1930. No. 131



I, THE person administering the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, do hereby make the following Regulations under the Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924 to come into operation forthwith.

Dated this fourth day of November, 1930.

(Sgd) Somers.

Administering the Government of the

Commonwealth of Australia.

By His Excellency’s Command,


Acting Minister of State for Markets.


Amendment of Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations.

(Statutory Rules 1925, No. 124.)

1. Regulation 2 of the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations is amended by omitting the words “and Migration” from the definition of “Secretary”.

2. Regulation 3 of the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations is amended—

(a) by omitting from sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (b) the word “and”;

(b) by adding, before the word “arrange” in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph (b), the words “in the case of dairy produce shipped to the United Kingdom”;

(c) by adding after sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph (b) the following sub-paragraph:—

“ ; and (c) in the case of dairy produce shipped to Canada or the United States of America to advise the Board, within sixty days after the sale has been affected, of the gross price per hundredweight at which each grade of each shipment of dairy produce is sold.”;

(d) by omitting from paragraph (e) the word “and”; and

(e) by inserting after paragraph (e) the following paragraph:—

“(ea) the licensee, in the case of dairy produce shipped to Canada or the United States of America, shall also—

(i) ship all dairy produce to such persons, firms or companies as the Board determines;

(ii) ship all dairy produce by such steamer or steamers as the Board determines;

(iii) apply to the Board for the steamer space required for all shipments of dairy produce; and

(iv) permit the Board, in its discretion, to allocate such steamer space; and”.

3. Forms A, B, C, D and E of the Schedule to the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations are repealed and the following forms inserted in their stead:—




No. of Licence

Commonwealth of Australia.

Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924.


This is to certify that in pursuance of section 15 of the Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924 a licence for the period from                                          19              to                                          19               (both inclusive) has been granted to                                          of                                          to export dairy produce from the State of                                                        on the following conditions:—

(1) That the licensee shall within seven days after the shipment of any dairy produce furnish a return in duplicate to the Dairy Produce Control Board—

(a) In the case of butter exported on consignment—in accordance with *Form B in the Schedule to the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations;

(b) In the case of cheese exported, on consignment—in accordance with *Form C in the Schedule to the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations;

(c) In the case of butter exported and sold f.o.b. or c.i.f.—in accordance with *Form D in the Schedule to the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations; and

(d) In the case of cheese exported and sold f.o.b. or c.i.f.—in accordance with *Form E in the Schedule to the Dairy Produce Export Control (Licences) Regulations.

(2) That the licensee, in the case of dairy produce shipped on consignment, shall—

(a) notify the Board;

(b) in the case of dairy produce shipped to the United Kingdom, arrange for his agent or distributor in the United Kingdom to advise the London Agency of the Board, within seven days after the sale has been effected, of the gross price per hundredweight at which each grade of each shipment of dairy produce is sold; and

(c) in the case of dairy produce shipped to Canada or the United States of America, to advise the Board within sixty days after the sale has been effected, of the gross price per hundredweight at which each grade of each shipment of dairy produce is sold.

(3) That the licensee shall insure each shipment of dairy produce with such company or companies as the Board determines;

(4) That the licensee shall ship all dairy produce through such shipping companies as the Board determines;

(5) That the licensee shall, after fourteen days’ notice from the Board, withhold from shipment such proportion of dairy produce as the Board determines;

* Forms B, C, D, and E may be obtained from the Secretary, Dairy Produce Control Board, Aberdeen House, 528 Collins-street, Melbourne; and the Collector of Customs in the capital city in each State with the exception of Victoria; or from any other body or person appointed by the Board.

(5a) That the licensee, in the case of dairy produce shipped to Canada or the United States of America shall also—

(a) ship all dairy produce to such persons, firms or companies as the Board determines;

(b) ship all dairy produce by such steamer or steamers as the Board determines;

(c) apply to the Board for the steamer space required for all shipments of dairy produce; and

(d) permit the Board, in its discretion, to allocate such steamer space; and

(6) That the licensee shall, after fourteen days’ notice in writing by the Board, comply with such other conditions or restrictions as are prescribed after the licence is granted.

Dated this   day of   19 .

Secretary, Department of Markets.

N.B.—Section 15 (3.) of the Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924 reads—

“Where the Minister is satisfied, on report by the Board, that any person to whom a licence under this section has been granted has contravened or failed to comply with any term or condition upon which the licence was granted, the Minister may cancel the licence.”




Commonwealth of Australia.

Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924.


The Secretary,

Dairy Produce Control Board.

*Here insert full name and address of licensee.

I*     of    holder of Licence No.

granted for the period from     19  

to    19 to export dairy produce, do hereby furnish the following particulars with respect to butter exported on consignment, pursuant to the licence—

(a) The following butter has been shipped pursuant to the licence:—

Name and address of owner.

Name and address of manufacturer.



Salted or unsalted.

Number of boxes shipped under each brand and grade.

Total net weight.

Name and address of consignee.












(b) The date on which the butter was shipped is     19

(c) The name of the vessel on which the butter was shipped is

(d) The port from which the butter was shipped is

(e) The ports at which the butter will be landed for sale are

port      is

(f) The name of the Insurance Company with which the butter is insured is

I declare that the particulars shown herein are true and correct in every detail.

Signature of Licensee

Dated this    day of    19



Commonwealth of Australia.

Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924.


The Secretary,

Dairy Produce Control Board,

* Here insert full name and address of licensee.

I*    of    holder of Licence No. granted for the period from                                           19               to                                                         19               to export dairy produce do hereby furnish the following particulars with respect to cheese exported on consignment pursuant to the licence:—

(a) The following cheese has been shipped pursuant to the licence—

Name and address of owner.

Name and address of manufacturer.



Number of crates shipped under each brand and grade.

Total net weight.

Name and address of consignee.











(b) The date on which the cheese was shipped is     19

(c) The name of the vessel on which the cheese was shipped is

(d) The port from which the cheese was shipped is

(e) The ports at which the cheese will be landed for sale are

port     is

(f) The name of the Insurance Company with which the cheese is insured is

I declare that the particulars shown herein are true and correct in every detail.

Signature of Licensee

Dated this    day of    19




Commonwealth of Australia.

Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924.


The Secretary,

Dairy Produce Control Board,

*Here insert full name and address of licensee.

I*    of    Holder of Licence No.  granted for the period from                                                        19                            to                                                        19                            to export dairy produce do hereby furnish the following particulars with respect to butter exported and sold f.o.b. or c.i.f. pursuant to the licence:—

(a) The following butter has been shipped pursuant to the licence—

Name and address of owner.

Name and address of manufacturer.



Salted or unsalted.

Number of boxes shipped under each brand and grade.

Total net weight.

Name and address of purchaser.

Net price paid by purchaser (State whether sold f.o.b. or c.i.f.)













(b) The date on which the butter was shipped is   19

(c) The name of the vessel on which the butter was shipped is

(d) The port from which the butter was shipped is

(e) The ports at which the butter will be landed are   

      port            is   

(f) The name of the Insurance Company with which the butter is insured is

I declare that the particulars shown herein are true and correct in every detail.

Signature of Licensee

Dated this   day of   19




Commonwealth of Australia.

Dairy Produce Export Control Act 1924.


The Secretary,

Dairy Produce Control Board,

* Here insert full name and address of licensee.

I*    of    holder of Licence No.                granted for the period from                                                        19                            to                                                        19                            to export dairy produce do hereby furnish the following particulars with respect to cheese exported and sold f.o.b. or c.i.f pursuant to the licence:—

(a) The following cheese has been shipped pursuant to the licence:—

Name and address of owner.

Name and address of manufacturer.



Number of crates shipped under each brand and grade.

Total net weight.

Name and address of purchaser.

Net price paid by purchaser. (State whether sold f.o.b. or c.i.f.)












(b) The date on which the cheese was shipped is 19

(c) The name of the vessel on which the cheese was shipped is

(d) The port from which the cheese was shipped is

(e) The ports at which the cheese will be landed are

port             is

(f) The name of the Insurance Company with which the cheese is insured is

I declare that the particulars shown herein are true and correct in every detail.

Signature of Licensee

Dated this    day of    19




By Authority: H. J. Green, Government Printer, Canberra.