No. 4 of 1914.
An Act to amend the Manufactures Encouragement Act 1908–1912.
[Assented to 27th June, 1914.]
BE it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, for the purpose of appropriating the grant originated in the House of Representatives, as follows:—
Short title and citation.
1.—(1.) This Act may be cited as the Manufactures Encouragement Act 1914.
(2.) The Manufactures Encouragement Act 1908–1912, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the Manufactures Encouragement Act 1908–1914.
Amendment of s. 6.
2. Section six of the Manufactures Encouragement Act 1908–1912 is amended by omitting from paragraph (a) the words “one thousand nine hundred and fourteen” and inserting in their stead the words “one thousand nine hundred and fifteen”.
Amendment of Schedule.
3. The Schedule to the Manufactures Encouragement Act 1908–1912 is amended by omitting from the fourth column thereof the words “30th June, 1914” (first occurring) and inserting in their stead the words “30th June, 1915”.