Remuneration and Allowances Act 1973
No. 14 of 1973
Relating to the Remuneration and Allowances payable to Members of the Parliament, Ministers of State, Justices of the High Court, Judges of Courts created by the Parliament, Permanent Heads of Departments of the Public Service and the Holders of certain Offices or Appointments.
[Assented to 1 April 1973]
BE IT ENACTED by the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia, as follows:—
Part I—Preliminary
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Remuneration and Allowances Act 1973.
2. This Act shall come into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
Part II—Members of the Parliament
3. (1) In this Part, the Parliamentary Allowances Act 1952–1970 is referred to as the Principal Act.
(2) The Principal Act, as amended by this Part, may be cited as the Parliamentary Allowances Act 1952–1973.
Allowances to Whips.
4. Section 10 of the Principal Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following sub-sections:—
“(4) There are payable to the senator specified by the Leader of the Government in the Senate as the senator assisting the Government Whip in the Senate and to the senator specified by the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate as the senator assisting the Opposition Whip in the Senate allowances at the rate of Five hundred dollars a year each.
“(5) There are payable to the member of the House of Representatives specified by the Prime Minister as the member assisting the Government Whip in that House and to the member of the House of Representatives specified by the Leader of the Opposition in that House as the member assisting the Opposition Whip in that House allowances at the rate of Five hundred dollars a year each.’.
5. After section 11 of the Principal Act the following section is inserted:—
Allowances for travelling expenses and expenses of living in Canberra.
“11a. The Governor-General may make regulations providing for the payment to persons referred to in this Act (not being persons who are Ministers of State) of allowances in respect of travelling expenses and in respect of expenses of living in Canberra.’.
6. Section 12 of the Principal Act is amended by inserting after the word ‘Act’ the words ‘(other than any allowances provided for by regulations under section 11a)’.
Further amendments of the Parliamentary Allowances Act.
7. The Principal Act is further amended as set out in Schedule 1.
Part III—Ministers of State
8. (1) In this Part, the Ministers of State Act 1952–1971 is referred to as the Principal Act.
(2) The Principal Act, as amended by this Part, may be cited as the Ministers of State Act 1952–1973.
Salaries of Ministers.
9. Section 5 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting the words ‘Two hundred and fifty-three thousand’ and substituting the words ‘Three hundred and two thousand’.
Additional allowance to Prime Minister.
10. Section 6 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting the words ‘Ten thousand three hundred’ and substituting the words ‘Ten thousand nine hundred’.
11. Section 7 of the Principal Act is repealed and the following sections are substituted:—
Additional allowance to Deputy Prime Minister.
“7. There is payable to the Deputy Prime Minister, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which is appropriated accordingly, an allowance, in addition to his salary, at the rate of Five thousand two hundred dollars a year.
Additional allowances to Ministers.
“8. There is payable to each Minister of State (other than the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister) out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which is appropriated accordingly, an allowance, in addition to his salary, at the rate of Four thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars a year.
Allowances for travelling expenses.
“9. The Governor-General may make regulations providing for the payment to Ministers of State of allowances in respect of travelling expenses.’.
Formal amendments.
12. The Principal Act is further amended as set out in Schedule 2.
Part IV—Holders of Certain Judicial and Other Offices
Remuneration and allowances of holders of certain judicial and other offices.
13. (1) Notwithstanding anything in any other Act in force at the commencement of this Act—
(a) the rate per annum of the salary applicable to an office specified in the first column of Schedule 3 is the rate per annum specified in the second column of that Schedule in relation to that office; and
(b) the rate per annum of the annual allowance applicable to an office specified in the first column of Schedule 3 is the rate per annum specified in the third column of that Schedule in relation to that office.
(2) Notwithstanding sub-section 10(1) of the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1971–1972, the rate per annum of the additional remuneration payable to the person for the time being holding, or acting in, the office of President of the Trade Practices Tribunal if he is not the Chief Judge of the Commonwealth Industrial Court or the President of the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission is Two thousand two hundred dollars per annum.
Part V—Permanent Heads of Departments of the Public Service
Salaries and allowances of Permanent Heads of Departments.
14. (1) Notwithstanding anything in any other Act in force at the commencement of this Act—
(a) the rate per annum of the salary applicable to the office of Permanent Head of a Department of the Public Service is Twenty-nine thousand two hundred and fifty dollars a year; and
(b) the rate per annum of the annual allowance applicable to the office of Permanent Head of a Department of the Public Service is One thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars a year.
(2) A reference in this section to a Department of the Public Service does not include a reference to a Department of the Parliament.
Part VI—Holders of Certain Offices or Appointments
Salaries and allowances of holders of certain offices or appointments.
15. (1) Notwithstanding anything in any other Act in force at the commencement of this Act but subject to this section—
(a) the rate per annum of the remuneration or salary applicable to an office or appointment specified in the first column of Part I or Part II of Schedule 4 is the rate per annum specified in the second column of that Part of that Schedule in relation to that office or appointment;
(b) the rate per annum of the salary applicable to an office specified in the first column of Part III of Schedule 4 is the rate per annum specified in the second column of that Part of that Schedule in relation to that office; and
(c) the rate per annum of the annual allowance (if any) applicable to an office or appointment specified in the first column of Part I or Part II of Schedule 4 is the rate per annum specified in the third column of that Part of that Schedule in relation to that office or appointment.
(2) Sub-section (1) does not apply in relation to a person who is appointed to hold, or perform the duties of, an office or appointment in a part-time capacity.
SCHEDULE 1 Section 7
Part I—Amendments relating to Rates of Allowances
Provisions amended | Amendments |
Section 4(1)............... | Omit “Nine thousand five hundred”, substitute “Fourteen thousand five hundred”. |
Section 4(2)............... | Omit “Two thousand seven hundred and fifty”, substitute “Four thousand one hundred”. |
Section 5(1)............... | Omit “Nine thousand five hundred”, substitute “Fourteen thousand five hundred”. |
Section 5(2)............... | Omit all the words following the word “his”, substitute “duties, at the rate of Four thousand one hundred dollars a year”. |
Section 6(1)............... | Omit “Seven thousand five hundred”, substitute “Ten thousand five hundred”. |
Section 6(2)............... | Omit “Four thousand”, substitute “Four thousand two hundred and fifty”. |
Section 6(3)............... | Omit “Three thousand one hundred and twenty-five”, substitute “Four thousand”. |
Section 7(1)............... | Omit “Five thousand”, substitute “Seven thousand five hundred”. |
Section 7(2)............... | Omit “One thousand five hundred”, substitute “Four thousand two hundred and fifty”. |
| Omit “Four thousand six hundred”, substitute “Four thousand eight hundred and seventy-five”. |
Section 7a(1)............... | Omit “One thousand six hundred and twenty-five’, substitute ‘Three thousand two hundred”. |
Section 7a(2)............... | Omit “Seven hundred and fifty”, substitute “Nine hundred”. |
Section 8(1)............... | Omit “Five thousand”, substitute “Seven thousand five hundred”. |
Section 8(2)............... | Omit “One thousand five hundred”, substitute “Four thousand two hundred and fifty”. |
Section 8a................. | Omit “One thousand”, substitute “Two thousand”. |
| Omit “Five hundred”, substitute “Seven hundred and fifty”. |
Section 9(1)............... | Omit “Two thousand five hundred”, substitute “Five thousand”, |
Section 9(2)............... | Omit “Seven hundred and fifty”, substitute “One thousand five hundred”. |
Section 10(1)............... | Omit “One thousand two hundred and fifty”, substitute “Two thousand”. |
Section 10(2)............... | Omit “One thousand five hundred”, substitute “Two thousand five hundred”. |
Section 10(3)............... | Omit “One thousand two hundred and fifty”, substitute “Two thousand”. |
Second Schedule............ | Omit the Schedule. |
Part II—Formal Amendments | |
Provisions amended | Amendments |
Section 2................. | Omit “the first day of January, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-two”, substitute “1st January, 1952”. |
Section 3................. | Omit “the First Schedule to this Act”, substitute “the Schedule”. |
Section 11................. | Omit “six to ten (inclusive) of this Act”, substitute “6 to 10”. |
| Omit “four and five of this Act”, substitute “4 and 5”. |
The Schedules.............. | Omit “THE SCHEDULES”, |
First Schedule.............. | Omit “FIRST”. |
SCHEDULE 2 Section 12
Provisions amended | Amendments |
Section 2............. | Omit “the first day of January, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-two”, substitute “1st January, 1952”. |
Section 3............. | Omit “to this Act”. |
The Schedule.......... | Omit “THE”. |
SCHEDULE 3 Section 13
Office | Rate per annum of Salary | Rate per annum of Annual Allowance |
| $ | $ |
Chief Justice of the High Court.......................... | 39,000 | 2,250 |
Justice (other than the Chief Justice) of the High Court........... | 35,300 | 1,750 |
Chief Judge of the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration | 31,450 | 1,750 |
Chief Judge of the Commonwealth Industrial Court............. | 31,450 | 1,750 |
Judge (other than the Chief Judge) of the Commonwealth Industrial Court | 29,250 | 1,250 |
Judge of the Federal Court of Bankruptcy................... | 29,250 | 1,250 |
Judge of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory..... | 29,250 | 1,250 |
Judge of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory........... | 29,250 | 1,250 |
President of the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission | 31,450 | 1,750 |
Deputy President of the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission | 29,250 | 1,250 |
SCHEDULE 4 Section 15
Part I
Office or Appointment | Rate per annum of Remuneration or Salary | Rate per annum of Annual Allowance |
| $ | $ |
Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia............................. | 32,650 | 1,750 |
Managing Director of the Commonwealth Banking Corporation............... | 30,950 | 1,750 |
High Commissioner of the Commonwealth in the United Kingdom | 29,250 | .. |
General Manager of the Australian National Airlines Commission.............. | 29,250 | 2,000 |
| 29,250 | 1,750 |
Commissioner of Taxation........................................ | ||
Chairman of the Tariff Board...................................... | ||
Solicitor-General.............................................. | ||
First Parliamentary Counsel....................................... | ||
Executive Chairman of the Australian Industry Development Corporation | ||
Chairman of the Australian Wool Corporation........................... | ||
Commissioner of the National Urban and Regional Development Authority | ||
| 26,700 | 1,200 |
Chairman of the Australian Commission on Advanced Education.............. | ||
Chairman of the Executive of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization | ||
Commissioner of the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority.............. | ||
Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee................................. | ||
Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia........................ | ||
Deputy Managing Director of the Commonwealth Banking Corporation | ||
| 25,850 | 1,200 |
Chief of the General Staff in the Military Forces of the Commonwealth | ||
Chief of the Air Staff in the Air force of the Commonwealth.................. | ||
| 25000 | 1200 |
Director-General of Security....................................... | ||
General Manager of the Australian Broadcasting Commission................ | ||
General Manager of the Overseas Telecommunications Commission (Australia)..... | ||
Commonwealth Railways Commissioner.............................. | ||
Member (other than the Chairman) of the Public Service Board................ | ||
Public Service Arbitrator......................................... | ||
Commissioner of Trade Practices................................... | ||
Second Commissioner of Taxation.................................. | ||
Commissioner of the National Capital Development Commission.............. | ||
General Manager of the Commonwealth Trading Bank of Australia | ||
General Manager of the Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia | ||
General Manager of the Commonwealth Development Bank of Australia......... | ||
General Manager of the Australian Coastal Shipping Commission.............. | ||
Chairman of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission.................... |
Part II
Office | Rate per annum of Remuneration or Salary | Rate per annum of Annual Allowance |
| $ | $ |
Member (other than the Chairman) of the Executive of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization | 23,750 | .. |
Administrator of Papua New Guinea................................. | 23,207 | 3,000 |
Second Parliamentary Counsel..................................... | 22,758 | .. |
| 22,012 |
Clerk of the House of Representatives................................ |
| |
Chairman of the Commonwealth Bureau of Roads........................ |
| |
Chairman of the Australian Wheat Board.............................. | .. | |
Executive Member of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission.............. |
| |
Director of the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Commission.............. |
| |
Chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board.................... |
Schedule 4—continued
Part II—continued
Office | Rate per annum of Remuneration or Salary | Rate per annum of Annual Allowance |
| $ | $ |
| 20,810 | 2,500 |
Chairman of the Housing Loans Insurance Corporation..................... | 20,810 | 1,000 |
Commissioner of the Export Payments Insurance Corporation................. | ||
Chairman of a Taxation Board of Review.............................. | 20,810 | .. |
| 20,502 |
Deputy Commissioner of the National Urban and Regional Development Authority.. | .. | |
National Librarian |
| |
Commonwealth Employees’ Compensation Tribunal....................... | 19,902 | .. |
| 19,148 |
Member (other than the Chairman) of a Taxation Board of Review............. |
| |
Associate Commissioner of the National Capital Development Commission....... | .. | |
Deputy Chairman of the Australian Universities Commission................. |
| |
Director of the Australian Institute of Marine Science...................... |
| |
Member (other than the Chairman) of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board.... | 18,995 | .. |
Deputy Chairman of the Tariff Board................................. | 18,086 | .. |
| 17,792 | .. |
Chairman of the Australian Capital Territory Electricity Authority.............. | ||
Member (other than the Chairman or a Deputy Chairman) of the Tariff Board...... | ||
Director of the Australian Institute of Criminology........................ | ||
| 17,043 | 700 |
Chairman of the Australian Meat Board............................... | ||
| 17,043 | .. |
President of the Superannuation Board................................ | ||
Commissioner of Employees’ Compensation............................ | ||
Commonwealth Teaching Service Commissioner......................... | ||
Member (other than the Chairman) of the Repatriation Commission | ||
Chairman of a War Pensions Entitlement Appeal Tribunal................... | ||
General Manager of the Australian Tourist Commission | 15,983 | 900 |
| 15,983 | .. |
Principal Parliamentary Reporter.................................... | ||
Secretary to the Joint House Department............................... | ||
Deputy Chairman of the Housing Loans Insurance Corporation................ | 15,385 | .. |
Chairman of a War Pensions Assessment Appeal Tribunal................... | 14,633 | .. |
| 14,479 | .. |
Director of the Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority................... | ||
Administrator of Norfolk Island.................................... | 12,974 | 1,000 |
Member (other than the Chairman) of a War Pensions Entitlement Appeal Tribunal.. | 12,974 | .. |
Chairman of the Australian Canned Fruits Board......................... | 11,055 | 500 |
Chairman of a Repatriation Board................................... | 10,824 | .. |
Member (other than the Chairman) of a Repatriation Board.................. | 9,961 | .. |
Part III | ||
Office | Rate per annum of Salary | |
| $ | |
Commissioner of the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission................. | 16,250 | |
Deputy Public Service Arbitrator................................................ |