1972 No.



I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Honey Industry Act 1962-1972.

Dated this twenty-first day of September, 1972.

Paul Hasluck


By His Excellency’s Command,

Signature of Minister of State for Primary Industry

Minister of State for Primary Industry.




1. These Regulations may be cited as the Honey Industry Regulations.


2. The Honey Industry Regulations (comprising Statutory Rules 1963, No. 111 and Statutory Rules 1967, No. 72) are repealed.


3. In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears—

“Australia” includes the Territories of the Commonwealth;

member” includes the deputy of an industry member appointed under section 10 of the Act;

“the Act” means the Honey Industry Act 1962-1972.


4.(1.) For the purposes of sub-section (3.) of section 14 of the Act, there is payable to a member representing honey packers for each day on which he attends a meeting of the Board or the Committee or a meeting of the Board and a meeting of the Committee—

(a) if the duration of the meeting or meetings is less than three hoursa fee of Twenty dollars; or

(b) in any other case—a fee of Thirty-five dollars.

(2.) Subject to the next succeeding sub-regulation, for the purposes of sub­section (3.) of section 14 of the Act. there is payable to a member representing honey packers for each day on which he is engaged, with the approval of the Board, on business of the Board—

(a) if the duration of the period or periods during which he is so engaged on that day is less than three hoursa fee of Twenty dollars; or

(b) in any other case—a fee of Thirty-five dollars.

(3.) Where a member representing honey packers—

(a) attends, on a day, a meeting, of the Board or the Committee or a meeting of the Board and a meeting of the Committee; and


* Notified in the Commonwealth Gazette on 1972.

15216/72—Price 8c 9/30.5.1972

(b) is also, on the same day, engaged, with the approval of the Board, for a period on other business of the Board,

a fee is not payable to him in accordance with the last preceding sub-regulation in respect of the period referred to in paragraph (b) of this sub-regulation but the fee payable to him in respect of that day in accordance with sub-regulation (1.) of this regulation is the fee that would be payable to him in respect of that day, if on that day, he had, in addition to attending the meeting or meetings referred to in paragraph (a) of this sub-regulation, also attended a meeting of the Board during the period referred to in paragraph (b) of this sub-regulation.

Allowance payable to the Chairman or member representing honey producers when travelling overseas.

5. Where the Chairman or a member representing honey producers is engaged outside Australia, with the approval of the Board, on business of the Board, an allowance is payable to him, for the purpose of recompensing him for the additional expenses that may be incurred in the carrying on of his own business, and for any diminution of income from his own business that may occur, by reason of his being so engaged, at the rate of—

(a) in the case of the ChairmanForty dollars per day; or

(b) in the case of a member representing honey producersThirty-five dollars per day.

Travelling allowance—Australia.

6.(1.) Subject to regulation 7 of these Regulations, where a member or a deputy of a member is necessarily absent overnight from his place of residence—

(a) in order to attend a meeting of the Board or of the Committee; or

(b) in order to perform any business of the Board on which he is engaged with the approval of the Board,

travelling allowance in respect of the period of absence is payable to him at the rate of Twenty-five dollars per day.

(2.) Where a person who is invited by the Board or the Committee to attend a meeting of the Board or the Committee, as the case may be, and is not a member of the Parliament of the Commonwealth or of a State, an officer of the Public Service of the Commonwealth or an officer of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization is necessarily absent overnight from his place of residence in order to attend that meeting, travelling allowance in respect of the period of absence is payable to him at the rate of Twenty-five dollars per day.

(3.) Travelling allowance payable under this regulation is in addition to, and does not include, the cost of conveyance.

Travelling allowanceoverseas.

7.—(1.) Where a member is engaged outside Australia, with the approval of the Board, on business of the Board, he is entitled to be paid such allowances as he would be entitled to be paid if he were an officer of the Public Service of the Commonwealth and were included in the Second Division.

(2.) A member who is entitled to be paid travelling allowance in respect of a period under this regulation is not entitled to be paid travelling allowance in respect of that period under regulation 6 of these Regulations.

Signing of Cheques of Board.

8. Cheques drawn on an account referred to in section 24 of the Act shall be signed by any two of the following persons:—

(a) the Chairman of the Board;

(b) a member of the Board other than the Chairman of the Board;

(c) the Chief Executive Secretary to the Board; and

(d) an officer of the Board authorized by the Board to sign cheques drawn on such an account.


9.—(1.) Fees are payable in accordance with regulation 4 of these Regula­tions in respect of—

(a) the attendance by a member representing honey packers at a meeting of the Board or a Committee on the seventeenth day of April, 1972, or any subsequent day; and

(b) a period during which a member representing honey packers was engaged, with the approval of the Board, on business of the Board, being a period on the seventeenth day of April, 1972, or any subsequent day.

(2.) Allowances are payable in accordance with regulations 5, 6 and 7 of these Regulations in respect of travel by a member, a deputy of a member or a person invited by the Board or the Committee to attend a meeting of the Board or the Committee on or after the seventeenth day of April, 1972.

Printed by Authority by the Government Printer of the Commonwealth of Australia