1965 No. 118



I, THE ADMINISTRATOR of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and on the recommendation of—

(a) the Chairman of Committees of the Senate, being the person who, by virtue of section 5 of the Parliamentary Presiding Officers Act 1965, is to be deemed, by reason of the absence from the Commonwealth of the President of the Senate, to be the President of the Senate for the purposes of the exercise of the powers and functions by the President under the laws of the Commonwealth; and

(b) the Chairman of Committees of the House of Representatives, being the person who, by virtue of section 5 of the Parliamentary Presiding Officers Act 1965, is to be deemed, by reason of the absence from the Commonwealth of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to be the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the purpose of the exercise of the powers and functions by the Speaker under the laws of the Commonwealth,

hereby make the following Regulations under the Public Service Act 1922-1964

Dated this 13th day of August, 1965.



By His Excellencys Command,

Signature of J.G. Gorton

Minister State for Works for and on behalf of

the Prime Minister.


Amendments of the Public Service (Parliamentary Officers) Regulations†

The Schedule.

The Schedule to the Public Service (Parliamentary Officers) Regulations is amended—

(a) by inserting in Part I. after item 24 the following item:—


Clerical Assistant, Grade 5....

1,070-1,112; and

(b) by inserting in Part I. after item 31 the following item:—


Clerical Assistant (Female), Grade 4......



* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 26 August, 1965.

† Statutory Rules 1941, No. 18, as amended to date. For previous amendments of the Public Service (Parliamentary Officers) Regulations, see footnote † to Statutory Rules 1965, No. 43, and see also Statutory Rules 1965, No. 43.


By Authority: A. J. Arthur, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra

6664/65.—Price 6d. 10/2.7.1965.