I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Gold Bounty Act 1930, to come into operation on and from the first day of January, One thousand nine hundred and thirty-one.
Dated this twenty-third day of February, 1931.
By His Excellency’s Command,
Minister of State for Trade and Customs.
Gold Bounty Regulations.
Short title.
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Gold Bounty Regulations.
2. (1.) In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears—
“authorized agent” means a person appointed in accordance with regulation 5 to be an authorized agent for the purposes of these Regulations;
“bounty” means bounty under the Act;
“Collector” means the Collector of Customs for the State in relation to which the expression is used;
“Officer” means an officer of the Department of Trade and Customs; and
“the Act” means the Gold Bounty Act 1930.
(2.) Any reference in these Regulations to a form shall be read as a reference to a form in the Schedule to these Regulations.
Claims for bounty.
3. (1.) Claims for bounty shall be in accordance with Form A and shall be made either quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.
(2.) (a) Quarterly claims shall be in respect of the three months ending 31st March, 30th June, 30th September and 31st December respectively in any year;
(b) Half-yearly claims shall be in respect of the six months ending 30th June and 31st December respectively in any year;
(c) Yearly claims shall be in respect of a calendar year.
269.—Price 3d.
(3.) Claims for bounty shall be lodged with the Collector within forty-two days after the close of the period in respect of which bounty is claimed.
Gold buyer’s certificate.
4. The certificate required by section nine of the Act to be obtained by a registered gold producer from a licensed gold buyer shall be in accordance with Form B.
Authorized Agents.
5.—(1.) A registered gold producer, being a company, syndicate, partnership or co-operative party shall appoint a person to be its authorized agent for the purposes of these Regulations.
(2.) Such appointment shall be in accordance with Form C.
(3.) An authorized agent may give or make any undertakings or declarations required by the Act or these Regulations to be given or made by his Principal.
———— SCHEDULE. | |||
Form A. |
| Regulation 3. | |
Commonwealth of Australia. | |||
Gold Bounty Act 1930. | |||
| CLAIM FOR BOUNTY. | Departmental Consecutive No. | |
*Strike out words not applicable.
Claim for quarter*/half-year/ year ended.........193 .
Name of Registered Gold Producer……………………………………………………………………
Name and location of mine or other place from which the gold was
obtained …………………………………………………………………………………………
Postal address of claimant………………………………………………………………………………
(Note.—In this claim the gold is to be shown in STANDARD ounces. The bounty will be paid on fine ounces.)
To the Collector of Customs,
State of …………………………….
I hereby claim bounty under the Gold Bounty Act 1930 in respect of the fine gold contained in the STANDARD gold hereunder set out.
Attached are the certificates required by the Gold Bounty Act 1930 in respect of the STANDARD gold to which this claim relates.
Standard Gold Sold.
Date of Sale. | Licensed Gold Buyer to whom Sold. | Quantity of STANDARD Gold in respect of which bounty claimed. | Amount received or to be received in payment. | |||||
| Name. | Address. | ozs. | dwts. | grs. | £ | s. | d. |
| Total……… |
Total (in words) of STANDARD gold in respect of which bounty is claimed—
Standard Gold Contained in Matte, Concentrates or in Other Material Shipped Abroad for Treatment.
Date of Shipment. | Quantity of Material Shipped. | Person to whom Shipped. | Ounces of STANDARD Gold per ton of material. | Quantity of STANDARD Gold in respect of which bounty claimed. | |||||
Matte. | Concentrates. | Other Material. | Name. | Address. | |||||
| Tons cwt. qrs. | Tons cwt. qrs. | Tons cwt. qrs. |
| ozs. | dwt. | grs. |
Total (in words) of STANDARD gold in matte, concentrates or other material in respect of which bounty is claimed—
I,................. of ...................
do hereby declare that—
* Strike out if inapplicable.
(a) Insert capacity in which declaration made.
(b) State name of company, syndicate, partnership or co-operative party.
*(1) I am the (a)..............of the (b)……………………… and I make this declaration in that capacity and on their behalf.
(2) I am/(b).................are the producer (s) of the gold specified in this claim for bounty.
(3) I have/(b)................have been registered by the Collector of Customs for the State of…………………as a registered gold producer.
(4) The description of the gold and all the particulars relating thereto, set out in this claim for bounty, are true and correct in every particular.
(5) This claim for bounty is accompanied by the certificates required by section nine of the Gold Bounty Act 1930, and the particulars contained in such certificates are to the best of my knowledge and belief true and correct in every respect.
(6) No other claim for bounty has been made nor has any bounty been paid in respect of any of the gold specified in this claim.
(7) The whole of the gold specified in this claim is the produce of Australia.
(8) Nothing on my part has been done or omitted to be done, and to the best of my knowledge and belief nothing on the part of any other person has been done or omitted to be done, whereby the right to bounty in respect of the gold specified in this claim has been forfeited or taken away.
(9) The conditions of employment observed and the rates of wages paid in respect of any labour employed in the production of the gold specified in this claim are in conformity with the conditions and rates determined in accordance with section 18 of the Act.
| Signature of Producer............... | |||
| (Or..............(name of Producer) | ||
| per..............Authorized Agent.) | ||
Declared before me of.......... 193 | ||||
| …………………………………………………….. | ||
| Officer of Customs or J.P. | ||
For Official Use Only. | ||||
Quantity in STANDARD Ounces. | Equivalent Quantity in Fine Ounces. | Rate per Ounce of Fine Gold. | Amount of Bounty. | |
ozs. dwt. grs. | ozs. dwts. grs. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | |
I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief after due inquiry the particulars and statements declared to in the above claim for bounty are true and correct for the purposes of the Gold Bounty Act 1930, and that the claimant is entitled to bounty to the amount specified in the last column of the above statement.
Form B. Regulation 4.
(See note at foot.)
Commonwealth of Australia.
Gold Bounty Act 1930.
Standard Gold.
I,/We,.…………………….………………………….of………………………………………… hereby certify that—
(a) I am/ We are authorized under the law of the State of………………to buy gold.
(b)I/We have purchased*…………………ounces…………………dwt…………………grains (†…………………ounces…………………dwt…………………grains) of STANDARD gold from…………………of…………………, the registered gold producer of such gold.
(c) The total amount paid or to be paid by me/us for such STANDARD gold is £ s. d
Dated this…………………day of…………………, 193 .
Signature ……………………………………
Licensed Gold Buyer.
To be countersigned by registered gold
producer of the gold—
* Quantity to be stated in words. † Quantity to be stated in figures.
Note.—This certificate is to be issued in duplicate. One copy is to be sent at once by the registered gold producer to the Collector of Customs for the State. The other copy is to be attached to the claim for bounty.
Form C. Regulation 5.
Commonwealth of Australia.
Gold Bounty Act 1930.
(a) Here insert name, address and description of principal.
(b) Here insert name, address and description of agent.
(c) Signature of principal.
Signature of Agent………
I/We (a)………..hereby nominate, constitute and appoint (b)…………….to be my/our authorized agent for the purposes of the Gold Bounty Act 1930 and the Regulations there under and to execute on my/out behalf any undertaking, declaration, certificate or document required for the purposes of the said Act and the Regulations thereunder.
Witness………………………………… (c) ……………………………….
(In the case of a company this authority must be signed in accordance with the articles of association.)
By Authority: H. J. Green, Government Printer, Canberra