1929. No. 137.
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulation under the Papua Act 1905-1924, to come into operation forthwith.
Dated this seventeenth day of December, One thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine.
By His Excellency’s Command,
for Prime Minister.
Amendment of the Financial Regulations 1923.
(Statutory Rules 1923, No. 74, as amended to this date.)
Regulation 99 is repealed and the following regulation inserted in its stead:—
“99. (1) An officer responsible for the care and control of non-expendable articles shall—
(a) keep a record thereof in accordance with the form approved by the Treasurer; and
(b) furnish, to the Head of his Department, at the time, and in accordance with the form, approved by the Treasurer, but not less than once in each year, a return thereof.
(2) An officer responsible for the care and control of expendable articles shall, if so directed by the Lieutenant-Governor, keep records and furnish returns thereof.
(3) Every officer to whom any articles are entrusted, and the subordinates of any such officer, shall use every care for their safe custody and preservation and each may be held personally and pecuniarily responsible therefor.
(4) When an officer takes over from any officer responsible for the care and control of articles—
(a) stock shall be taken by the outgoing officer and checked by the incoming officer;
(b) an inventory thereof in accordance with the form approved by the Treasurer and signed by both officers shall be forwarded, as soon as practicable, to the Head of the Department which the outgoing officer is leaving; and
(c) each officer shall retain a copy of the inventory mentioned in the last preceding paragraph.
(5) In the event of the outgoing officer leaving before the incoming officer has taken over—
(a) the outgoing officer shall—
(i) take an inventory in accordance with the form approved by the Treasurer; and
(ii) forward the inventory, on being certified under his hand only, to the Head of the Department which he is leaving; and
(b) the incoming officer shall—
(i) on taking over, take an inventory in accordance with the form approved by the Treasurer; and
(ii) forward the inventory, on being certified under his hand, to the Head of the Department.
(6) In any case where the outgoing or incoming officer fails to take an inventory in accordance with the form approved by the Treasurer, the inventory taken by the outgoing or incoming officer, as the case may be, shall be taken to be correct, and the value of any missing article may be surcharged against the salary of the officer who failed to take the inventory.”.
By Authority: H. J. Green, Government Printer, Canberra.