1923. No. 38.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, do hereby make the following Regulations under the Excise Act 1901-1918 to come into operation forthwith.

Dated this thirtieth day of March, 1923.



By His Excellency’s Command,


Minister of State for Trade and Customs.


Amendment of Excise Regulations 1913.

(Statutory Rules 1913, No. 345, as amended to this date.)

1. After regulation 115 of the Excise Regulations the following heading and regulations are inserted:—

Spirit for use in Public Hospitals.

Spirit may be Delivered.

115a. Australian rectified spirit for use in public hospitals may be delivered under Excise Tariff Item 2(q) in the manner provided by these Regulations.

Spirit to be Delivered, to State Drug Depôt or Principal Public Hospital.

115b. The spirit may be delivered either to a State drug depôt or to the principal public hospital in each State for distribution to public hospitals provided the executive official of such depôt or principal public hospital undertakes in writing the responsibility for the safe custody and distribution of the spirit in accordance with the prescribed conditions and also furnishes security, to the satisfaction of the Collector, in accordance with Form 34 for compliance with these Regulations.

Application and Security.

115c. Before spirit may be delivered under these Regulations to any public hospital the chief executive official must first make application in writing to the Collector and also furnish security to the satisfaction of the Collector, in accordance with Form 34 for compliance with these Regulations.

C.595.—Price 3d.

Spirit to be Delivered in same Condition as Received.

115d. Spirit received under these Regulations by any State drug depôt or principal public hospital for purposes of distribution must be delivered to public hospitals in the same condition as received.

Use of Spirit.

115e. Spirit delivered under these Regulations to any public hospital (except spirit delivered to a principal public hospital for distribution to other public hospitals) shall be used in such institution only in the preparation of medicines, medicinal extracts, infusions, tinctures, and the like. The spirit must not be used for such purposes as the preparation and preservation of ligatures or the preparation of patients for operations.

Spirit to be Stored in Secure Room.

115f. Spirit delivered under these Regulations to any State drug depôt, principal public hospital or other public hospital must be stored in a secure room provided with suitable locks and be placed in charge of a responsible employee of such depôt or hospital.

Book to be Kept.

115g. A book shall be kept by a responsible official of each institution which receives spirit under these Regulations showing particulars of all spirit received and how such spirit has been used.

Returns to be Furnished.

115h. Immediately after the 30th June and 31st December of each year a return must be furnished by each institution which has received spirit under these Regulations showing particulars of all spirit received during the previous half-year, how such spirit has been disposed of and the balance remaining on hand.

Quantity of Spirit which may be Delivered.

115i. The total quantity of spirit which may be delivered under these Regulations in any calendar month to a public hospital, other than a principal public hospital, shall not exceed the normal monthly requirements of such hospital: Provided, however, that, in the case of remote hospitals which use small quantities, the Collector may allow the delivery of spirit not exceeding the normal supply for a period of six months.

“Access to Premises where Spirit Stored.

115j. An Officer of Customs shall at all times have access to the premises where spirit received in pursuance of these Regulations is stored and may at any time examine or take extracts from any books or documents kept in relation thereto.”

2. After Form 33 in the Schedule to the Excise Regulations the following form is inserted:—

Excise Act


Reg. 115

Form 34.


Security to the Customs.

By this Security the subscribers are, pursuant to the Excise Act 1901-1918, bound to the Customs of the Commonwealth of Australia in the sum of              subject only to this condition that if, for a period of twelve months from the date hereof, all excisable spirit which is delivered to

 under Excise Tariff Item is dealt with in accordance

with the Excise Act 1901-1918 and any amendment thereof or any Act passed in substitution therefor and the Regulations for the time being in force thereunder, then this security shall be thereby discharged.*

Dated at




day of


19 .

Names and Descriptions of Subscribers.

Signatures of Subscribers.

Signatures and Addresses of Witnesses.








* Note.—If liability is not intended to be joint and several and for the full amount, here state what is intended as, for example, thus—“The liability of the subscribers is joint only”, or “the liability of (mentioning subscriber) is limited to (here state amount of limit of liability or mode of ascertaining limit).”


Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.