No. 32 of 1916.

An Act to amend Sections Twenty-four and Twenty-six of the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1908-1912 and to provide for Pensions to Inmates of Benevolent Asylums and Hospitals.

[Assented to 30th September, 1916.]

BE it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—

Short title and citation.

1.—(1.) This Act may be cited as the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1916.

(2.) The Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 19081912, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 19081916.


2. This Act shall commence on a day to be fixed by proclamation.

Limit of pension.

3. Sub-section (1.) of section twenty-four of the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 19081912 is amended—

(a) by omitting the words Twenty-six pounds and inserting in their stead the words Thirty-two pounds ten shillings; and

(b) by omitting the words Fifty-two pounds and inserting in their stead the words Fifty-eight pounds ten shillings.

Amendment of s. 26.

4. Section twenty-six of the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 19081912 is amended by omitting the words Five shillings and inserting in their stead the words Seven shillings and sixpence.

Amendment of s. 31.

5. Section thirty-one of the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 19081912 is amended by omitting sub-section (2.) therefrom, and inserting in its stead the following sub-section:—

(2.) If it appears to the Magistrate that the claimant, although otherwise qualified for, is unfit to be intrusted with, a pension, a pension at the rate of two shillings per week may be granted to the claimant, and payment of the pension may be suspended until the claimant has become an inmate of a benevolent asylum.

6. After section forty of the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 19081912 the following section is inserted:—

Payment of pension where pensioner in benevolent asylum or hospital.

40a. Money payable to a pensioner while he is an inmate of a benevolent asylum or hospital may be paid to the asylum or hospital for the benefit of the pensioner, without production of the pension certificate.