1918. No. 185



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulation, under the War Precautions Act 1914-1916, to come into operation forthwith.

Dated this tenth day of July, 1918.



By His Excellency’s Command,


for Minister of State for Defence.


Amendment of War Precautions (Shipping) Regulations 1918.

(Statutory Rules 1918, No. 87, as amended by Statutory Rules 1918, Nos. 90, 112 and 131.)

After regulation 18 of the War Precautions (Shipping) Regulations the following regulation is inserted:—

Owner or agent of overseas vessel to furnish itineraries, &c.

“18a. (1) The Controller of Shipping or the Deputy Controller of Overseas Shipping, or a person thereto authorized in writing by the Controller or the Deputy Controller aforesaid, may, by notice in writing, require the owner or agent of any overseas vessel—

(a) to submit to him the proposed itineraries of, and allocations of cargo in, the vessel;

(b) to furnish a declaration that the space in the vessel has been allocated equitably amongst all regular shippers; and

(c) to give an undertaking that full particulars of the cargo loaded in the vessel will be supplied to him within forty-eight hours after the departure of the vessel, such particulars to be in a form approved by the Controller of Shipping.

“(2) If the owner or agent of any overseas vessel refuses or fails to comply with the terms of any notice served on him in pursuance of the last preceding sub-regulation, the Comptroller-General of Customs may refuse to grant a clearance to the vessel.

“(3) If the owner or agent of any overseas vessel who has given an undertaking in pursuance of sub-regulation (1) fails to comply with the terms of the undertaking he shall be guilty of an offence.

“(4) In this regulation ‘overseas vessel’ means a vessel which leaves or is about to leave any port in the Commonwealth for any destination beyond the Commonwealth.”


Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.