1936. No. 145.



WHEREAS it is enacted by the Meat Export Control Act 1935–1936 that for the purpose of enabling the Australian Meat Board effectively to control the export of Australian meat, meat products and edible offal, the Governor-General may make regulations prohibiting the export from the Commonwealth of any meat, meat products or edible offal except by persons who hold licences issued by the Minister, or by a person thereto authorized in writing by the Minister, and in accordance with such conditions and restrictions as are prescribed after recommendation to the Minister by the Board:

And whereas the Board has recommended to the Minister that the export from the Commonwealth of meat, meat products or edible offal should be in accordance with the conditions and restrictions prescribed by the Meat Export Control (Licences) Regulations, as amended by the Regulation hereunder:

Now therefore I, the Governor-General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulation under the Meat Export Control Act 1935–1936.

Dated this twenty first

day of October,          1936.



By His Excellency’s Command,


for Minister of State for Commerce.


Amendment of the Meat Export Control (Licences) Regulations.

After regulation 14 of the Meat Export Control (Licences) Regulations, the following regulation is inserted:—

Licensees not to export on behalf of persons whose licences have been cancelled.

“14a. A licensee shall not—

(a) except with the consent in writing of the Board or an authorized person, export any meat, meat products or edible offal which is owned by a person whose licence has been cancelled and to whom a fresh licence has not been issued; or

(b) do anything, either directly or indirectly, to assist any such person, without such consent, to export any meat, meat products or edible offal.”.


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on , 1936

† Statutory Rules 1936, No. 84, as amended by Statutory Rules 1936, No. 91.


By Authority: L.F. Johnston, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.

5260.—8/30.9.1936.—Price 3d.