SUPPLY (No. 2) 1915–16.
No. 29 of 1915.
An Act to grant and apply a sum out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the service of the year ending the thirtieth day of June One thousand nine hundred and sixteen.
[Assented to 2nd September, 1915.]
BE it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, for the purpose of appropriating the grant originated in the House of Representatives as follows:—
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Supply Act (No. 2) 1915–16.
Issue and application of £16,195,469.
2. There shall and may be issued and applied for or towards making good the supply hereby granted to His Majesty for the service of the year ending the thirtieth day of June One thousand nine hundred and sixteen the sum of Sixteen million one hundred and ninety-five thousand four hundred and sixty-nine pounds out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, for the purposes and services expressed in the Schedule to this Act, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to issue and apply the moneys authorized to be issued and applied.
Sum available for the purposes set forth in Schedule.
3. The said sum shall be available to satisfy the warrants under the hand of the Governor-General in respect of any purposes and services set forth in the said Schedule.
Limit of period of expenditure.
4. No moneys shall be expended under the authority of this Act after the thirtieth day of June One thousand nine hundred and sixteen.
— | Total. |
| £ |
THE PARLIAMENT.......................................... | 11,631 |
THE DEPARTMENT OF PRIME MINISTER......................... | 14,770 |
THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY.......................... | 279,770 |
THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL’S DEPARTMENT....................... | 15,390 |
THE DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS....................... | 170,018 |
THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE............................... | 13,449,380 |
THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND CUSTOMS..................... | 132,840 |
THE DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS........................... | 341,650 |
THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL’S DEPARTMENT..................... | 1,330,020 |
| 15,745,469 |
REFUNDS OF REVENUE...................................... | 100,000 |
ADVANCE TO THE TREASURER................................ | 350,000 |
Total............................... | 16,195,469 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. | I.—THE PARLIAMENT. | £ | £ |
1 | ... | The Senate. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 1,620 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 205 |
| 3 | Postage and Telegrams.......................... | 200 |
2 | ... | House of Representatives. |
| 2,025 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 1,900 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 500 |
| 3 | Postage and Telegrams.......................... | 400 |
| Senate and House of Representatives. |
| 2,800 |
3 | ... | Parliamentary Reporting Staff. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 2,050 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 450 |
4 | ... | The Library. |
| 2,500 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 900 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,200 |
5 | ... | Parliamentary Standing’ Committee on Public Works. |
| 2,100 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 200 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 280 |
6 | ... | Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee. |
| 480 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | ... | 150 |
| Joint House Committee. |
7 | ... | Refreshment-rooms. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 260 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 250 |
| 510 |
8 | ... | Water Power for Parliament House............... | ... | 50 |
9 | 1 | Electric Lighting, Repairs, etc.................. | ... | 300 |
10 | ... | Queen’s Hall. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | ... | 130 |
11 | ... | Parliament Gardens. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 150 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 20 |
12 | ... | Miscellaneous. |
| 170 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 166 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 250 |
| 416 |
| Total Parliament................... | ... | 11,631 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. | II.—THE DEPARTMENT OF PRIME MINISTER. | £ | £ |
13 | ... | Prime Minister. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 1,120 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,620 |
| 3 | Miscellaneous— |
| No. 1.—Allowances to Officers acting as Secretaries to Prime Minister and Leaders of Opposition in Senate and House of Representatives | 80 |
14 | ... | Executive Council. |
| 2,820 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 40 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 10 |
15 | ... | Audit Office. |
| 50 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 6,150 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 850 |
16 | ... | Public Service Commissioner. |
| 7,000 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 3,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,900 |
| 4,900 |
| Total Prime Minister.................... | ... | 14,770 |
17 | ... | The Treasury. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 2,900 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 4,000 |
19 | ... | Invalid and Old-age Pensions Office. |
| 6,900 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 4,500 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 7,700 |
| 12,200 |
20 | ... | War Pensions................................ | ... | 150,000 |
21 | ... | War Pensions Office. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 800 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 500 |
22 | ... | Maternity Allowance Office. |
| 1,300 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 1,350 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,600 |
23 | ... | Land Tax and Estate Duty Office. |
| 2,950 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 12,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 15,900 |
| 27,900 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. | III.—THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY—continued. | £ | £ |
24 | ... | Government Printer. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 3,700 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 2,000 |
25 | ... | Governor-General’s Office. |
| 5,700 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 270 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,800 |
| 2,070 |
26 | ... | Coinage.................................... | ... | 3,000 |
27 | ... | Miscellaneous. |
| No. 2.—Maintenance of persons admitted to Charitable Institutions in accordance with provisions of Invalid and Old-age Pensions Acts | 7,000 |
| 3.—To recoup Postmaster-General’s Department rebate of 75 per cent. allowed to Fire Brigades throughout the Commonwealth on regulation rates for “Telephone and Fire Alarm Services” | 750 |
| 5.—Loan to the Colonial Ammunition Company..... | 60,000 |
| 67,750 |
| Total Department of the Treasury............... | ... | 279,770 |
32 | ... | Secretary’s Office. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 1,200 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 400 |
33 | ... | Crown Solicitor’s Office. |
| 1,600 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 2,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 500 |
34 | ... | The High Court. |
| 2,500 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 1,200 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,800 |
35 | ... | Court of Conciliation and Arbitration. |
| 3,000 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 90 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,500 |
| 1,590 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. | IV.—THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL’S DEPARTMENT—continued. | £ | £ |
36 | ... | Patents, Trade Marks, and Designs. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 3,700 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 2,800 |
37 | ... | Copyrights Office. |
| 6,500 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 150 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 50 |
| 200 |
| Total Attorney-General’s Department............ | ... | 15,390 |
38 | ... | Administrative. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 2,600 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 3,100 |
39 | ... | High Commissioner’s Office. |
| 5,700 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 2,300 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 6,000 |
40 | ... | Papua. |
| 8,300 |
| No. 1.—Towards expenses of administration............ | 7,500 |
| 3.—New Government Steamer.................. | 5,000 |
| 4.—Development of oil fields................... | 5,000 |
| 5.—Coastal trade service subsidy................ | 440 | 17,940 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. | V.—THE DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS—continued. | £ | £ |
41 | ... | Northern Territory. |
| 1 | Administrator................................ | 690 |
| 2 | Administrator’s Office, Salaries.................... | 6,720 |
| 3 | Administrator’s Office, Contingencies................ | 13,500 |
| 4 | Lands and Survey, Salaries....................... | 2,200 |
| 5 | Lands and Survey, Contingencies................... | 4,000 |
| 6 | Gold-fields and Mining, Salaries.................... | 1,210 |
| 7 | Gold-fields and Mining, Contingencies............... | 8,500 |
| 8 | Railways and Transport, Salaries................... | 6,500 |
| 9 | Railways and Transport, Contingencies............... | 6,000 |
| 10 | No. 1.—Subsidy for Steamship Service, Port Adelaide to Darwin | 750 |
| 11 | Interest and Sinking Fund— |
| No. 1.—Interest on Loans...................... | 52,000 |
| 2.—Contribution to Sinking Fund.............. | 2,100 |
42 | ... | Port Augusta Railway. |
| 104,170 |
| 1 | No. 1.—Interest on Loans........................ | 14,000 |
| 2.—Contribution to Sinking Fund................ | 1,250 |
| 3.—Extraordinary Maintenance................. | 5,000 |
| 4.—Interest on South Australian Rolling-Stock....... | 1,500 |
43 | ... | Norfolk Island. |
| 21,750 |
| No. 1.—Grant for expenses of Administration—To be paid into Trust Fund | ... | 1,000 |
44 | ... | Mail Service to Pacific Islands. |
| No. 1.—Mail Services to Papua, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Gilbert, Ellice, and Marshall Islands | ... | 5,713 |
45 | ... | Miscellaneous. |
| - |
| No. 1.—Payment to Customs Department for services under Immigration Act | 1,100 |
| 2.—Commonwealth Literary Fund............... | 185 |
| 3.—Advertising Resources of the Commonwealth..... | 1,250 |
| 7.—New Hebrides.......................... | 200 |
| 8.—Advancement of Study of Diseases in Tropical Australia—To be paid into Trust Fund | 1,100 |
| 11.—Survey of North-west coast of Australia......... | 940 |
| 13.—Press Cable Subsidy...................... | 670 |
| 5,445 |
| Total Department of External Affairs.............. | ... | 170,018 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. | VI.—THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE. | £ | £ |
46 | ... | Central Administration.—Military. |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 13,500 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 4,500 |
| 3 | Postage and Telegrams.......................... | 700 |
| 4 | Miscellaneous— |
| No. 1. Expenses of officers sent abroad for instruction... | 200 |
| 2. Grants to Commonwealth Council of Rifle Association | ... |
| 3. Examination fees....................... | 150 |
| 4. Pay and expenses of Exchange Officers | 300 |
| 7. Publication of Commonwealth Military Journal... | 200 |
| 8. War Railway Council.................... | 100 |
| 19,650 |
47 | ... | Aviation Instructional Staff. |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 2,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 3,500 |
48 | ... | Royal Military College. |
| 5,500 |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 4,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 9,000* |
| 13,000 |
49 | ... | Chemical Adviser. |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 400 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | ... |
50 | ... | Examination of Stores and Equipment. |
| 400 |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 1,300 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 700 |
| 2,000 |
* Portion to be paid to credit of Trust Fund—Military College Working Expenses Account.
Division No. | Subdivision No. | VI.—THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE— continued. | £ | £ |
51 | ... | Cordite Factory. |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 900 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | ... |
52 | ... | Small Arms Factory. |
| 900* |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 1,300 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | ... |
53 | ... | Clothing Factory. |
| 1,300† |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 400 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | ... |
54 | ... | Harness, Saddlery, and Accoutrements Factory. |
| 400‡ |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 350 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | ... | 350§ |
55 | ... | Woollen Cloth Factory. |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 450 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 20,000 |
| Naval Forces. |
| 20,450** |
56 | ... | Naval Administration. |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 9,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 2,500 |
| 3 | Postage and Telegrams.......................... | 1,600 |
57 | ... | Royal Australian Naval College. |
| 13,100 |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 5,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 5,000 |
58 | ... | Boys’ Training Ship. |
| 10,000 |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 6,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 7,500 |
| 13,500 |
59 | ... | Permanent Force (Sea-Going). |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 150,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 70,000 |
60 | ... | Naval Establishments. |
| 220,000 |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 6,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 4,500 |
62 | ... | To be paid to credit of Trust Fund Naval Dockyard account.. | … | 10,500 |
| Citizen Naval Forces. |
63 | ... | (Royal Australian Naval Reserve.) |
| 1 2 | Pay....................................... Contingencies................................ | 26,000 9,000 |
| 35,000 |
* To be paid to credit of Trust Fund—Cordite Factory Account.
† To be paid to credit of Trust Fund—Small Arms Factory Account.
‡ To be paid to credit of Trust Fund—Clothing Factory Account.
§ To be paid to credit of Trust Fund—Harness, Saddlery, and Accoutrements Factory Account.
** To be paid to credit of Trust Fund—Woollen Cloth Factory Account.
Division No. | Subdivision No. | VI.—THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE— continued. | £ | £ |
64 | ... | Royal Australian Naval Reserve |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 500 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 400 |
| 900 |
65 | 1 | Royal Australian Fleet Reserve..................... | ... | 200 |
66 | ... | To be Paid to Credit of Trust Fund— Uniform, Clothing, and Necessaries (Naval) Account | ... | 20,000 |
67 | 1 | Medical Services.............................. | ... | 4,500 |
68 | ... | Signal Stations and Examination Services.............. | ... | 6,000 |
69 | 1 | Maintenance of Ships and Vessels................... | ... | 300,000 |
70 | 1 | Repair and Maintenance of Naval Works, also Repair of Vessels of other Commonwealth Departments | ... | 2,000 |
71 | 1 | Miscellaneous Services.......................... | ... | 15,000 |
72 | ... | To be Paid to the Credit of Trust Fund— Admiralty Account. | ... | 6,000 |
73 | ... | Postage and Telegrams.......................... | ... | 1,500 |
73a | ... | Trading Vessels............................... | ... | 90,000 |
| Military Forces. |
74 | ... | Administrative and Instructional Staffs. |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 56,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 10,800 |
75 | ... | Permanent Units. |
| 66,800 |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 44,200 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 16,300 |
76 | ... | Ordnance Department. |
| 60,500 |
| 1 | Pay....................................... |
| 15,100 |
77 | ... | Rifle Range Staff. |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | ... | 2,200 |
78 | ... | District Accounts and Pay Branch. |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | ... | 3,700 |
79 | ... | Universal Military Training (Citizen Forces). |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 116,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies—Citizen Forces and Senior Cadets........ | 105,000 |
| 3 | Contingencies—Junior Cadets..................... | 5,700 |
80 | ... | Volunteers. |
| 226,700 |
| 1 | Contingencies................................ | ... | 80 |
81 | 1 | Camps..................................... | ... | 35,000 |
82 | ... | Maintenance of Existing Arms and Equipment.......... | ... | 12,000 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. | VI.—THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE— continued. | £ | £ |
83 | 1 | Ammunition................................. | ... | 110,000* |
84 | 1 | General Contingencies.......................... | ... | 17,200 |
85 | 1 | General Services.............................. | ... | 18,000 |
86 | ... | Postage and Telegrams.......................... | ... | 2,450 |
87 | ... | Rifle Clubs and Associations. |
| 1 | Pay....................................... | 1,500 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 8,000 |
| 9,500 |
88 | 1 | Expeditionary Force............................ | ... | 12,000,000 |
89 | 1 | Other War Services............................ | ... | 58,000 |
| Total Department of Defence................. | ... | 13,449,380 |
90 | ... | Central Staff. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 3,200 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,600 |
| 3 | Miscellaneous— |
| No. 1. Administration of the Commerce Act of 1905..... | 6,000 |
| 2. Administration of the Bounties Act............ | 15 |
| 3. Administration of the Australian Industries Preservation Act | ... |
| 4. Administration of the Iron Bounty Act.......... | 30 |
| 5. Administration of Seamen’s Compensation Act.... | 25 |
| 6. “Bitter Pit” investigation................... | 400 |
| 11,270 |
91 | ... | Fisheries. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | ... |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | ... |
92 | ... | Quarantine. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 500 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 450 |
| 3 | New South Wales, Salaries....................... | 1,350 |
| 4 | New South Wales, Contingencies................... | 2,000 |
| 5 | Victoria, Salaries.............................. | 570 |
| 6 | Victoria, Contingencies.......................... | 1,300 |
| 7 | Queensland, Salaries........................... | 400 |
| 8 | Queensland, Contingencies....................... | 1,100 |
| 9 | South Australia, Salaries......................... | 75 |
| 10 | South Australia, Contingencies..................... | 600 |
| 11 | Western Australia, Salaries....................... | 200 |
| 12 | Western Australia, Contingencies................... | 1,070 |
| 14 | Tasmania, Contingencies......................... | 250 |
| 15 | Northern Territory, Contingencies................... | 200 |
| 10,065 |
* Portion to be paid into Trust Fund—Small Arms Ammunition Account.
Division No. | Subdivision No. | VII.—THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND CUSTOMS—continued. | £ | £ |
93 | ... | Analyst. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 700 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 350 |
94 | ... | Inter-State Commission. |
| 1,050 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 500 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,000 |
95 | ... | Lighthouses. |
| 1,500 |
| 1 | Central Staff—Salaries.......................... | 900 |
| 2 | Central Staff—Contingencies...................... | 300 |
| 3 | No. 1. District, Salaries.......................... | 125 |
| 4 | No. 1. District, Contingencies...................... | 400 |
| 5 | No. 2. District, Salaries.......................... | 3,000 |
| 6 | No. 2. District, Contingencies...................... | 5,200 |
| 7 | No. 3. District, Salaries.......................... | 7,300 |
| 8 | No. 3. District, Contingencies...................... | 7,000 |
| 9 | No. 4. District, Salaries.......................... | 1,500 |
| 10 | No. 4. District, Contingencies...................... | 2,500 |
96 | ... | Navigation. |
| 28,225 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 1,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 450 |
97 | ... | New South Wales. |
| 1,450 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 22,500 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 3,500 |
93 | ... | Victoria. |
| 26,000 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 16,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 2,000 |
99 | ... | Queensland. |
| 18,000 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 10,200 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,900 |
| 3 | Miscellaneous— |
| No. 1.—Commerce Act expenses................. | 3,000 |
100 | ... | South Australia. |
| 15,100 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 7,500 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,200 |
101 | ... | Western Australia. |
| 8,700 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 7,000 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,750 |
| 8,750 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. | VII.—THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND CUSTOMS—continued. | £ | £ |
102 | ... | Tasmania. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 1,750 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 500 |
103 | ... | Northern Territory. |
| 2,250 |
| 1 2 | Salaries.................................... Contingencies................................ | 250 230 |
| 480 |
| Total Department of Trade and Customs.............. | ... | 132,840 |
104 | ... | Administrative Staff. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 5,150 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 2,700 |
105 | ... | Electoral Office. |
| 7,850 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 11,200 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 2,600 |
106 | ... | Public Works Staff. |
| 13,800 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 10,500 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 4,000 |
| 3 | Supervision of Works........................... | 6,500 |
107 | ... | Census and Statistics. |
| 21,000 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 2,450 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 2,800 |
108 | ... | Meteorological Branch. |
| 5,250 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 3,700 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 3,900 |
109 | ... | Lanes and Surveys. |
| 7,600 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 3,300 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 3,800 |
110 | ... | Railways. |
| 7,100 |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 450 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 48,000 |
| 48,450 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. | VIII.—THE DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS—continued. | £ | £ |
111 | ... | Works and Buildings. |
| (Rent, Repairs and Maintenance, Sanitation and Water Supply, Fittings and Furniture, and Telephonic Communication.) |
| 1 | Parliament.................................. | 500 |
| 2 | Prime Minister............................... | 900 |
| 3 | Treasurer................................... | 1,700 |
| 4 | Attorney-General.............................. | 1,100 |
| 5 | External Affairs............................... | 500 |
| 6 | Defence.................................... | 26,300 |
| 7 | Trade and Customs............................ | 3,500 |
| 8 | Quarantine.................................. | 2,700 |
| 9 | Home Affairs................................ | 4,200 |
| 10 | Post and Telegraph............................. | 36,000 |
112 | ... | Governor-General’s Establishment. |
| 77,400 |
| 1 | Melbourne Government House..................... | 1,100 |
| 2 | Non-recurring Works........................... | 200 |
113 | 1 | Miscellaneous. |
| 1,300 |
| No. 1. Conveyance of Members of Parliament and others... | 1,000 |
| 2. Fire Insurance........................... | ... |
| 3. Administration of the Electoral Act............. | 20,000 |
| 4. Referenda.............................. | 80,000 |
| 5. Maintenance Members’ room, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, and Hobart | 50 |
| 6. Census, including collection, compilation, printing, maps, and miscellaneous services | 750 |
| 7. War Census............................. | 50,000 |
| 9. Storage and Seasoning of Timber............... | 100 |
| 151,900 |
| Total Department of Home Affairs............. | ... | 341,650 |
114 | ... | Central Staff. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 6,500 |
| 2 | Contingencies................................ | 1,800 |
| 3 | Miscellaneous................................ | ... |
| 8,300 |
115 | ... | Cables..................................... | ... |
116 | ... | Mails viâ Suez............................... | ... | 10,000 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. |
| £ | £ |
117 | ... | New South Wales. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 292,000 |
| 2 | Conveyance of Mails........................... | 92,000 |
| 3 | Contingencies................................ | 120,000 |
| 4 | Miscellaneous— |
| No. 1. Classification of Cable Traffic by Officers of Pacific Cable Board | ... |
| 504,000 |
118 | ... | Victoria. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 182,000 |
| 2 | Conveyance of Mails........................... | 43,000 |
| 3 | Contingencies................................ | 100,000 |
| 325,000 |
119 | ... | Queensland. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 90,000 |
| 2 | Conveyance of Mails........................... | 48,000 |
| 3 | Contingencies................................ | 55,000 |
| 4 | Miscellaneous— |
| No. 3. Payment to Pacific Cable Board for services rendered in connexion with land line work, Southport | 200 |
| 193,200 |
120 | ... | South Australia. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 61,000 |
| 2 | Conveyance of Mails........................... | 23,000 |
| 3 | Contingencies................................ | 27,000 |
| 111,000 |
121 | ... | Western Australia. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 65,000 |
| 2 | Conveyance of Mails........................... | 21,000 |
| 3 | Contingencies................................ | 37,000 |
| 123,000 |
122 | ... | Tasmania. |
| 1 | Salaries.................................... | 22,000 |
| 2 | Conveyance of Mails........................... | 13,000 |
| 3 | Contingencies................................ | 15,000 |
| 50,000 |
Division No. | Subdivision No. | IX.—THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL’S DEPARTMENT—continued. | £ | £ |
123 | ... | Northern Territory. |
| 1 | Salaries (Payable at Adelaide)................... | 600 |
| 2 | Salaries (Payable at Darwin).................... | 1,200 |
| 3 | Conveyance of Mails (Payable at Adelaide).......... | 170 |
| 4 | Conveyance of Mails (Payable at Darwin)........... | 850 |
| 5 | Contingencies (Payable at Adelaide)............... | 1,000 |
| 6 | Contingencies (Payable at Darwin)................ | 1,700 |
| 5,520 | |
| Total Postmaster-General’s Department | 1,330,020 | |
30 | ... |
| 100,000 | |
31 | ... | Advance to the Treasurer............................... | 350,000 | |
| Total......................... | 16,195,469 |
Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.