1959. No. 62.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Wheat Industry Stabilization Act 1958.

Dated this 11th day of July, 1959.

W. J. Slim


By His Excellency’s Command,

Minister of State for Primary Industry.


Amendments of the Wheat Marketing (Election of Board) Regulations.†

1. Regulation 1 of the Wheat Marketing (Election of Board) Regulations is repealed and the following regulation inserted in its stead:—


“1. These Regulations may be cited as the Wheat Industry Stabilization (Election of Board) Regulations.”.


2. Regulation 3 of the Wheat Marketing (Election of Board) Regulations is amended by omitting from sub-regulation (1.) the definition of “the Act” and inserting in its stead the following definition:—

“‘the Act’ means the Wheat Industry Stabilization Act 1958;”.

Preparation of rolls.

3. Regulation 6 of the Wheat Marketing (Election of Board) Regulations is amended by omitting sub-regulation (2.) and inserting in its stead the following sub-regulation:—

“(2.) Subject to the next succeeding regulation, the name of a person may be included in the roll of wheat growers for a State for the purposes of an election if the Deputy Returning Officer for the State is satisfied, upon the basis of information received from the Board or as a result of a claim for enrolment submitted in accordance with the next succeeding sub-regulation, that—

(a) that person has delivered wheat produced in that State to the Board during the season that is current at the date upon which the notice in relation to the election is published in the Gazette in pursuance of the last preceding regulation or in the season immediately preceding that season; or


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 16th July, 1959.

† Statutory Rules 1950, No. 19, as amended by Statutory Rules 1954, No. 84.

4108/59.—Price 3d. 10/16.6.1959.

(b) the person has, after that first day of January in the year in which the notice is published in the Gazette, sown in the State not less than fifty acres of wheat for harvesting as grain.”.

The Schedule.

4. The Schedule to the Wheat Marketing (Election of Board) Regulations is amended—

(a) by omitting from Form A the words “Wheat Marketing (Election of Board) Regulations” and inserting in their stead the words “Wheat Industry Stabilization (Election of Board) Regulations.

(b) by omitting from Form A the words “in the year ended 31st December, 19 ,” and inserting in their stead the words “in the year that commenced on 1st January, 19              ,”;

(c) by omitting from Form B the words “Wheat Marketing (Election of Board) Regulations” and inserting in their stead the words “Wheat Industry Stabilization (Election of Board) Regulations”;

(d) by omitting from Form C the words “Wheat Marketing (Election of Board) Regulations” and inserting in their stead the words “Wheat Industry Stabilization (Election of Board) Regulations”;

(e) by omitting from Form D the words “Wheat Marketing (Election of Board) Regulations and inserting in their stead the words “Wheat Industry Stabilization (Election of Board) Regulations;

(f) by omitting from Form D the words “Wheat Marketing Act 1948-1953” and inserting in their stead the words “Wheat Industry Stabilization Act 1958”;

(g) by omitting from Form E the words “Wheat Marketing (Election of Board) Regulations and inserting in their stead the words “Wheat Industry Stabilization (Election of Board) Regulations.


By Authority: A. J. Arthur, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.