1917. No. 124.



War Precautions (Passports) Regulations 1916—Regulation 6— Amendment. Regulation 6a—Addition.

I, SIR ARTHUR STANLEY, Governor of the State of Victoria and its Dependencies, acting as the Deputy of the Governor-General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the War Precautions Act 1914-1916 to come into operation forthwith.

Dated this sixth day of June, One thousand nine hundred and seventeen.


Deputy of the Governor-General.

By His Excellency’s Command,


Minister of State for Defence.


War Precautions (Passports) Regulations 1916.

(Statutory Rules No. 206 of 1916, as amended.)

Amendment and Addition.

Regulation 6 (inserted by Statutory Rules No. 96 of 1917) is amended by cancelling sub-regulation (4) and substituting the following:—

(4) Any officer may take possession of any passport issued beyond the Commonwealth to any British subject who is now in the Commonwealth.

(5) Any passport of which possession is taken under the power conferred by these Regulations may be detained by any person authorized by the Minister in that behalf until the Minister shall authorize it to be returned.

The following new Regulation is inserted after Regulation 6:—

Power to cancel passports, &c., issued in the Commonwealth

6a. (1) A passport or permit or pass to leave the Commonwealth issued by or under the authority of the Government of the Commonwealth may be cancelled (in the case of a passport) by the permanent head of the Department controlling the issue of passports or by some person authorized thereto by him and (in the case of a permit or pass) by the authority or officer who issued it by notice in writing given to the person to whom the document was issued.

(2) A notice under this Regulation may be signed by any officer on behalf of any person authorized by or under this Regulation to cancel the document.

(3) After a notice in accordance with this Regulation has been served on the person to whom the document was issued, the document to which it refers shall be void.

(4) Any officer may take possession of any document in respect of which a notice has been served under this Regulation.


Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.

C.7008.—Price 3d.