1954. No. .


WHEREAS by section 5 of the Egg Export Charges Act 1947 it is provided, inter alia, that the Governor-General may, after report to the Minister by the Australian Egg Board, make regulations prescribing lower rates of the charges imposed on any eggs exported from the Commonwealth :

And whereas the Australian Egg Board has made a report to the Minister that the rates of the charges imposed on eggs exported from the Commonwealth should be such rates as are specified in the Table to regulation 4 of the Egg Export Charges Regulations as amended by these Regulations, being rates lower than the rates imposed by the Egg Export Charges Act 1947 :

Now therefore I, the Governor-General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Egg Export Charges Act 1947.

Dated this  seventh

day of  July , 1954.

W. J. Slim


By His Excellency’s Command,

Minister's signature

Minister of State for Commerce and Agriculture.

Horizontal line
Amendment of the Egg Export Charges Regulations.†


1. These Regulations shall come into operation on the first day of July, 1954.

2. After regulation 3 of the Egg Export Charges Regulations the following regulation is added :—

Rates of charges.

“ 4. The rates of the charges imposed, and to be levied and paid, under section 3 of the Egg Export Charges Act 1947 are as specified in the following Table :—

Kind of Eggs.

Rate of Charge in Pence.

Eggs in shell ..........................

10 per 30 dozen eggs

Liquid whole egg ......................

.4 per pound

Liquid egg white .......................

.4 per pound

Liquid egg yolk ........................

.4 per pound

Dried whole egg .......................

1.2 per pound

Sugared dried egg ......................

.8 per pound

Dried egg white .......................

2.3 per pound ”.

* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on , 1954.

† Statutory Rules 1948, No. 17, as amended by Statutory Rules 1949, No. 26 ; 1950, No. 31 ; 1951, No. 62 ; and 1953, No. 12.

2828.—Price 3d. . 9/17.6.1954.