1948. No. 94.
I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations raider the Defence Act 1903-1947.
Dated this twenty-first day of July 1948.
W J McKell
By His Excellency’s Command,
Minister of State for the Army.
Part I.—Preliminary.
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Australian Rifle Club Regulations.
2. The Australian Rifle Club Regulations (being Statutory Rules 1931, No. 120, as amended by Statutory Rules 1932, Nos. 47 and 108; 1934, No. 15; 1936, No. 16; 1939, Nos. 7 and 93; and 1945, No. 81) are repealed.
3. These Regulations are divided into Parts as follows:—
Part I.—Preliminary. (Regulations 1—4.)
Part II.—Rifle Clubs. (Regulations 5-68.)
Part III.—Rifle Associations. (Regulations 69-78.)
Part IV.—Miscellaneous. (Regulation 79.)
4. In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears—
“Command Secretary” means, in relation to any Command or Military District, the Command Secretary appointed for that Command or Military District;
“rifle club” includes a vulnerable point guard;
“shoot” includes a rifle shoot conducted as part of the musketry course approved by the Secretary, rifle practice, club or inter-club competitions and competitions conducted by a District or Miniature Rifle Club Union, a State Rifle Association or the Australian Council of State Rifle Associations;
* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 29 July 1948.
7624.—Price 1s. 10/30.6.1948.
“Supervisor” means a Supervisor of Rifle Clubs, and, in relation to any person, rifle club, District or Miniature Rifle Club Union or State Rifle Association, means the Supervisor of Rifle Clubs for the Military District in which the person resides or the recognized head-quarters of the rifle club, District or Miniature Rifle Club Union or State Rifle Association is situated;
“the Act” means the Defence Act 1943-1947;
“the Department” means the Department of the Army;
“the Secretary” means the Secretary, Department of the Army.
Part II.—Rifle Clubs.
5. These Regulations shall be administered by the Minister of State for the Army.
Formation of rifle clubs.
6.—(1.) A rifle club shall not be formed or disbanded except with the approval of the Secretary.
(2.) A rifle club formed under any Regulations made prior to these Regulations and in existence at the commencement of these Regulations, shall be deemed to be a rifle club formed under these Regulations.
(3.) The Australian Rifle Clubs shall consist of such rifle clubs as are formed or deemed to have been formed under these Regulations.
(4.) A rifle club formed or deemed to have been formed under these Regulations shall affiliate with the State Rifle Association for the State in which the recognized head-quarters of the club is situated, and shall pay such affiliation fee as is prescribed by the Rules of the State Rifle Association.
Control of rifle clubs.
7. The Australian Rifle Clubs shall be under the control of the Secretary, who may appoint, in addition to the officers provided for in regulations 8 and 10 of these Regulations, such inspectors of rifle ranges, range clerks, range and office staffs as he considers necessary for the efficient administration thereof.
Director of rifle clubs.
8.—(1.) There shall be a Director of Australian Rifle Clubs who, if he is a person other than the Secretary, shall be appointed by and be responsible to the Secretary for the supervision and control of all matters relating to—
(a) the efficiency of rifle clubs in any training and musketry that may be authorized ;
(b) the issue of arms, ammunition, equipment and other stores to rifle clubs ;
(c) the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, and equipment of rifle club ranges ;
(d) questions affecting Supervisors of Rifle Clubs and staffs, inspectors of rifle ranges, range clerks, range foremen, and staffs of military ranges ;
(e) matters relating to the acquisition of laud in connexion with rifle club ranges, including—
(i) the adjustment of leases and the acquisition of private property, and
(ii) under arrangements with the Department of the Interior, the permissive occupancy of Crown lands by rifle clubs ;
(f) the Australian Council of State Rifle Associations ;
(g) State Rifle Associations ;
(h) District and Miniature Rifle Club Unions ;
(i) proposals for distribution of such grants to Associations and Unions as are provided ; and
(j) such other duties as are allotted to him from time to time by the Secretary.
Delegation of powers.
9.—(1.) The Secretary may, in relation to any particular matter or class of matters, or in relation to any particular State or part of Australia, by writing under his hand, delegate to the Director of Australian Rifle Clubs such of His powers and functions under these Regulations as he thinks fit (except this power of delegation) so that the delegated powers or functions may be exercised by the Director of Australian Rifle Clubs with respect to the matters or class of matters or the State or part of Australia specified in the instrument of delegation.
(2.) Any delegation under this regulation may be revoked at any time.
(3.) A delegation under this regulation shall not prevent the exercise of any power or function by the Secretary.
Supervisor of rifle clubs.
10.—(1.) The Secretary may appoint in each Military District a Supervisor of Rifle Clubs who shall be responsible to the Command Secretary for all matters relating to rifle clubs in the Military District for which he is appointed.
(2.) A Supervisor shall be responsible for—
(a) ensuring that the rifle clubs and the members thereof and the District and Miniature Rifle Club Unions and State Rifle Association in his Military District observe the requirements of the Australian Rifle Club Regulations ;
(b) ensuring that all orders and directions issued in connexion with Rifle Associations, District Rifle Club Unions, rifle clubs, Miniature Rifle Club Unions and miniature rifle clubs are carried out in his district ;
(c) the issue of instructions to rifle clubs within his Military District in respect of musketry, the checking of returns and compilation of the results of any authorized annual course of musketry or return of efficients ;
(d) the supply of necessary information regarding classes of instruction at which the attendance of members of rifle clubs has been approved and the notification of the results to the rifle clubs concerned ;
(e) the supply of information to persons desirous of forming rifle clubs or miniature rifle clubs ; and
(f) such other matters as are allotted to him from time to time by the Command Secretary.
Application to form a club.
11. Subject to the next succeeding regulation, a rifle club shall not be formed unless an application in the form authorized by the Secretary and signed by not less than thirty male persons of or over the age of sixteen years and under the age of sixty years who are of British nationality and bona fide residents of the locality in which it is desired to form the club is forwarded to the Supervisor.
Remote clubs.
12. The Secretary may, if he thinks fit, authorize the formation in a remote district of a rifle club with an initial membership of less than thirty persons.
Particulars in application to form club.
13. An application for the formation of a rifle club shall be forwarded by the Supervisor to the Secretary through the Command Secretary, accompanied by the Supervisor’s recommendation and report on the following matters :—
(a) whether suitable rifle range accommodation is available, or, if not, whether a suitable site has been selected ;
(b) the expenditure that would be necessary ;
(c) the availability of funds for the payment of a grant for the construction and equipment of a rifle range ; and
(d) the proportion of the cost of construction (if any) of the range that would be borne by the rifle club.
Allotment to Military Reserve Forces.
14.—(1.) For the purpose of encouragement of rifle shooting, any rifle club, upon application approved by a general meeting of the rifle club and subject to the consent of the Commanding Officer of a unit of the Defence Force may, on the approval of the Secretary, be associated with that unit.
(2.) All active members of the rifle club so associated who are not members of the Active Forces or Senior Cadets (and are over eighteen years and under forty-five years of age) shall, by force of this regulation, be allotted to the Military Reserve Forces.
Composition of rifle clubs.
15.—(1.) Rifle clubs shall consist of—
(a) active members ; and
(b) honorary members.
(2.) Male persons over the age of sixteen years who are British subjects and are financial members of a rifle club who have taken and subscribed the oath or affirmation prescribed by regulation 19 of these Regulations shall be active members of a rifle club.
(3.) A member of the Defence Force or Senior Cadets is eligible to be an active member of a rifle club.
(4.) Male persons who are British subjects may be elected as honorary members by the committee of a rifle club.
(5.) Honorary members shall not have a voice in the management of rifle clubs, and their names shall not be shown in any list of active members in respect of any claims for any privilege or concession allowed to active members.
Vulnerable point guards.
16.—(1.) Vulnerable point guards may be formed from active members of rifle clubs and shall be composed of such number of active members of rifle clubs as is approved by the Secretary who are members of any rifle clubs situated in localities or districts approved by the Military Board.
(2.) Members, of rifle clubs who are members of vulnerable point guards shall, by force of this regulation, be allotted to the Military Reserve Forces.
(3.) The Officer Commanding a vulnerable point guard may be granted the honorary rank of Captain in the Military Reserve Forces whilst holding that appointment.
(4.) Members of vulnerable point guards when called out for war service shall be paid the rates of pay prescribed for their ranks.
(4.) The Supervisor shall submit to the Commander of the Military District for which he is appointed the names of those members of vulnerable point guards recommended for appointment as honorary captain, sergeant and corporal for the approval of the Adjutant-General.
(5.) If at any time after the expiration of twelve months, from the date of its formation more than thirty per centum of the members of a vulnerable point guard are non-efficient, that guard may be disbanded.
Drill for vulnerable point guard.
17. Each vulnerable point guard shall conduct twelve two-hour drills in two periods each year, and in each period, five drills shall be conducted at night and one on an afternoon.
Nearest club to be joined.
18.—(1.) A person desiring to become a member of a rifle club shall join the rifle club the recognized headquarters of which are situated nearest to his place of residence, but the Supervisor may permit him to join another club.
(2.) A person shall not join a rifle club as an active member whilst he is an active member of another rifle club.
Oath of allegiance.
19.—(1.) A person before being enrolled as an active member of a rifle club shall take and subscribe before an officer of the Defence Force, a Justice of the Peace, or the captain of the rifle club the oath or affirmation set forth hereunder:—
I swear that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lord the King as a member of the Australian rifle clubs, and that I will resist His Majesty’s enemies and cause His Majesty’s peace to be kept and maintained, and that I will in all matters appertaining to my service as a member of the Australian Rifle Clubs faithfully discharge my duty according to law. So help me God.
I solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lord the King as a member of the Australian Rifle Clubs, and that I will resist His Majesty’s enemies, and cause His Majesty’s peace to be kept and maintained, and that I will in all matters appertaining to my service as a member of the Australian Rifle Clubs faithfully discharge my duty according to law.
(2.) Where a person undertakes to serve in a vulnerable point guard, the form of oath or affirmation to be taken and subscribed by him in accordance with the last preceding sub-regulation shall be varied by the omission of the words “Australian Rifle Clubs” (wherever occurring) and the insertion of the words “vulnerable point guards” in their stead.
Qualification for membership
20.—(1.) A person may not join a rifle club as an active member unless he is a British subject and over the age of sixteen years and under the age of sixty.
(2.) Before enrolling a person as an active member of a rifle club, the captain shall satisfy himself—
(a) that the person is eligible for enrolment ; and
(b) that his eyesight is satisfactory by test with the aid of “Army test types”
and shall sign a certificate to the following effect on the form on which the oath or affirmation to be subscribed is set out :—
I, do certify that appears to be of or about the age entered in this attestation form, that his eyesight has been tested by me with the aid of “Army test types” and appears to be good ; and that he is in my opinion suitable to be enrolled as an active member of the Australian Rifle Clubs.
(3.) A member of a rifle club shall retire as an active member upon reaching the age of sixty-five years.
21.—(1.) The enrolment of all persons as active members of rifle clubs shall be subject to the approval of the Supervisor.
(2.) The Supervisor shall not withhold approval for the enrolment of any person as an active member of a rifle club without the concurrence of the Command Secretary.
22. Any member of a rifle club may resign by giving fourteen days’ notice, in writing, to the captain of his rifle club, and, on such resignation being accepted, his name shall be removed from the list of members and if he is in possession of or responsible for any Government property, he shall return the property in good order to the captain of the rifle club at such place as the captain appoints, or pay the value of the article or damage or deterioration before his resignation is accepted.
Death, absence or resignation of members.
23.—(1.) The captain of a rifle club shall notify the Supervisor immediately of the death or resignation of any member of the rifle club or of the absence of a member from the district for a period exceeding three months.
(2.) If a member of a rifle club is absent from the district in which the rifle club is situated for a period exceeding three months he shall inform the captain of the rifle club of his absence.
(3.) If a member fails to comply with the requirements of the last preceding sub-regulation his name may be struck off the roll of the rifle club.
Non-efficients to be struck off.
24. An active member of a rifle club who fails to become efficient for two consecutive years shall toe struck off the roll of that club, and shall be ineligible to rejoin a rifle club for a period of twelve months from the date of his having been struck off.
25. Any member on leaving the locality of his rifle club may, at his own request made in writing to the captain of the rifle club, be transferred to a rifle club convenient to his intended place of residence, if the transfer is approved by the captain of the rifle club to which transfer is sought and also by the Supervisor.
Dismissal of members.
26.—(1.) If the Supervisor, after due inquiry, is satisfied that a member of a rifle club has committed a breach of these Regulations or has been guilty of any other conduct which would bring discredit on the Australian Rifle Clubs, he may strike the name of that member off the roll of the rifle club.
(2.) If, after due inquiry, the committee of a rifle club is satisfied that a member of the rifle club has been guilty of misconduct or that other sufficient cause exists, the captain of the club may recommend to the Supervisor that the member’s name be struck off the roll of the club, and the Supervisor, on receipt of such a recommendation, may strike the name of the member off the roll of the club.
(3.) If the name of a person is struck off the roll of a rifle club in pursuance of either of the last two preceding sub-regulations, the Supervisor shall forthwith notify him by registered post that his name has been struck off the roll of the club and of the reason therefor.
(4.) A person may, within twenty-one days of receiving a notice in pursuance of the last preceding regulation, appeal in writing to the Secretary against the decision to strike his name off the roll of a rifle club and tire Secretary may confirm the decision or reverse it.
(5.) If the Secretary reverses a decision of a Supervisor of rifle clubs to strike the name of a member off the roll of a rifle club, the name of the member shall be forthwith restored to that roll.
(6.) A person whose name is struck off the roll of a rifle club in pursuance of sub-regulation (1.) or sub-regulation (2.) of this regulation may not thereafter join a rifle club without the express approval of the Supervisor :
Provided that this sub-regulation shall not apply in any case where the Secretary has reversed the decision to strike the name of a person off the roll of a rifle club.
Committee of a club.
27. A rifle club shall elect a committee consisting of a captain, a secretary, a treasurer and four other members and the property of the club shall be vested in such committee.
Removal of officer bearers.
28.—(1.) If he is satisfied that it is necessary in the interests of national safety, the Secretary may at any time, with or without the consent of the members and with or without notice, remove from office the captain or any other member of the committee of a rifle club.
(2.) The Secretary shall forthwith notify any person removed from office in pursuance of this regulation.
(3.) Any person removed from office in pursuance of this regulation shall immediately deliver to the Supervisor or to a person nominated by the Supervisor, all books and records in his possession relating to the rifle club and all rifles, ammunition or range equipment in his possession belonging to the club.
Correspondence and payments.
29.—(1.) Correspondence from rifle clubs shall be addressed to the Supervisor of Rifle Clubs.
(2.) Payments by rifle clubs shall be made by bank draft, cheque, post-office order, or postal note payable to the “Receiver of Public Moneys”. Postage stamps in excess of fivepence shall not be used as portions of remittance.
Discipline and safety of rifle practice.
30.—(1.) The captain of a rifle club shall maintain order and discipline at rifle practices and general and committee meetings of the club and shall be responsible for such measures as will—
(a) ensure compliance by the committee and members of the club with these Regulations and with all orders issued by the Secretary, the Director of Australian Rifle Clubs or the Supervisor ;
(b) ensure that rifle practice is carried out with due precautions for the safety of the public and all concerned ;
(c) ensure that ammunition is issued only for the purposes of authorized shoots and in sufficient quantities only to enable each member participating to complete the shoot ; and
(d) ensure that all ammunition which is issued for the purposes of a shoot and which is unexpended at the end of the shoot is returned to his custody.
(2.) The captain of a rifle club may appoint any member of the club to discharge any of the responsibilities mentioned in sub-regulation (1.) of this regulation during any absence of the captain.
(3.) At all times when members of rifle clubs are carrying out training or rifle practice under these Regulations or rules thereunder, the regulations for the time being governing the Military Forces shall apply generally in all matters of discipline not provided for by these Regulations and the captain and the individual members of the committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of discipline and due compliance with these Regulations.
(4.) The honorary captain of a vulnerable point guard shall maintain order and be responsible for discipline amongst the members of the guard at such times as they are undergoing military training as prescribed by regulation 17 of these Regulations and whenever the members are called out for service.
Legal proceedings.
31. For the purpose of legal proceedings, all arms, ammunition, or other military articles belonging to or used by any rifle club shall be deemed to be the property of the captain of the rifle club.
Rifles, equipment and stores for clubs and members on payment and loan, issue of.
32.—(1.) A captain of a rifle club may, on application by him, be supplied with rifles and spare parts for active members of the club at the prices notified from time to time by the Department and he may be supplied, on payment, with oil and flannelette for cleaning rifles and with target paper.
(2.) All stores supplied by the Ordnance Branch of the Department shall be paid for before delivery.
(3.) An active member of a rifle club may purchase a service rifle at such price and under such conditions as are approved by the Secretary from time to time.
(4.) Service rifles may be issued to rifle clubs on such scale and under such conditions as are approved by the Secretary from time to time.
(5.) The proportion of rifles issued to rifle clubs furnishing vulnerable point guards may be increased to provide for the issue of a rifle to each member of the guard.
Club to guarantee instalment payments.
33.—(1.) A service rifle shall not be sold to a member of a rifle club on a deferred payment system unless the rifle club to which he belongs undertakes to act as guarantor for the due fulfilment of the agreement by the purchaser.
(2.) When a member of a rifle club has not paid any instalment due by him or has failed to comply with any condition of the agreement between himself and the Supervisor for the sale of a rifle, the rifle club of which the purchaser is, or was, a member shall, within such time as is specified in a demand by the Supervisor, pay the amount due, and, if the amount so due is not paid within the time specified in the demand, it shall be deducted from the annual efficiency allowance of the club or may be recovered from the rifle club by action in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(3.) It any member of a rifle club fails to pay any instalment when due, the captain of the club may require the member to deliver up the rifle to him or any other member of the rifle club deputed by him to act on his behalf, and may recover such rifle by proceedings in a court of summary jurisdiction.
Care of arms.
34. A member of a rifle club shall keep his arms and accoutrements in good order and shall produce them for inspection when called upon.
Carriage of and accounting for stores on issue to a club.
35.—(1.) Rifles, ammunition, and accoutrements, or any other articles supplied by the Government to a rifle club either on purchase, on loan, or free issue, shall be delivered, carriage free, at any railway station or seaport in the vicinity of that club.
(2.) The captain of the rifle club, or in his absence, a member authorized by him in writing, shall sign the receipt for any articles of Government property issued for the use of members of the rifle club and he shall be responsible for their safe custody and proper distribution, and shall issue no article without obtaining in a book the written receipt of the member to whom he issues it.
(3.) When a rifle is forwarded by a rifle club to the Ordnance Branch of the Department for repairs, the cost of carriage between the nearest port or railway station in the vicinity of the club shall be borne by the rifle club vote.
(4.) The captain of a rifle club shall account to the Supervisor for stores on issue to the club at least once annually in the manner directed by the Secretary.
Classification of members.
36. Active members of rifle clubs shall be classified as “efficient” or “non-efficient” for each year ending on the 30th day of June.
Requirements for efficiency classification.
37.—(1.) An active member of a rifle club shall be classified “efficient” for any year if during that year he has—
(a) satisfactorily completed the musketry course approved by the Secretary; and
(b) fulfilled the requirements of regulation 34 of these Regulations.
(2.) A member of a vulnerable point guard shall not be classified “efficient” for any year unless, in addition to complying with the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of the last preceding regulation, he has attended sixteen hours’ drill in that year.
(3.) An active member of a rifle club who is not classified “efficient” for any year shall be classified “non-efficient” for that year.
Special efficiency classification.
38. If, through the temporary closure of a rifle range, a rifle club is prevented from carrying out the rifle practices prescribed by the Secretary for the purposes of paragraph (a) of sub-regulation (1.) of the last preceding regulation, the Command Secretary may, after due investigation, classify as “efficient” such members of the club as he considers fit :
Provided that the number of members of any rifle club so classified “efficient” shall not exceed the number of members classified “efficient” for the preceding year or, in the case of a new rifle club, thirty.
Ammunition by free issue.
39.—(1.) Subject to the next succeeding sub-regulation, service ammunition may be issued free to all rifle clubs by the Department in accordance with the following scale :—
(a) 200 rounds in each year ending on the 30th day of June for each member classified efficient for the preceding year ;
(b) 100 rounds for each active member on first enrolment.
(2.) The captain of a rifle club shall furnish to the Supervisor on or before the 15th day of July in each year a return verified by statutory declaration showing the amount of ammunition issued free to the club in pursuance of the last preceding sub-regulation which is unexpended at 30th June immediately preceding, and such amount shall be deducted from the next issue.
Safe custody of ammunition.
40.—(l.) The captain of a rifle club shall be responsible for the safe custody of all ammunition issued free to or purchased by the club and, except with the approval of the Supervisor, ammunition shall not be stored in a club hut on a rifle range.
(2.) Before any ammunition is issued to a rifle club, the captain of the club shall inform the Supervisor of the quantity of ammunition held by the club and of the place where the ammunition will be stored when issued and shall certify to the Supervisor—
(a) that all ammunition issued free or sold to the club, other than that held by the club, has been expended on rifle shoots ; and
(b) that the provisions of paragraphs (c) and (d) of sub-regulation (1.) of regulation 30 and of the next succeeding regulation have been observed and will continue to be observed.
Ammunition record to be kept.
41. The captain of a rifle club shall keep a record of ammunition issued for the purposes of each shoot and the record shall be made available for inspection by the Supervisor whenever required by him.
Ammunition by purchase.
42.—(1.) A rifle club may purchase service rifle ammunition from the Department at a rate approved by the Minister in accordance with the following scale :—
(a) 200 rounds in each year for each member classified “efficient” for the preceding year ;
(b) 50 rounds in each year for each member classified” non-efficient” for the preceding year.
(2.) Where a rifle club has purchased service rifle ammunition in pursuance of the last preceding sub-regulation each efficient member of the club may purchase from the club 200 rounds and each non-efficient member may purchase from the club 50 rounds in each case at the rate approved by the Minister for sale to rifle clubs.
(3.) A State Rifle Association may purchase service rifle ammunition from the Department at the rate approved by the Minister for sales to rifle clubs as follows :—
(a) the whole quantity of ammunition expended at prize meetings conducted each year by the State Rifle Association ; and
(b) 5,000 rounds each year for State teams’ practices.
(4.) A District Rifle Club Union may purchase from the Department at the rate approved by the Minister for sales to rifle clubs the whole quantity of service rifle ammunition expended at prize meetings conducted each year by the District Rifle Club Union.
(5.) A Miniature Rifle Club Union may purchase from the Department small-bore ammunition at such rate and in such quantity as are approved by the Secretary.
Ammunition where range staff employed.
43. The issue of service rifle ammunition at rifle ranges where rangers are stationed shall be in accordance with instructions issued from time to time by the Secretary.
Irregular disposal of ammunition and penalties.
44—(1.) Service rifle ammunition issued free or sold to a rifle club by the Department shall be issued free or sold by the club to members of the club only for authorized shoots on ranges approved by the Command Secretary.
(2.) A member of a rifle club who sells or issues free any service rifle ammunition sold or issued free to a rifle club otherwise than in accordance with this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Penalty: Twenty pounds.
(3.) Any person who buys from a rifle club or any member of a rifle club any service rifle ammunition sold or issued free to a rifle club otherwise than in accordance with this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Penalty : Twenty pounds.
Seizure of ammunition.
45.—(1.) Any service rifle ammunition issued to a rifle club which is found in the possession of any person not a member of a rifle club may be seized without warrant by a police constable and taken before a court of summary jurisdiction.
(2.) The court before which any service rifle ammunition is brought in pursuance of this regulation shall declare such ammunition to be forfeited unless the person in whose possession it was found satisfies the court that he was lawfully in the possession of such ammunition.
(3.) Any service rifle ammunition declared to be forfeited under this regulation shall be delivered to the Supervisor who may dispose of it as he thinks fit, subject to any directions of the Secretary.
Disposal of empty cartridge cases.
46.—(1.) A captain of a rifle club shall make arrangements for the collection and sale of empty cartridge cases and the proceeds of any sale shall be credited to rifle club funds, and shall be used only for rifle club purposes.
(2.) A captain of a rifle club shall, when offering empty .303 cartridge cases for sale, give in writing to the purchaser a certificate in the following terms :—
This is to certify that we have carefully examined the empty .303 cartridge cases the property of the Rifle Club offered for sale to and that no live cartridges are included among them.
Captain of Rifle Club.
Secretary or Treasurer.
(3.) The captain of a rifle club shall forward a copy of the certificate given under the last preceding sub-regulation to the Supervisor immediately the sale is effected and each person who signs the above certificate shall be personally responsible that there are no live cartridges included in any consignment of empty cartridge cases offered for sale.
Grants for rifle ranges.
47.—(1.) The Command Secretary may approve of a grant for the construction and equipment of a rifle range for each newly-formed rifle club :
Provided that the grant to any rifle club shall not, without the approval of the Secretary, exceed £75.
(2.) In order that every rifle range shall at all times be safe for rifle practice the Command Secretary may approve of such grants as are required, from time to time, to carry our reconstruction, alteration, or repairs thereto :
Provided that the maximum grant to a rifle club in respect of any particular work of reconstruction, alteration, or repair shall not, without the approval of the Secretary, exceed £75.
(3.) A grant made under this regulation shall be made from such moneys as are appropriated for expenditure within the Military District concerned.
Conditions governing grants for rifle ranges.
48.—(1.) A grant for the construction, equipment, and maintenance of a rifle club range shall be made subject to the following conditions :—
(a) the amount of any grant exceeding £10 shall be based on the written report of a person qualified to inspect the site who has inspected the site and calculated the probable cost of the work proposed ;
(b) the land upon which the range is situated shall be held by the Commonwealth under a permissive occupancy, or, in the case of private property, under a lease approved by the Command Secretary of at least five years’ duration or of such less time as is approved by the Secretary, and in the case of alteration, reconstruction, or repairs the unexpired tenure held by the Commonwealth over the site shall be taken into consideration ;
(c) a rifle club range shall be available for use by the Naval, Military, or Air Forces, and Senior Cadets at such times as are arranged between the captain of the rifle club and the officers commanding the units concerned.
(2.) Except with the approval of the Secretary, a grant shall not be paid towards the establishment of a branch range in connexion with any rifle club.
(3.) A claim for any work carried out on a rifle range which is not authorized in accordance with these Regulations shall not be recognized.
Rifle ranges used conjointly by military units and rifle clubs.
49.—(1.) Where a rifle club range is used by a military unit or units as well as a rifle club and it is found necessary to provide additional accommodation to meet military requirements, the cost of such additional accommodation shall be paid from moneys appropriated for military purposes and the work shall be carried out under the supervision of the Inspector of Rifle Ranges or other person qualified to do so.
(2.) Where a military rifle range is used by a rifle club and it is found necessary to provide additional accommodation to meet the requirements of that club, the cost of such additional accommodation may, with the approval of the Secretary, be paid from moneys appropriated for rifle clubs and the work shall be carried out by the Department of Works and Housing.
(3.) Subject to the approval of the Secretary and the concurrence of the Military Board, the cost of maintaining in an efficient state the constructional works on a military rifle range or a rifle club range used conjointly by military units and a rifle club shall be apportioned between moneys appropriated for military purposes and moneys appropriated for rifle clubs.
Expenditure on military ranges, how apportioned.
50.—(1.) Where a military range, in which no range staff is employed, is used by a rifle club, the target materials and stores required by such a club shall be provided by the club at its own expense, the cost of which shall be deemed to be an expenditure for the purposes of paragraph (b) of regulation. 61 of these Regulations, and accommodation for the separate storage of rifle club targets and material may be provided in pursuance of sub-regulation (2.) of the last preceding regulation.
(2.) Where a military range on which a range staff is employed is used by a rifle club, stores shall be obtained by the requisition of the Range Superintendent or Officer in Charge of the range on the Ordnance Branch of the Department and the cost of stores required for rifle clubs’ usage shall be paid from moneys appropriated for rifle clubs.
(3.) Where a rifle club range is used by a military unit, the military unit shall obtain target materials required by the requisition of the Chief Engineer or the Commander, Royal Engineers, on the Ordnance Branch of the Department, and a rifle club shall provide its own target material, the cost of which shall be deemed to be an expenditure for the purposes of paragraph (b) of regulation 61 of these Regulations, and accommodation for the separate storage of military targets and material may be provided in pursuance of sub-regulation (2.) of the last preceding regulation.
(4.) Money shall not be paid to a rifle club in consideration of a range being, used by a military unit.
Grant for District Union Range.
51.—(1.) The Secretary may approve a grant for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, or enlargement of any rifle club range selected to be the District Rifle Club Union rifle range.
(2.) Any grant under this regulation shall be made from such moneys as are appropriated for expenditure within the Military District concerned.
Miniature Rifle Ranges.
52.—(1.) The Command Secretary may approve of a grant not exceeding £30 towards the construction of a miniature rifle range which is established by a rifle club :
Provided that where two or more rifle clubs unite for the building of a joint or central range a grant of such amount as is approved by the Secretary may be made.
(2.) Any grant under the last preceding sub-regulation shall be made from such moneys as are appropriated for expenditure within the Military District concerned.
(3.) A rifle club which has constructed a miniature rifle range under these Regulations may allow any miniature rifle club or clubs of the district to practise and hold competitions on its minature range on such terms and conditions as are fixed by the rules of the rifle club concerned.
(4.) Before a grant is made towards the cost of construction of a miniature rifle range an approved tenure to the Commonwealth over the land in the site shall be obtained.
Returns showing expenditure on rifle ranges.
53. The Command Secretary shall forward to the Secretary not later than the 31st day of July in each year a return showing the amounts expended under regulations 47 to 52 (inclusive) of these Regulations during the preceding financial year.
Range not to be used until authorized.
54. A new or reconstructed rifle range shall not be used for rifle shooting until authorized by the Command Secretary.
Use of military ranges.
55. A rifle range which is used by any Naval, Military or Air Force unit shall be available for the rifle clubs in the locality, but a rifle club shall only be permitted to use the range at such times as are arranged by the responsible officers of the services concerned.
Retention of rifle range.
56. If, on the disbandment of a rifle club holding a rifle range site under permissive occupancy from a State Government, it is desired to retain the range for possible future requirements, the site shall be retained on the district register as an existing range, and the Secretary shall be notified accordingly, and the targets and other Government property shall be available for removal to any other range.
Accident on rifle range.
57. If an accident occurs to any person on a rifle range during a shoot the captain shall forthwith make a full report of the accident to the Supervisor.
Person under eighteen not to act as marker or be near target pit during shoot.
58.—(1.) A person under the age of eighteen years shall not act as a marker or be in or in the vicinity of the target pit of a rifle range during any shoot.
(2.) A person under the age of eighteen years who is in or in the vicinity of the target pit of a rifle range during any shoot may be removed from or from the vicinity of the target pit by the person on the range responsible for discipline during the shoot.
Efficiency return.
59. The captain of a rifle club shall prepare and forward to the Supervisor on or before the 15th day of July in each year—
(a) a return, verified by statutory declaration, showing the names of all members of the club classified “efficient” for the preceding years ; and
(b) a statutory declaration as to the condition of all Government rifles on issue to the club.
Efficiency grant.
60.—(1.) The Secretary may, in respect of each financial year, approve of the payment to a rifle club of a rifle club efficiency grant not exceeding in any case the amount of Five shillings for each active member of the club classified efficient for the preceding year.
(2.) The following amounts shall be deducted from the rifle club efficiency grant payable to a rifle club :—
(a) the amount of the rental (if any) of the rifle range used by the rifle club which amount shall be paid to the lessor by the Department ; and
(b) the amount of any affiliation fees due by the rifle club to a State Rifle Association or a District Rifle Club Union, which amount shall be applied by the Department in the payment of such fees.
(3.) If the total rifle club efficiency grant payable to a rifle club is not sufficient to pay the rental of the rifle range used by the rifle club and any unpaid affiliation fees due by the rifle club to a State Rifle Association or, a District Rifle Club Union, the rifle club shall pay the amount of the deficiency.
Disbursement of efficiency grant.
61. A rifle club efficiency grant shall not be divided amongst members of a club, but may be used only for the following purposes :—
(a) payment of markers at shoots ;
(b) maintenance and repair of rifle ranges and accessories and rifles on issue to the club ;
(c) stationery and postage ;
(d) general expenses in connection with the interior economy of the club ;
(e) rental of rifle ranges ;
(f) affiliation fees to State Rifle Associations and District Rifle Club Unions ; or
(g) necessary expenditure in connection with shoots and other expenditure approved by the Supervisor.
Efficiency grant for vulnerable point guard.
62.—(1.) In addition to any rifle club efficiency grant that may be payable to a rifle club under sub-regulation (1.) of regulation 60 of these Regulations, there shall be payable to each rifle club in respect of each financial year a vulnerable point guard efficiency grant of One pound for every member of the rifle club who is classified efficient as a member of a vulnerable point guard for the preceding year.
(2.) A member of a rifle club who is classified efficient as a member of a vulnerable point guard in any year shall be paid the sum of One pound from the vulnerable point guard efficiency grant payable to the rifle club in respect of the succeeding financial year.
Efficiency grants not payable after close of financial year.
63. The rifle club efficiency grant and the vulnerable point guard efficiency grant payable in any financial year shall not, without approval of the Secretary, be payable after that financial year if the reason for non-payment during that financial year was neglect on the part of the rifle club to comply with any regulation, order or instruction or failure to furnish any required information within that financial year.
Efficiency grants—banking and recording procedure.
64.—(1.) The captain and the secretary and treasurer of a rifle club shall maintain a joint bank account in their names distinct from any private account.
(2.) An efficiency grant under regulation 60 or regulation 62 of these Regulations shall immediately upon receipt thereof be paid into the joint account maintained in pursuance of the last preceding sub-regulation.
(3.) The treasurer of a rifle club shall keep a cash book in which he shall record all sums received by the club being efficiency grants and any payment made for any purpose specified in regulation 61 of these Regulations or in pursuance of sub-regulation (2.) of regulation 62 of these Regulations.
(4.) Receipts for all payments made by the treasurer of a rifle club shall be obtained by him, but in respect of payments not exceeding five shillings a certificate by the captain and secretary of the club that the amount has actually been paid for the purpose stated may be accepted instead of a receipt.
(5.) Receipts shall be obtained by the treasurer of a rifle club in respect of any payments for which reimbursement is sought from the Department.
Accounts to be balanced each year.
65. The accounts of a rifle club shall be balanced on the 30th day of June in each year and a statement in the form authorized by the Secretary showing the receipts from the Department during the financial year and the expenditure for the purposes specified in regulation 61 of these Regulations shall be prepared and signed by the captain or the treasurer or secretary of the club and forwarded to the Supervisor not later than the 15th day of July next following.
66.—(1.) The fares of efficient members of rifle clubs travelling to shoots may, in such cases as are approved by the Secretary, be paid in whole or in part out of moneys appropriated for expenditure on rifle clubs.
(2.) Each Supervisor shall furnish to the captain of each rifle club in his district particulars of fares concessions under this regulation.
District and Miniature Rifle Club Unions.
67.—(1.) The Secretary may establish in each Military District such District Rifle Club Unions as he considers desirable.
(2.) Each rifle club shall be allotted to a District Rifle Club Union and shall affiliate with, and pay such affiliation fee as is prescribed by the by-laws of, the District Rifle Club Union to which it is allotted.
(3.) The Secretary may establish in each Military District such Miniature Rifle Club Unions as he considers desirable.
(4.) A Miniature Rifle Club formed under the rules governing such clubs shall affiliate with a Miniature Rifle Club Union in order that the club or its members may be eligible to participate in any Government grant for miniature rifle shooting.
(5.) The Secretary may approve grants for—
(a) fares of delegates attending such number of meetings of the Council or Executive Committee of the respective District Rifle Club Union as are approved by the Secretary ; and
(b) District Rifle Club Union and Miniature Rifle Club Union Prize Meetings.
(6.) Any prize meeting for which a Government grant is made available under the last preceding sub-regulation shall, unless otherwise approved by the Secretary, be restricted to active members of rifle clubs affiliated with the District or Miniature Rifle Club Union (or Unions where two or more combine for the purpose) promoting the prize meeting.
(7.) The Secretary may from time to time issue rules, standing orders and instructions for the government and functions of District Rifle Club Unions, Miniature Rifle Club Unions, rifle clubs, and miniature rifle clubs.
68. The wearing of uniform clothing by members of rifle clubs shall be optional.
Part III.—Rifle Associations.
Australian Council of State Rifle Associations.
Council of Rifle Associations.
69.—(1.) There shall be an Australian Council of State Rifle Associations composed of two representatives from, and elected by, each State Rifle Association. The Chief Instructor, Army School of Infantry shall ex-officio be a member of the Australian Council of State Rifle Associations.
(2.) The Secretary may, if and when he considers desirable, approve of a subsidiary Rifle Association or equivalent body established under regulation 77 of these Regulations being directly represented at meetings of the Australian Council of State Rifle Associations, with or without vote.
Objects of Council.
70.—(1.) The objects of the Australian Council of State Rifle Associations shall be—
(a) to promote and conduct all international and inter-State rifle competitions held in Australia ;
(b) to decide any question affecting rifle shooting referred to it by a State Rifle Association ; and
(c) to advise the Minister on any matters affecting rifle shooting upon which he desires the opinion of the Council.
(2.) The Australian Council of State Rifle Associations may make recommendations to the Minister in respect of the conduct of rifle shooting generally throughout the Commonwealth (other than the training of troops) and may advise the Minister with regard to the allocation of any funds appropriated for the encouragement of rifle clubs or rifle shooting generally.
Rules for Council.
71. Subject to the approval of the Secretary, the Australian Council of State Rifle Associations may make, alter or repeal rules for the conduct of its affairs and for the conduct of any rifle competitions promoted by it, and any rule or alteration thereof shall be notified to the Secretary within twenty-one days after being made and shall become effective from the date of notification unless within twenty-one days after receipt of any such notification, the Secretary informs the Council in writing that he disapproves of the rule or alteration thereof so notified.
Grants for Council.
72. The Secretary may approve of grants to the Australian Council of State Rifle Associations for the following purposes :—
(a) office administration expenses and maintenance of the Australian Pavilion at Bisley, England ;
(b) Council and Executive Committee meetings ; or
(c) Commonwealth, Dominion and Empire Teams Matches.
State Rifle Associations.
State Associations.
73. In each State there shall be a State Rifle Association.
Council of State Rifle Associations.
74.—(1.) A State Rifle Association shall be governed by a Council consisting of a president, one representative each of the Naval, Military and Air Forces nominated by the respective Commanders in the Military District, the number of representatives of the District Rifle Club Unions and such members elected from and by the members of the
State Rifle Association as are approved by the Secretary and provided by the rules of the Association, and a number of members equal to the number of elected members to be appointed by the Command or District Secretary.
(2.) A member of the Council other than the president shall be nominated, elected or appointed annually.
(3.) The Council shall be responsible for the conduct of all State Rifle Association matches and the promotion of rifle shooting generally in the Military District concerned.
(4.) The Command Secretary shall be the president of the Council, and shall preside at all meetings of the Council at which he is present, but may, at any such meeting, delegate such duty to the chairman elected by the Council.
(5.) The Council may advise the Command Secretary on any matters affecting rifle shooting upon which he desires the opinion of the Council.
Rules for State Association.
75. Subject to the approval of the Secretary, the Council of each State Rifle Association may make, alter or repeal rules for the conduct of its affairs and for the conduct of any rifle competitions promoted by it, and any rule or alteration thereof shall be notified to the Secretary within twenty-one days after being made and shall become effective from the date of notification unless within twenty-one days after receipt of any such notification the Secretary informs the Council in writing that he disapproves of the rule or alteration thereof so notified.
Grants to State Associations.
76.—(1.) The Secretary may approve grants to State Rifle Associations for the following purposes :—
(a) office administration expenses ;
(b) fares of members of the Council and Executive Committee attending a prescribed number of meetings of the Council and Executive Committee ; or
(c) prize meetings promoted and conducted by the State Rifle Association.
(2.) Except as provided in the next succeeding sub-regulation, any prize meeting for which a grant is made available under this regulation shall, unless otherwise approved by the Secretary, be restricted to active members of rifle clubs within the Military District concerned.
(3.) The State Rifle Association Prize meeting, held in conjunction with the Commonwealth series of matches, shall be open to any competitor from any rifle club in the British Empire.
(4.) A State Rifle Association receiving a grant under this regulation shall send two copies of its annual report to the Command Secretary.
Association of clubs in a remote area.
77.—(1.) For the encouragement of rifle shooting in a remote area of a Military District, the Secretary may establish a subsidiary Rifle Association, or equivalent body, and allot thereto such District Rifle Club Unions and Rifle Clubs as he considers desirable.
(2.) The Secretary may from time to time issue rules, standing orders and instructions for the government of a Rifle Association or other body established under this regulation, and may approve the allocation thereto of such proportion of the grants and fees due to the State Rifle Association in respect of the District Rifle Club Unions and rifle clubs concerned.
(3.) The Secretary may approve a prize meeting grant for any rifle club in a remote area.
Officers of Defence Force to co-operate.
78.—(1.) Officers of the Defence Force shall, on all occasions, use their utmost endeavours to promote the success of the annual competitions of the various Rifle Associations and the activities of rifle clubs generally and shall promulgate within the limits of their respective commands all notices forwarded to them by the Councils of the different associations, and direct attention to the date on which returns of entries or other matters are to be rendered.
(2.) Competitors at rifle meetings shall conform to the conditions under which the competitions are carried out.
Part IV.—Miscellaneous.
Canteen may be conducted in connection with a shoot.
79.—(1.) The Council of a State Rifle Association or the District Council of a District Rifle Club Union or the Committee of a rifle club may, with the approval in writing of a Command Secretary, conduct a canteen on a rifle range during the continuance of a meeting held for the purpose of competition or practice in rifle shooting.
(2.) Subject to this regulation, a State Rifle Association, District Rifle Club Union, or rifle club, may enter into a contract with any person for the conduct by that person of a canteen on a rifle range during the continuance of any meeting held for the purpose of competition or practice in rifle shooting on that range.
(3.) The making of any such contract shall be authorized by a resolution passed by the majority of a duly constituted quorum at a duly constituted meeting of the Council of the State Rifle Association, the District Council of the Districts Rifle Club Union or the Committee of the rifle club, as the case may be, and the resolution may also authorize one or more persons to sign the contract on behalf of the State Rifle Association, District Rifle Club Union, or rifle club.
(4.) Any such contract may authorize the person contracting to conduct the canteen to erect, on the rifle range (though belonging to the Commonwealth) on which the canteen is to be conducted, such accommodation as shall be necessary or convenient for the conduct of the canteen, and may require him, after the conclusion of the meeting, to remove the accommodation so erected.
(5.) A contract authorized under this regulation shall be in writing signed by or on behalf of the parties thereto, but shall not have effect until it has been approved, in writing, by a Command Secretary.
(6.) All profits derived from a canteen conducted in pursuance to this regulation by the Council of a State Rifle Association, or the District Council of a District Rifle Club Union, or the Committee of a rifle club, and all moneys received from any contractor for the
privilege of conducting a canteen under a contract made in pursuance of this regulation, shall form part of the funds of the State Rifle Association, District Rifle Club Union, or rifle club by whose Council, District Council or Committee, or on behalf of which, the canteen was conducted.
(7.) Intoxicating liquor shall not be sold or supplied at any canteen conducted in pursuance of this regulation without the approval in writing of a Command Secretary :
Provided that when a canteen is conducted by a contractor, intoxicating liquor may be sold or supplied at the canteen if such is permitted by the contract under which the canteen is conducted.
(8.) It shall not be necessary under or by reason of any law of a State to obtain or have any licence or permission for—
(a) keeping, or permitting the consumption of, intoxicating liquor ; or
(b) supplying intoxicating liquor, on sale or otherwise, to or at the expense of, members of the Military Forces or of rifle clubs,
at any canteen conducted in accordance’ with the provisions of this regulation.
By Authority: L. F. Johnston, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.