1925. No. 7.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, do hereby make the following Regulation under the Excise Act 1901-1923, to come into operation forthwith.

Dated this fourteenth day of January, 1925.



By His Excellency’s Command,


Minister of State for Trade and Customs.


Amendment of Excise Regulations 1913.

(Statutory Rules 1913, No. 345, as amended to this date.)

Form 32 of the Excise Regulations 1913 (Statutory Rule 1917, No. 180) is repealed and the following Form inserted in its stead:—

Form 32.

The Commonwealth of Australia—Security to the Customs.

By this security the subscribers are, pursuant to the Excise Act 1901-1923, bound to the Customs of the Commonwealth of Australia in the sum of                                          subject only to this condition that if—

(1) all excisable goods and packages subject to the control of the Customs which at any time during the continuance of this security are on or in the premises or a vehicle of the subscribers are—

(a) safely and securely kept on or in the said premises or vehicle until such goods and packages are moved therefrom by authority within the meaning of the said Act and in accordance with the said Act or cease to be subject to the control of the Customs; and

(b) whilst on or in the said premises or vehicle dealt with in all respects in accordance with the said Act and any amendment  thereof to the satisfaction of the Collector of Customs of the State of              ; and

(2) whenever and as often as—

(a) any goods which according to any invoice or other commercial document received by an owner within the meaning of the said Act of any such package as aforesaid were or should have been contained in such package; and

C.19735.—Price 3d.

(b) such goods are not contained in the package when or at any time before the package is removed from the said premises or vehicle in manner aforesaid

the subscribers prove to the satisfaction of the said Collector that such goods were not in fact contained in the package at the time when the package came on to or into the said premises or vehicle—

then this security shall be thereby discharged.

Dated at the day of 19

Names and Descriptions of Subscribers.

Signatures of Subscribers.

Signatures and Addresses of Witnesses.




Note.—If liability is not intended to be joint and several and for the full amount, state what is intended, as, for example, thus—“The liability of the subscribers is joint only” or “The liability of (mention subscriber) is limited (here state amount of limit or mode of ascertaining limit)”.


Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by H. J. Green, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.