1971 No. 51



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Defence Act 1903-1970.

Dated this seventh day of April 1971.

Paul Hasluck


By His Excellency’s Command,

Andrew Peacock

Minister of State for the Army.


Amendments of the Royal Military College Regulations†


1. Regulation 3 of the Royal Military College Regulations is amended by omitting the words—

“Part V.—Staff. (Regulations 21-26.)

Part VI.—Course of Instruction. (Regulations 27-31.)”

and inserting in their stead the words—

“Part VI.—Course of Instruction. (Regulation 27.)”.

Documents to be furnished by Commonwealth candidates.

2. Regulation 7 of the Royal Military College Regulations is amended by omitting sub-regulation (2.).


3. Part V. of the Royal Military College Regulations is repealed.


4. Regulations 28, 29, 30 and 31 of the Royal Military College Regulations are repealed.

Discharge of a cadet.

5. Regulation 33 of the Royal Military College Regulations is amended by omitting paragraph (c) of sub-regulation (1.).


6. Regulations 41, 42 and 43a. of the Royal Military College Regulations are repealed.


7. Regulation 44 of the Royal Military College Regulations is repealed and the following regulation inserted in it stead:—

“44. The Commandant may grant leave of absence to students between terms, that is to say, when students are not undergoing instruction at the college.”.


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 22 April, 1971.

† Statutory Rules 1951, No. 40, as amended by Statutory Rules 1955, No. 76; 1957, No. 42: 1958, No. 84; 1960, Nos.13 and 55; 1961, Nos. 40 and 101; 1962, No. 53; 1963, No. 146; 1964, No. 111; 1955, No. 159; 1966, Nos. 55 and 138; 1967, Nos. 12 and 117; 1969, No. 52; 1970, Nos. 53 and 184; and 1971, No. 15.

12211/71—Price 5c.       10/8.3.1971

Fourth Schedule.

8. The Fourth Schedule to the Royal Military College Regulations is amended by omitting paragraph 1. of the form in the Schedule and inserting in its stead the following paragraph:—

(a) Here insert full name, address and occupation.

(b) Here insert full name of candidate.

* Strike out which is not applicable.

“1. I (a)

being a * parent */the guardian of (b)

request that he be admitted as a student at the Royal Military College of Australia, and I undertake, if he is so admitted that, in the event of my being absent from Australia for any period during his attendance as a student, I will appoint a resident of Australia as my representative during the period of my absence, and I will notify the Commandant in writing of the name and address of that person and attach to that notification the written consent of that person to act as my representative during the period of my absence from Australia.”

Printed by Authority by the Government Printer of the Commonwealth of Australia.