Cocos (Keeling) Islands Amendment Act 1979

No. 6 of 1979

An Act to amend the Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act 1955.

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen, and the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:

Short title, &c.

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Cocos (Keeling) Islands Amendment Act 1979.

(2) The Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act 1955 is in this Act referred to as the Principal Act.


2. This Act shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by Proclamation.

3. Section 15 of the Principal Act is repealed and the following sections are substituted:

Grant of Australian citizenship to certain persons

14a. A person (not being an Australian citizen) who

(a) was, immediately before the proclaimed date, ordinarily resident in the Islands; and

(b) is ordinarily resident in Australia or an external Territory,

may make, in the prescribed manner, a declaration that he wishes to become an Australian citizen and upon registration, as prescribed, of the declaration, the person shall become an Australian citizen.

Meaning of ordinarily resident

15. For the purposes of sections 14 and 14a, a person shall be deemed to be, or to have been, at a particular time, ordinarily resident in a place if, at that time

(a) he has, or had, his home at that place; or

(b) that place is, or was, the place of his permanent abode notwithstanding his temporary absence at that time from that place,

but a person shall not be deemed to be, or to have been, resident at that time in that place if, at that time, he is, or was, resident in that place for a special or temporary purpose only..

Formal amendments

4. The Principal Act is amended as set out in the Schedule.

SCHEDULE     Section 4





(a) Omit four of this Act, substitute 4.


(b) Omit the first day of February, One thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, substitute1 February 1955.

Section 4...............

(a) Omit twelve degrees five minutes from the definition of the Islands, substitute 12°5.


(b) Omit ninety-six degrees fifty-three minutes from the definition of the Islands, substitute 96°53.


(c) Omit two of this Act from the definition of the proclaimed date, substitute 2.

Sub-section 6(1)..........

Omit of this section.

Sub-section 6(2)..........

Omit the next succeeding sub-section, substitute sub-section (3).

Section 7...............

Omit the seventh day of July, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, substitute 7 July 1886.

Sub-section 8(3)..........

Omit the last preceding sub-section, substitute sub-section (2).

Sub-section 8(4)..........

Omit the last preceding sub-section, substitute sub-section (3).

Section 9...............

Omit the last preceding section, substitute section 8.

Section 10..............

Omit Subject to the next succeeding section, an, substitute An.

Sub-section 13(1)..........

Omit fifteen, substitute 15.

Sub-section 13(2)..........

Omit fifteen, substitute 15.

Sub-section 13(3)..........

Omit fifteen (wherever occurring), substitute 15.

Sub-section 13(3a).........

(a) Omit fifteen, substitute 15.


(b) Omit the last two preceding sub-sections, substitute sub-sections (2) and (3).

Sub-section 13(5)..........

Omit six, substitute 6.

Sub-section 14(2)..........

Omit the last preceding sub-section, substitute sub-section (1).

Sub-section 14(3)..........

Omit of this section.

Sub-section 14(4)..........

(a) Omit of this section.


(b) Omit three, substitute 3.


(c) Omit six, substitute 6.


(d) Omit two, substitute 2.


(e) Omit twenty-one, substitute 21.

Section 20..............

(a) Omit One hundred dollars, substitute $100.


(b) Omit three, substitute 3.