1967 No.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Post and Telegraph Act 1901-1966.

Dated this twenty-first day of September, 1967.



By His Excellency’s Command,

Signature of Postmaster-General



Amendments of the Telegraph Regulations


1. These Regulations shall come into operation on the first day of October, 1967.

Telephoning of telegrams by subscribers.

2. Regulation 75 of the Telegraph Regulations is amended—

(a) by omitting sub-regulation (2a.) and inserting in its stead the following sub-regulation:—

“(2a.) The references in the last preceding sub-regulation to charging zones shall be read as references to the charging zones specified in column 2 in the First Schedule to the Telephone (Charging Zones and Charging Districts) Regulations.”; and

(b) by omitting sub-regulation (8a.) and inserting in its stead the following sub-regulation:—

“(8a.) A person who telephones a message for transmission as a telegram or a lettergram under the provisions of this regulation from the telephone of a subscriber that is fitted with a Departmental coin attachment or from a public telephone that is authorized by the Department for that purpose shall, before the call is disconnected, pay the additional fee or fees payable under this regulation or the next succeeding regulation, as the case requires, for telephoning the message to a telegraph office and the charge payable for the transmission of the message as a telegram or lettergram.”.


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 1967.

† Statutory Rules 1927, No. 142, as amended by Statutory Rules 1928, Nos. 35, 88 and 97; 1929, Nos. 15 and 128; 1930, Nos. 1, 5, 42, 81, 114 and 129; 1931, Nos. 70, 132 and 136; 1933, Nos. 88, 102 and 127; 1934, Nos. 24, 113 and 137; 1935, No. 77; 1938, No. 63; 1939, Nos. 14 and 84; 1940, Nos. 50, 87 and 102; 1942, No. 550; 1943, Nos. 215 and 242; 1944, No. 91; 1945, No. 10; 1946, No. 139; 1948, No. 23; 1949, Nos. 19 and 91; 1950, No. 91; 1951, Nos. 23, 73 and 90; 1952, Nos. 6, 35 and 78; 1954, No. 5; 1955, No. 58; 1956, No. 69; 1957, No. 41; 1958, Nos. 13 and 50; 1959, Nos. 10 and 84; 1960, No. 15; 1961, No. 76; 1962, No. 99; 1964, No. 122; 1965, Nos. 41 and 42; and 1966, No. 23.

11573/67—Price 5c 9/17.8.1967

3. After regulation 75 of the Telegraph Regulations the following regulation is inserted:—

Variation of charge.

“75aa.—(1.) This regulation applies to a message accepted for transmission as a telegram or a lettergram that is telephoned from a public telephone or from the telephone of a subscriber that is fitted with a Departmental coin attachment that is designed for the receipt of coins of two or more denominations.

“(2.) Where an amount equal to the sum of the charge payable for the transmission of a message to which this regulation applies as a telegram or lettergram and the additional fee or fees payable under the last preceding regulation for telephoning the message to a telegraph office is not a multiple of Five cents, there is payable, in place of the additional fee or fees so payable, an additional fee such that the sum of that charge and the additional fee is an amount equal to the multiple of Five cents that is next above that first-mentioned amount.”.


By Authority: A. J. Arthur, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra