1922. No. 61.
WHEREAS pursuant to the Commonwealth Electoral Act and the Electoral Acts of the State of Tasmania, the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia has entered into an arrangement with the Governor of the said State for the preparation, alteration, and revision jointly of Commonwealth Electoral Rolls and State House of Assembly Electoral Rolls in the said State :
And whereas it is desirable for the purpose of carrying the said arrangement into effect for the Governor-General and the Governor of the said State to respectively make Regulations numbered 1 to 16 and 26 to 34 under the said Acts:
Now, therefore, I, the Governor-General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, do hereby make the following Regulations numbered 1 to 16 and 26 to 34 under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918-1919 to the intent that they shall have force in relation to the joint Rolls to be prepared and kept in the State of Tasmania in pursuance of the said recited arrangement:
And I, the Governor of the State of Tasmania, acting with the advice of the State Executive Council, do hereby make the following Regulations under the Electoral Act 1907 of the said State and any Act of the said State amending that Act to the intent that they shall have full force in relation to the joint Rolls to be prepared and kept in the State of Tasmania in pursuance of the said recited arrangement.
Dated the twenty-eighth day of April, 1922.
By Command of His Excellency the Governor-General—
Minister of State for Home and Territories.
Dated the 12th day of April, 1922.
Administrator of the Government of the State of Tasmania.
By Command of His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of the State of Tasmania—
Chief Secretary.
Part I.—Preliminary.
Short title.
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Joint Electoral (Commonwealth and Tasmania) Regulations 1922, and shall come into operation on and from the third day of May, 1922.
2. These Regulations are divided into Parts, as follows :—
Part I.—Preliminary.
Part II.—Electoral—
Division 1.—Enrolment.
Division 2.—Objections.
Division 3.—Miscellaneous.
3. In these Regulations unless the contrary intention appears—
“The Chief Electoral Officer” means the Chief Electoral Officer for the Commonwealth appointed pursuant to the Commonwealth Electoral Act;
“The Commonwealth Electoral Act” means the Act or Acts of the Commonwealth for the time being in force relating to Parliamentary Elections;
“The Commonwealth Electoral Officer” means the Commonwealth Electoral Officer for the State of Tasmania appointed pursuant to the Commonwealth Electoral Act;
“The Electoral Act, Tasmania,” means the Electoral Act 1907 of the State of Tasmania as amended by any subsequent Acts.
“The House of Assembly” means the House of Assembly of the State of Tasmania;
“The Registrar” means the Electoral Registrar for the Commonwealth Subdivision and the House of Assembly Subdivision;
“The Returning Officer” means the Commonwealth Divisional Returning Officer for the Commonwealth Electoral Division or the State Returning Officer for the Assembly Electoral Division, as the case requires ;
“The State Chief Electoral Officer” means the Chief Electoral Officer for the State of Tasmania appointed pursuant to the Electoral Acts, Tasmania; and
any reference to a form shall be read as a reference to a form in the Schedule.
Application of these Regulations.
4. These Regulations shall apply in relation to joint Rolls in the State of Tasmania.
Application of Commonwealth Electoral and Referendum Regulations 1919.
5. The Electoral and Referendum Regulations 1919 made under the Commonwealth Electoral Act shall not apply in relation to the joint Rolls in respect of matters for which provision is made by these Regulations but shall, to the extent to which they are applicable, apply in respect of other matters.
Part II.—Electoral.
Division 1.—Enrolment.
Form of Joint Roll.
Com. s. 31. Tas. s. 19.
6. (1.) The Roll to be used jointly for Commonwealth elections and also State elections for the House of Assembly may be in accordance with Form 1, and shall contain the particulars indicated therein.
(2.) Where a person whose name is on the joint Roll is not enrolled thereon as a House of Assembly elector, an asterisk (*) shall be placed against his name to indicate that he is not so enrolled.
(3.) Where a person whose name is on the joint Roll is not enrolled thereon as a Commonwealth elector, a circle (o) shall be placed against his name to indicate that he is not so enrolled.
Sale of electoral rolls.
Com. s. 37 (1). Tas. sec. 26 (1).
7. (1.) The prices at which Rolls are sold shall be as follow:—
| s. | d. |
Principal Roll for a Division...................... | 2 | 0 |
Principal Roll for a Subdivision.................... | 0 | 6 |
Supplemental Roll for a Division................... | 0 | 6 |
Supplemental Roll for a Subdivision................. | 0 | 3 |
(2.) Moneys received from the sale of joint Rolls shall be divided equally between the Commonwealth and the State.
Form of electoral claim.
Com. secs. 40-42 and 47. Tas. secs. 28-31 and 36.
8. (1.) The form of claim for enrolment, or transfer of enrolment, or notification of change of address within the same subdivision may be in accordance with Form 2, and shall be valid for the Commonwealth notwithstanding that it contains a claim for enrolment, or transfer of enrolment, or change of address for both the Commonwealth and the House of Assembly, and the form of claim for enrolment, or transfer of enrolment, or change of address, shall be valid for the House of Assembly, notwithstanding that it contains a claim for enrolment, or transfer of enrolment, or change of address for both the House of Assembly and the Commonwealth.
(2.) Any person applying for correction of the entry on the Roll of his name or particulars of enrolment may apply in accordance with Form 2, or in such other form, signed by the applicant, as the Registrar approves.
Registration of claim.
Com. secs. 43 (1), 47 (1) (a) and (b). Tas. secs. 32 and 36 (1) i and ii.
9. (1.) Upon receipt of a claim for enrolment or transfer of enrolment, or notification of change of address within a Subdivision, or application for the alteration or correction of particulars of an existing enrolment, the Registrar shall note thereon the date of its receipt by him, and if the claim notification, or application is in order and he is satisfied that the claimant is entitled to be enrolled, or to have his name transferred, or the particulars of his enrolment altered or corrected, the Registrar shall forthwith—
(i) enter on the Subdivision Roll the name of the claimant and the particulars relating to him or alter or correct the particulars of his enrolment, as the case requires, and where the claimant is enrolled as a Commonwealth elector only, or as a House of Assembly elector only, place the appropriate prescribed distinguishing mark opposite the name of the claimant; and
(ii) in the case of an enrolment or a transfer of enrolment, notify the claimant, in accordance with Form 3, that he has been enrolled ; and
(iii) in the case of a transfer of enrolment, give notice of the transfer to the Registrar keeping the Subdivision Roll from which the elector’s name has been transferred.
(2.) An interim acknowledgment of the receipt, after the issue of the writ for an election, and before the close of the polling at the election, of a claim for enrolment or transfer of enrolment, may be issued to the elector by the Registrar, in the form authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer and the State Chief Electoral Officer.
Notification of transfer of enrolment.
Com. sec. 43 (1). Tas. sec. 32.
10. The notification of the transfer of the enrolment of an elector or the enrolments of electors, may be in accordance with Form 4.
Reference of claim to Returning Officer.
Com. sec. 44 (1). Tas. sec. 34 (1).
11. (1.) The reference of an electoral claim to the Returning Officer for his decision pursuant to section 44 (1) of the Commonwealth Electoral Act and section 34 (1) of the Electoral Act, Tasmania, may be made in the form authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer for the Commonwealth and the State Chief Electoral Officer.
(2.) The notification to the claimant of such reference may be in accordance with Form 5.
Notification of rejection of claim.
Com. sec. 44 (2) and (4). Tas. sec. 34 (2) and (4).
12. (1.) The notification by the Returning Officer to the Registrar of the rejection of an electoral claim may be in the form authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer for the Commonwealth and the State Chief Electoral Officer.
(2.) The notification to the claimant of the rejection of an electoral claim may be in accordance with Form 6.
Formally defective claim.
13. The Registrar, upon receipt of an electoral claim which is not in order by reason of some formal defect only, may send to the claimant a notification in accordance with Form 7 indicating the nature of the defect, and, as the case requires—
(a) return the claim to him for completion or correction ; or
(b) furnish him with a fresh form of claim for completion.
Certificate authorizing removal of name.
Com. sec. 47 (1) (h). Tas. sec. 36 (1) viii.
14. The certificate of the Commonwealth Electoral Officer and the State Chief Electoral Officer authorizing the removal of the name of an elector, or the names of electors, from a roll, and the direction of the Returning Officer thereon, may be in accordance with Form 8.
Notification of removal of name from roll.
Com. sec. 47 (1) (h). Tas. sec. 36 (1) viii.
15. Where a name is removed from a Roll by direction of the Returning Officer upon the certificate of the Commonwealth Electoral Officer and the State Chief Electoral Officer, pursuant to section 47 (1) (h) of the Commonwealth Electoral Act, and section 36 (1) viii of the Electoral Act, Tasmania, the Registrar shall send to the elector whose name is so removed a notification in accordance with Form 9.
Change of electors from one roll to another.
Com. sec. 28. Tas. sec. 16.
16. (1.) The change of electors from one Roll to another, in accordance with section 28 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act and section 16 of the Electoral Act, Tasmania, shall be effected, where necessary, by removing the names of the electors from the Roll from which they are changed, and by inserting the names so removed on the Roll to which they are changed.
(2.) Notice of the change shall be sent by post to each elector concerned, and may be in accordance with Form 10 :
Provided that when—
(a) a Subdivision is abolished and all electors whose names are on the Roll for that Subdivision are changed to another Subdivision Roll; or
(b) by reason of the alteration of the boundaries of a Division, any Subdivision is changed from one Division to another Division, and all the names of electors which are on the Subdivision Roll for the first-mentioned Division are changed to a Subdivision Roll for the last-mentioned Division,
public notice of the change, given in the Commonwealth Gazette and the Tasmanian Government Gazette, and in some newspaper circulating in the part affected, shall be sufficient notice under this sub-regulation.
* * * * * * *
Division 2.—Objections.
Notice of objection.
Com. sec. 53. Tas. sec. 43.
26. (1.) The notice of objection lodged by an elector or a member of the Police Force or an officer—not being a Registrar—in respect of a name on a Roll as that of an elector of the Commonwealth and the House of Assembly, or either, may be in accordance with Form 15.
(2.) The notice of objection lodged by a Registrar in respect of a name on a Roll as that of an elector of the Commonwealth and the House of Assembly, or either, and the direction of the Returning Officer, may be in accordance with Form 16.
Notice to person objected to on the ground of non-residence.
Com. sec. 55. Tas. sec. 45.
27. The notice to be forwarded by the Returning Officer to a person whose name has been objected to as that of an elector of the Commonwealth and the House of Assembly, or either, upon the ground of non-residence, may be in accordance with Form 17.
Notice to person objected to on ground other than non-residence.
Com. sec. 55. Tas. sec. 45.
28. The notice to be forwarded by the Returning Officer to a person whose name has been objected to as that of an elector of the Commonwealth and the House of Assembly, or either, on a ground other than non-residence, may be in accordance with Form 18.
Manner of answering objection.
Com. sec. 56. Tas. sec. 46.
29. Any person against whom an objection has been lodged or made may answer the objection as follows :—
(a) By attending before the Returning Officer at the place mentioned in the notice sent to him by the Returning Officer and making an oral statement to show that the objection is not good ; or
(b) By sending by post, or delivering, to the Returning Officer at his office a statement in writing to show that the objection is not good.
Inquiry into objection.
Com. sec. 57. Tas. sec. 47.
30. Before determining an objection, the Returning Officer may make such inquiries as he thinks necessary to ascertain the facts in relation to the objection.
Notice of determination of objection.
Com. sec. 57. Tas. sec. 47.
31. (1.) Upon determining an objection the Returning Officer shall send notice of his decision, in accordance with Form 19, to the objector if the objector is not a Registrar, and to the person objected to if the person objected to has answered the objection within the prescribed period.
(2.) Where an objector is a Registrar, notice of the decision on the objection may be sent to him in accordance with the indorsement on Form 16, and such notice may contain a direction for the removal of an elector’s name from the Roll when an objection has been sustained.
Division 3.—Miscellaneous.
Electoral appeals.
Com. sec. 58. Tas. sec. 48.
32. (1.) An application under section 58 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act and section 48 of the Electoral Act, Tasmania, or either, as the case requires, to a court of summary jurisdiction (Court of Petty Sessions) may be made at any time within one calendar month after the receipt of notice under regulation 12 of the rejection of a claim for enrolment or transfer of enrolment, or of notice under regulation 31 of the determination of an objection, and may be made in writing in the form of a complaint setting out the material facts and asking that the Returning Officer be summoned to answer the complaint.
(2.) Upon the complaint being lodged with him, the clerk of the court shall issue a summons to the Returning Officer to appear before the court at a time and place mentioned in the summons to answer the complaint and produce all papers connected with the claim for enrolment or transfer of enrolment, or the objection, as the case requires.
(3.) The Returning Officer may, by himself or some person appointed to represent him, appear at the hearing and produce to the court all papers connected with the claim for enrolment or transfer of enrolment, or the objection, as the case requires, but if he does not desire to appear he may send the papers to the clerk, to be produced at the hearing, together with a statement in writing containing such observations as he sees fit to make, and any such statement shall be considered by the court at the hearing.
(4.) The Returning Officer, if present at the hearing, or the person representing him, shall be entitled to be heard.
(5.) In this regulation “complaint” shall include any appropriate proceeding for the institution of a proceeding in a court of summary jurisdiction (Court of Petty Sessions).
Strict compliance with forms in the schedule not required.
33. Strict compliance with the forms in the schedule shall not be required, and substantial compliance shall suffice for the purposes of these Regulations.
34. The Regulations relating to joint Electoral Rolls in the State of Tasmania (being Statutory Rules 1912, No. 67 as amended by Statutory Rules 1915, No. 86) are hereby repealed:
Provided that any forms prescribed by those Regulations may be validly used for a period of three months from the commencement of these regulations.
Regulation 6.
Form 1.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
Electoral Roll.
Commonwealth Division of [here insert name of Division]..............................
State Assembly Division of [here insert name of Division]...............................
Roll of Electors for the Commonwealth and State Subdivision of [here insert name of Subdivision].
No., Name in Full, Place of Living, Occupation, and Sex of each Elector.
[Here follow names, &c.]
* Not enrolled on this Roll as a House of Assembly Elector.
o Not enrolled on this Roll as a Commonwealth Elector.
M signifies Male. F signifies Female.
Form 2.
Regulation 8 (1).
Form to be used in respect of both the Commonwealth and the State Assembly, or either, by a qualified person (a) when claiming enrolment or transfer of enrolment, or (b) when notifying a change of address within the same subdivision or applying for the correction of any particulars of an existing enrolment.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
Electoral Claim.
To the Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision of......................................................
Commonwealth Division of..........................................................................
State Assembly Division of...........................................................................
1. I am an inhabitant of Australia, and have lived continuously—
(a) in Australia for at least six months, and
(b) in Tasmania for at least six months.
(If claimant has not lived in Tasmania for at least six months continuously, he must strike out sub-paragraph (b).)
2. I now live and have lived in the above-named Subdivision for a period of not less than one month immediately preceding the date of this claim.
3. I am a natural born or naturalized subject of the King, am not under the age of 21 years, and am not disqualified for enrolment as a Commonwealth and a State Assembly* elector.
4. My name is at present enrolled for the .........................Subdivision in the State respect of the following address in that Subdivision, namely:—
(If NOT already enrolled on any Commonwealth or Assembly Subdivision Roll in Tasmania, or on any Commonwealth Roll in another State, strike out paragraph (4).)
Regulation 8 (1)—continued.
5. I hereby claim the enrolment to which I am entitled pursuant to this claim, and to have my name and particulars for enrolment, as set out on the back hereof, placed on the Electoral Roll for the above-named Subdivision as an elector of the Commonwealth and of the State Assembly, or either, as the case requires.
I declare that the whole of the statements made in this claim (including those set forth on the back hereof) are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Personal Signature of Claimant. |
| ….………………………………………………………………. |
(The signature of the claimant must be his personal signature. If unable to sign his name in his own handwriting, he may make his mark as his signature, but such signature must be made in the presence of the person who signs as witness.)
I, the undersigned, being an elector or person qualified to be an elector of the Commonwealth or the State Assembly, certify that I have seen the above-named claimant sign the above claim, and that I either know the statements contained in the claim to be true or have satisfied myself by inquiry of the claimant or otherwise that the said statements are true.
(Penalty under Commonwealth Electoral Act on witness for failure to fully comply with this requirement—£50.)
Personal Signature of Witness..........................................................................................
(in own handwriting.)
Place of Living..................................................................................................................
Dated of................................19......
*A person in receipt of aid from any public charitable institution except as a patient under treatment from accident or disease at a hospital, qualified for Commonwealth enrolment, but disqualified for State enrolment, using this form should strike out the words “and a State Assembly” in paragraph 3.
[Back of Form.]
Christian Names— (in full). Place of Living— (Give full address, including name and street number, if any, of habitation.) Occupation— Sex— Date and Year of Birth— Place of Birth— (Including Country.) Former Surname*— |
*To be filled in only in the case of a woman who has changed her name by marriage since her last enrolment.
Personal Signature of Claimant—
The particulars within this space are to be filled in by the Electoral Registrar. |
Received (date)— |
Registered (date)— |
Acknowledged (date)— |
Initials of Registrar— |
Note.—The claimant should see that he receives an acknowledgment of this claim in due course, and note the enrolment which is effected in pursuance of the claim.
Form 3. Regulation 9 (1).
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Commonwealth Division of— State Assembly Division of— Subdivision of— | It is important that you should retain this acknowledgment as evidence of your enrolment. |
Acknowledgment and Intimation to Elector in Relation to Enrolment, Transfer of Enrolment, or Correction or Alteration of Enrolment.
*1. Your name has been enrolled for the above-named Subdivision of the Commonwealth Division of , and the State Assembly Division of pursuant to your claim dated
*2. Your change of place of living within the above-named Subdivision as set out in your notification dated has been noted in the Roll.
*3. Your enrolment for the above-named Subdivision has been corrected pursuant to your notification dated
You are informed, for your future guidance, that if you change your place of living from the address in the Subdivision for which you are enrolled to another address in the same Subdivision and fail within 21 days after making such change to notify the Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision of your new address, in the prescribed form, or that if you change your place of living to any other Subdivision, and after you have lived in that Subdivision for a period of one month fall within the next ensuing 21 days to send or deliver to the Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision a claim for transfer of enrolment in the prescribed form, such failure will render you liable, under the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act, to a penalty not exceeding £2 (Two pounds).
Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision of—
Dated the day of 19 .
Note to Elector.—An elector who is only temporarily absent from his place of living, although the period of such absence may exceed one month, is not thereby deemed to have changed his place of living for the purposes of transfer of enrolment, or change of address on the Roll.
*Directions to Registrar.—(1) The Registrar shall strike out whichever of these paragraphs are not applicable to the case.
(2) If the elector’s name has been enrolled for the Commonwealth only, the Registrar must strike out of paragraph 1 the words “and the State Assembly Division of .”
If the elector’s name has been enrolled for the State only, the Registrar must strike out in paragraph 1 the words “the Commonwealth Division of , and”.
Form 4. Regulation 10.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Notification of Transfer of Enrolment.
To the Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision of—
Commonwealth Division of—
State Assembly Division of—
You are requested to remove from the Roll for the above-mentioned Subdivision the name of each elector set out in Column 1 herein, on the ground that the elector has now been enrolled by me as an elector for the Commonwealth and House of Assembly, in pursuance of a claim for transfer of enrolment, for the Subdivision specified in Column 2 opposite the elector’s name.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | |||||
Particulars appearing in claim for transfer received by me. | Subdivision for which Elector has now been enrolled. | Address of Elector in Subdivision Roll kept by you as set out in Paragraph 4 of claim for transfer received by me. | (To be filled in by Registrar to whom notification addressed.) | |||||
Surname. | Christian Names (in full). | Occupation. | Sex. | Name removed (date). | Elector’s Number on Roll (if name in print) or Date of Enrolment (if name in manuscript). | Remarks. | ||
Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision (or Subdivisions) specified in Column 2. | Received (date)— Acted upon and forwarded to Returning Officer (date)— | |||||||
Commonwealth Division of— | ||||||||
State Assembly Division of— | ||||||||
Dated the day of 19 . | Signature of Registrar— |
Notes.—if the elector is enrolled for the Commonwealth only, strike out the references to State Assembly Division. If the elector is enrolled for the State Assembly only, strike out the references to Commonwealth Division.
(2) Where notifications of transfer of enrolment in this form are required to be sent to another Registrar relating to electors, some of whom are enrolled as Commonwealth electors and State Assembly electors, and others as Commonwealth electors only, or State Assembly electors only, separate forms of notification, each dealing with one description of elector only, should be used.
Regulation 11 (2).
Form 5.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Commonwealth Division of—
State Assembly Division of—
Notification to Claimant of Reference of Electoral Claim.
As I am not satisfied that you are entitled to be enrolled for the Subdivision
of the—
(a) Commonwealth Division of—
(b) State Assembly Division of—
[Note—Strike out (a) or (b) if the case so requires.]
in pursuance of your claim dated the , I am referring the claim to the Returning Officer for his decision.
Upon receipt of the Returning Officer’s decision you will be duly notified in accordance therewith.
Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision of—
Dated the day of 19 .
Regulation 12 (2).
Form 6.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Notification to Claimant of Rejection of Electoral Claim.
You are hereby notified that your claim to be enrolled on the Electoral Roll for the Subdivision of the—
(a) Commonwealth Division of—
(b) State Assembly Division of—
[Note.—Strike out (a) or (b) if the case so requires.]
has been rejected by the Returning Officer on the ground that [here specify reason for rejection].
You are entitled, at any time within one calendar month after the receipt of this notification, to appeal to a court of summary jurisdiction (Court of Petty Sessions) for an order directing that your name be added to the Roll.
Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision of—
Dated the day of 19 .
Regulation 13.
Form 7.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Commonwealth Division of—
State Assembly Division of—
Notification to Claimant of Formal Defect in Electoral Claim.
Your claim to be enrolled on the Electoral Roll for the Subdivision of the above-named Divisions is defective by reason of [here set out nature of defect].
*The claim is forwarded herewith for completion or correction, and return to me without delay.
*Please complete the accompanying fresh form of claim and return it to me without delay.
Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision of—
Dated the day of 19 .
*The Registrar will strike out whichever of these paragraphs is not applicable to the case.
Regulation 14.
Form 8.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Consecutive No.
Certificate authorizing Removal of Names of Electors from Roll.
To the Returning Officer for the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of
I certify that each elector named in Column (1) has ceased to be qualified for enrolment on the Roll for the Subdivision specified in Column (2) opposite his name, and has secured enrolment for the Subdivision specified in Column (3) opposite his name.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | |||||
Surname, Christian Names, Place of Living, Occupation and Sex. | Subdivision for which Elector has ceased to be entitled to be enrolled. | Subdivision, Commonwealth Division, and Assembly Division for which Elector has now been enrolled. | (To be filled in by Registrar.) | |||||
Name removed (date). | Form 9 issued (date). | Elector’s Number on Roll (if name in print) or Date of Enrolment (if name in manuscript). | Remarks. | |||||
Subdivision. | Commonwealth. Division. | State Assembly Division. | ||||||
Commonwealth Electoral Officer for the State. | Received (date)— | |||||||
State Chief Electoral Officer. | Acted: upon and returned to Returning Officer (date)— | |||||||
Date / / 19 . | Signature of Registrar— |
To the Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision or Subdivisions specified in Column (2) above.
You are directed to remove the name of each of the above-named electors from the Roll on which it appears, as specified in Column (2), and to forthwith notify the elector in Form 9. You will specify in Column (4) the action taken by you, and return this form to me for transmission to the Commonwealth Electoral Officer.
Returning Officer.
Date / / 19
Regulation 15.
Form 9.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Notification to Elector of Removal of Name from Roll.
[The full Christian names and surname to be inserted].
[as appearing on the Roll for the Subdivision from which the name has been removed].
Your name has been removed from the Electoral Roll for the Subdivision of the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of on the ground that you have changed your place of living and have secured enrolment for the Subdivision of the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of
If you desire to make any representations in regard to this matter, your communication may be written in the space provided for the purpose at the foot of this form, and should be sent to the Commonwealth Electoral Officer for the State of Tasmania.
Electoral Registrar
for the Subdivision of
Date / /19 .
(Note.—If the notification relates to the Commonwealth Roll only, or to the House of Assembly Roll only, the form should be varied accordingly.)
Reply (if any).
Personal Signature of elector
Present place of living
Witness to Signature
(Being an elector or person qualified to be an elector).
Place of living
Dated the day of 19 .
Regulation 16.
Form 10.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Notification of Change of Enrolment consequent upon Alteration of Subdivision Boundaries.
You are hereby informed that in accordance with the provisions of Section 28 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act and section 16 of the Electoral Act, Tasmania, your name has been removed from the Roll for the Subdivision of the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of and has been placed on the Roll for the Subdivision of the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of Electoral Registrar for the Subdivision of—
Dated the day of 19 .
Note.—If the notification relates to the Commonwealth Roll only, or to the State Assembly Roll only, the form should be varied accordingly.
Form 15. Regulation 26 (1).
[Form to be used by an Elector for the same Electoral Subdivision or by a member of the Police Force, or by an Officer (not being a Registrar) when lodging an objection in respect of the retention of a name on the Roll as that of an Elector for the Commonwealth and the State Assembly or either.]
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of
Notice of Objection.
To the Returning Officer for the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of—
I object to the name of
No. on Roll. | Surname. | Christian Names at full length. | Place of Living as appearing on Roll. | Occupation. | Place of Abode for time being, if known to the objector. |
being retained on the Electoral Roll for the Subdivision of the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of , on the ground that [here insert ground of objection].
Dated the day of 19 .
Notes.—(a) The names and boundaries of the Commonwealth Electoral Subdivisions and the House of Assembly Electoral Subdivisions are identical.
(b) If an objection is lodged in respect of the name of a person as an elector for the Commonwealth but not as an elector for the House of Assembly, or vice versâ, the words “and the State Assembly Division of ,” or the words “the Commonwealth Division of and” as the case requires, should be struck out.
Form 16. Regulation 26 (2).
[Form to be used by a Registrar when lodging objections to the retention of names on the Subdivision Roll kept by him as those of Electors for the Commonwealth and the State Assembly, or either.]
[Front of Form.]
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Notice of Objection.
To the Returning Officer
I object to each undermentioned name being retained on the Electoral Roll for the Subdivision of the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of on the ground [here insert ground of objection].
Registrar for the Subdivision of—
Dated day of 19 .
Person Objected to. | Place of Living as appearing on Roll. | Occupation. | Place of Abode for time being, if known to Registrar. | Registrar’s Initials. | ||
No. on Roll. | Surname. | Christian Names at full length. | ||||
Notes.—(a) The names and boundaries of the Commonwealth Electoral Subdivisions and the State Assembly Electoral Subdivisions are identical.
(b) If an objection is lodged in respect of the name of a person as an elector for the Commonwealth but not as an elector for the State Assembly, or vice versâ, the words “and the State Assembly Division of ,” or the words “the Commonwealth Division of and,” as the case requires should be struck out.
(c) Where notices of objection are required to be made relating to electors, some of whom are enrolled as Commonwealth electors and State electors, and others as Commonwealth electors only, or State electors only, separate forms of notification, each dealing with one description of elector only, should be used.
(d) This form must be prepared in triplicate, one form retained by the Registrar and the other two furnished to the Returning Officer.
[Back of Form.]
Indorsement by Returning Officer.
(1) Notices of objection posted by Returning Officer to persons objected to
(2) Date of expiration of period allowed for answers to objections. (See Sec. 57 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act and Sec. 47 of the Electoral Act, Tasmania.
(3) Answers received from—
Notification to the Registrar for the Subdivision.
(a) Objections sustained excepting as to the following names, viz. :—
(b) You are hereby required to forthwith remove from the Roll as—[here insert Commonwealth and State Assembly electors or Commonwealth electors only, or State Assembly electors only, as the case requires] all the names appearing on the within list of objections, with the exception of those mentioned in the foregoing paragraph (a), in regard to which the objections have not been sustained.
If any name in the within List has already been removed from the Roll pursuant to a notification of transfer, or from other cause, a notation setting out the reason for the removal, and the date thereof must be inserted opposite the name in the Schedule, e.g.
“Removed by transfer (date ).”
Returning Officer for the Commonwealth Division of and State Assembly Division of
All necessary action taken in accordance with the above direction.
Registrar for the Subdivision of—
Form 17. Regulation 27.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Notice of Objection to Person objected to on the Ground of Non-Residence.
[Here insert full christian names and surname, occupation, and place of abode for the time being, if known to the Returning Officer, or, if not so known, place of living as appearing on Roll.]
Notice is hereby given that an objection has been lodged with me by [here insert the name and description of the objector] objecting to your name being retained on the Electoral Roll for the Subdivision of [here insert name of Subdivision] of the Commonwealth Division of [here insert name of Division] and the State Assembly Division of [here insert name of Division], on the ground that you do not live in the Subdivision and have not so lived for at least one month last past.
You are entitled at any time within twenty days from the posting of this notice, to answer the objection either orally or in writing.
If you intend to answer the objection orally you should attend at my Office at [here insert address of office] between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. on any day other than a Saturday, or between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon on a Saturday, before the expiration of twenty days from the posting of this notice.
If you claim that your place of living is still in the Subdivision, and you do not desire to attend at my office for the purpose of answering this objection orally, you should with the least delay, but before the expiration of twenty days from the posting of this notice—
(a) complete, personally sign, and date the reply at the foot hereof in the presence of a witness ; and
(b) fold the notice so that the address “Returning Officer for the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of ” shall be visible, and send or deliver the notice to me with reply attached.
If you have ceased to live in the subdivision as alleged you need not reply to this objection.
If you answer the objection, notice of the decision on the objection will be sent to you.
If you fail to answer the objection within twenty days from the posting of this notice, the objection will be determined, and your name may be struck off the Roll, but no notice of the decision on the objection will be sent to you.
Returning Officer for the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of .
Postal Address—
Dated the day of 19 .
Note.—If the objection is lodged in respect of Commonwealth enrolment only, the words “and the State Assembly Division of ” should be struck out. If the objection is lodged in respect of House of Assembly enrolment only, the words “the Commonwealth Division of and” should be struck out.
To be completed only if the elector claims that his place of living is still in the Subdivision.)
1. I am the elector whose enrolment is objected to in this notice.
2. My place of living is still in the Subdivision of [here insert name of Subdivision], for which I retain my qualification for enrolment.
Personal Signature of elector—
(To be made in presence of witness.)
Address in Subdivision—
Witness to Signature—
(Being an elector or person qualified to be an elector.)
Place of Living—
Dated day of 19 .
Form 18. Regulation 28.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Notice of Objection to Person objected to on a Ground other than that of Non-residence.
[Here insert full christian names and surname, occupation, and place of abode, for the time being, if known to the Returning Officer, or, if not so known, place of living as appearing on Roll.]
Notice is hereby given that an objection has been lodged with me by [here insert the name and description of the objector] objecting to your name being retained on the Electoral Roll for the Subdivision of [here insert name of Subdivision] of the Commonwealth Division of [here insert name of Division] and the State Assembly Division of [here insert name of Division] on the following grounds, namely:—[Here insert grounds of objection.]
You are entitled at any time within twenty days from the posting of this notice, to answer the objection either orally or in writing.
If you intend to answer the objection orally you should attend at my Office at [here insert address of office] between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on any day other than a Saturday, or between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon on a Saturday, before the expiration of twenty days from the posting of this notice.
If you claim that you are qualified for the enrolment objected to, and do not desire to attend at my office for the purpose of answering this objection orally, you should with the least delay, but before the expiration of twenty days from the posting of this notice—
(a) complete, personally sign, and date the reply at the foot hereof in the presence of a witness ; and
(b) fold the notice so that the address “Returning Officer for the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of ” shall be visible, and send or deliver the notice to me with reply attached.
If you are not qualified for the enrolment objected to, you need not reply to this objection.
If you answer the objection, notice of the decision on the objection will be sent to you.
If you fail to answer the objection within twenty days from the posting of this notice, the objection will be determined, and your name may be struck off the Roll, but no notice of the decision on the objection will be sent to you.
Returning Officer for the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of—
Postal Address—
Dated the day of 19 .
Note.—If the objection is lodged in respect of Commonwealth enrolment only, the words ‘‘and the State Assembly Division of ” should be struck out. If the objection is lodged in respect of House of Assembly enrolment only, the words “the Commonwealth Division of and” should be struck out.
(To be completed only if the elector claims that he is qualified for the enrolment objected to.)
I am the elector whose enrolment is objected to in this notice, and I claim that I am qualified for such enrolment.
My reasons for so claiming are as follow:—
[Here set forth reasons relied upon as an answer to the objection.]
Personal Signature of Elector—
(To be made in presence of witness.)
Address in Subdivison—
Witness to Signature—
(Being an elector or person qualified to be an elector.)
Place of Living—
Dated the day of 19 .
Regulation 31.
Form 19.
Commonwealth of Australia. State of Tasmania.
The Commonwealth Electoral Act. The Electoral Act, Tasmania.
Notice of Determination of Objection.
Notice is hereby given that I have considered the objection lodged by [here set out the name of objector] to the retention of the name of [here set out name of person objected to] on the Electoral Roll for the Subdivision of the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of and have decided—
(a) to remove the said name from the said Electoral Roll as that of an elector of the Commonwealth Division of and the State Assembly Division of ;
(b) to dismiss the objection and to retain the said name on the said Electoral Roll.
(Note.:—Strike out sub-paragraph (a) or sub-paragraph (b) as the case requires.)
If aggrieved by this decision you may, at any time within one calendar month after the receipt of this notice, appeal against the decision to a court of summary jurisdiction (Court of Petty Sessions).
Returning Officer for the Division of—
Dated the day of 19 .
Note.—If the objection is in respect of Commonwealth enrolment only, the words “and the State Assembly Division of ” should be struck out. If the objection is in respect of House of Assembly enrolment only, the words “the Commonwealth Division of and” should be struck out.
By Authority: Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer, Melbourne.