1927. No. 18.



(First Amendment.)

I, THE DEPUTY OF THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Beer Excise Act 1901-1923, to come into operation forthwith.

Dated this tenth day of February, 1927.


Deputy of the Governor-General.

By His Excellency’s Command,


Minister of State for Trade and Customs.


Amendment of Beer Excise Regulations.

(Statutory Rules 1926, No. 184.)

(a) After regulation 30 of the Beer Excise Regulations the following regulations are inserted:—

“31. The Collector may accept, in lieu of any prescribed form other than a prescribed form of declaration, or a prescribed form of security, any document which is substantially in accordance with the prescribed form.”

“32. The Comptroller, in any case in which he thinks fit so to do, may accept a form of declaration or security different from the form of declaration or security prescribed for that case, and any form of declaration or security so accepted shall have all the force and effect of a prescribed form.”

(b) Form 1 of the Schedule to the Beer Excise Regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “by me” from the form of declaration thereon to be made by the person who made the entries, and the substitution of the words “at my direction” in lieu thereof.

(c) Form 2 of the Schedule to the Beer Excise Regulations is amended by the deletion of the words “by me” from the form of declaration thereon to be made by the person who made the entries, and the substitution of the words “at my direction” in lieu thereof.

(d) Form 3 of the Schedule to the Beer Excise Regulations is amended by the deletion from the declaration at the foot thereof of the following words:—

“and that no materials other than barley malt and hops were used in the brewing and making of the beer described in this account as brewed from barley malt and hops exclusively, and that after the making of that beer no material other than barley malt and hops was added to it.”





Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by H. J. Green, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.