No. 7 of 1941.

An Act to amend the Acts Interpretation Act 1901–1937.

[Assented to 4th April, 1941.]

BE it enacted by the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:—

Short title and citation.

1.—(1.) This Act may be cited as the Acts Interpretation Act 1941.

(2.) The Acts Interpretation Act 1901–1937 is in this Act referred to as the Principal Act.

(3.) The Principal Act, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the Acts Interpretation Act 1901–1941.


2. This Act shall come into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

Administration of Acts.

3. Section nineteen a of the Principal Act is amended by omitting the words , or where there is no longer a Minister or Department of the designation specified in the Act.

4. After section nineteen a of the Principal Act the following section is inserted:—

References to Ministers and Departments.

19b. Where in any Act, reference is made to a specified Minister of State of the Commonwealth or a specified Department of State of the Commonwealth, and there is no longer any such Minister or Department—

(a) the reference to the Minister shall be read as a reference to such Minister as is specified by order of the Governor-General, and shall be deemed to include any Minister or Member of the Executive Council for the time being acting for and on behalf of the Minister so specified in the order; and

(b) the reference to the Department shall be read as a reference to such Department as is specified by order of the Governor-General..

Amendment of sec. 24 of Principal Act.

5.—(1.) Section twenty-four of the Principal Act is amended by inserting after the word persons, the words , but where the penalty prescribed in respect of any offence is a term of imprisonment only, the court before which the offence is tried may, if it thinks fit, in the case of a body corporate, impose a pecuniary penalty not exceeding—

(a) where the term of imprisonment does not exceed six months—One hundred pounds;

(b) where the term of imprisonment exceeds six months but does not exceed one year—Two hundred pounds;

(c) where the term of imprisonment exceeds one year but does not exceed two years—Five hundred pounds; and

(d) where the term of imprisonment exceeds two years—One thousand pounds..

(2.) This section shall be deemed to have come into operation on the third day of September, One thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine.

Power to make includes power to rescind.

6. Section thirty-three of the Principal Act is amended—

(a) by omitting from sub-section (3.) the words any rules, regulations, or by-laws and inserting in their stead the words , grant or issue any instrument (including rules, regulations or by-laws); and

(b) by omitting from sub-section (3.) the words rescind, revoke, amend or vary such rules, regulations or by-laws. and inserting in their stead the words repeal, rescind, revoke, amend, or vary any such instrument..