No. 22 of 1917.

An Act to amend sections Four and Twenty-two of the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1908-1916.

[Assented to 13th September, 1917.]

BE it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—

Short title and citation.

1.—(1.) This Act may be cited as the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1917.

(2.) The Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1908-1916, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1908-1917.


2. This Act shall commence on a day to be fixed by Proclamation.

Amendment of s. 4

3. Sub-section (1.) of section four of the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1908-1916 is amended by adding, after paragraph (d) in the definition of Income, the following paragraphs:—


(e) by the Commonwealth, to any person by reason of his dependence on a member of the Forces within the meaning of the War Pensions Act 1914-1916, or

(f) by the Commonwealth in pursuance of an allotment made by a member of the Forces within the meaning of that Act, or

(g) by way of war pension under the provisions of the War Pensions Act 1914-1916, to any person who is a dependant within the meaning of that Act.

Amendment of s. 22.

4. Sub-section (1.) of section twenty-two of the Invalid and Old-age Pensions Act 1908-1916 is amended by omitting from paragraph (h) thereof the words wife, or children, and inserting in their stead the words or wife.