Seat of Government Acceptance Act 1922


No. 28 of 1922






An Act to ratify an Agreement for the variation of the Agreement for the Surrender and Acceptance of territory for the purposes of the Seat of Government of the Commonwealth






1  Short title and citation

2  Commencement

3  Ratification of amending Agreement

The Schedule



Seat of Government Acceptance Act 1922

No. 28 of 1922




An Act to ratify an Agreement for the variation of the Agreement for the Surrender and Acceptance of territory for the purposes of the Seat of Government of the Commonwealth

[Assented to 18 October 1922]

The Parliament of Australia enacts:

  WHEREAS on the eighteenth day of October, One thousand nine hundred and nine, the Commonwealth and the State of New South Wales (in this Act referred to as the State) entered into an Agreement (in this Act referred to as the Agreement) for the surrender to and acceptance by the Commonwealth, of territory for the purposes of the Seat of Government, subject to approval by the Parliaments of the Commonwealth and of the State and the passing of legislation by the said Parliaments ratifying and confirming the Agreement:

  And whereas by an Act intituled the Seat of Government Surrender Act 1909 the Parliament of the State ratified and confirmed the Agreement:

  And whereas by an Act intituled the Seat of Government Acceptance Act 1909 the Parliament of the Commonwealth ratified and confirmed the Agreement:

  And whereas certain errors and misdescriptions exist in the descriptions of lands set forth in clause five of the Agreement:

  And whereas the Commonwealth and the State have entered into an Agreement (in this Act referred to as the amending Agreement) subject to approval, ratification and confirmation by the Parliaments of the Commonwealth and of the State, to vary the Agreement with a view to correction the errors and misdescriptions existing in clause five of the Agreement:

  And whereas it is desirable that the amending Agreement should be approved ratified and confirmed:

  Be it therefore enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:

  This Act may be cited as the Seat of Government Acceptance Act 1922.

  This Act shall commence on a day to be fixed by Proclamation, after the Parliament of the State has passed an Act ratifying and confirming the amending Agreement.

  The amending Agreement, which is set out in the Schedule to this Act, is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed.

The Schedule

AGREEMENT made the second day of September One thousand nine hundred and twenty between the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA (hereinafter called the “Commonwealth”) of the one part and the STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES (hereinafter called the “State”) of the other part Whereas by an agreement dated the eighteenth day of October One thousand nine hundred and nine made between the parties hereto it was agreed (inter alia) that certain lands described in clause five thereof should be granted by the State to the Commonwealth so far as the same were not already vested in the Commonwealth without payment therefor and it was agreed that the said agreement now in recital should not in any way be binding unless and until it was approved by the Parliaments of the Commonwealth and of the State and WHEREAS the Act of the Commonwealth No. 23 of 1909 intituled the “Seat of Government Acceptance Act, 1909” and the Act of the State No. 14 of 1909 intituled the “Seat of Government Surrender Act, 1909” respectively ratified and confirmed the said agreement And Whereas by proclamation under the hand of His Excellency the Right Honourable Frederic John Napier Baron Chelmsford Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George Governor of the State and its dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia and published in the Government Gazette of the State of the fifteenth day of December One thousand nine hundred and nine it was proclaimed that the said “Seat of Government Surrender Act, 1909” should come into force on and from Wednesday the fifteenth day of December One thousand nine hundred and nine And Whereas by proclamation under the hand of His Excellency the Right Honourable Frederic John Napier Baron Chelmsford Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George Administrator of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette of the twentieth day of January One thousand nine hundred and ten Saturday the twentysecond day of January One thousand nine hundred and ten was fixed as the day upon which the “Seat of Government Acceptance Act, 1909” should commence And Whereas certain errors and misdescriptions have been found in the descriptions of the lands described in clause Five aforesaid Now it is hereby agreed as follows:

1.  Clause 5 of the said agreement of the eighteenth day of October One thousand nine hundred and nine shall be deleted and the following clause substituted therefor:

“The State shall grant to the Commonwealth (so far as the same are not already vested in the Commonwealth) without payment therefor areas of land at Sussex Haven and at and near Jervis Bay described in the Schedule hereto.”

2.  The legislation to be passed by the State shall repeal the Third Schedule of the Act of the State No. 14 of 1909 above mentioned and the Schedule hereto shall be substituted therefor.

3.  Nothing in this agreement shall be taken to derogate from the surrender of territory effected by the agreement between the parties hereto dated the twentythird day of September One thousand nine hundred and thirteen as ratified and confirmed by the “Seat of Government Surrender Act, 1915, No. 9” of the State and the “Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act, 1915, No. 19” of the Commonwealth.

4.  This agreement shall not in any way be binding unless and until it is approved by the Parliaments of the Commonwealth and of the State and legislation is passed by such Parliaments respectively ratifying and confirming it.



Eastern Division Land District of Nowra County of St. Vincent Parish of Bherwerre area about two square miles commencing on the highwater mark of Jervis Bay at the southwestern corner of Portion thirty of Forty acres and bounded thence on the east by a line bearing south eighty chains on the south by a line bearing west one hundred and ninetyseven chains on the west by a line bearing north to the aforesaid highwater mark and on all other sides by that highwater mark bearing generally easterly to the point of commencement.

Eastern Division Land District of Nowra County of St. Vincent Parish of Bherwerre containing an area of One hundred and thirtytwo acres. The Crown Lands within Bowen Island situated in the South Pacific Ocean at the mouth of Jervis Bay northerly of Governor Head shown on plan catalogued Ms 1276 Sy in the Department of Lands, Sydney.

Eastern Division Land District of Nowra County of St. Vincent Parish of Bherwerre area Four hundred and twelve acres. The Crown Lands within the following boundaries: Commencing on the highwater mark of Jervis Bay at the northeastern corner of Portion twentyone of Forty acres and bounded thence on the west by the eastern boundary of that portion bearing south no degrees thirtyone minutes west ten chains fortyfive links on the north by part of the southern boundary of that portion bearing north eightynine degrees twentyone minutes west thirteen chains seventyfour links again on the west by a road one chain wide dividing it from Portion twenty of Forty acres bearing south no degrees thirtysix minutes west twentyone chains twentysix links again on the north by that road dividing it from Portion 20 bearing north eightynine degrees fifteen minutes west five chains sixty links again on the west by that road dividing it from Portion 30 of Forty acres bearing south no degrees fortytwo minutes west twenty chains six links thence by a line south thirteen chains ninetytwo links on the southwest by a line bearing south sixtynine degrees twelve minutes east eighteen chains twentyfive links again on the west by a line a road one chain wide dividing it from Portion 31 of Two acres and another line in all bearing south no degrees twentyfive minutes west nine chains ninetyseven links again on the southwest by a line and a road one chain wide dividing it from Portion 33 of Ten acres in all bearing south twenty degrees east twentynine chains thirteen links on the south by a line bearing east twentyone chains twentyeight links to the highwater mark of the South Pacific Ocean and thence by that highwater mark and the highwater mark of Jervis Bay aforesaid bearing generally northerly and westerly to the point of commencement shown on Plan catalogued Ms 1392 Sy in the Department of Lands Sydney.

Eastern Division Land District of Milton County of St. Vincent Parish of Farnham area One hundred and three acres. The Crown Lands within the following boundaries: Commencing on the highwater mark of the South Pacific Ocean at a point south twentyone chains thirtyeight links from a point west ten chains from Farnham Trigonometrical Station and bounded thence on the west by a line north thirty chains fiftyfive links on the north by a line east twentyeight chains seven links to the highwater mark of Sussex Haven thence by the highwater mark of Sussex Haven and the South Pacific Ocean generally southerly and westerly to the point of commencement shown on Plan catalogued Ms 1399 Sy in the Department of Lands Sydney.

Eastern Division Land District of Nowra County of St. Vincent Parish of Beecroft area One thousand six hundred and fifty acres. The Crown Lands within the following boundaries: Commencing at a point at a wharf on the highwater mark of Jervis Bay being the intersection of that highwater mark with the production northwesterly of a southwestern side of the surveyed road shown on plan catalogued Ms 1395 Sy in the Department of Lands Sydney to Point Perpendicular Lighthouse thence by that production and that southwestern side of that surveyed road bearing one hundred and fiftytwo degrees fiftythree minutes three hundred and sixteen links thence by western southwestern and southern sides of that road being lines bearing one hundred and seventythree degrees fortythree minutes four hundred and eighteen decimal two links one hundred and ninety degrees fiftyfive minutes three hundred and sixty decimal nine links one hundred and eightythree degrees fortynine minutes two thousand and five decimal seven links one hundred and twentyfour degrees thirty minutes seven hundred and fiftyfour decimal six links one hundred and thirteen degrees five minutes one thousand two hundred and one links one hundred and eighteen degrees thirty minutes nine hundred and seventynine decimal seven links and eightysix degrees fifteen minutes three hundred and seventythree decimal five links thence by lines bearing one hundred and seventynine degrees four minutes five thousand three hundred and sixty decimal five links one hundred and twentyeight degrees thirtynine minutes nine thousand one hundred and fourteen decimal seven links and one hundred degrees six minutes five thousand one hundred and fifty decimal six links to a post which bears two hundred and eighty degrees six minutes and is distant three hundred and fiftynine decimal eight links from a post marked over A over ninetyeight and shown on plan Ms 1395 Sy aforesaid and thence by lines bearing fortynine degrees thirtynine minutes ten thousand and twentynine decimal six links twenty degrees seventeen minutes eight thousand seven hundred and eightynine decimal three links three hundred and twentysix degrees thirty minutes six thousand five hundred and two decimal five links and ninetynine degrees thirty minutes two thousand eight hundred and ten links to a point on the highwater mark of the South Pacific Ocean bearing two hundred and seventynine degrees thirty minutes from the northern extremity of the Drum and Drumsticks Islands thence generally southerly easterly southerly and southwesterly by part of that highwater mark to its intersection at Point Perpendicular with the eastern boundary of Portion 5 of Ten acres Parish of Beecroft thence northerly westerly and southerly by the eastern northern and western boundaries respectively of that Portion to a point on the highwater mark of Jervis Bay and thence generally northerly northwesterly southerly westerly and northerly by part of that highwater mark to the commencing point shown on plan catalogued Ms 5228 Sy in the Department of Lands Sydney. The bearings quoted in this last description are according to the true meridian.

SIGNED by the GOVERNOR of the STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES with the advice and consent of the Executive Council thereof for and on behalf of that State AND SEALED with the Public Seal of that State on the second day of September One thousand nine hundred and twenty.


(Signed)   W. E. DAVIDSON,


Governor of New South Wales.

By Command:

SIGNED BY THE GOVERNORGENERAL of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA with the advice and consent of the Executive Council thereof for and on behalf of the Commonwealth AND SEALED with the Seal of the Commonwealth on the twentieth day of October One thousand nine hundred and twenty.


(Signed)   FORSTER,



By Command: