No. 66 of 1932.

An Act to impose Colonial Light Dues.

[Assented to 5th December, 1932.]

BE it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—

Short title.

1. This Act may be cited as the Colonial Light Dues (Rates) Act 1932.


2. The Colonial Light Dues Collection Act 1932 shall be incorporated and read as one with this Act.

Imposition of Colonial Light Dues.

3.—(1.) The Colonial light dues fixed by His Majesty the King in Council by Order made under section six hundred and seventy of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894, on the seventeenth day of December, One thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, being—

(a) in respect of each ship which passes and derives benefit from any lighthouse specified in the first part of the Schedule to this Act or from the buoy specified in that Schedule—at the rate of one penny per ton of the register tonnage of that ship for every occasion on which the ship passes and derives benefit from any of those lighthouses or from that buoy; and

(b) in respect of each ship which passes and derives benefit from the lighthouse specified in the second part of that Schedule—at the rate of one halfpenny per ton of the register tonnage of that ship for every occasion on which the ship passes and derives benefit from that lighthouse,

are hereby imposed with respect to each voyage of a ship, British or foreign, which is at any port, harbour or place in Australia, and which, in the course of any voyage to or from Australia, has passed and derived benefit from any of those lighthouses or from that buoy.

(2.) Where any rate of Colonial light dues is fixed by His Majesty by Order in Council in substitution for either of the rates specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of the last preceding sub-section, and the imposition in the Commonwealth of the rate so fixed is authorized by the regulations, this Act shall thereupon have effect as if Colonial light dues were imposed in the Commonwealth at the rate so fixed in lieu of the rate, specified in the last preceding sub-section, for which the rate so fixed is in substitution.

Currency in which payments to be made.

4. Colonial light dues imposed by this Act shall be payable in currency of the United Kingdom or in Australian currency of such amount as, having regard to the rate of exchange prevailing at the time of payment, represents the equivalent, in currency of the United Kingdom, of the dues so imposed.


5. The Governor-General may, after His Majesty has, by Order in Council, fixed any rate of Colonial light dues in substitution for either of the rates specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of sub-section (1.) of section three of this Act, make regulations authorizing the imposition in the Commonwealth of the rate so fixed.










Gun Cay..........................

25° 34 N...........

79° 19 W.


25° 51 N...........

77° 11 W.

Cay Sal...........................

23° 57 N...........

80° 28 W.

Great Isaac.........................

26° 02 N...........

79° 06 W.

Cay Lobos.........................

22° 23 N...........

77° 36 W.

Elbow Cay.........................

26° 32 N...........

76° 57 W.

Great Stirrup Cay.....................

25° 50 N...........

77° 54 W.

Castle Island........................

22° 07 N...........

74° 20 W.


20° 56 N...........

73° 40 W.

Bird Rock.........................

22° 51 N...........

74° 22 W.

Watling Island.......................

24° 06 N...........

74° 26 W.




Matanilla Shoal

27° 23 N...........

79° 06 W.







Sombrero Island.....................

18° 36 N...........s

63° 28 W.