No. 93 of 1975


An Act relating to Charges for Pharmaceutical Benefits.


BE IT ENACTED by the Queen, the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia, as follows:—

Short title and citation.

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits Charges) Act 1975.

(2) The National Health Act 1953-1974, as amended by the National Health Act 1975 and the National Health Act (No. 2) 1975, is in this Act referred to as the Principal Act.

(3) Section 1 of the National Health Act (No. 2) 1975 is amended by omitting sub-section (4).

(4) The Principal Act, as amended by this Act, may be cited as the National Health Act 1953-1975.


2. This Act shall come into operation on 1 September 1975.


3. Section 84 of the Principal Act is amended—

(a) by omitting from paragraph (a) of the definition of “the appropriate maximum amount” in sub-section (1) the words “Fifty cents” and substituting the figures and word “75 cents”; and

(b) by omitting from paragraph (b) of that definition the words “One dollar” and substituting the figures “$1.50”.