room must be painted in oil colours in conspicuous letters on the outside of its door.
(e) Except by permission the premises must not be within one hundred yards in a direct line from any brewery or from the premises of a cordial manufacturer or from the premises of a seller of spirits.
C.14353.—Price 8d.
(f) There must be erected in the still-house—
(i) A still capable of exhausting in the case of a general distiller’s licence at least one hundred and fifty gallons of wash in an hour, and in the case of a wine distiller’s licence at least fifty gallons in an hour, or a wash still capable of containing at least six hundred gallons, and also capable of containing double the quantity which the low wines or spirit still is capable of containing.
In lieu of one still of the required capacity two or more stills aggregating the required capacity shall suffice.
(ii) Also if the still is of such a kind that the produce of the wash on the first distillation is spirits and feints—
One wash charger,
One feints receiver,
One spirit receiver;
(iii) Also if the still is of such a kind that the produce of the wash on the first distillation is low wines, then in addition to the above—
One low wines receiver,
One low wines and feints charger.
(g) In every fermenting back—
(i) There must be a discharge cock or plug and plug-hole, through which all wash in the back may be conveyed by a pipe or open trough into the wash charger, or by authority through a close metal pipe direct to the still;
(ii) Except as provided in paragraph (i) and except the pipe admitting the wort and a sewer cock or plug and plug-hole for carrying off the water with which the back is cleansed, there must be no other pipe or outlet.
(h) Every wash charger—
(i) Must be of a capacity of not less than half that of the largest fermenting back;
(ii) Must be connected—
(1) With the fermenting backs by one close metal pipe with one end fixed into a pump placed in a pipe or trough communicating with the fermenting back and the other end fixed into the wash charger;
(2) with the wash stills by one close metal pipe with a branch to each still or to the intermediate still charger;
(3) with the feints receiver by a close pump or metal pipe;
and so that—
(iii) There must be a cock on each of the connecting pipes.
(i) Every low wines receiver—
(i) Must be connected with the safe at the end of the worm of the wash still by one close metal pipe attached to and leading directly from the safe, so that all low wines running from the safe into the pipe shall immediately be discharged into the receiver;
(ii) Must have fixed in it a pump or discharge cock for the conveyance of low wines into the low wines and feints charger.
(j) Every feints receiver—
(i) Must be connected with the safe at the end of the worm of the still by one close metal pipe attached to and leading directly from the safe, so that all feints running from the safe into the pipe shall immediately be discharged into the feints receiver;
(ii) Must have fixed in it a pump, or discharge cock, for the conveyance of feints into the low wines and feints charger or wash charger.
(k) Every low wines and feints charger—
(i) Must be connected with the still by a close metal pipe with a cock thereon, one end of the pipe being fixed into the bottom of the charger and the other attached to the pump or to the still;
(ii) Must be connected with the low wines receiver and feints receiver by close metal pipes, whereof one end must be fixed into the charger and the other end attached to the pump or discharge cock fixed in each receiver.
(l) Every spirit receiver—
(i) Must be connected with the safe at the end of the worm of the still by one close metal pipe secured with a locked union joint at its junction with the worm, and attached to and leading directly from the safe, so that all spirits running from the safe into the pipe shall immediately be discharged into the receiver;
(ii) Must have fixed therein a proper discharge cock or other appliance for drawing off the spirits.
(m) Every low wines receiver, feints receiver, low wines and feints receiver, and spirit receiver—
(i) Must be a closely-covered vessel; and
(ii) Except as already specified, must have no outlet.
(n) Every vat in which spirits are to be stored must be close-covered, and secured with fastenings.
(o) The still and the furnace door thereof, and every cock, valve, or pipe conveying steam into or about the still must be provided with fastenings so that they can be securely locked.
There must be an air-valve on the still.
An enclosed and secure safe must be connected with the end of the worm.
(p) A discharge cock must be fixed to every still not more than three feet distant from the body of the still, and firmly attached to the still by a close metal pipe, and must be so placed as to be easily accessible to the officer.
(q) Every pipe must be so fixed and placed as to be capable of being examined for the whole of its length.
(r) The pipes must be painted and kept painted in oil colours as follows:—
If for the conveyance of—
Wort or wash................................... | Red. |
Low wines or feints............................... | Blue. |
Spirits........................................ | Black. |
Water........................................ | White. |
(s) Every cock and pump must be fitted with fastenings for securing it by a lock, such lock to be supplied by the Collector at the expense of the distiller.
(t) On the top of every charger and receiver, and of every vat for keeping spirits, there must be a dipping hole at which an officer can conveniently take his dip or gauge of the contents.
A metal plate must be fixed at the dipping hole to secure it from being worn or altered.
The dipping hole must have a cover and be fitted with a fastening to secure it by lock.
(u) The name of every fixed vessel must be painted thereon in oil colours and in conspicuous letters, and where more than one vessel is used for the same purpose, distinctive numbers in arithmetical progression commencing with 1, must also be painted thereon.
The Notice Book.
6. A notice book in Form E—
(a) Shall be supplied by the Collector to the distiller.
(b) Shall be kept by the distiller at the distillery.
(c) Shall be delivered to the officer when a notice is entered therein.
7. All notices required to be given by the distiller shall be given by entry in the notice book and delivery of the book to the officer.
8. Every notice entered in the notice book shall be valid, notwithstanding any defect in form.
The Process of Distillation.
9. No distiller shall, except by authority, mash or make wash or use a still between twelve o’clock noon on Saturday and two o’clock in the forenoon on Monday.
10. Every distiller who intends for the first time to commence to mash and every distiller who has discontinued mashing for more than two weeks shall give to the Collector six days before he begins to mash, a written notice specifying the time when he intends to commence mashing, but an earlier commencement may be sanctioned by authority.
11. Before commencing to mash the distiller shall give not less than six hours’ notice of—
(a) The time when the mashing is to be commenced.
(b) The materials to be used and the quantities thereof.
12. No distiller shall, except by authority, begin to mash or use any material for the production of spirits liable to one rate of duty until all spirits produced liable to any other rate of duty have been conveyed into the spirit or feints receiver.
13. If the distiller intends to use for making spirits a different material from that which he is or last has been using and there is a difference of duty on spirits produced from such materials he shall give forty-eight hours’ notice of the time when he intends to commence to mash the new material.
14. Before wort is removed to a back the distiller shall give not less than one hour’s notice of the time when the removal is to be commenced and of the number of the back.
15. All the wort must be run into the back within twenty-four hours after it was started to run into the back.
16. Immediately after the wort has all run into the back the distiller shall give notice specifying—
(a) The number of the back in which the wort is contained.
(b) The specific gravity of the wort.
(c) The quantity thereof—
(1) In gallons.
(2) As measured by the number of dry inches, that is to say, by the number of inches between the top of the back and the surface of the wort contained therein.
(d) The temperature and indication of the wort.
17. Before adding to the wort any ferment, the distiller shall give not less than one hour’s notice of—
(a) The time when the ferment is to be added.
(b) The ferment to be used, and the quantity thereof.
18. The ferment added shall not exceed in quantity one-tenth of the wort, and the addition of ferment to wort shall only be made in a back in the presence of an officer, and no matter other than a ferment shall be added to wort.
19. Before any wash is removed from the back the distiller shall give not less than one hour’s notice, specifying—
(a) The number of the back containing the wash.
(b) The quantity of wash in the back.
(c) The specific gravity of the wash.
(d) The day and hour of the intended removal of the wash.
20. The wash may be removed to the wash charger or direct to the still. If removed to a wash charger not capable of containing the whole of the wash, one-half may be removed at a time.
21. Wash shall not be removed to a wash charger until the officer has locked the discharge cock of the wash charger.
22. The officer shall take an account of the specific gravity and quantity of the wash before it is removed from the back.
23. If after an officer has taken an account of the specific gravity or quantity of the wort or wash in a back any wort or wash is found in the back which exceeds in specific gravity or exceeds by five per centum in quantity the wort or wash of which the account has been taken the following consequences shall ensue:—
(a) All wort or wash found in the back shall be considered as new and not included in any former charge against the distiller.
(b) The distiller shall be charged with duty in respect of the whole of such wort or wash whether he has been previously charged therewith or not.
(c) The wort or wash of which account has previously been taken shall be deemed to be distilled, and the distiller shall be charged for a quantity of spirits in respect thereof as for wort or wash actually distilled.
24. If any decrease more than five per centum takes place in the quantity of wort or wash, the amount of such decrease shall be deemed and taken to have been distilled by such distiller, and such distiller shall be charged with a quantity of spirits in proportion to the decrease of any such wort or wash.
25. All wash must be conveyed directly into the wash charger and thence into the still for distillation or directly from the back into the still.
26. All low wines feints and spirits running from the worm of the still must run thence directly through the safe at the end of the worm.
27. All low wines shall be conveyed directly from the safe into the low wines receiver and thence directly into the low wines and feints charger and thence directly into the still for re-distillation.
28. All spirits must be conveyed directly from the safe into the feints receiver or spirit receiver.
29. All spirits conveyed into the feints receiver must be conveyed thence into the low wines and feints charger or wash charger or intermediate still charger and thence into the still for re-distillation unless permission be granted by the Collector for the discharge of the feints direct from the feints receiver into the still.
30. Except by authority no access shall be had to the end of the worm of any still or to any low wines feints or spirits from the time of the extraction or distillation thereof in the still until they are taken account of by the officer in the proper receiver.
31. Before distilling wine or beer the distiller shall give not less than forty-eight hours’ notice of the time when he intends to commence to distil the wine or beer and its alcoholic strength, and if the quantity of spirits produced is less than the quantity of spirits which should have been produced the distiller shall pay the duty on the deficiency, unless such deficiency is explained to the satisfaction of the Collector.
32. All wash and produce therefrom shall, throughout the whole course of its distillation and until the removal of the spirits to the spirit store be kept unmixed and separate from all else.
33. All feints produced by and remaining from a previous distillation may be mixed with the low wines or feints produced by a subsequent distillation, and the process of re-distilling feints may be repeated as often as the distiller thinks fit, provided that the mixed feints must be the produce of the same kind of material.
34. Before the removal of any low wines, feints, or spirits from a receiver, the distiller shall give reasonable notice of the time when the removal is to be commenced.
35. At the time specified in the notice the officer shall attend, and after he has taken an account of the contents of the receiver and removed the fastenings of the pumps or discharge cock, but not before, the whole contents of the receiver must be forthwith removed therefrom and conveyed, if loin wines or feints, into the proper charger or still, but if spirits, into a vat in the spirit store.
36. After the fastenings have been removed by the officer no low wines, feints, or spirits may be conveyed into the receiver until the whole of the contents have been removed therefrom and the fastenings again secured.
37. Where a distiller has secured the low wines and feint pumps to the satisfaction of the officer, he may run low wines and feints together into the same receiver, and may at any time remove low wines and feints from a receiver to a charger and re-distil them.
38. A distiller may be permitted on application in writing to the Collector to re-distil spirits which are in his distillery.
(a) The spirits to be re-distilled must not be mixed with any wash, low wines, feints, or imported spirits.
(b) The loss on re-distillation must not exceed three per centum of the quantity of spirits re-distilled, and on any loss over that percentage the distiller must pay duty, unless such loss be accounted for to the satisfaction of the Collector.
(c) Spirits re-distilled shall be considered as spirits newly made.
(d) Feints arising from re-distillation may be mixed with feints produced from the same kind of material.
The Material Store.
39. All material in a distillery, other than a wine distillery, which is capable of use for distillation, or in connexion therewith, shall unless when being so used be kept in the material store.
40. The distiller must keep in a book a complete and correct account showing under separate headings the quantities of each kind of material placed in the material store, and the quantities of each kind of material taken therefrom, and the purpose for which it has been applied.
41. The distiller shall—
(a) Keep his material store account book written up daily and balanced monthly.
(b) Produce the book when required by an officer.
(c) Check the balance of any stock of material on hand when required by an officer.
(d) Pay duty on the quantity of spirit that any material found deficient was capable of producing, unless any deficiency is accounted for to the satisfaction of the Collector.
The Spirit Store.
42. The spirit store is for the purpose of carrying on therein the flavoring colouring, blending, and bottling of spirits, and the putting of spirits into casks. Spirits may also be stored in the spirit store during the process of maturing.
43. The spirit store must be—
(a) Constructed of stone, brick, concrete, or other approved fireproof material.
(b) Have all its windows secured with solid iron bars not less than one inch in diameter so fixed therein that the spaces between the bars and between the bars and the wall do not exceed six inches in width.
(c) Have all its windows covered with close wire netting.
(d) Have all its doors strongly constructed and sheeted on the inside with iron.
44. Only spirits in vats and in vessels approved by the Collector shall be kept in the spirit store. When vat is referred to the reference shall include any approved vessel.
45. Each vat must be—
(a) Of the capacity in the case of a general distillery of not less than two hundred gallons, and in the case of a wine distillery of not less than eighty gallons.
(b) Erected at least 3 feet from the ground or floor.
(c) So placed that the whole exterior surface can without inconvenience be thoroughly inspected.
46. The spirit store shall be opened during such hours only as the Collector may direct.
47. No empty cask shall be taken into the spirit store except for the purpose of being immediately filled with spirit from a vat, and when these casks are filled they must not remain in the spirit store more than twenty-four hours except by authority.
48. No cask of less capacity than ten imperial gallons shall be taken into a spirit store, and no spirits of less quantity than ten imperial gallons shall at any time be delivered from the spirit store. Provided that the Comptroller-General may permit casks, cases, or vessels of less than ten imperial gallons capacity to be taken into a spirit store to be filled with spirits intended for export, and the casks, cases, or vessels when so filled may, subject to the Act and Regulations, be delivered from the spirit store to enable the spirits to be exported.
49. Every cask brought into the spirit store must be in sound condition and have legibly cut or branded or painted in oil colours the following particulars:—
On the outside of one end of the cask the name of the distiller or of the distillery, and the place where the distillery is situated.
On the other end of the cask its consecutive number and weight, and when filled with spirits, the number of gallons it contains, and when rates of duty differ according to the material from which the spirits are made a letter denoting the material from which the spirits are made.
The Collector may, on the application of a purchaser of the spirits, permit the erasure from the casks of the name of the distiller or of the distillery, and of the place where the distillery is situated, and the substitution of the trade name and mark of the purchaser, provided that the bond marks are preserved undefaced, and that the words “Made in Australia” are legibly cut, or branded, or painted in oil colours on the casks.
50. The weighing of every cask before and after being filled with spirits must take place in the presence of an officer who shall keep a record of the weights.
51. All spirits drawn from the vats must be put into casks in the presence of an officer.
52. Upon written application being made to the Collector, permission may be granted or refused to any distiller to transfer imported spirits from a Customs warehouse to the spirit store of such distiller for the purpose of flavoring the spirits distilled by the distiller. A sample of the flavoring spirits must be submitted for the Collector’s approval.
53. The flavoring spirits must be mixed with spirits in the vats in the spirit store, and such mixing must take place in the presence of an officer and spirits so flavored must not contain more than five per centum of flavoring spirits.
54. If the flavoring spirits are to be mixed with spirits for exportation only, then no duty shall be charged on the imported spirits, but if such spirits are to be mixed with spirits for home consumption, then if the duty on imported spirits be greater than the duty payable on spirits distilled in Australia, the difference between such rates of duty shall be paid before removal from the Customs warehouse to the spirit store of the distiller.
55. The dip of any vats containing spirits may at any time be taken by an officer, and if any deficiency of spirits has taken place which cannot be attributed to natural loss, the distiller shall pay duty on the quantity of spirits so found deficient.
56. The spirits in the spirit store may be blended.
57. The clarification of cloudy spirits may be allowed by the addition thereto of a solution of alum in the proportion of not more than four gallons of such solution to every 1,000 gallons of spirits, or by means of any other treatment approved by the Comptroller.
58. A distiller may, by adding water thereto, reduce any spirits in the vat in the spirit store.
59. Upon giving reasonable notice to the officer in charge, a distiller may bottle spirits from any vat in his spirit store.
60. The spirits must be put into imperial or reputed quart, or pint bottles or flasks, and must, if not immediately removed from the distillery, be packed in cases containing one or more dozen imperial or reputed quart or pint bottles, or flasks, the bottles in each case to be of uniform size. Provided that spirits intended for export may be put up in bottles of uniform size smaller than those prescribed in this Regulation and regarded as flasks. Provided further that distillers may use any class or size of container for samples intended for display only.
61. Every case must have branded or painted thereon the name of the distiller, or the name of the distillery, and the place where the spirits were distilled, and any number or letter which the Collector shall direct.
62. No label shall be affixed by a distiller to any bottles containing spirits, unless the Collector has given his permission in writing to the affixing of such labels.
63. The quantity of spirits in any cask or bottle may be calculated by weight, measure, or gauge, as the Collector may direct.
64. Upon written application being made to the Collector, permission may be granted or refused to any distiller to colour any spirit in any vat, but before such permission is granted the colouring matter must be brought into the distillery and placed under the control of the officer, who shall forward samples to the Collector.
65. All casks when filled with spirits, and all cases containing bottles or flasks filled with spirits, shall be conveyed to the spirit warehouse of the distiller, whence they may be removed to a Customs warehouse, or delivered upon payment of duty thereon.
66. A distiller may, by authority, re-vat in his spirit store, any spirits stored in his spirit warehouse.
67. Vats may be gauged by an officer whenever he deems it necessary.
68. An officer shall keep a true account of all spirits received into the spirit store, and of all spirits removed from the spirit store, computed at proof strength, and shall balance such account monthly, making an allowance of three percentum on the stock of spirits on hand at the last monthly balance, and on the spirits received into the spirit store during the month. The distiller on each such monthly balance shall pay duty on any deficiency of spirits found in excess of the specified allowance, unless such deficiency is accounted for to the satisfaction of the Collector.
69. Every door in the spirit store shall be provided by the distiller with an approved lock, the key of which shall be kept by him, and with a lock supplied by the Collector at the expense of the distiller, the key of which shall be kept by the officer, so that both the keys will be required to open the door.
The Spirit Warehouse.
70. The spirit warehouse must—
(a) Be substantially built of stone, brick, concrete, or approved fire-proof material.
(b) Have all its windows secured with solid iron bars not less than one inch in diameter, so fixed therein that the spaces between the bars and between the bars and the wall do not exceed six inches in width.
(c) Have all its windows covered with close wire netting.
(d) Have all its doors strongly constructed and sheeted on the inside with iron.
71. No cask shall be taken into the spirit warehouse unless—
(a) Its contents are as prescribed by Regulation 48.
(b) It is marked as required by Regulation 49.
72. None of the particulars on a cask shall be altered in any way whilst in the spirit warehouse, except by permission of the Collector under Regulation 48.
73. Casks must be arranged, stacked, or stowed so that an officer may pass easily between every tier.
74. Before any cask is removed from the spirit warehouse the distiller must give reasonable notice to the officer, and specify therein the mark and number of each cask.
75. The distiller may, in the presence of an officer, view and examine the spirits in any cask, or ascertain the condition of any cask, and must at once remedy any leakage.
76. When any cask has been warehoused in the spirit warehouse the distiller, upon application to the officer in charge, shall receive a warehousing certificate in Form F.
77. All casks, if not removed within three years, shall at the expiration of that time, or such further time, if any, as may be allowed by the Collector, be examined by an officer, and the duty upon any difference or deficiency between the quantity ascertained on the spirits being first warehoused and the quantity found to exist at such examination, subject to the specified allowance or to such greater allowance as may be sanctioned by the Collector, shall be paid, and the quantity found in the casks shall either be re-warehoused by the surrender of the existing certificate and the issue of a new certificate, or the duty shall be paid thereon.
78. The distiller shall be entitled to an allowance for actual unintentional waste of spirits whilst in the warehouse according to the scale in Table G.
79. Nothing shall be added to spirits in the spirit warehouse.
80. Every door in the spirit warehouse shall be provided by the distiller with an approved lock, the key of which shall be kept by him, and with a lock supplied by the Collector, at the expense of the distiller, the key of which shall be kept by the officer, so that both the keys will be required to open the door.
81. Spirits in a spirit warehouse may, on surrender of the warehousing certificate, be entered for home consumption or for export or for removal as in the case of warehoused goods under the Customs Act 1901-1910, and so that the removal may be to a warehouse licensed under the Customs Act 1901-1910, or to the spirit warehouse in another distillery, and the spirits in such last-mentioned warehouse shall be subject to the same conditions as if originally warehoused therein.
82. All spirits in the spirit warehouse upon which the duty has been paid must be removed forthwith from the distillery.
83. Entries for home consumption may be in Form H.
84. Spirits may be methylated and entered for home consumption in a distillery as in the case of spirits warehoused under the Customs Act 1901-1910.
Vigneron’s Licences.
85. The application for a licence shall be in duplicate in Form A, and shall comply with all the requirements indicated therein.
86. If after inspection an officer certifies in Form B the licence may be granted.
87. The licence shall be in Form I.
88. Vignerons’ licences shall not be granted in respect of stills of a capacity of less than 50 gallons, or which are not capable of exhausting 20 gallons of wine per hour.
89. Before a vigneron’s licence shall be granted or renewed there must be erected upon the premises a spirit store which must—
(a) Be a building of stone, brick, concrete, or other approved material.
(b) Have its windows secured with iron bars, and covered with close wire netting.
(c) Have its door strongly constructed, sheeted on the inside with iron, and provided by the vigneron with an approved lock, the key of which shall be kept by him, and with a lock supplied by the Collector at the expense of the vigneron, the key of which shall be kept by the officer.
90. The building, the securing of the windows, and of the door must be to the satisfaction of the Collector.
91. A feints receiver of not less than 35 gallons capacity and a spirit receiver of not less than 60 gallons capacity must be kept in the spirit store.
92. The still, the feints receiver, and the spirit receiver must be connected in such manner and be provided with such cocks, pipes, and fittings, as the Collector may direct.
93. Every vigneron shall keep his still and the receivers and fittings connected therewith in good repair and in a clean condition.
94. Every vigneron shall give to the Collector at least three days’ notice of the day and hour when he intends to commence distilling.
95. No vigneron shall distil spirits or use his still except by authority and in the presence of an officer.
96. Every vigneron shall keep a notice-book, and shall enter therein the quantity and alcoholic strength of wine or lees of wine he intends to distil and the quantity of wine or lees of wine in each charge he puts into the still.
97. Any officer may take samples of the wine or lees of wine about to be distilled, and may by distillation ascertain the percentage of spirit contained in the wine or lees of wine.
98. If the quantity of spirits produced is less than the quantity of spirits which should have been produced, the vigneron shall pay duty on the deficiency, unless such deficiency is explained to the satisfaction of the Collector, and no distilling operations or mixing of spirits with wine shall be allowed until the duty demanded on any deficiency has been paid, or until such deficiency is accounted for to the satisfaction of the Collector.
99. All spirits distilled under a vigneron’s licence shall be kept in the spirit store in vats or vessels approved by the Collector, and so placed as to be easily examined, and no spirits shall be kept elsewhere on the premises specified in the licence.
100. Every person to whom a vigneron’s licence has been granted shall give to the Collector at least twenty-four hours’ notice of his intention to
mix spirits with wine, and such notice shall state the day and hour when the officer will be required, and the quantity of spirit required for fortifying purposes.
101. Before any spirits are taken out of the spirit store for the purpose of fortifying wine, the quantity required shall be gauged, weighed, or measured by an officer who shall issue a certificate in Form J, and entry shall be made out in Form H.
102. The officer shall forward the entries with the certificate to the Collector.
103. The spirit may then be mixed with wine in the presence of the officer.
104. The spirit shall be used in fortifying wine, and must be mixed with wine in the presence of an officer, who may take samples of the wine before and after mixing.
105. Any vigneron may, by permission, sell any surplus spirits, or remove the same to a Customs warehouse.
106. Two or more vignerons having each a vigneron’s licence may, by permission, use a portable still, to be removed from time to time to the licensed premises where its use is required, or a still situated on the premises of one of them.
Test Stills.
107. Applications for test still licences may be in Form K.
108. Test still licences may be in Form L.
109. The holder of a test still licence who does not renew his licence shall secure his still to the satisfaction of the Collector.
110. The specific gravity of wort or wash may be ascertained by Bates’s saccharometer or in such manner as shall be directed by the Minister by notice in the Gazette.
111. In calculating the specific gravity a degree of gravity shall be taken as equal to one-thousandth part of the gravity of distilled water at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
112. To ascertain the original gravity of the wort from which wash is made, a definite quantity by measure of the wash must be distilled, and the distillate and spent wash each made up with distilled water to the original measure of the wash before distillation.
113. The specific gravity of each must then be ascertained.
114. The number of degrees and parts of a degree by which the specific gravity of the distillate is less than the specific gravity of distilled water shall be deemed the spirit indication of the distillate.
115. The specific gravity of the spent wash added to the degree of original gravity, which in Table M hereto is set opposite the degree of spirit indication, shall be deemed the original gravity of the wort.
116. All weighings and measurings for any of the above purposes must be made when the liquid is at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
117. The distiller or any person acting on his behalf may, if the distiller so desires, be present at any such process for ascertaining original gravity.
118. All spirits shall be deemed to be of the strength denoted by Sykes’ hydrometer, with the percentage of obscuration (if any) added. Provided that it shall be lawful for the Comptroller, by notice in the Gazette, to direct that any other instrument may be used.
119. For the purpose of ascertaining by weighing the quantity of spirit contained in any cask or vessel—
(a) The table in the Table N hereto shall be used in connexion with Sykes’ hydrometer.
(b) The number of pounds and decimal parts of a pound corresponding to the indication by Sykes’ hydrometer of the spirits so weighed shall be the weight in pounds and decimal parts of a pound of one liquid gallon of such spirits.
(c) The net weight in pounds of such spirits divided by the weight of one gallon of such spirits shall be the number of liquid gallons and decimal parts of a liquid gallon contained in the cask.
120. The forms prescribed by or referred to in these Regulations are those in the accompanying Schedule.
The following Regulations under the Distillation Act 1901 are hereby repealed, save as to anything lawfully done, or as to any right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty or forfeiture acquired, accrued, or incurred hereunder:—
(1) Distillation Regulations, being Schedule III. to the Distillation Act 1901.
(2) Statutory Rules 1906, Nos. 9 and 115.
Form A.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—The Distillation Act 1901.
Application for a Licence to Distil Spirits.
Reg. 2, 85.
I hereby apply for a [set out general distiller’s or wine distiller’s or vigneron’s, as case may be] licence to distil spirits, and supply the following information:—
Name in full and address of applicant...................... |
Name of street or road and locality, town, or district where distilling operations are to be carried on | |
Description of each still and the number of gallons each still is capable of containing, or the number of gallons of wash per hour each still is capable of distilling | |
Name and description of every building, room, or place where operations of any kind are to be carried on, and the purpose for which each is to be used | |
Kind of fence or wall surrounding the premises................ | |
The area enclosed................................... |
I attach to this application a plan (or plans) showing the whole of the premises where distillation is to be carried on; and the name, situation, and position of every building, room, place, vessel, and utensil to be used on the premises.
I also furnish a description showing the course, construction, and the use of all fixed pipes to be used, and of every branch thereof and cock thereon, and the room, place, vessel, or utensil with which such pipes communicate.
I also attach a statement showing the capacity in imperial gallons of each tun, back, charger, still, receiver, vat, or other vessel, as well as the number of imperial gallons that every inch of the height of each tun, back, charger, receiver, vat or other vessel is capable of containing, and with respect to vessels intended to contain spirits the number of imperial gallons that every inch and tenth of an inch of the height thereof respectively are capable of containing.
I declare that the above is true in every particular.
Signature of Applicant.
Form B.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—The Distillation Act 1901.
Reg. 3, 86.
(a) Here insert “General Distillers,” “Wine Distillers,” “Vignerons,” as the case requires.
I certify that I have inspected the buildings, rooms, and places referred to in the application of A.B. for (a) licence, and that the requirements of the Distillation Act 1901, and the regulations made thereunder, have been complied with, that the plans and descriptions are sufficient and complete, and that the statement of gauges is correct.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—The Distillation Act 1901.
Reg. 4.
This licence is issued to , upon the condition that he complies with the Distillation Act 1901, and the regulations thereunder relating to spirit-makers’ licences, and authorizes him to distil spirits upon his premises, situated at
(No.) (street) (locality) from this date till the thirty-first day of December, 19 , but is renewable annually on payment of the annual licence fee, unless suspended or cancelled in the meantime.
And I do hereby acknowledge to have received from the said the sum of pounds shillings pence, the fee for this licence.
Dated at this day of 19 .
Collector of Customs for the State of
Form D.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—The Distillation Act 1901.
This licence is issued under and subject to the provisions of the Distillation Act 1901 and the regulations thereunder to (name) (occupation) and authorizes him to distil spirits from wine or lees of wine only upon his premises situated at (street or road) (locality). This licence expires on the thirty-first day of December,
19 , and is renewable annually on payment of the annual licence fee unless suspended or cancelled in the meantime.
And I acknowledge to have received from the said the sum of £ as the fee for this licence.
Dated at the day of 19 .
Collector of Customs for the State of
Reg. 6.
Form E.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—The Distillation Act 1901.
Date and Hour of giving notice. | Notice to Mash or Brew. | Notice to Distil Wine or Beer. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Material. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bushels. | Cwts. of— | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
Date and Hour of giving notice. | Notice to declare back. | Notice to add Yeast. | Notice to remove Wash. | ||||||||||||||||
Date and Hour of giving notice. | Date and Hour of Removal. | ||||||||||||||||||
Reg. 76.
Form F.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—The Distillation Act 1901.
Particulars of the undermentioned spirits distilled in the State of and warehoused in the spirit warehouse at the distillery of at
Vessels or Cases. | Quantity of Spirits in the Package when the Spirits were Bonded. | |||||||||||
Strength. | ||||||||||||
| |
This certificate is not negotiable, and is issued only for the purposes of the “Distillation Act 1901,” and must be surrendered when the spirits are required.
Reg. 78.
Form G.
For each cask if warehoused over—
7 days and less than | 1 month ................. | 2·0 per cent. proof galls. |
1 month and less than | 2 months ................. | 3·0 ,, ,, |
2 ,, ,, | 3 ,, ................. | 3·6 ,, ,, |
3 ,, ,, | 4 ,, ................. | 4·4 ,, ,, |
4 ,, ,, | 5 ,, ................. | 4·6 ,, ,, |
5 ,, ,, | 6 ,, ................. | 4·8 ,, ,, |
6 ,, ,, | 7 ,, ................. | 5·0 ,, ,, |
7 ,, ,, | 8 ,, ................. | 5·2 ,, ,, |
8 ,, ,, | 9 ,, ................. | 5·4 ,, ,, |
9 ,, ,, | 10 ,, ................. | 5·6 ,, ,, |
10 ,, ,, | 11 ,, ................. | 5·8 ,, ,, |
11 ,, ,, | 12 ,, ................. | 6·0 ,, ,, |
12 ,, ,, | 13 ,, ................. | 6·3 ,, ,, |
13 ,, ,, | 14 ,, ................. | 6·6 ,, ,, |
14 ,, ,, | 15 ,, ................. | 6·9 ,, ,, |
15 ,, ,, | 16 ,, ................. | 7·2 ,, ,, |
16 ,, ,, | 17 ,, ................. | 7·5 ,, ,, |
17 ,, ,, | 18 ,, ................. | 7·8 ,, ,, |
18 ,, ,, | 19 ,, ................. | 8·1 ,, ,, |
19 ,, ,, | 20 ,, ................. | 8·4 ,, ,, |
20 ,, ,, | 21 ,, ................. | 8·7 ,, ,, |
21 ,, ,, | 22 ,, ................. | 9·0 ,, ,, |
22 ,, ,, | 23 ,, ................. | 9·3 ,, ,, |
23 ,, ,, | 24 ,, ................. | 9·6 ,, ,, |
24 ,, ,, | 25 ,, ................. | 9·9 ,, ,, |
Form G—continued.
For each cask if warehoused over—
25 months and less than 26 months.......................... | 10·1 per cent. proof galls. | |
26 ,, ,, | 27 ,, ................. | 10·3 ,, ,, |
27 ,, ,, | 28 ,, ................. | 10·5 ,, ,, |
28 ,, ,, | 29 ,, ................. | 10·7 ,, ,, |
29 ,, ,, | 30 ,, ................. | 10·9 ,, ,, |
30 ,, ,, | 31 ,, ................. | 11·1 ,, ,, |
31 ,, ,, | 32 ,, ................. | 11·3 ,, ,, |
32 ,, ,, | 33 ,, ................. | 11·5 ,, ,, |
33 ,, ,, | 34 ,, ................. | 11·7 ,, ,, |
34 ,, ,, | 35 ,, ................. | 11·9 ,, ,, |
35 ,, ,, | 36 ,, ................. | 12·0 ,, ,, |
When the waste exceeds the above authorized scale of allowances the matter must be referred to the Collector.
Reg. 83, 101.
Form H.
Excise Home Consumption.—Warrant No.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—State of .—The Distillation Act 1901.
Date. Place .
Ex Distillery, Spirit Warehouse, or Spirit Store of at
Vessels and Cases. | Strength. | Duty. | ||||||||||||
Brand | No. | |||||||||||||
| £ s. d. | |
For Collector.
Form H must be rendered in triplicate.
Reg. 87.
Form I.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—The Distillation Act 1901.
This licence is issued under and subject to the provisions of the Distillation Act 1901 and the regulations thereunder, to (name) (occupation), and authorizes him to distil spirits from wine and lees of wine only upon his premises, situated at (street or road) (locality), for the purpose of fortifying his wine. This licence expires on the thirty-first day of December, 19 , and is renewable annually on payment of the annual licence-fee unless suspended or cancelled in the meantime.
And I acknowledge to have received from the said
the sum of £ as fee for the licence.
Dated at the day of 19 .
Collector of Customs for the State of
Reg. 101.
Form J.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—The Distillation Act 1901.
Particulars of the undermentioned spirits distilled in the State of and now in the spirit store of , vigneron at , distilled for fortifying purposes:—
Date. | Vessel. | Quantity of Spirit in the Vessel. | Signature of Officer, and date of Signature. | |||||
Brand of— | No. of— | Liq. gals. | Strength. | Proof gals. | ||||
This certificate is not negotiable, and is issued only for the purposes of the “Distillation Act 1901,” and must be surrendered when the spirits are required.
Reg. 107.
Form K.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—The Distilation Act 1901.
To the Collector of Customs State of
(a) Here insert “one quart” or “one gallon” as the case requires.
I hereby apply for a licence to use a test still of a capacity of not more than (a) for the purpose of distilling upon my premises situated at [here describe locality].
Dated the day of 19 .
Reg. 108.
Form L.
The Commonwealth of Australia.—The Distillation Act 1901.
This licence is issued subject to the Distillation Act 1901, and the regulations thereunder to (name) (occupation), and authorizes him to use upon his premises situated at (street or road) (locality) a test still of a capacity of
Form L—continued.
(here insert capacity) for the purpose of distilling. This licence expires on the thirty-first day of December, 19 , but is renewable on payment of the annual licence-fee unless suspended or cancelled in the meantime.
I acknowledge to have received from the said the sum of £ the amount of the licence-fee.
Dated at the day of 19
Collector of Customs for the State of
Reg. 115.
Form M.
Degrees of Spirit Indication. | Degrees of Original Specific Gravity. | Degrees of Spirit Indication. | Degrees of Original Specific Gravity. | Degrees of Spirit Indication. | Degrees of Original Specific Gravity. | Degrees of Spirit Indication. | Degrees of Original Specific Gravity. |
·1 | ·3 | 4·1 | 15·5 | 8·1 | 34·3 | 12·1 | 54·9 |
·2 | ·6 | 4·2 | 16·0 | 8·2 | 34·8 | 12·2 | 55·4 |
·3 | ·9 | 4·3 | 16·4 | 8·3 | 35·4 | 12·3 | 55·9 |
·4 | 1·2 | 4·4 | 16·8 | 8·4 | 35·9 | 12·4 | 56·4 |
·5 | 1·5 | 4·5 | 17·3 | 8·5 | 36·5 | 12·5 | 56·9 |
·6 | 1·8 | 4·6 | 17·7 | 8·6 | 37·0 | 12·6 | 57·4 |
·7 | 2·1 | 4·7 | 18·2 | 8·7 | 37·5 | 12·7 | 57·9 |
·8 | 2·4 | 4·8 | 18·6 | 8·8 | 38·0 | 12·8 | 58·4 |
·9 | 2·7 | 4·9 | 19·1 | 8·9 | 38·6 | 12·9 | 58·9 |
1·0 | 3·0 | 5·0 | 19·5 | 9·0 | 39·1 | 13·0 | 59·4 |
1·1 | 3·3 | 5·1 | 19·9 | 9·1 | 39·7 | 13·1 | 60·0 |
1·2 | 3·7 | 5·2 | 20·4 | 9·2 | 40·2 | 13·2 | 60·5 |
1·3 | 4·1 | 5·3 | 20·9 | 9·3 | 40·7 | 13·3 | 61·1 |
1·4 | 4·4 | 5·4 | 21·3 | 9·4 | 41·2 | 13·4 | 61·6 |
1·5 | 4·8 | 5·5 | 21·8 | 9·5 | 41·7 | 13·5 | 62·2 |
1·6 | 5·1 | 5·6 | 22·2 | 9·6 | 42·2 | 13·6 | 62·7 |
1·7 | 5·5 | 5·7 | 22·7 | 9·7 | 42·7 | 13·7 | 63·3 |
1·8 | 5·9 | 5·8 | 23·1 | 9·8 | 43·2 | 13·8 | 63·8 |
1·9 | 6·2 | 5·9 | 23·6 | 9·9 | 43·7 | 13·9 | 64·3 |
2·0 | 6·6 | 6·0 | 24·1 | 10·0 | 44·2 | 14·0 | 64·8 |
2·1 | 7·0 | 6·1 | 24·6 | 10·1 | 44·7 | 14·1 | 65·4 |
2·2 | 7·4 | 6·2 | 25·0 | 10·2 | 45·1 | 14·2 | 65·9 |
2·3 | 7·8 | 6·3 | 25·5 | 10·3 | 45·6 | 14·3 | 66·5 |
2·4 | 8·2 | 6·4 | 26·0 | 10·4 | 46·0 | 14·4 | 67·1 |
2·5 | 8·6 | 6·5 | 26·4 | 10·5 | 46·5 | 14·5 | 67·6 |
2·6 | 9·0 | 6·6 | 26·9 | 10·6 | 47·0 | 14·6 | 68·2 |
2·7 | 9·4 | 6·7 | 27·4 | 10·7 | 47·5 | 14·7 | 68·7 |
2·8 | 9·8 | 6·8 | 27·8 | 10·8 | 48·0 | 14·8 | 69·3 |
2·9 | 10·2 | 6·9 | 28·3 | 10·9 | 48·5 | 14·9 | 69·9 |
3·0 | 10·7 | 7·0 | 28·8 | 11·0 | 49·0 | 15·0 | 70·5 |
3·1 | 11·1 | 7·1 | 29·2 | 11·1 | 49·6 | 15·1 | 71·1 |
3·2 | 11·5 | 7·2 | 29·7 | 11·2 | 50·1 | 15·2 | 71·7 |
3·3 | 12·0 | 7·3 | 30·2 | 11·3 | 50·6 | 15·3 | 72·3 |
3·4 | 12·4 | 7·4 | 30·7 | 11·4 | 51·2 | 15·4 | 72·9 |
3·5 | 12·9 | 7·5 | 31·2 | 11·5 | 51·7 | 15·5 | 73·5 |
3·6 | 13·3 | 7·6 | 31·7 | 11·6 | 52·2 | 15·6 | 74·1 |
3·7 | 13·8 | 7·7 | 32·2 | 11·7 | 52·7 | 15·7 | 74·7 |
3·8 | 14·2 | 7·8 | 32·7 | 11·8 | 53·3 | 15·8 | 75·3 |
3·9 | 14·7 | 7·9 | 33·2 | 11·9 | 53·8 | 15·9 | 75·9 |
4·0 | 15·1 | 8·0 | 33·7 | 12·0 | 54·3 | 16·0 | 76·5 |
Reg. 119.
Form N.
1. Spirits which on Sykes’ Hydrometer indicate a number in Column A must be taken to be of the weight per gallon in pounds and decimal parts of a pound of spirits indicated by the corresponding number in Column B.
2. To ascertain the quantity of spirits in cask their net weight must be divided by the number which in Column B indicates their weight per gallon and the product will be the quantity of the spirits in gallons and decimal parts of a gallon.
Column A. | Column B. | Column A. | Column B. | Column A. | Column B. | Column A. | Column B. | Column A. | Column B. |
0· | 8·154 | 9· | 8·306 | 18· | 8·460 | 27· | 8·617 | 36· | 8·777 |
·2 | 8·157 | ·2 | 8·309 | ·2 | 8·464 | ·2 | 8·620 | ·2 | 8·781 |
·4 | 8·161 | ·4 | 8·313 | ·4 | 8·467 | ·4 | 8·624 | ·4 | 8·784 |
·6 | 8·164 | ·6 | 8·316 | ·6 | 8·471 | ·6 | 8·628 | ·6 | 8·788 |
·8 | 8·168 | ·8 | 8·320 | ·8 | 8·474 | ·8 | 8·631 | ·8 | 8·791 |
1· | 8·171 | 10· | 8·323 | 19· | 8·478 | 28· | 8·635 | 37· | 8·795 |
·2 | 8·174 | ·2 | 8·326 | ·2 | 8·481 | ·2 | 8·639 | ·2 | 8·799 |
·4 | 8·178 | ·4 | 8·330 | ·4 | 8·485 | ·4 | 8·642 | ·4 | 8·802 |
·6 | 8·181 | ·6 | 8·333 | ·6 | 8·488 | ·6 | 8·646 | ·6 | 8·806 |
·8 | 8·185 | ·8 | 8·337 | ·8 | 8·492 | ·8 | 8·649 | ·8 | 8·809 |
2· | 8·188 | 11· | 8·340 | 20· | 8·495 | 29· | 8·653 | 38· | 8·813 |
·2 | 8·191 | ·2 | 8·343 | ·2 | 8·498 | ·2 | 8·656 | ·2 | 8·817 |
·4 | 8·195 | ·4 | 8·347 | ·4 | 8·502 | ·4 | 8·660 | ·4 | 8·820 |
·6 | 8·198 | ·6 | 8·350 | ·6 | 8·505 | ·6 | 8·663 | ·6 | 8·824 |
·8 | 8·202 | ·8 | 8·354 | ·8 | 8·509 | ·8 | 8·667 | ·8 | 8·827 |
3· | 8·205 | 12· | 8·357 | 21· | 8·512 | 30· | 8·670 | 39· | 8·831 |
·2 | 8·208 | ·2 | 8·361 | ·2 | 8·516 | ·2 | 8·674 | ·2 | 8·835 |
·4 | 8·212 | ·4 | 8·364 | ·4 | 8·519 | ·4 | 8·677 | ·4 | 8·838 |
·6 | 8·215 | ·6 | 8·368 | ·6 | 8·523 | ·6 | 8·681 | ·6 | 8·842 |
·8 | 8·219 | ·8 | 8·371 | ·8 | 8·526 | ·8 | 8·684 | ·8 | 8·845 |
4· | 8·222 | 13· | 8·375 | 22· | 8·530 | 31· | 8·688 | 40· | 8·849 |
·2 | 8·225 | ·2 | 8·378 | ·2 | 8·533 | ·2 | 8·692 | ·2 | 8·853 |
·4 | 8·229 | ·4 | 8·382 | ·4 | 8·537 | ·4 | 8·695 | ·4 | 8·856 |
·6 | 8·232 | ·6 | 8·385 | ·6 | 8·540 | ·6 | 8·699 | ·6 | 8·860 |
·8 | 8·236 | ·8 | 8·389 | ·8 | 8·544 | ·8 | 8·702 | ·8 | 8·863 |
5· | 8·239 | 14· | 8·392 | 23· | 8·547 | 32· | 8·706 | 41· | 8·867 |
·2 | 8·242 | ·2 | 8·395 | ·2 | 8·551 | ·2 | 8·709 | ·2 | 8·871 |
·4 | 8·245 | ·4 | 8·399 | ·4 | 8·554 | ·4 | 8·713 | ·4 | 8·874 |
·6 | 8·249 | ·6 | 8·402 | ·6 | 8·558 | ·6 | 8·716 | ·6 | 8·878 |
·8 | 8·252 | ·8 | 8·406 | ·8 | 8·561 | ·8 | 8·720 | ·8 | 8·881 |
6· | 8·255 | 15· | 8·409 | 24· | 8·565 | 33· | 8·723 | 42· | 8·885 |
·2 | 8·258 | ·2 | 8·412 | ·2 | 8·568 | ·2 | 8·727 | ·2 | 8·889 |
·4 | 8·262 | ·4 | 8·416 | ·4 | 8·572 | ·4 | 8·730 | ·4 | 8·892 |
·6 | 8·265 | ·6 | 8·419 | ·6 | 8·575 | ·6 | 8·734 | ·6 | 8·896 |
·8 | 8·269 | ·8 | 8·423 | ·8 | 8·579 | ·8 | 8·737 | ·8 | 8·899 |
7· | 8·272 | 16· | 8·426 | 25· | 8·582 | 34· | 8·741 | 43· | 8·903 |
·2 | 8·275 | ·2 | 8·429 | ·2 | 8·586 | ·2 | 8·745 | ·2 | 8·907 |
·4 | 8·279 | ·4 | 8·433 | ·4 | 8·589 | ·4 | 8·748 | ·4 | 8·911 |
·6 | 8·282 | ·6 | 8·436 | ·6 | 8·593 | ·6 | 8·752 | ·6 | 8·914 |
·8 | 8·286 | ·8 | 8·440 | ·8 | 8·596 | ·8 | 8·755 | ·8 | 8·918 |
8· | 8·289 | 17· | 8·443 | 26· | 8·600 | 35· | 8·759 | 44· | 8·922 |
·2 | 8·292 | ·2 | 8·446 | ·2 | 8·603 | ·2 | 8·763 | ·2 | 8·926 |
·4 | 8·296 | ·4 | 8·450 | ·4 | 8·607 | ·4 | 8·766 | ·4 | 8·929 |
·6 | 8·299 | ·6 | 8·453 | ·6 | 8·610 | ·6 | 8·770 | ·6 | 8·933 |
·8 | 8·303 | ·8 | 8·457 | ·8 | 8·614 | ·8 | 8·773 | ·8 | 8·936 |
Form N.—Table for Determining the Weight per Gallon of Spirits by Sykes’ Hydrometer—continued.
Column A. | Column B. | Column A. | Column B. | Column A. | Column B. | Column A. | Column B. | Column A. | Column B. |
45· | 8·940 | 56· | 9·143 | 67· | 9·352 | 78· | 9·565 | 89· | 9·781 |
·2 | 8·944 | ·2 | 9·147 | ·2 | 9·356 | ·2 | 9·569 | ·2 | 9·785 |
·4 | 8·947 | ·4 | 9·151 | ·4 | 9·360 | ·4 | 9·573 | ·4 | 9·789 |
·6 | 8·951 | ·6 | 9·154 | ·6 | 9·363 | ·6 | 9·576 | ·6 | 9·792 |
·8 | 8·954 | ·8 | 9·158 | ·8 | 9·367 | ·8 | 9·580 | ·8 | 9·796 |
46· | 8·958 | 57· | 9·162 | 68· | 9·371 | 79· | 9·584 | 90· | 9·800 |
·2 | 8·962 | ·2 | 9·166 | ·2 | 9·375 | ·2 | 9·588 | ·2 | 9·804 |
·4 | 8·965 | ·4 | 9·170 | ·4 | 9·379 | ·4 | 9·592 | ·4 | 9·808 |
·6 | 8·969 | ·6 | 9·173 | ·6 | 9·382 | ·6 | 9·596 | ·6 | 9·812 |
·8 | 8·972 | ·8 | 9·177 | ·8 | 9·386 | ·8 | 9·600 | ·8 | 9·816 |
47· | 8·976 | 58· | 9·181 | 69· | 9·390 | 80·’ | 9·604 | 91· | 9·820 |
·2 | 8·980 | ·2 | 9·185 | ·2 | 9·394 | ·2 | 9·608 | ·2 | 9·824 |
·4 | 8·984 | ·4 | 9·189 | ·4 | 9·398 | ·4 | 9·612 | ·4 | 9·828 |
·6 | 8·987 | ·6 | 9·192 | ·6 | 9·401 | ·6 | 9·615 | ·6 | 9·832 |
·8 | 8·991 | ·8 | 9·196 | ·8 | 9·405 | ·8 | 9·619 | ·8 | 9·836 |
48· | 8·995 | 59· | 9·200 | 70· | 9·409 | 81· | 9·623 | 92· | 9·840 |
·2 | 8·999 | ·2 | 9·204 | ·2 | 9·413 | ·2 | 9·627 | ·2 | 9·844 |
·4 | 9·002 | ·4 | 9·207 | ·4 | 9·417 | ·4 | 9·631 | ·4 | 9·848 |
·6 | 9·006 | ·6 | 9·211 | ·6 | 9·420 | ·6 | 9·635 | ·6 | 9·852 |
·8 | 9·009 | ·8 | 9·214 | ·8 | 9·424 | ·8 | 9·639 | ·8 | 9·856 |
49· | 9·013 | 60· | 9·218 | 71· | 9·428 | 82· | 9·643 | 93· | 9·860 |
·2 | 9·017 | ·2 | 9·222 | ·2 | 9·432 | ·2 | 9·647 | ·2 | 9·864 |
·4 | 9·021 | ·4 | 9·226 | ·4 | 9·436 | ·4 | 9·651 | ·4 | 9·868 |
·6 | 9·024 | ·6 | 9·229 | ·6 | 9·440 | ·6 | 9·655 | ·6 | 9·872 |
·8 | 9·028 | ·8 | 9·233 | ·8 | 9·444 | ·8 | 9·659 | ·8 | 9·876 |
50· | 9·032 | 61· | 9·237 | 72· | 9·448 | 83· | 9·663 | 94· | 9·880 |
·2 | 9·036 | ·2 | 9·241 | ·2 | 9·452 | ·2 | 9·667 | ·2 | 9·884 |
·4 | 9·039 | ·4 | 9·245 | ·4 | 9·456 | ·4 | 9·671 | ·4 | 9·888 |
·6 | 9·043 | ·6 | 9·248 | ·6 | 9·459 | ·6 | 9·674 | ·6 | 9·892 |
·8 | 9·046 | ·8 | 9·252 | ·8 | 9·463 | ·8 | 9·678 | ·8 | 9·896 |
51· | 9·050 | 62· | 9·256 | 73· | 9·467 | 84· | 9·682 | 95· | 9·900 |
·2 | 9·054 | ·2 | 9·260 | ·2 | 9·471 | ·2 | 9·686 | ·2 | 9·904 |
·4 | 9·058 | ·4 | 9·264 | ·4 | 9·475 | ·4 | 9·690 | ·4 | 9·908 |
·6 | 9·061 | ·6 | 9·267 | ·6 | 9·479 | ·6 | 9·694 | ·6 | 9·913 |
·8 | 9·065 | ·8 | 9·271 | ·8 | 9·483 | ·8 | 9·698 | ·8 | 9·917 |
52· | 9·069 | 63· | 9·275 | 74· | 9·487 | 85· | 9·702 | 96· | 9·921 |
·2 | 9·073 | ·2 | 9·279 | ·2 | 9·491 | ·2 | 9·706 | ·2 | 9·925 |
·4 | 9·076 | ·4 | 9·283 | ·4 | 9·495 | ·4 | 9·710 | ·4 | 9·929 |
·6 | 9·080 | ·6 | 9·286 | ·6 | 9·498 | ·6 | 9·714 | ·6 | 9·934 |
·8 | 9·083 | ·8 | 9·290 | ·8 | 9·502 | ·8 | 9·718 | ·8 | 9·938 |
53· | 9·087 | 64· | 9·294 | 75· | 9·506 | 86· | 9·722 | 97· | 9·942 |
·2 | 9·091 | ·2 | 9·298 | ·2 | 9·510 | ·2 | 9·726 | ·2 | 9·946 |
·4 | 9·095 | ·4 | 9·302 | ·4 | 9·514 | ·4 | 9·730 | ·4 | 9·950 |
·6 | 9·098 | ·6 | 9·305 | ·6 | 9·517 | ·6 | 9·733 | ·6 | 9·955 |
·8 | 9·102 | ·8 | 9·309 | ·8 | 9·521 | ·8 | 9·737 | ·8 | 9·959 |
54· | 9·106 | 65· | 9·313 | 76· | 9·525 | 87· | 9·741 | 98· | 9·963 |
·2 | 9·110 | ·2 | 9·317 | ·2 | 9·529 | ·2 | 9·745 | ·2 | 9·967 |
·4 | 9·114 | ·4 | 9·321 | ·4 | 9·533 | ·4 | 9·749 | ·4 | 9·972 |
·6 | 9·117 | ·6 | 9·324 | ·6 | 9·537 | ·6 | 9·753 | ·6 | 9·976 |
·8 | 9·121 | ·8 | 9·328 | ·8 | 9·541 | ·8 | 9·757 | ·8 | 9·981 |
55· | 9·125 | 66· | 9·332 | 77· | 9·545 | 88· | 9·761 | 99· | 9·985 |
·2 | 9·129 | ·2 | 9·336 | ·2 | 9·549 | ·2 | 9·765 | ·2 | 9·989 |
·4 | 9·132 | ·4 | 9·340 | ·4 | 9·553 | ·4 | 9·769 | ·4 | 9·994 |
·6 | 9·136 | ·6 | 9·344 | ·6 | 9·557 | ·6 | 9·773 | ·6 | 9·998 |
·8 | 9·139 | ·8 | 9·348 | ·8 | 9·561 | ··8 | 9·777 | ·8 | 10·003 |
| 100· | 10·007 |
Form N (1).
Hydrometer Indication. | lbs. per Gallon. | Hydrometer Indication. | lbs. per Gallon. |
·0 | 7·988 | 5·2 | 8·073 |
·2 | 7·991 | 5·4 | 8·077 |
·4 | 7·994 | 5·6 | 8·080 |
·6 | 7·998 | 5·8 | 8·083 |
·8 | 8·001 | 6·0 | 8·087 |
1·0 | 8·004 | 6·2 | 8·090 |
1·2 | 8·008 | 6·4 | 8·093 |
1·4 | 8·011 | 6·6 | 8·096 |
1·6 | 8·014 | 6·8 | 8·100 |
1·8 | 8·017 | 7·0 | 8·103 |
2·0 | 8·021 | 7·2 | 8·107 |
2·2 | 8·024 | 7·4 | 8·110 |
2·4 | 8·027 | 7·6 | 8·113 |
2·6 | 8·030 | 7·8 | 8·117 |
2·8 | 8·034 | 8·0 | 8·120 |
3·0 | 8·037 | 8·2 | 8·123 |
3·2 | 8·040 | 8·4 | 8·127 |
3·4 | 8·044 | 8·6 | 8·130 |
3·6 | 8·047 | 8·8 | 8·133 |
3·8 | 8·050 | 9·0 | 8·137 |
4·0 | 8·053 | 9·2 | 8·140 |
4·2 | 8·057 | 9·4 | 8·143 |
4·4 | 8·060 | 9·6 | 8·147 |
4·6 | 8·063 | 9·8 | 8·150 |
4·8 | 8·067 | 10·0 | 8·154 |
5·0 | 8·070 |
Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.