1934. No. 70.



I, THE GOVERNORGENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Wheat Growers Relief Act 1933.

Dated the sixth day of June, 1934.



By His Excellency’s Command,


Minister of State for Commerce.


Wheat Growers Relief Regulations.

Short title.

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Wheat Growers Relief Regulations.


2. All Regulations made under the Act and in force at the commencement of these Regulations are hereby repealed.


3.—(1.) In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears—

“assistance” means assistance provided under the Act;

“the Act” means the Wheat Growers Relief Act 1933.

(2.) In these Regulations any reference to a Form shall be read as a reference to a Form contained in the Schedule to these Regulations;

Declaration to be furnished by wheat grower on prescribed form.

4. A wheatgrower who desires to claim assistance shall lodge, in duplicate, with the State authority for the State in which he resides (or with the Secretary, Department of Commerce, Canberra, in the case of wheatgrowers resident in any Territory) a declaration in accordance with Form A.

Claims for assistance by wheat growers in a Territory

5. A wheatgrower in a Territory who desires to claim assistance shall forward to the Secretary, Department of Commerce, Canberra, on or before the thirtieth day of June, 1934, in addition to the declaration referred to in the last preceding regulation, a claim for assistance, and a declaration, in accordance with Form B.

Persons before whom declarations are to be made.

6. All declarations made under or in pursuance of these Regulations shall be made before—

(a) a Commissioner for Declarations,

(b) a Justice of the Peace,

(c) a Bank Manager,

(d) a Postmaster or officer in charge of a Post Office.

Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 7th June, 1934.

1424.—Price 3d.

(e) a Railway Stationmaster or railway official in charge of a Railway Station or Siding, or

(f) a Constable or Officer of Police.

Untrue statements in declarations.

7. A person shall not make any false or untrue statement in any declaration made under or in pursuance of these Regulations.

Penalty: Fifty pounds or imprisonment for three months.




Commonwealth of Australia. Form. A

Wheat Growers Relief Act 1933. Reg. 4.


(1) Full name of applicant.

(2) Full address of applicant.

(3) Strike out paragraph not applicable.

(4) Set out circumstances,

(5) Signature of declarant.

(6) Signature of person before whom the declaration is made.

(7)Insert title of person before whom the declaration is made

I, (1)

of (2)

being an applicant for financial assistance under the Wheat Growers Relief Act 1933; do hereby declare that—

(3) I derived no taxable income during the year ended on the 30th June, 1933.

(3) I derived taxable income during the year ended on the 30th June, 1933, but there are circumstances by reason of which it is just that I should receive assistance; namely—


Declared at the

day of 19  ,

Before me— (5)



Note.—The foregoing declaration must be made before a Commissioner for Declarations, a Justice of the Peace, a Bank Manager, a Postmaster or officer in charge of a Post Office, a Railway Stationmaster or railway official charge of a Railway Station or Siding, or a Constable or Officer of Police.

Any person who makes any false or untrue statement in the foregoing declaration is liable to a fine not exceeding Fifty pounds or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.


Commonwealth of Australia. Form B.

Territory; Reg. 5

Wheat Growers Relief Act 1933.


Note.—This claim must be accompanied by a declaration (in duplicate) relating to taxable Income in accordance with Form. A.

To the Secretary;

Department of Commerce,

Canberra, F.C.T.

I, of in the              Territory, hereby claim assistance in respect of              acres of wheat which were sown by me in the              Territory during the year ended on the 31st December, 1933, the particulars of which are as follows:—

Area sown to wheat by me during 1933—

(i) On fallow land acres.

(ii) On stubble land acres.

(iii) On other land acres.

Total area in respect of which assistance is claimed acres.

Area of selfsown wheat crop during 1933 (not included in the abovementioned total area)              acres.

Situation and area of farm or farms on which wheat was sown during 1933 and the area sown to wheat on each farm—



Area to   Acres.

Number of Acres Sown to Wheat.

















Area of wheat harvested by me for grain after 1st October, 1933—

Acres ;yield   bushels,

Area of wheat cut by me for hay after 1st September, 1933—

Acres ;yield  tons.

Area of selfsown wheat harvested by me for grain after 1st October, 1933—

Acres ;yield  bushels.

Area of selfsown wheat cut by me for hay after 1st September, 1933

Acres ;yield  tons.

* To be filled in only where applicant is a sharefarmer.

*Nature and extent of any interest under a sharefarming agreement in the wheat harvested:—

*Name (s) and addresses of the other party (or parties) to the sharefarming agreement:—

Signature of Claimant.




(1) Here insert name, address, and occupation of person making the declaration.

(†) Strike out whichever is inapplicable.

(2) Signature of mark of person making the declaration.

(3) Signature of person before whom the declaration is made.

(4) Title of person before whom the declaration is made.

I (1) of  do hereby declare as follows:—

That the area in respect of which the foregoing claim is made was actually sown to wheat by me during the year ended on the 31st December, 1933,

That I am entitled to per centum of the proceeds of the wheat crop from the area sown to wheat during the year ended on the 31st December, 1933, in respect of which the foregoing claim is made, under a sharefarming agreement, existing between myself and              of

That the particulars act out in the foregoing claim are true and correct in every particular Declared at              the

day of 19   . (2)

Before me—



Note.—The foregoing declaration must be made before a Commissioner for Declarations, a Justice of the Peace, a Bank Manager, a Postmaster or officer in charge of a Post Office, a Railway Stationmaster or railway official in charge of a Railway Station or Siding, or a Constable or Officer of Police.

Any person who makes any false or untrue statement in the foregoing declaration is liable to a fine not exceeding Fifty pounds, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.


By Authority: L. F. Johnston, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.