No. 1 of 1924.

An Act relating to Duties of Customs.

[Assented to 19th May, 1924.]

BE it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—

Short title and citation.

1.(1.) This Act may be cited as the Customs Tariff 1924.

(2.) The Customs Tariff 1921-1923, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the Customs Tariff 1921-1924.

Amendment of Tariff.

2. The Schedule to the Customs Tariff 1921-1923 is amended as set out in the Schedule to this Act, and Duties of Customs are hereby imposed in accordance with the first-mentioned Schedule as amended by the last-mentioned Schedule.

Date from which new duties commence.

3. The duties imposed by the Schedule to this Act shall be deemed to have been imposed as from the fourth day of April, One thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, at nine oclock in the forenoon, Victorian time.


Amendments to the Schedule to the Customs Tariff, 1921-1923.

Item No.

Tariff Items.

British Preferential Tariff.

Intermediate Tariff.

General Tariff.

3 (a)

By omitting from the item the whole of the sub-item (a) and by inserting in its stead the following sub-item:—





(a) Brandy—





(l) When not exceeding the strength of proof per gallon





(2) When exceeding the strength of proof per proof gallon


