No. 60 of 1974


An Act to amend the Post and Telegraph Rates Act 1902-1973.


BE IT ENACTED by the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia, as follows:

Short title and citation.

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Post and Telegraph Rates Act 1974.

(2) The Post and Telegraph Rates Act 1902-1973 is in this Act referred to as the Principal Act.

(3) The Principal Act, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the Post and Telegraph Rates Act 1902-1974.


2. This Act shall come into operation on 1 October 1974.


3. Sections 4 and 4a of the Principal Act are repealed and the following sections substituted:—

“4. (1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears—

‘area bundle’ means a bundle comprising postal articles all of which are addressed to addresses to which the same group of postcodes relates;

‘bona fide subscriber’, in relation to a Category A publication, a Category B publication or a Category C publication, means a person who has ordered that copies of that publication be regularly supplied to him at the advertised price and sent to him by post;

‘Category A publication’ means a publication that is registered at a General Post Office as a Category A registered newspaper or as a Category A registered periodical;

‘Category B publication’ means a publication that is registered at a General Post Office as a Category B registered newspaper or as a Category B registered periodical;

‘Category C publication’ means a publication that is registered at a General Post Office as a Category C registered newspaper or as a Category C registered periodical;

‘direct bag’ means a bag—

(a) containing postal articles all of which are addressed to addresses to which the same postcode relates; and

(b) weighing, together with those postal articles, not less than 7 kilograms;

‘direct bundle’ means a bundle comprising postal articles all of which are addressed to addresses to which the same postcode relates;

‘group of postcodes’ means a number of postcodes that are treated as a single group for the purposes of a sorting plan approved in writing by the Postmaster-General;

‘non-standard article’ means a postal article that weighs not more than 500 grams and is not a standard article;

‘Post and Telegraph Act’ means the Post and Telegraph Act 1901-1974;

‘rates of postage’ means the charges for transmission of postal articles posted in Australia for delivery in Australia, but does not include additional fees prescribed under the Post and Telegraph Act for special services;

‘rates for telegrams’ means the charges for transmission of telegrams within Australia, but does not include additional fees prescribed under the Post and Telegraph Act for special services;

‘standard article’ means a postal article weighing not more than 500 grams—

(a) the thickness of which does not exceed 5 millimetres; and

(b) the other 2 dimensions of which form an oblong—

(i) the shorter of whose sides is not less than 88 millimetres and not more than 122 millimetres in length;

(ii) the longer of whose sides is not less than 138 millimetres and not more than 237 millimetres in length; and

(iii) the respective lengths of whose adjacent sides are in the ratio of 1 to at least 1.414.

“(2) Where

(a) 20 or more postal articles are securely tied together; or

(b) 2 or more, but less than 20, postal articles are securely tied together and their total thickness is 40 millimetres or more,

they shall be treated, for the purposes of this Act, as being comprised in a bundle.

Amounts including fraction of cent.

“4a. Where an amount that would, but for this section, be payable under, or in accordance with an arrangement made under, this Act includes a fraction of a cent, the amount payable is the next higher amount that does not include a fraction of a cent.

4. Sections 6 to 7 (inclusive) of the Principal Act are repealed and the following sections substituted:

“6. (1) Subject to sections 6a and 6b, the rates of postage for postal articles other than parcels are the rates set out in Part I, II, or III, as the case may be, of Schedule 1.

Rates of postage.

“(2) The postage payable in respect of articles to which clause 3 or 4 in Part I of Schedule 1 applies shall, except where otherwise provided by arrangement between the Postmaster-General and the person posting the article, be prepaid in money.

“(3) For the purposes of clause 3 in Part I of Schedule 1, ‘local delivery’, in relation to a postal article, means delivery—

(a) from the office at which the article is posted; or

(b) where the article is posted within an area for the time being determined by the Postmaster-General, for the purposes of this sub-section, to be a local delivery area—within that area.

Articles addressed to “The Householder”.

“6a. (1) This section applies to postal articles (other than Category A publications, Category B publications or Category C publications) that—

(a) do not exceed 250 grams in weight;

(b) are not addressed to specified persons but bear the words ‘The Householder’ or some similar words; and

(c) are posted in bulk.

“(2) Subject to sub-sections (3) and (4), the postage payable in respect of articles to which this section applies shall, except where otherwise provided by arrangement between the Postmaster-General and the person posting the articles, be prepaid in money and is at the rate of—

(a) in the case of standard articles for delivery within the city area in which they are posted—3.5 cents for each article;

(b) in the case of non-standard articles for delivery within the city area in which they are posted—

(i) 3.5 cents for each article, together with 10 cents for each kilogram of the total weight of articles, being articles to which this paragraph applies, posted by any one person at any one time; or

(ii) 4 cents for each article, whichever is the greater;

(c) in the case of standard articles not falling within paragraph (a)—5 cents for each article;

(d) in the case of non-standard articles not falling within paragraph(b)

(i) 4.75 cents for each article, together with 15 cents for each kilogram of the total weight of articles, being articles to which this paragraph applies, posted by any one person at any one time; or

(ii) 5.5 cents for each article, whichever is the greater.

“(3) Where a non-standard article to which this section applies—

(a) consists of an envelope, together with its contents, if any;

(b) weighs not more than 50 grams; and

(c) is posted before 1 March 1975,

the postage payable in respect of that article is the postage that would be payable if that article were a standard article.

“(4) The Postmaster-General may make an arrangement with a person who proposes to post more than 100,000 articles to which this section applies during a particular period under which the postage payable in respect of the articles shall be at such rates as are provided by the arrangement, not being lower than 75 per centum of the respective rates that would, but for this sub-section, be applicable to the articles and, in that event, the postage payable in respect of the articles is, subject to sub-sections (5) and (6), at those rates.

“(5) An arrangement under sub-section (4) may be subject to conditions with respect to—

(a) the manner of packing, addressing and marking the articles;

(b) the manner and place of posting the articles; and

(c) the arrangement of the articles so as to facilitate their delivery,

and, in that event, the rates of postage provided by the arrangement do not apply in respect of the articles unless the person posting the articles complies with the conditions.

“(6) In this section, ‘city area’ means an area for the time being determined by the Postmaster-General by an instrument in writing to be a city area for the purposes of this section.

Reduced rates for bulk postage.

“6b. (1) This section applies to postal articles, other than parcels or articles to which section 6a applies, that comply with, and are posted in accordance with, conditions determined by the Postmaster-General relating to—

(a) the manner of packing, addressing and marking the articles;

(b) the manner and place of posting the articles; and

(c) the arrangement of the articles so as to facilitate their sorting,


(d) the articles, being articles each of which does not exceed 50 grams in weight, are all posted in direct bags containing only those articles and the total number of those articles posted by any one person at any one time is not less than 1,000;

(e) the articles, being articles each of which exceeds 50 grams in weight, are all posted in direct bags containing only those articles and the total number of those articles posted by any one person at any one time is not less than 1,000; or

(f) in any other case, the total number of the articles posted by any one person at any one time is not less than 2,500.

“(2) The rates of postage payable in respect of articles to which this section applies are the rates set out in Part IV of Schedule 1.

“(3) The postage payable in respect of articles to which this section applies shall, except where otherwise provided by arrangement between the Postmaster-General and the person posting the articles, be prepaid in money.

Regulations relating to registered newspapers and periodicals.

“6c. The power of the Governor-General under section 97 of the Post and Telegraph Act to make regulations includes—

(a) the power to make regulations for and in relation to the registration of publications under the Post and Telegraph Act as newspapers, including, in particular, the power to make regulations limiting or extending the classes of publications that may be so registered; and

(b) the power to make regulations for and in relation to the registration of publications at a General Post Office as periodicals.

Post Office Courier Service rates.

“6d. The power of the Governor-General under section 97 of the Post and Telegraph Act to make regulations includes the power to make regulations making provision for and in relation to charges and fees to be paid for and in respect of services provided by the Post Office Courier Service.

Telegraphic rates.

“7. The rates for telegrams are as set out in Schedule 2.”.


5. The Schedules to the Principal Act are repealed and the following Schedules substituted: —

SCHEDULE 1 Sections 6, 6a and 6b


1. Standard articles (other than articles to which clause 3 or 4 applies)—10 cents for each article.

2. (1) Non-standard articles (other than articles to which clause 3 or 4 applies)—subject to sub-clause (2), the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage


Not more than 50 grams.....................



More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams....


More than 100 grams but not more than 250 grams....


More than 250 grams but not more than 500 grams....


(2) Where a non-standard article (other than an article to which clause 3 or 4 applies)—

(a) consists of an envelope, together with its contents, if any;

(b) weighs not more than 50 grams; and

(c) is posted before 1 March 1975,

the rate is 10 cents.

3. (1) This clause applies to Category A publications and Category B publications, where the articles are posted by the proprietors, printers or publishers of the publications or by news vendors or agents, subject to such conditions, if any, not being conditions that are inconsistent with the regulations, as are determined by the Postmaster-General, relating to—

(a) the manner of packing and marking the articles; and

(b) the arrangement of the articles so as to facilitate their sorting, and to compliance with the regulations.

(2) Subject to sub-clause (5), in the case of Category A publications—

(a) posted before 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of the articles posted by any one person at any one time, at the rate of—

(i) 2.5 cents for each article; or

(ii) 8 cents for each 300 grams or part of 300 grams of the aggregate weight of the articles,

whichever is the greater;

(b) posted on or after 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates:—

(i) where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grams—3 cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 100 grams—4.5 cents;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 100 grams—4.5 cents, together with 1 cent for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 100 grams.

SCHEDULE 1—continued

(3) Subject to sub-clause (5), in the case of Category B publications posted for local delivery—

(a) before 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates:—

(i)where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grams—3 cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 100 grams—4.5 cents;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 100 grams—4.5 cents, together with 1 cent for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 100 grams;

(b) on or after 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates:—

(i) where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grams—4 cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 300 grams—4 cents, together with 2 cents for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 50 grams;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 300 grams—14 cents, together with 1 cent for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 300 grams.

(4) Subject to sub-clause (5), in the case of Category B publications posted otherwise than for local delivery—

(a) before 1 March 1975—an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates:—

(i) where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grams—3.5 cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 100 grams—5.5 cents;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 100 grams—5.5 cents, together with 1.5 cents for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 100 grams;

(b) on or after 1 March 1975-an amount calculated, in respect of each article, at the following rates:

(i) where the weight of the article does not exceed 50 grams4.5 cents;

(ii) where the weight of the article exceeds 50 grams but does not exceed 100 grams7 cents;

(iii) where the weight of the article exceeds 100 grams but does not exceed 300 grams7 cents, together with 2 cents for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 100 grams;

(iv) where the weight of the article exceeds 300 grams15 cents, together with 1.5 cents for each 50 grams or part of 50 grams in excess of 300 grams.

(5) In the case of Category A and Category B publications posted by the proprietors,  printers or publishers of the publications

(a) before 1 March 1975a minimum amount of $1.50; or

(b) on or after 1 March 1975a minimum amount of $3.00, 

is payable in respect of the articles posted by any one person at any one time.

4. (1) This clause applies to Category C publications, where they are posted by the proprietors, printers or publishers of the publications or by newsvendors or agents, subject to such conditions, if any, not being conditions that are inconsistent with the regulations, as are determined by the Postmaster-General, relating to

(a) the manner of packing and marking the articles; and

(b) the arrangement of the articles so as to facilitate their sorting,

and to compliance with the regulations.

SCHEDULE 1—continued

(2) Subject to sub-clause (4), where the articles are posted before 1 March 1975the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:

Weight of article

Rate of postage

Not more than 50 grams......................



More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams.....


More than 100 grams but not more than 150 grams....


More than 150 grams but not more than 200 grams....


More than 200 grams but not more than 250 grams....


More than 250 grams but not more than 300 grams....


More than 300 grams but not more than 350 grams....


More than 350 grams but not more than 400 grams....


More than 400 grams but not more than 450 grams....


More than 450 grams but not more than 500 grams....


(3) Subject to sub-clause (4), where the articles are posted on or after 1 March 1975—

(a) in the case of the standard articles—8 cents for each article; and

(b) In the case of non-standard articles weighing not more than 50 grams—9 cents for each article; and

(c) in the case of non-standard articles weighing more than 50 grams—

(i) 11.5 cents for each article, together with 5.5 cents for each 100 grams of the total weight of articles posted by any one person at any one time; or

(ii) 17 cents for each item, whichever is the greater.

(4) In the case of publications posted by the proprietors, printers or publishers of the publications—

(a) before 1 March 1975—a minimum amount of $1.50; or

(b) on or after 1 March 1975—a minimum amount of $3.00,

is payable in respect of the articles posted by any one person at any one time.



Articles posted for conveyance by air mail—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage

Not more than 20 grams .....................

15 cents

More than 20 grams but not more than 50 grams......

25 cents

More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams.....

35 cents

More than 100 grams but not more than 250 grams....

60 cents

More than 250 grams but not more than 500 grams....



Articles posted for conveyance by the priority paid mail service—the rate ascertained in accordance with the following table:—

Weight of article

Rate of postage

Not more than 20 grams .....................

30 cents

More than 20 grams but not more than 50 grams......

50 cents

More than 50 grams but not more than 100 grams.....

70 cents

More than 100 grams but not more than 250 grams....


More than 250 grams but not more than 500 grams....



SCHEDULE 1—continued


1. In the case of standard articles—

(a) posted in direct bags—6.75 cents for each article;

(b) posted in direct bundles—8 cents for each article;

(c) posted in area bundles—9 cents for each article.

2. Subject to clause 3, in the case of non-standard articles—

(a) posted in direct bags, where each of the articles contained in the bags does not exceed 50 grams in weight—7.5 cents for each article;

(b) posted in direct bags, where each of the articles contained in the bags exceeds 50 grams in weight—

(i) 11.5 cents for each article, together with 40 cents for each kilogram or part of a kilogram of the total weight of articles, being articles to which this paragraph applies, posted by any one person at any one time (less the estimated weight of the bags); or

(ii) 15.5 cents for each article, whichever is the greater;

(c) posted in direct bundles, where each of the articles comprised in the bundles does not exceed 50 grams in weight—8.75 cents for each article;

(d) posted in direct bundles, where each of the articles comprised in the bundles exceeds 50 grams in weight—

(i) 13 cents for each article, together with 50 cents for each kilogram or part of a kilogram of the total weight of articles, being articles to which this paragraph applies, posted by any one person at any one time (less, if the bundles are posted in bags, the estimated weight of the bags); or

(ii) 18 cents for each article, whichever is the greater;

(e) posted in area bundles, where each of the articles comprised in the bundles does not exceed 50 grams in weight—10 cents for each article;

(f) posted in area bundles, where each of the articles comprised in the bundles exceeds 50 grams in weight—

(i) 15.5 cents for each article, together with 55 cents for each kilogram or part of a kilogram of the total weight of articles, being articles to which this paragraph applies, posted by any one person at any one time (less, if the bundles are posted in bags, the estimated weight of the bags); or

(ii) 21 cents for each article, whichever is the greater.

3. Where a non-standard article to which this Part applies—

(a) consists of an envelope, together with its contents, if any;

(b) weighs not more than 50 grams; and

(c) is posted before 1 March 1975, the rate of postage payable in respect of that article is the rate that would apply if that article were a standard article.


SCHEDULE 2 Section  7


1. The rate for telegrams containing not more than 12 words (including address and signature) is 72 cents.

2. The rate for telegrams containing more than 12 words (including address and signature) is 72 cents, together with an amount of 6 cents for each word by which the number of words contained in the telegram exceeds 12.

3. Double the foregoing rates shall be charged for the transmission of—

(a) urgent telegrams; and

(b) telegrams on the public service when required, under section 95 of the Post and Telegraph Act, to (b) be transmitted before other telegrams.

4. Rates specified in this Part are exclusive of porterage charges.

SCHEDULE 2—continued


The rate for a letter telegram, as prescribed, accepted for transmission subject to the prescribed conditions is 30 cents together with an amount of 3 cents for each 2 words or part of 2 words by which the number of words contained in the letter telegram (including address and signature) exceeds 20.
