Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1983

No. 7, 1983 as amended

Compilation start date:   17 October 2014

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 109, 2014


About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1983 as in force on 17 october 2014. It includes any commenced amendment affecting the legislation to that date.

This compilation was prepared on 3 November 2014.

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of each amended provision.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not reflected in the text of the compiled law but the text of the amendments is included in the endnotes.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.


If a provision of the compiled law is affected by a modification that is in force, details are included in the endnotes.

Provisions ceasing to have effect

If a provision of the compiled law has expired or otherwise ceased to have effect in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part I—Preliminary

1 Short title

2 Commencement

Part II—Transitional Provisions

3 Interpretation

4 Extension to external Territories

5 Application

6 Members of Commission cease to hold office

7 References to Commission in instruments, &c.

8 Property, powers, liabilities, &c.

10 Judicial notice

11 Officers and employees

15 Application of moneys

Part IV—Amendments of the Copyright Act 1968

60 Television broadcasts and sound broadcasts in which copyright subsists


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnote 5—Uncommenced amendments [none]

Endnote 6—Modifications [none]

Endnote 7—Misdescribed amendments [none]

Endnote 8—Miscellaneous [none]

An Act to enact certain transitional provisions and make certain amendments in consequence of the enactment of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983

Part IPreliminary

1  Short title

  This Act may be cited as the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1983.

2  Commencement

 (1) Sections 1 and 2 and subsection 15(1) shall come into operation on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.

 (2) The remaining provisions of this Act shall come into operation on the day fixed under subsection 2(2) of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983.

Part IITransitional Provisions

3  Interpretation

  Expressions used in this Part have, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meanings as those expressions have in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983.

4  Extension to external Territories

  This Part extends to all the external Territories.

5  Application

  This Part has effect notwithstanding anything contained in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983.

6  Members of Commission cease to hold office

  On the commencing day, the Chairman, the ViceChairman and the other Commissioners of the Australian Broadcasting Commission who held office immediately before that day cease to hold office, but the corporate identity of the body corporate referred to in subsection 5(1) of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 is preserved.

7  References to Commission in instruments, &c.

  A reference to the Australian Broadcasting Commission in any law of a Territory, or in any contract, award or other instrument to which the Australian Broadcasting Commission was a party, shall, except in relation to matters that occurred before the commencing day, be construed as a reference to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

8  Property, powers, liabilities, &c.

  The alteration of the name and constitution of the Australian Broadcasting Commission resulting from section 5 of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 does not affect any property, powers, rights, liabilities or obligations of the body corporate continued in existence by that section.

10  Judicial notice

  All courts, judges and persons acting judicially shall take judicial notice of the imprint of the seal of the Australian Broadcasting Commission appearing on a document that was executed before the commencing day and shall presume that the document was duly sealed.

11  Officers and employees

  Any person who was an officer (including an officer on probation) or a temporary employee of the Australian Broadcasting Commission immediately before the commencing day by virtue of his having been appointed or engaged under subsection 43(2) of the Broadcasting and Television Act 1942 continues, subject to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983, as an officer or temporary employee, as the case may be, of the Corporation as if he had been appointed or engaged under section 33 of that lastmentioned Act.

15  Application of moneys

 (1) The Australian Broadcasting Commission is liable to pay any remuneration and allowances that become payable under Part III of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 before the commencing day and, notwithstanding section 70 of the Broadcasting and Television Act 1942, the moneys of the Commission may be applied in payment of any such remuneration or allowances.

 (2) Notwithstanding section 68 of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983, the moneys of the Corporation may be applied:

 (a) in payment or discharge of any expenses, charges, obligations or liabilities that were incurred or undertaken before the commencing day by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in or in connection with the performance of its functions or the exercise of its powers and were not paid or discharged before that day; and

 (b) in payment of any remuneration or allowances the liability for which arose under Part III of the Broadcasting and Television Act 1942 or under subsection (1) of this section but which had not been paid before the commencing day.

Part IVAmendments of the Copyright Act 1968

60  Television broadcasts and sound broadcasts in which copyright subsists

 (2) The amendments made by former subsection (1) do not affect the continued subsistence of any copyright that, immediately before the commencement of this section, subsisted in a television broadcast or sound broadcast that had been made from a place in Australia by the Australian Broadcasting Commission before the commencement of this section.


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide details of the history of this legislation and its provisions. The following endnotes are included in each compilation:


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Endnote 5—Uncommenced amendments

Endnote 6—Modifications

Endnote 7—Misdescribed amendments

Endnote 8—Miscellaneous


If there is no information under a particular endnote, the word “none” will appear in square brackets after the endnote heading.


Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key in this endnote sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.


Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.


The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended the compiled law. The information includes commencement information for amending laws and details of application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.


The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision level. It also includes information about any provisions that have expired or otherwise ceased to have effect in accordance with a provision of the compiled law.


Uncommenced amendments—Endnote 5

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not reflected in the text of the compiled law but the text of the amendments is included in endnote 5.


Modifications—Endnote 6

If the compiled law is affected by a modification that is in force, details of the modification are included in endnote 6.


Misdescribed amendments—Endnote 7

An amendment is a misdescribed amendment if the effect of the amendment cannot be incorporated into the text of the compilation. Any misdescribed amendment is included in endnote 7.


Miscellaneous—Endnote 8

Endnote 8 includes any additional information that may be helpful for a reader of the compilation.


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

pres = present

am = amended

prev = previous

c = clause(s)

(prev) = previously

Ch = Chapter(s)

Pt = Part(s)

def = definition(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

Dict = Dictionary

Reg = Regulation/Regulations

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

reloc = relocated

Div = Division(s)

renum = renumbered

exp = expired or ceased to have effect

rep = repealed

hdg = heading(s)

rs = repealed and substituted

LI = Legislative Instrument

s = section(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

mod = modified/modification

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

No = Number(s)

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument

o = order(s)

SR = Statutory Rules

Ord = Ordinance

SubCh = SubChapter(s)

orig = original

SubPt = Subpart(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)



Endnote 3—Legislation history



Number and year



Application, saving and transitional provisions

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1983

7, 1983

1 June 1983

s 1, 2, 15(1) and 24: 1 June 1983
Remainder: 1 July 1983
(Gazette 1983, No. S124)


Omnibus Repeal Day (Autumn 2014) Act 2014

109, 2014

16 Oct 2014

Sch 2 (items 166174): 17 Oct 2014 (s(1)
item 2)


Endnote 4—Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Pt I


s 2.....................

am No 109, 2014



s 9.....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 11....................

am No 109, 2014

s 12....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 13....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 14....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 16....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 17....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 18....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 19....................

rep No 109, 2014

Pt III....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 20....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 21....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 22....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 23....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 24....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 25....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 26....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 27....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 28....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 29....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 30....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 31....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 32....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 33....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 34....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 35....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 36....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 37....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 38....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 39....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 40....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 41....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 42....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 43....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 44....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 45....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 46....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 47....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 48....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 49....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 50....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 51....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 52....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 53....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 54....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 55....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 56....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 57....................

rep No 109, 2014



s 58....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 59....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 60....................

am No 109, 2014

s 61....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 62....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 63....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 64....................

rep No 109, 2014

Pt V....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 65....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 66....................

rep No 109, 2014

Pt VI...................

rep No 109, 2014

s 67....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 68....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 69....................

rep No 109, 2014

Pt VII...................

rep No 109, 2014

s 70....................

rep No 109, 2014

s 71....................

rep No 109, 2014


Endnote 5—Uncommenced amendments [none]

Endnote 6—Modifications [none]

Endnote 7—Misdescribed amendments [none]

Endnote 8—Miscellaneous [none]