1925. No. 145.
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, do hereby make the following Regulations under the Distillation Act 1901-1923, to come into operation forthwith.
Dated this twenty-sixth day of August, 1925.
By His Excellency’s Command,
Minister of State for Trade and Customs.
Amendment of Distillation Regulations 1913.
(Statutory Rules 1913, No. 343 as amended to this date.)
1. Regulation 5 (h) (i) of the Distillation Regulations is amended by the addition of the following words:—
“or as approved by the Collector in cases where the capacity of the fermenting backs exceeds 10,000 gallons.”
2. Regulation 15 of the Distillation Regulations is amended by the addition of the following sub-regulation:—
“15. (a) Whenever an approved system of continuous fermentation is in operation, the time of filling any one back shall not be limited.”
3. Regulation 16 of the Distillation Regulations is amended by the addition of the following sub-regulation:—
“15. (e) In cases where an approved system of continuous fermentation is in operation, the following procedure shall be adopted:—
The distiller shall provide an approved sampler to be attached to the pipe or trough which conveys the mixed wort and ferment to the wash back from which samples shall be drawn at frequent intervals and the specific gravity of each sample determined. The average of the specific gravities so determined shall be deemed the specific gravity of the wort prior to fermentation.”
4. Regulation 17 of the Distillation Regulations is amended by the addition of the following sub-regulation:—
“17. (c) In cases where an approved system of continuous fermentation is in operation, the Distiller shall give not less than one hour’s notice of the time when the ferment and wort shall commence to flow, continually mixed, to the wash back.”
5. Regulation 20 of the Distillation Regulations is amended by the addition of the following words:—
“or such smaller quantity as approved by the Collector.”
Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by H. J. Green, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.
C. 12562.—Price 3d.