1972 No.



WHEREAS by section 3 of the Canned Fruits Export Charges Act 1926-1966 it is enacted that, amongst other things, a charge is imposed and shall be levied and paid on all canned fruits to which that Act applies which are exported from the Commonwealth and the rate of charge in respect of any canned fruits is the rate set out in the Schedule to that Act that applies to the canned fruits or such lower prescribed rate, if any, as applies to the canned fruits:

AND WHEREAS by section 4 of the Canned Fruits Export Charges Act 1926-1966 it is enacted, amongst other things, that the Governor-General may, after report to the Minister of State for Primary Industry by the Australian Canned Fruits Board constituted under the Canned Fruits Export Marketing Act 1963-1970, make regulations for prescribing lower rates of the charge imposed on any kind of canned fruits exported from the Commonwealth:

AND WHEREAS the Australian Canned Fruits Board has reported to the Minister of State for Primary Industry that the rates of charge in respect of canned fruits, other than canned pineapples, canned tropical fruit salad and canned pineapple juice, exported from the Commonwealth should be the rates set out in the Schedule to the Canned Fruits Export Charges Regulations as amended by these Regulations, being lower rates than the rates set out in the Schedule to the Canned Fruits Export Charges Act 1926-1966:

NOW THEREFORE I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Canned Fruits Export Charges Act 1926-1966:

Dated this third day of October, 1972.

Paul Hasluck


By His Excellency’s Command,

Sgd. Ian Sinclair

Minister of State for Primary Industry.


Amendments Of The Canned Fruits Export Charges Regulations

Rates of Charge.

1. Regulation 5 of the Canned Fruits Export Charges Regulations is amended by inserting in sub-regulation (1.), before paragraph (b), the following paragraph:—

“ (a)  in respect of canned fruits, other than canned pineapples, canned tropical fruit salad and canned pineapple juice—the rates set out in Part I. of the Schedule to these Regulations; ”.


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on                                  1972.

† Statutory Rules 1957, No. 73, as amended by Statutory Rules 1966. Nos. 54 and 179; and 1970, No. 65.

18498/72—PRICE 5c         10/24.8.1972


The Schedule.

2. The Schedule to the Canned Fruits Export Charges Regulations is amended by inserting before Part II. the following Part:—

Part I

Rates of Charge in respect of Canned Fruits other than canned pineapples, canned tropical fruit salad and canned pineapple juice

Weight of pack

Rate of charge

Where the weight of the pack does not exceed 5 ounces….

0.25 cents per dozen containers

Where the weight of the pack exceeds 5 ounces but does not exceed 11 ounces

0.5 cents per dozen containers

Where the weight of the pack exceeds 11 ounces but does not exceed 17 ounces

1 cent per dozen containers

Where the weight of the pack exceeds 17 ounces but does not exceed 24 ounces

1.5 cents per dozen containers

Where the weight of the pack exceeds 24 ounces………

2 cents per dozen containers and, in addition, 1.2 cents per dozen containers for each 16 ounces, or part of 16 ounces, by which the weight of the pack exceeds 31 ounces


3. The rates of charge set out in Part I. of the Schedule to the Canned Fruits  Export Charges Regulations as amended by these Regulations apply in respect of canned fruits, other than canned pineapples, canned tropical fruit salad and canned pineapple juice, exported from the Commonwealth on or after the first day of October, 1972.


















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