Post and Telegraph Rates Act 1973

No. 107 of 1973



To amend the Post and Telegraph Rates Act 1902–1971.

[Assented to 29 September 1973]

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia, as follows:—

Short title and citation.

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Post and Telegraph Rates Act 1973.

(2) The Post and Telegraph Rates Act 1902–1971 is in this Act referred to as the Principal Act.

(3) The Principal Act, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the Post and Telegraph Rates Act 1902–1973.


2. This Act shall come into operation on 1 October 1973.

Articles addressed to “The Householder”.

3. Section 6a of the Principal Act is amended—

(a) by omitting from sub-section (2) the word agreement and substituting the word arrangement;

(b) by omitting from sub-section (2) the words the next succeeding sub-section and substituting the words sub-sections (3) and (4a)”;

(c) by omitting paragraphs (a) and (b) of sub-section (2) and substituting the following paragraphs:—

(a) in the case of each article for delivery within the city area in which it is posted—at the rate of—

(i) Two and one-half cents for the first fifty grams; and

(ii) One-half cent for each additional fifty grams or part of fifty grams; and

(b) in the case of each other article—at the rate of—

(i) Three and one-half cents for the first fifty grams; and

(ii) One cent for each additional fifty grams or part of fifty grams.;

(d) by omitting sub-section (3) and substituting the following sub-section:—

(3) The Postmaster-General may make an arrangement with a person who proposes to post more than one hundred thousand articles to which this section applies during a particular period under which the postage payable in respect of the articles shall be at such rates as are provided by the arrangement, not being lower than—

(a) in the case of each article posted for delivery within the city area in which it is posted—seventy-five per centum of the rate specified in paragraph (a) of sub-section (2); and

(b) in the case of each other article—seventy-five per centum of the rate specified in paragraph (b) of sub-section (2),

and, in that event, the postage payable in respect of articles to which the arrangement relates is, subject to sub-sections (4) and (4a), at those rates.;

(e) by omitting from sub-section (4) the words An agreement under the last preceding sub-section may specify and substituting the words An arrangement under sub-section (3) may be subject to;

(f) by omitting from sub-section (4) the words in the agreement and substituting the words by the arrangement; and

(g) by inserting after sub-section (4) the following sub-section:—

(4a) Where the amount of postage that would, but for this sub-section, be payable under sub-section (2) or in accordance with an arrangement made under sub-section (3) includes a fraction of a cent, the amount payable is the next higher amount that does not include a fraction of a cent..

Reduced rates for bulk postage.

4. Section 6b of the Principal Act is amended—

(a) by omitting from sub-section (3) the words enter into an agreement and substituting the words make an arrangement;

(b) by omitting from paragraph (d) of sub-section (3) the words set out in the agreement and substituting the words provided by the arrangement;

(c) by omitting from sub-section (3) the words in the agreement (last occurring) and substituting the words by the arrangement; and

(d) by omitting from sub-section (5) the word agreement and substituting the word arrangement.

Schedule 1.

5. The First Schedule to the Principal Act is repealed and the following Schedule substituted:—

SCHEDULE 1 Sections 6, 6a and 6b

Part I—Ordinary Rates

1. Letters, lettercards and postcards—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage, in cents

Not more than 20 grams.......................................


More than 20 grams but not more than 50 grams.......................


More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams......................


More than 100 grams but not more than 250 grams......................


More than 250 grams but not more than 500 grams......................


2. (1) This item applies to Category A publications and Category B publications, where the articles are posted by the proprietors, printers or publishers of the publications or by newsvendors or agents, subject to such conditions, if any, not being conditions that are inconsistent with the regulations, as are determined by the Postmaster-General, relating to—

(a) the manner of packing and marking the articles; and

(b) the arrangement of the articles so as to facilitate their sorting,

and to compliance with the regulations.

(2) Subject to sub-items (5) and (6), in the case of Category A publications—

(a) posted before 1 March 1974—an amount calculated, in. respect of the articles posted by any one person at any one time, at the rate of—

(i) 1½ cents for each article; or

(ii) 6 cents for each 300 grams or part of 300 grams of the aggregate weight of the articles,

whichever is the greater;

(b) posted on or after 1 March 1974 but before 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of the articles posted by any one person at any one time, at the rate of—

(i) 2½ cents for each article; or

(ii) 8 cents for each 300 grams or part of 300 grams of the aggregate weight of the articles,

whichever is the greater;

(c) posted on or after 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates;—

(i) where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grains—3 cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 100 grams—4½ cents;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 100 grama—4½ cents, together with 1 cent for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 100 grams.

(3) Subject to sub-items (5) and (6), in the case of Category B publications posted for local delivery—

(a) before 1 March 1974—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the rate of—

(i) 2 cents for the first 50 grams or part of 50 grams; and

(ii) 1 cent for each additional 50 grams or part of 50 grams;

(b) on or after 1 March 1974 but before 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates:—

(i) where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grams—3 cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 100 grams—4½ cents;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 100 grams—4½ cents, together with 1 cent for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 100 grams;

(c) on or after 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates:—

(i) where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grams—4 cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 300 grams—4 cents, together with 2 cents for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 50 grams;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 300 grams—14 cents, together with 1 cent for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 300 grams.

(4) In the case of Category B publications posted otherwise than for local delivery—

(a) before 1 March 1974—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates:—

(i) where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grams—2½ cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 250 grams—2½ cents, together with 2 cents for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 50 grams;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 250 grams—10½ cents, together with 1 cent for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 250 grams;

(b) on or after 1 March 1974 but before 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates:—

(i) where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grams—3½ cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 100 grams—5½ cents;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 100 grams—5½ cents, together with 1½ cents for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 100 grams;

(c) on or after 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates:—

(i) where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grams—4½ cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 100 grams—7 cents;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 100 grams but does not exceed 300 grams—7 cents, together with 2 cents for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 100 grams;

(iv) where the weight of the article exceeds 300 grams—15 cents, together with 1½ cents for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 300 grams.

(5) In the case of Category A and Category B publications posted by the proprietors, printers or publishers of the publications, a minimum amount of $1.50 is payable in respect of the articles posted by any one person at any one time.

(6) Where the amount that would, bat for this sub-item, be payable in accordance with sub-item (2), (3) or (4) includes a fraction of a cent, the amount payable is the next higher amount that does not include a fraction of a cent.

3. (1) Subject to sub-item (2), Category C publications, where the articles are posted by the proprietors, printers or publishers of the publications or by a newsvendor or agent, subject to such conditions, if any, not being conditions that are inconsistent with the regulations, as are determined by the Postmaster-General, relating to—

(a) the manner of packing and marking the articles; and

(b) the arrangement of the articles so as to facilitate their sorting,

and to compliance with the regulations—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage, in cents, if posted before 1 March 1974

Rate of postage, in cents, if posted on or after 1 March 1974

Not more than 50 grams...........................



More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams...........



More than 100 grams but not more than 150 grams..........



More than 150 grams but not more than 200 grams..........



More than 200 grams but not more than 250 grams..........



More than 250 grams but not more than 300 grams..........



More than 300 grams but not more than 350 grams..........



More than 350 grams but not more than 400 grams..........



More than 400 grams but not more than 450 grams..........



More than 450 grams but not more than 500 grams..........



(2) in the case of Category C publications posted by the proprietors; printers or publishers of the publications subject to the conditions referred to in sub-item (1) and to compliance with the regulations—a minimum amount of $1.50 is payable in respect of the articles posted by any one person at any one time.

4. Articles that are not articles to which item 1, 2 or 3 applies—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage, in cents

Not more than 50 grams.......................................


More than 50 grams bat not more than 100 grams......................


More than 100 grams but not more than 250 grams.....................


More than 250 grams but not more than 500 grams.....................


Part II—Air Mail Rates

Articles posted by air mail—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage, in cents

Not more than 20 grams.......................................


More than 20 grams but not more than 50 grams.......................


More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams.......................


More than 100 grams but not more than 250 grams......................


More than 250 grams but not more than 500 grams......................


Part III—Priority Paid Mail Rates

Articles posted by priority paid mail—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage

Not more than 20 grams.......................................


More than 20 grams but not more than 50 grams.......................


More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams......................


More than 100 grams but not more than 250 grams.....................


More than 250 grams but not more than 500 grams.....................


Part IV—Bulk Postage Rates

1. Letters, lettercards and postcards—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage, in cents, where the number of articles, irrespective of the weights of individual articles is

Mote than 2,500 but not more than 25,000

More than 25,000 but not more than 100,000

More than 100,000

Not more than 20 grams.....................



More than 20 grams but not more than 50 grams.....




More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams....




More than 100 grams but not more than 150 grams...




More than 150 grams but not more than 200 grams...




More than 200 grams but not more than 250 grams...




More than 250 grams but not more than 300 grams...




More than 300 grams but not more than 350 grams...




More than 350 grams but not more than 400 grams...




More than 400 grams but not more than 450 grams...




More than 450 grams but not more than 500 grams...




2. Articles that are not articles to which item 1 applies—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage, is cents, where the number of articles, irrespective of the weights of individual articles is

More than 2,500 but not more than 25,000

More than 25,000 but not more than 100,000

More than 100,000

Not more than 50 grams.....................



More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams....




More than 100 grams but not more than 150 grams...




More than 150 grams but not more than 200 grams...




More than 200 grams but not more than 250 grams...




More than 250 grams but not more than 300 grams...




More than 300 grams but not more than 350 grams...




More than 350 grams but not more than 400 grams...




More than 400 grams but not more than 450 grams...




More than 450 grams but not more than 500 grams...




Part V—Minimum Agreed Bulk Postage Rates

1. Letters, lettercards and postcards—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage, in cents

Not more than 20 grams.......................................

More than 20 grams but not more than 50 grams.......................


More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams......................


More than 100 grams but not more than 150 grams......................


More than 150 grams but not more than 200 grams......................


More than 200 grams but not more than 250 grams......................


More than 250 grams but not more than 300 grams......................


More than 300 grams but not more than 350 grams......................


More than 350 grams but not more than 400 grams......................


More than 400 grams but not more than 450 grams......................


More than 450 grams but not more than 500 grams......................


2. Other articles to which sub-section (3) of section 6b applies—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage, in cents

Not more than 50 grams.......................................

More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams......................


More than 100 grams but not more than 150 grams.....................


More than 150 grams but not more than 200 grams.....................


More than 200 grams but not more than 250 grams.....................


More than 250 grams but not more than 300 grams.....................


More than 300 grams but not more than 350 grams.....................


More than 350 grams but not more than 400 grams.....................


More than 400 grams but not more than 450 grams.....................


More than 450 grams but not more than 500 grams.....................


Second Schedule.

6. The Second Schedule to the Principal Act is amended by omitting Parts II and III.

Consequential and formal amendments.

7. The Principal Act is amended as set out in the Schedule.


SCHEDULE Section 7

Consequential and Formal Amendments



Section 4 (definition of Category C publication)

(a) Omit newspaper, substitute registered newspaper.

(b) Omit periodical, substitute registered periodical.

Section 4 (definition of registered book)

Omit the definition.

Section 6(1)..........

Omit Part I. of the First Schedule to this Act, substitute Part I, II or III, as the case may be, of Schedule 1.

Section 6(2)..........

Omit agreement, substitute arrangement.

Section 6(2) and (3)....

Omit Part I. of the First Schedule to this Act, substitute Part I of Schedule 1.

Section 6a(1).........

Omit item 5 in Part I. of the First Schedule to this Act, substitute item 4 in Part I of Schedule 1.

Section 6b(1).........

(a) Omit Part II. of the First Schedule to this Act, substitute Part IV of Schedule 1.

(b) Omit all the words after Postmaster-General (second occurring), substitute is more than two thousand five hundred.

Section 6b(2).........

Omit Part II. of the First Schedule to this Act, substitute Part IV of Schedule 1.

Section 6b(3).........

(a) Omit of this section (wherever occurring).

(b) Omit item 1 or item 3 in Part II. of the First Schedule to this Act, substitute Part IV of Schedule 1.

(c) Omit Part III. of the First Schedule to this Act, substitute Part V of Schedule 1.

Section 6c(b).........

Omit and books.

Section 7............

Omit the Second Schedule to this Act, substitute Schedule 2.

Second Schedule......