1942. No. 120.
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulation under the Defence Act 1903-1941.
Dated this eleventh day of March, 1942
By His Excellency’s Command,
(Minister of State for Defence Co-ordination.
Amendment of the Civilian Staff Regulations.†
Regulation 2 of the Civilian Staff Regulations is repealed and the following regulation inserted in its stead:—
“2. In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears—
‘officer’ means a person whose employment in a civil capacity in connexion with the Department of Defence Co-ordination or the Department of the Army is authorized and who is appointed by the Governor-General in pursuance of section sixty-three of the Act;
‘returned soldier’ means any person who enlisted prior to the eleventh day of November, One thousand nine hundred and eighteen, and served in the war with satisfactory record in any Expeditionary Force raised under the provisions of the Defence Act 1903-1941, and includes—
(a) a member of the Army Medical Corps Nursing Service who was accepted or appointed by the Director-General of Medical Services for service outside Australia during the war;
(b) any member of the Naval Forces of the Commonwealth who has during the war been on active service outside Australia or on a ship of war;
* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on , 1942.
† Statutory Rules 1926, No. 209, as amended by Statutory Rules 1928, Nos. 19, 36, 58 and 86; 1929, Nos. 38, 79 and 102; 1930, Nos. 29, 50, 75, 100 and 139; 1931, Nos. 15, 48, 49 and 60; 1932, Nos. 11, 37, 113 and 126; 1933, Nos. 9, 51, 59 and 86; 1934, Nos. 5, 105 and 144; 1935, No. 106; 1936, Nos. 28, 43, 117, 130 and 152; 1937, Nos. 15 and 79; 1938, Nos. 8 and 82; 1939, Nos. 13, 18 and 172; 1941, Nos. 163 and 166.
3568.―18/11.6.1941.—Price 3d.
(c) any person who, during the war, has been employed as a radio telegraphist in the transport service in connexion with any such Expeditionary Force, and who, while so employed, served in the zone of war; and
(d) any person who was born in Australia, or resident in Australia within six months prior to enlistment, and who, at any time during the war, served with satisfactory record in a Naval or Military Expeditionary Force raised in the United Kingdom or in any British Dominion;
‘the Act ’ means the Defence Act 1903-1941;
‘the Minister’ means—
(a) in relation to officers and employees of the Department of Defence Co-ordination, the Minister of State for Defence Co-ordination; and
(b) in relation to officers and employees of the Department of the Army, the Minister of State for the Army;
‘the Secretary’ or ‘the Chief Officer’ means—
(a) in relation to officers and employees of the Department of Defence Co-ordination, the Secretary of the Department of Defence Co-ordination; and
(b) in relation to officers and employees of the Department of the Army, the Secretary of the Department of the Army.”.
By Authority: L. F. Johnston, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.