Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973

No. 54, 1973

Compilation No. 9

Compilation date:    18 June 2015

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 59, 2015

Registered:    18 June 2015


About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 18 June 2015 (the compilation date).

This compilation was prepared on 18 June 2015.

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on ComLaw ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on ComLaw for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on ComLaw for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





1 Short title

2 Commencement

4 Interpretation

5 Meaning of special assistance

6 Extension of Act to external Territories

7 Establishment of Commonwealth Grants Commission

8 Membership of Commission

9 Salary and allowances of member who has status of Judge

9A Remuneration of other members

10 Leave of absence

11  Resignation and retirement

12 Termination of appointments

13 Acting members

14 Meetings

15 Duties of Chairperson

16 Assistance to States

16A Assistance to the Northern Territory

16AA Inquiries relating to the Australian Capital Territory

16B Inquiries relating to Jervis Bay Territory

16C Inquiries relating to Norfolk Island

16D Inquiries relating to other external Territories

17 Assistance to States for local government purposes

18 Inquiries relating to indigenous persons

19 Inquiries by Commission

20 Commission may take evidence

21 Evidence to be on oath

22 Administration of oath

23  Penalty for refusing to give evidence

24 Giving false evidence

25 Reports to be laid before Parliament

27 Regulations


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

An Act to establish a Commonwealth Grants Commission to make Recommendations concerning the Granting of Financial Assistance to the States and autonomous Territories, the financing of works and services in respect of the other Territories and the financing of works and services in respect of indigenous persons



1  Short title

  This Act may be cited as the Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1973.

2  Commencement

  This Act shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by Proclamation.

4  Interpretation

  In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears:

Chairperson means the Chairperson of the Commission.

Commission means the Commonwealth Grants Commission established by this Act.

indigenous person means:

 (a) a person of the Aboriginal race of Australia; or

 (b) a descendant of an indigenous inhabitant of the Torres Strait Islands.

local government authority means an authority, established by or under a law of a State, that is, in accordance with provision made by the regulations, a local government authority for the purposes of this Act.

member means the Chairperson or another member of the Commission appointed under section 8.

special assistance has the meaning given by section 5.

5  Meaning of special assistance

 (1) References in this Act to the grant of special assistance to a State shall be read as references to the grant of financial assistance to a State for the purpose of making it possible for the State, by reasonable effort, to function at a standard not appreciably below the standards of other States.

 (1A) References in this Act to the grant of special assistance to the Australian Capital Territory shall be read as references to the grant of financial assistance to that Territory for the purpose of making it possible for that Territory, having regard to the special circumstances arising from the location in it of the national capital and the seat of Government of the Commonwealth, by reasonable effort, to function in respect of matters for which the Australian Capital Territory Executive has responsibility, at standards not appreciably below the standards of the States and the Northern Territory.

 (2) References in this Act to the grant of special assistance to the Northern Territory shall be read as references to the grant of financial assistance to the Northern Territory for the purpose of making it possible for the Northern Territory, by reasonable effort, to function, in respect of matters for which the Ministers of that Territory have executive authority, at standards not appreciably below the standards of the States.

 (3) References in this Act to the grant of special assistance to the Territory of Norfolk Island are references to the grant of financial assistance to that Territory for the purpose of making it possible for that Territory, by reasonable effort, to function, in respect of matters for which the Administrator of that Territory has executive authority, at standards not appreciably below the standards of the States.

6  Extension of Act to external Territories

  This Act extends to:

 (a) the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands; and

 (b) the Territory of Norfolk Island; and

 (c) each of the other external Territories.

7  Establishment of Commonwealth Grants Commission

 (1) The body by the name of the Grants Commission established by the subsection for which this subsection was substituted by the Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1976 continues in existence, by force of this subsection, under and subject to the provisions of this Act, under the name Commonwealth Grants Commission.

 (2) The Commission has such functions as are conferred on it by this Act.

 (3) For the purposes of the finance law (within the meaning of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013):

 (a) the Commission is a listed entity; and

 (b) the Secretary of the Commission is the accountable authority of the Commission; and

 (c) the following persons are officials of the Commission:

 (i) the Chairperson;

 (ii) the other members;

 (iii) the Secretary;

 (iv) persons engaged under the Public Service Act 1999 to assist the Commission; and

 (d) the purposes of the Commission include the functions of the Commission referred to in subsection (2).

8  Membership of Commission

 (1) The Commission shall consist of a Chairperson and not less than 2 other members.

 (2) The members shall be appointed by the GovernorGeneral.

 (3) A member holds office, subject to this Act, for such period, being not less than one year or more than 5 years, as is specified in the instrument of his or her appointment, but is eligible for reappointment.

 (5) A member may be appointed as a fulltime member or as a parttime member.

 (5A) A person who is employed by the Commonwealth or by a State in a fulltime capacity is not eligible for appointment as a parttime member.

 (6) The performance of the functions or the exercise of the powers of the Commission is not affected by reason only of:

 (a) there being a vacancy in the office of Chairperson; or

 (b) the number of other members falling below 2 for a period of not more than 6 months.

 (6A) If the Chairperson was, immediately before his or her appointment, a Judge of a Federal Court or of the Supreme Court of a State or Territory, he or she shall have the same designation, rank, status and precedence as a Judge of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory.

9  Salary and allowances of member who has status of Judge

  If subsection 8(6A) applies to the Chairperson, he or she shall be paid salary, an annual allowance and travelling allowance at such respective rates as are fixed from time to time by the Parliament and such other allowances (if any) as are prescribed.

9A  Remuneration of other members

 (1) A member, other than a member to whom subsection 8(6A) applies, shall be paid such remuneration as is determined by the Remuneration Tribunal, but, if no determination of that remuneration is in operation, he or she shall be paid remuneration at the rate that was applicable immediately before the commencement of this section.

 (2) A member, other than a member to whom subsection 8(6A) applies, shall be paid such allowances as are prescribed.

 (3) This section has effect subject to the Remuneration Tribunals Act 1973.

10  Leave of absence

 (1) A fulltime member has such recreation leave entitlements as are determined by the Remuneration Tribunal.

 (2) The Minister may grant a fulltime member leave of absence, other than recreation leave, on such terms and conditions as to remuneration or otherwise as the Minister determines.

11   Resignation and retirement

 (1) A member may resign his or her office by writing under his or her hand delivered to the GovernorGeneral.

 (2) The GovernorGeneral may, with the consent of the member, retire a member from office on the ground of invalidity.

12  Termination of appointments

 (1) The GovernorGeneral may suspend a member from office for misbehaviour or physical or mental incapacity.

 (2) Where the GovernorGeneral suspends a member from office, the Minister shall cause a statement of the grounds of the suspension to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 7 sitting days of the House after the suspension.

 (3) Where such a statement has been laid before a House of the Parliament, that House may, within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which the statement has been laid before it, by resolution, declare that the member ought to be restored to office and, if each House so passes such a resolution, the GovernorGeneral shall terminate the suspension.

 (4) If, at the expiration of 15 sitting days of a House of the Parliament after the day on which the statement has been laid before that House, that House has not passed such a resolution, the GovernorGeneral may remove the member from office.

 (4A) If a parttime member becomes employed by the Commonwealth or by a State in a fulltime capacity, the GovernorGeneral shall remove the member from office.

 (5) A member shall not be removed from office except as provided by this section.

 (7) A member who is suspended from office under this section is not entitled to be paid any remuneration or allowances in respect of the period of his or her suspension unless he or she is restored to office.

13  Acting members

 (1) Where:

 (a) the GovernorGeneral suspends the Chairperson from office;

 (b) if the Chairperson is a fulltime member—the Chairperson is, or is expected to be, absent from duty or from Australia; or

 (c) if the Chairperson is a parttime member—the Chairperson is, or is expected to be, unable (whether on account of illness or otherwise) to perform the duties of his or her office;

the Minister may appoint one of the other members to act as Chairperson on such terms and conditions as the Minister determines, and may also appoint another person to be an acting member, during the suspension, absence or inability, as the case requires.

 (1A) An acting Chairperson may be appointed as an acting fulltime Chairperson or as an acting parttime Chairperson.

 (2) Where:

 (a) the GovernorGeneral suspends a member other than the Chairperson from office;

 (b) a fulltime member other than the Chairperson is, or is expected to be, absent from duty or from Australia; or

 (c) a parttime member is, or is expected to be, unable (whether on account of illness or otherwise) to perform the functions of his or her office;

the Minister may appoint a person to be an acting member during the suspension, absence or inability, as the case requires.

 (3) An acting member may be appointed as an acting fulltime member or as an acting parttime member.

 (4) An acting member has all the powers, and shall perform all the duties, of a member.

 (5) The Minister may, at any time, terminate an appointment under this section.

 (6) A person appointed an acting member under subsection (1) or (2) holds office on such terms and conditions as the Minister determines.

 (7) Sections 10 and 11 apply in relation to an acting member appointed under this section in like manner as they apply in relation to a member.

 (8) The validity of an act done by the Commission shall not be questioned in any proceedings on a ground arising from the fact that the occasion for the appointment of a person purporting to be appointed under this section had not arisen or that an appointment under this section had ceased to have effect.

14  Meetings

 (1) The Commission shall hold such meetings as are necessary for the performance of its functions.

 (2) The meetings of the Commission shall be convened by the Chairperson.

 (3) Where the Minister requests the Chairperson to do so, the Chairperson shall forthwith convene a meeting of the Commission.

 (4) At a meeting of the Commission, a quorum is constituted by a majority of the members holding office.

 (5) The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Commission at which he or she is present.

 (6) If the Chairperson is not present at a meeting of the Commission, the members present shall elect one of their number to preside at the meeting.

 (7) Questions arising at a meeting of the Commission shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting.

 (8) The Chairperson has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality of votes, also has a casting vote.

 (9) In this section, a reference to the Chairperson includes an acting Chairperson.

15  Duties of Chairperson

 (1) It is the duty of the Chairperson to ensure the efficient and orderly conduct of the business of the Commission and, for that purpose, he or she has, in addition to any other power, duty or function under this Act, power:

 (a) to determine the form of the records of meetings of the Commission to be kept in accordance with this Act and the procedure to be adopted at such a meeting;

 (b) to determine which members shall take part in a particular inquiry by the Commission; and

 (c) to direct and control travel by members in connection with their duties.

 (2) Where the services of APS employees are made available to the Commission, the use of those services by members of the Commission is subject to the control of the Chairperson.

16  Assistance to States

  The Commission shall inquire into and report to the Minister upon:

 (a) any application made by a State for the grant, under section 96 of the Constitution, of special assistance to the State;

 (b) any matters, being matters relating to a grant of assistance made under that section to a State either before or after the commencement of this Act, that are referred to the Commission by the Minister; and

 (c) any matters, being matters relating to the making of a grant of assistance under that section to a State, that are referred to the Commission by the Minister.

16A  Assistance to the Northern Territory

  The Commission shall inquire into and report to the Minister upon:

 (a) any application made by the Northern Territory for a grant of special assistance to that Territory;

 (b) any matters, being matters relating to a grant of financial assistance made by the Commonwealth to the Northern Territory, that are referred to the Commission by the Minister; and

 (c) any matters, being matters relating to the making of a grant of financial assistance by the Commonwealth to the Northern Territory, that are referred to the Commission by the Minister.

16AA  Inquiries relating to the Australian Capital Territory

  The Commission shall inquire into and report to the Minister upon:

 (a) any application made by the Australian Capital Territory to the Commission for a grant of special assistance to that Territory;

 (b) any matters, being matters relating to a grant of financial assistance made by the Commonwealth to the Australian Capital Territory, that are referred to the Commission by the Minister; and

 (c) any matters, being matters relating to the making of a grant of financial assistance by the Commonwealth to the Australian Capital Territory, that are referred to the Commission by the Minister.

16B  Inquiries relating to Jervis Bay Territory

  The Commission must inquire into and report to the Minister upon any matters, being matters relating to the financing of works and services provided by the Commonwealth or an authority of the Commonwealth in respect of the Jervis Bay Territory, that are referred to the Commission by the Minister.

16C  Inquiries relating to Norfolk Island

  The Commission must inquire into and report to the Minister upon:

 (a) any application made by the Territory of Norfolk Island to the Commission for a grant of special assistance to that Territory; and

 (b) any matters, being matters relating to a grant of financial assistance made by the Commonwealth to the Territory of Norfolk Island, that are referred to the Commission by the Minister; and

 (c) any matters, being matters relating to the making of a grant of financial assistance by the Commonwealth to the Territory of Norfolk Island, that are referred to the Commission by the Minister.

16D  Inquiries relating to other external Territories

  The Commission must inquire into and report to the Minister upon any matters, being matters relating to the financing of works and services provided by the Commonwealth or an authority of the Commonwealth in respect of a particular external Territory (other than the Territory of Norfolk Island), that are referred to the Commission by the Minister.

17  Assistance to States for local government purposes

 (1) The Commission shall inquire into and report to the Minister upon any matters:

 (a) being matters relating to the making of a grant of assistance to a State, under section 96 of the Constitution, for local government purposes; or

 (b) being matters relating to a grant of assistance made to a State, under section 96 of the Constitution, for local government purposes;

that are referred to the Commission by the Minister.

 (2) In subsection (1), a reference to a grant of assistance to a State for local government purposes shall be read as a reference to a grant of moneys to the State for the purpose of being applied by the State in payments to local government authorities situated in the State, or by way of expenditure for purposes declared by the regulations to be purposes to which this subsection applies.

18  Inquiries relating to indigenous persons

 (1) The Commission must inquire into and report to the Minister upon any matters that the Minister refers to the Commission relating to:

 (a) works and services in respect of indigenous persons that are provided or funded (directly or indirectly) by the Commonwealth or an authority of the Commonwealth; or

 (b) a grant of financial assistance under section 96 of the Constitution to a State for the purpose of being applied by the State, or an authority of the State, to pay for works and services in respect of indigenous persons in the State; or

 (c) a grant of financial assistance made by the Commonwealth to a Territory, or an authority of the Territory, for the purpose of being applied by the Territory or the authority to pay for works and services in respect of indigenous persons in the Territory.

 (2) Subsection (1) applies whether or not:

 (a) the works or services are provided or funded exclusively in respect of Indigenous persons; or

 (b) the financial assistance is applied exclusively in respect of Indigenous persons.

19  Inquiries by Commission

 (1) Where the Commission is required to inquire into and report upon an application or matter, the Chairperson may, by writing under his or her hand, determine that the powers of the Commission under this Act may, for the purposes of the inquiry and report on that application or matter or on such part of that application or matter as is specified in the determination, be exercised by a Division of the Commission constituted, subject to subsection (3), by such members as are specified in the determination.

 (2) Where the Chairperson has made a determination under subsection (1) he or she may, by writing under his or her hand, at any time before the Division of the Commission specified in the determination has completed the inquiry and report, revoke the determination or, subject to subsection (3), amend the determination in relation to the membership of the Division or in any other respect, and, where the membership of the Division of the Commission is changed, the Division as constituted after the change may complete the inquiry and report.

 (3) A Division of the Commission exercising the powers of the Commission in respect of an application or matter shall consist of the Chairperson and not less than 2 other members.

 (4) For the purposes of an inquiry and report on an application or matter, or on a part of an application or matter, specified in a determination under subsection (1), the Commission shall be deemed to consist of the Division of the Commission specified in the determination.

 (5) At a meeting of a Division of the Commission:

 (a) if the Chairperson is present—the Chairperson shall preside; or

 (b) in any other case—a member of the Division appointed for the purpose by the Chairperson shall preside.

 (6) At a meeting of a Division of the Commission, a majority of the members constituting the Division form a quorum.

 (7) The Chairperson has, at a meeting of a Division of the Commission, a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality of votes, also a casting vote.

 (8) A meeting of a Division of the Commission may be held notwithstanding that a meeting of another Division of the Commission is being held at the same time.

20  Commission may take evidence

 (1) Where an application or matter is referred to the Commission under this Act, the Commission may, for the purpose of inquiring into the application or matter, take evidence from persons who appear as witnesses before the Commission.

 (2) Subsection (1) does not prevent the Commission from inquiring into an application or matter in such other manner as it sees fit.

21  Evidence to be on oath

  The evidence given by a witness appearing before the Commission shall be given on oath or affirmation.

22  Administration of oath

  A member may administer an oath or affirmation to a person appearing as a witness before the Commission.

23   Penalty for refusing to give evidence

 (1) Where the Commission takes evidence in the course of inquiry into a matter, a person appearing as a witness before the Commission shall not, without lawful excuse, refuse or fail to answer a question, being a question relevant to the inquiry, that is put to him or her by the Commission.

Penalty: $1,000.

 (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a question shall be deemed to have been put to a witness by the Commission:

 (a) if it is put by any of the members who are exercising the powers of the Commission in relation to the matter; or

 (b) if, with the approval of a majority of the members who are exercising the powers of the Commission in relation to the matter, it is put by a person authorized by a majority of those members to appear in connexion with the taking of the evidence.

24  Giving false evidence

  A person shall not, in the course of giving evidence before the members of the Commission who are exercising the powers of the Commission in relation to a matter, make a statement that he or she knows to be false or misleading in a material particular.

Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years.

25  Reports to be laid before Parliament

 (1) The Minister may cause a report made by the Commission under section 16, 16A, 16B, 16C, 16D, 17 or 18 to be laid before each House of the Parliament.

 (2) Before a proposed law relating to the subject of a report made by the Commission under section 16, 16A, 16AA, 16B, 16C, 16D, 16AA, 17 or 18 is introduced into the Parliament, the Minister shall cause the report to be laid before each House of the Parliament.

 (3) The Minister may cause to be attached to a report of the Commission that is laid before the Houses of the Parliament under this section such statement, recommendation or comment by him or her as he or she thinks proper.

27  Regulations

  The GovernorGeneral may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, prescribing all matters which by this Act are required or permitted to be prescribed or which are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act, and, in particular, for regulating the practice and procedure of the Commission.


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnotes about misdescribed amendments and other matters are included in a compilation only as necessary.

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is set out in the endnotes.


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key


A = Act

orig = original

ad = added or inserted

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

am = amended


amdt = amendment

pres = present

c = clause(s)

prev = previous

C[x] = Compilation No. x

(prev…) = previously

Ch = Chapter(s)

Pt = Part(s)

def = definition(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

Dict = Dictionary

Reg = Regulation/Regulations

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

reloc = relocated

Div = Division(s)

renum = renumbered

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

rep = repealed


rs = repealed and substituted

F = Federal Register of Legislative Instruments

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

gaz = gazette

Sch = Schedule(s)

LI = Legislative Instrument

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument

(md) = misdescribed amendment

SR = Statutory Rules

mod = modified/modification

SubCh = SubChapter(s)

No. = Number(s)

SubPt = Subpart(s)

o = order(s)

underlining = whole or part not

Ord = Ordinance

    commenced or to be commenced



Endnote 3—Legislation history



Number and year



Application, saving and transitional provisions

Grants Commission Act 1973

54, 1973

18 June 1973

20 Sept 1973 (gaz 1973, No 123, p 2)


Statute Law Revision Act 1973

216, 1973

19 Dec 1973

31 Dec 1973

s 9(1) and 10

Grants Commission Act 1975

59, 1975

19 June 1975

s 3(b): 1 Oct 1984
Remainder: 19 June 1975

s 2(2) and 4(2)

Commonwealth Grants Commission Act 1976

47, 1976

2 June 1976

2 June 1976

s 15(2) and 16

Remuneration and Allowances Amendment Act 1977

111, 1977

28 Oct 1977

s 1, 2, 5, 9(2), 13, 16, 18 and 19(2): 28 Oct 1977
Remainder: 1 June 1977

Commonwealth Grants Commission Amendment Act 1977

143, 1977

10 Nov 1977

10 Nov 1977

Commonwealth Grants Commission Amendment Act 1978

86, 1978

22 June 1978

s 3, 5, 9 and 15: 1 July 1978
Remainder: 22 June 1978

Commonwealth Grants Commission Amendment Act 1980

6, 1980

24 Mar 1980

24 Mar 1980

Commonwealth Grants Commission Amendment Act 1981

173, 1981

2 Dec 1981

2 Dec 1981

s 3(2)

Cocos (Keeling) Islands SelfDetermination (Consequential Amendments) Act 1984

46, 1984

25 June 1984

Part VII (s 22–26): 6 Apr 1984
Remainder: 25 June 1984

as amended by





Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 1) 1985

65, 1985

5 June 1985

s 3: 25 June 1984
(s 2(12))

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 1) 1985

65, 1985

5 June 1985

s 3: 3 July 1985 (s 2(1))

A.C.T. SelfGovernment (Consequential Provisions) Act 1988

109, 1988

6 Dec 1988

s 32: 11 May 1989 (gaz 1989, No S164) (s 2(3))

Administrative Services Legislation Amendment Act 1989

5, 1989

13 Mar 1989

Sch: 13 Mar 1989 (s 2(1))

Industrial Relations Legislation Amendment Act 1991

122, 1991

27 June 1991

Sch: 10 Dec 1991
(s 2(3))

s 31(2)

Territories Law Reform Act 1992

104, 1992

30 June 1992

Sch 4: 1 July 1992
(s 2(3))

Aboriginal Land Grant and Management (Jervis Bay Territory) Legislation Amendment Act 1995

103, 1995

29 Sept 1995

Sch 3: 29 Sept 1995 (s 2)

Sch 3 (item 1)

Commonwealth Grants Commission Amendment Act 1999

112, 1999

12 Sept 1999

Sch 1: 12 Sept 1999 (s 2)

Public Employment (Consequential and Transitional) Amendment Act 1999

146, 1999

11 Nov 1999

Sch 1 (items 318, 319):
5 Dec 1999 (gaz 1999, No S584) (s 2(1) and (2))

Statute Law Revision Act 2008

73, 2008

3 July 2008

Sch 4 (items 171–188): 4 July 2008 (s 2(1)
item 64)

Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2014

62, 2014

30 June 2014

Sch 6 (item 34) and Sch 14 (items 1–4): 1 July 2014 (s 2(1) items 6, 14)

Sch 14 (items 1–4)

Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

59, 2015

26 May 2015

Sch 1 (item 93) and Sch 2 (items 356396): 18 June 2015 (s 2(1) items 2, 6)
Sch 1 (items 184195, 197203): 27 May 2015 (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 2 (items 9498): 1 July 2016 (s 2(1)
item 5)

Sch 1 (items 184195, 197203) and Sch 2 (items 356–396)


Endnote 4—Amendment history

Provision affected

How affected


am No 47, 1976; No 86, 1978; No 104, 1992; No 103, 1995; No 112, 1999

s 3.....................

rep No 173, 1981

s 4.....................

am No 47, 1976; No 86, 1978; No 173, 1981; No 103, 1995; No 112, 1999

s 5.....................

am No 86, 1978; No 109, 1988; No 103, 1995; No 59, 2015 (Sch 2 item 94)

s 6.....................

rep No 47, 1976


ad No 46, 1984


rs No 104, 1992; No 103, 1995

s 7.....................

am No 47, 1976; No 62, 2014

s 8.....................

am No 216, 1973; No 59, 1975; No 47, 1976; No 143, 1977; No 86, 1978; No 173, 1981; No 65, 1985; No 5, 1989; No 103, 1995; No 73, 2008

s 9.....................

rs No 59, 1975; No 111, 1977


am No 103, 1995; No 73, 2008

s 9A....................

ad No 59, 1975


am No 173, 1981; No 73, 2008

s 10....................

rs No 122, 1991


am No 146, 1999

s 11....................

am No 73, 2008

s 12....................

am No 86, 1978; No 173, 1981; No 73, 2008

s 13....................

am No 5, 1989; No 103, 1995; No 73, 2008

s 14....................

am No 103, 1995; No 73, 2008

s 15....................

am No 86, 1978; No 173, 1981; No 103, 1995; No 146, 1999; No 73, 2008

s 16A...................

ad No 86, 1978

s 16AA..................

ad No 109, 1988

s 16B...................

ad No 6, 1980


rep No 109, 1988


ad No 103, 1995

s 16C...................

ad No 46, 1984


am No 104, 1992


rs No 103, 1995


rep No 59, 2015

s 16D...................

ad No 103, 1995

s 17....................

rs No 47, 1976

s 18....................

rep No 47, 1976


ad No 112, 1999

s 19....................

am No 47, 1976; No 86, 1978; No 173, 1981; No 103, 1995; No 73, 2008

s 19A...................

ad No 86, 1978


rep No 173, 1981

s 20....................

am No 47, 1976

s 22....................

am No 86, 1978; No 173, 1981

s 23....................

am No 47, 1976; No 86, 1978; No 173, 1981; No 73, 2008

s 24....................

rs No 47, 1976


am No 86, 1978; No 173, 1981; No 73, 2008

s 25....................

am No 47, 1976; No 86, 1978; No 6, 1980; No 46, 1984 (as am by No 65, 1985); No 109, 1988; No 104, 1992; No 103, 1995; No 112, 1999; No 73, 2008

s 26....................

am No 47, 1976


rep No 86, 1978

s 27....................

rs No 47, 1976