1924. No. 159.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL, in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Defence Act 1903-1918, to come into operation forthwith.

Dated this twenty-third day of October, 1924



By His Excellency’s Command,


Minister of State for Defence.


Amendment of Munitions Supply Regulations 1923.

1. Regulation 3 is amended by deleting the definition of “Foremen” and inserting the following new definition in its place:—

“Foremen” shall be persons appointed by the Governor-General to be Foremen in the Government Munitions Establishments in pursuance of sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 63 of the Act.

2. Regulation 16 is amended as follows:—

By deleting the words:—

Explosives Factories, Maribyrnong, Victoria,

Gun Ammunition Factory, Footscray, Victoria,

Ordnance Factory, Maribyrnong Victoria,

and inserting lifter the words “Inspection Branch, Lithgow, New South Wales,” the words:—

“Munitions Factories, Maribyrnong and Footscray, Victoria, comprising Explosives, Gun Ammunition and Ordnance Factories”.

3. Regulation 17 is amended by adding at the end of sub-regulation 4 (c) the following new sub-regulation:—

(4A) The Board may approve of—

(a) the sale or writing off of condemned, unfit, damaged, or deficient stores, the value of which does not exceed £100.

(b) the sale or writing off of obsolete or worn-out plant, the value of which does not exceed £100 in any one case.

(c) the taking on charge of excess stores.

C.16049.—Price 3d.

4. After Regulation 29 insert new Regulations as follow:—

29A. The number of persons appointed by the Governor-General to be Foremen in the Government Munitions Establishments shall not exceed fifteen, provided that the Board may employ persons in excess of such number to be temporary foremen.

29b. To be eligible for appointment no Foreman in a Government Munitions Establishment a person shall have been employed for not less than ten years in a Government Establishment, five years of which must have been in the position of temporary foreman in an establishment under the administration of the Munitions Supply Board. A candidate for appointment as Foreman shall also possess such technical and educational qualifications as may be prescribed by the Board.

29c. Upon reaching the age of 65 years a foreman shall retire from the service of the Commonwealth.

5. Regulation 30 is amended by deleting all the words inclusive of and following the word “provided” and inserting in their place the words “provided that for purposes of calculating leave due under this regulation the period of service of a foreman shall include previous continuous service as a temporary foreman or employee in a Government Establishment”.

6. Regulation 31 is amended by deleting the whole of the regulation and inserting in its place the following:—

“31. On report from the Board, after due inquiry that a foreman is inefficient or incompetent, or is guilty of a breach of the Regulations, or that a reduction of staff is necessary, the Governor-General may terminate his appointment and such foreman shall thereupon cease to be employed by the Commonwealth”.

7. After Regulation 31 insert new Regulations as follow:—

31a. The Munitions Supply Board may engage persons to be temporary foremen at rates of wages which may be determined by the Board.

31b. All temporary foremen shall be engaged temporarily by the day, and their engagements shall be terminable without notice on either side, provided that any temporary foreman engaged under agreement shall be subject to the terms of such agreement. Employment as a temporary foreman shall not establish any claim to permanent employment on any ground whatever.

31c. Temporary foremen shall be entitled to leave of absence for recreation, and to leave of absence on account of illness or injury upon the same conditions as are prescribed for foremen.

31d. With the exception of Regulations 29 to 31 inclusive the word foreman, wherever it appears in these Regulations shall be deemed to include a temporary foreman.


Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by H. J. green, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.