Regulations for the Military Forces of the Commonwealth—Regulations 66, 93a, 107, 212a, 514a, and 540.
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby certify that, on account of urgency, the following regulations under the Defence Act 1903-1915 should come into immediate operation and make the regulations to come into operation forthwith as provisional regulations.
Dated this twenty-second day of December, One thousand nine hundred and fifteen.
By His Excellency’s Command,
Regulations for the Military Forces of the Commonwealth.
Regulation 66.—The last paragraph, which reads:—
“In the case of the Australian Intelligence Corps the Adjutant-General will take the advice of the Chief of the General Staff before submitting to the Military Board the names of candidates for appointment to the Corps.”
be cancelled.
Regulation 93a.—Regulation 93a, which reads:—
“Appointment of Officers to Intelligence Section.
“93a. Officers of the Citizen Forces may be seconded from their units and transferred to an Intelligence Section attached to the General Staff for the term of four years.
C.15866.—Price 3d.
“Ordinarily, officers on the Unattached List will be transferred to a unit, and seconded for duty with an Intelligence Section, but an officer of the substantive rank of Lieutenant-Colonel may be transferred from the Unattached List to an Intelligence Section.”
be cancelled, and the following substituted therefor:—
“Appointment of Officers to Intelligence Sections of General Staff.
“93a. (i) Officers who show aptitude or possess special qualifications for intelligence work will be selected by District Commandants from the several arms and departments, and nominated for attachment to the Intelligence Sections of the General Staff in Military Districts within the limits of the establishment provided for respective Districts from time to time. The Adjutant-General will take the advice of the Chief of the General Staff before submitting to the Military Board the names of candidates for attachment to the Intelligence Section of the General Staff.
“(ii) An Officer seconded from his unit for attachment to, or transferred from the Unattached List for service with, the Intelligence Section of the General Staff will be posted to the Intelligence Section with his Commonwealth Military Forces rank and seniority.
“(iii) An Officer will serve with the Intelligence Section for a maximum period of two years, unless the Chiefs of the General Staff recommend that the period of service be prolonged for a further period of two years. After an officer has returned to duty with his unit for a period of at least one year he may again be attached to the Intelligence Section for a maximum period of two years only.
“(iv) On promotion he will be given the option of returning to his unit or remaining with the Intelligence Section.
“(v) When the command of a unit becomes vacant and the next senior officer is serving with the Intelligence Section, he will, as a rule, return to his unit to take command. If he selects to remain with the Intelligence Section, he will thereupon relinquish any claim to appointment to fill that vacancy in the command of his unit, and on the completion of his term with the Intelligence Section he may be transferred to the Unattached List.
“(vi) An Officer whose services in the Intelligence Section are no longer required or who does not satisfactorily perform his duties in the Section will be returned to duty with his unit as a supernumerary pending absorption, or may be transferred to the Unattached List.”
Regulation 107.—Regulation 107, which reads:—
“107. Recommendations for promotion are to be submitted to the Military Board in the same manner as appointments, but, in the case of officers seconded for duty with Intelligence Sections, the Adjutant-General will take the advice of the Chief of the General Staff before submitting proposals to the Military Board.”
be cancelled.
Regulation 212a.—Regulation 212a, which reads:—
“212a. Officers or soldiers may, with the sanction of the District Commandant or Commandants concerned, be seconded or attached to Intelligence Sections.”
be cancelled.
Regulation 514a is amended to read as follows:—
“Commissions as Lieutenants and appointments as non-commissioned officers in the Reserve Forces may be granted to efficient members of Rifle Clubs in the following proportion:—
Clubs having 30 but less than 50 efficient members... | 1 Sergeant. |
Clubs having 50 but less than 100 efficient members... | 1 Lieutenant. |
| 1 Sergeant. |
Clubs having over 100 efficient members........... | 1 Lieutenant. |
| 1 Sergeant. |
for 50 efficient members or part thereof, provided that the candidates pass the prescribed competitive examination for Lieutenant or Sergeant respectively for Light Horse or Infantry, are medically fit, and between the ages of 18 and 40 years. Provided that in the case of officers in special cases approved by the Military Board and in the case of non-commissioned officers in special cases approved by the Commandant, persons may be appointed over the age laid down. Non-commissioned officers of rifle clubs may, subject to the above conditions, be appointed by District Commandants.”
Regulation 540, sub-paragraph (g), which reads:—
“(g) In the case of a range which has been constructed by a Rifle Club, and which is used by a Military Unit, the same conditions will apply with reference to repairs and maintenance that govern such expenditure on military ranges. No money will be paid to a Rifle Club as rent or maintenance in consideration of its range being used by a Military Unit.”
is amended, to read as follows:—
“(g) Repairs, additions, &c., to Rifle Club Ranges for the use of Military Units, and additions to Military Ranges to accommodate Rifle Clubs—
“(1) Where it is found that a range and equipment used conjointly by a Rifle Club and Military Unit is not sufficiently adequate to meet requirements, and where the existing range accommodation on a Military Range is less than 8 target machines, and it is found necessary to increase the accommodation for the use of members of Rifle Clubs, the cost may, with the approval of the Minister, be charged to the Vote “Grants to Rifle Clubs for Ranges.”
“(2) Repairs and maintenance will be subject to the conditions which govern similar expenditure on Military Ranges; such repairs may be carried out on the approval of the Military Commandant and charged to the Vote “Grants to Rifle Clubs for Ranges.”
“(3) No money will be paid to a Rifle Club as rent or maintenance in consideration of its range being used by a Military Unit.”
Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.