1916. No. 82.



I, SIR ARTHUR STANLEY, Governor of the State of Victoria and its Dependencies, in the Commonwealth of Australia, acting as the Deputy of the Governor-General in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby certify that, on account of urgency, the following regulations under the War Precautions Act 1914–1915 should come into immediate operation, and make the Regulations to come into operation forthwith as Provisional Regulations.

Dated this third day of May, One thousand nine hundred and sixteen.


Deputy for the Governor-General.

By His Excellency’s Command,


Minister of State for Defence.


Amendment of the War precautions (Price Adjustment) Regulations (Statutory Rules 1916, No, 40, as amended by Statutory Rules 1916, Nos. 46 and 53).

Amendment of Regulation 4

1. Regulation 4 of the War Precautions (Prices Adjustment) Regulations is amended by omitting from paragraph (d) of Sub-regulation (I) thereof the word ‘‘flour and bread” (wherever occurring) and inserting in their stead the words “flour bread bran and pollard”.

Amendment of Regulation 7

2. Regulation 7 of the War Precautions (Prices Adjustment) Regulations is amended by omitting the words “flour or bread” and inserting in their stead the words “flour bread bran or pollard”.

Amendment of Regulation 9

3. Regulation 9 of the War Precautions (Prices Adjustment) Regulation is amended by omitting from Sub-regulation (1) thereof the words “flour and bread” (wherever occurring) and inserting in their stead the words “flour bread bran and pollard”.

Amendment of Regulation 9A

4. Regulation 9a of the War Precautions (Prices Adjustment) Regulation is amended by omitting the words “bread or flour” and interesting in their stead the words “flour bread bran or pollard”.

Amendment of Regulation 10

5. Regulation 10 of the War Precautions (Prices Adjustment) Regulations is amended by omitting the words “flour or bread” (wherever occurring) and inserting in their stead the words “flour bread bran or pollard.”


Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by Albert  J. Mullett, Government Printer for the State of Victoria

C.5780.—Price 3d.