1967 No.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Naval Defence Act 1910-1966.

Dated this twenty-third day of November 1967.



By His Excellency’s Command,


Minister of State for the Navy.


Amendments of the Fleet Reserve Regulations

1. Regulations 5, 6 and 7 of the Fleet Reserve Regulations are repealed and the following regulations inserted in their stead:—

Eligibility for enlistment.

“5. A person is not eligible to enlist in the Fleet Reserve unless—

(a) he has served in the Permanent Naval Forces of the Commonwealth or in a part of the naval forces of another of Her Majesty’s dominions that corresponds to the Permanent Naval Forces of the Commonwealth for a period of not less than three years; and

(b) immediately before being discharged from the forces in which he so served, he held a rating not lower than the rating of Able Seaman.

“6.—(1.) For the purpose of sub-section (1.) or sub-section (2.) of section 25 of the Naval Defence Act 1910-1966, the period is—

(a) in the case of a member who is enlisted for service, or who volunteers to serve for a further period, in the Naval Dockyard Police Branch of the Fleet Reserve—

(i) if the member has not on the prescribed day attained the age of fifty-five years—a period of five years; or

(ii) if the member has on the prescribed day attained the age of fifty-five years—a period equal to the period from and including the prescribed day to and including the day on which he attains the age of sixty years; or

(b) in the case of any other member who is enlisted for service, or volunteers to serve for a further period, in the Fleet Reserve—

(i) if the member has not on the prescribed day attained the age of fifty years—a period of five years; or


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 1967.

† Statutory Rules 1926, No. 61, as amended by Statutory Rules 1928, Nos. 6, 31 and 140; 1930, No. 13; 1932, Nos. 74 and 99; 1934, No. 162; 1935, No. 74; 1936, Nos. 79 and 147; 1938, No. 167; 1942, No. 8; and 1965, No. 165.

16013/67—Price 5c 10/17.11.1967

(ii) if the member has on the prescribed day attained the age of fifty years—a period equal to the period from and including the prescribed day to and including the day on which he attains the age of fifty-five years.

“(2.) In the last preceding sub-regulation, ‘the prescribed day’ means—

(a) in relation to the enlistment of a member in the Fleet Reserve—the day on which the member enlists in the Fleet Reserve; or

(b) in relation to a member who volunteers to serve for a further period in the Fleet Reserve—the day immediately following the expiration of the period for which, on engagement or previous re-engagement, the member had volunteered to serve.”.

2. Regulations 16, 17 and 18 of the Fleet Reserve Regulations are repealed and the following regulation is inserted in their stead:—

Rating on enlistment.

“16.—(1.) Subject to the next succeeding sub-regulation, a person who enlists as a man in the Fleet Reserve holds, upon, enlistment, the rating of Able Seaman or, if in the part of the Fleet Reserve in which he is to serve there is no rating of Able Seaman, the rating that, in that part, is equivalent to the rating of Able Seaman.

“(2.) Where a person who enlists as a man in the Fleet Reserve held, in the naval forces in which he last served, a rating higher than the rating of Able Seaman, and he is to serve in a part of the Fleet Reserve where the lowest rating is a rating higher than the rating of Able Seaman, that person holds, upon enlistment, the lowest rating in that part of the Fleet Reserve.”.

Annual training.

3. Regulation 19 of the Fleet Reserve Regulations is amended by omitting sub-regulation (5.).

Absence from drill without leave.

4. Regulation 53 of the Fleet Reserve Regulations is amended by omitting the words and figure “Five pounds (£5)” and inserting in their stead the words “Ten dollars”.

5. Regulation 57 of the Fleet Reserve Regulations is repealed and the following regulation inserted in its stead:—

Compulsory retirement age.

“57. For the purpose of section 17 of the Naval Defence Act 1910-1966, the age for the compulsory retirement of a member is—

(a) in the case of a member who is serving in the Naval Dockyard Police Branch of the Fleet Reserve—sixty years; or

(b) in any other case—fifty-five years.”.


By Authority: A. J. Arthur, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra