Gene Technology (Licence Charges) Act 2000


No. 171, 2000





Gene Technology (Licence Charges) Act 2000


No. 171, 2000





An Act to impose charges on licences issued under the Gene Technology Act 2000, and for related purposes





1 Short title...................................

2 Commencement...............................

3 Definition...................................

4 GMO licence—annual charge.......................

5 Regulations..................................

Gene Technology (Licence Charges) Act 2000

No. 171, 2000




An Act to impose charges on licences issued under the Gene Technology Act 2000, and for related purposes

[Assented to 21 December 2000]

The Parliament of Australia enacts:

1  Short title

  This Act may be cited as the Gene Technology (Licence Charges) Act 2000.

2  Commencement

  This Act commences immediately after the commencement of section 55 of the Gene Technology Act 2000.

3  Definition

  In this Act:

GMO licence means a GMO licence issued under the Gene Technology Act 2000.

4  GMO licence—annual charge

 (1) A person who is the holder of a GMO licence at any time during a financial year is liable to pay a charge for the licence in respect of that year.

 (2) The amount of the charge for a financial year is such amount as is prescribed by the regulations.

5  Regulations

  The GovernorGeneral may make regulations prescribing matters:

 (a) required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed; or

 (b) necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act.




[Minister’s second reading speech made in—

House of Representatives on 22 June 2000

Senate on 30 August 2000]


