1922. No. 162.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Quarantine Act 1908-1920, to come into operation forthwith.

Dated this eighteenth day of October, 1922.



By His Excellency’s Command,


Minister for Health.


Quarantine (Plague) Regulations 1922.

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Quarantine (Plague) Regulations 1922.

2. The Quarantine (Plague) Regulations 1921 (Statutory Rules No. 230 of 1921), are hereby repealed.

3. In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears, “proclaimed place” means a place proclaimed under section 12 of the Quarantine Act 1908-1920 as infected with plague.

4. No person shall consign, send or convey from a proclaimed place in any State or Territory of the Commonwealth to a place in any other State or Territory or to any place outside the Commonwealth any package of merchandise or goods unless the package—

(a) have been so packed as to entirely prevent access of rats to the interior of the package;

(b) have been packed to the satisfaction of an authorized Officer; or

(c) have, after examination by an authorized Officer been found to be free from rats.

5. No person shall consign, send or convey from any premises, in or upon which plague in man or rodent has occurred, to a place in any other State or Territory of the Commonwealth, any merchandise or goods, until the Health Authority of the State in which the premises are situate has, by certificate in writing, declared that, on the application of all recognised tests, the premises are, in the opinion of that Health Authority, no longer infected.

6. For the purposes of regulations 4 and 5 of these Regulations the word “person” includes the owners, agents, or master of any vessel and the Commissioners or any other persons having the control of any railway.

7. (1) The master of every vessel arriving in any Australian port from any proclaimed place in Australia shall not—

(a) permit any person (other than an authorized person) to board or quit the vessel; or

(b) permit any goods to be removed from the vessel,

until he has made before and handed to an authorized person a declaration in the following form:—

I,       Master of s.    do hereby declare that there are not at the time of making this declaration, and that there have not been on board during the voyage—

(a) any person affected with any fever with or without any glandular swelling; or

(b) any dead or apparently sick rats or mice;

and that the last Australian port at which the vessel called was

Dated this    of    192 .



Authorized person.

(2) The Master of every such vessel who is unable to make a declaration under this regulation shall not, until pratique is granted, allow the vessel to be brought into any part of the port within the Quarantine line.

8. (1) The Master of any vessel shall not, unless authorized by a Quarantine Officer, allow the vessel to leave the limits of any port in any proclaimed place in Australia until a medical inspection has been made by a Quarantine Officer of all persons on board.

(2) For the medical inspection and certificate issued relating thereto a fee of £2 2s. shall be paid by the Master, Owner or Agent.

(3) The Master of any such vessel shall not allow the vessel to leave the limits of the port with any person on board who was not present at the time of medical inspection. Penalty: Fifty pounds.

9. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of these Regulations shall be guilty of an offence and shall, where no other penalty is provided, be liable to a penalty not exceeding One hundred pounds.


Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.