Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 1) 1983
No. 39 of 1983
An Act to make various amendments of the statute law of the Commonwealth, to repeal certain Acts, and for related purposes
[Assented to 20 June 1983]
BE IT ENACTED by the Queen, and the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 1) 1983.
2. (1) Subject to this section, this Act shall come into operation on the twenty-eighth day after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
(2) The amendments of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 made by this Act shall come into operation on such date as is fixed by Proclamation.
(3) The amendments of the Bank Account Debits Tax Administration Act 1982 made by this Act shall—
(a) in the case of the amendments of section 6 of that Act—come into operation on the twenty-eighth day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent; and
(b) in the case of the amendment of sub-section 29 (1) of that Act—be deemed to have come into operation on 31 December 1982.
(4) The amendments of the Customs Act 1901 made by this Act shall—
(a) in the case of the amendments of section 131a of that Act—come into operation, or be deemed to have come into operation, as the case requires, on the commencement of the Wildlife Protection (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1982;
(b) in the case of the amendment of sub-section 273f (2) of that Act—come into operation on the twenty-eighth day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent; and
(c) in the case of the other amendments of that Act—be deemed to have come into operation at the hour of 8 o’clock in the evening by standard time in the Australian Capital Territory on 17 August 1982.
(5) The amendments of the Customs and Excise Amendment Act 1982 made by this Act shall come into operation, or shall be deemed to have come into operation, as the case requires—
(a) in the case of the amendments of section 30 of that Act—on the commencement of that section; and
(b) in the case of the amendment of section 76 of that Act—on the commencement of that section.
(6) The amendment of the Dairy Industry Stabilization Amendment Act 1978 made by this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on 1 July 1978.
(7) The amendments of the Defence Act 1903 made by this Act shall—
(a) in the case of the repeal of section 69 of that Act—come into operation, or be deemed to have come into operation, as the case requires, on the commencement of section 38 of the Defence Force Re-organization Act 1975;
(b) in the case of the amendment of section 116d of that Act—come into operation on the twenty-eighth day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent or, if the day fixed under sub-section 2 (3) of the Defence Acts Amendment Act 1981 is a later day, on that later day; and
(c) in the case of the other amendments of that Act—come into operation on the twenty-eighth day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
(8) The amendment of the Domicile Act 1982 made by this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on 1 July 1982.
(9) The amendment of the Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Act 1978 made by this Act shall come into operation on such date as is fixed by Proclamation.
(10) The amendment of the Governor-General Act 1974 made by this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on 9 June 1982.
(11) The amendments of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 made by this Act shall—
(a) in the case of the amendments of sub-paragraph 221zc (5) (b) (i) of that Act—be deemed to have come into operation on 13 December 1982; and
(b) in the case of the other amendments of that Act—come into operation on the twenty-eighth day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
(12) The amendments of the Judiciary Act 1903 made by this Act shall come into operation on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
(13) The amendment of the Meat Research Act 1960 made by this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on 2 July 1979.
(14) The amendments of the Parliamentary Allowances Act 1952 made by this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on the commencement of sections 169 and 170 of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act (No. 1) 1982.
(15) The amendments of the Public Service Act 1922 made by this Act shall—
(a) in the case of the amendment of sub-section 81zv (2) of that Act—be deemed to have come into operation on 1 March 1983; and
(b) in the case of the other amendments of that Act—come into operation on such respective dates as are fixed by Proclamation.
(16) The amendments of the Public Service Acts Amendment Act 1982 made by this Act shall—
(a) in the case of the amendment of section 22 of that Act—come into operation on the commencement of that section; and
(b) in the case of the amendment of sub-section 77 (4) of that Act—be deemed to have come into operation on 5 November 1982.
(17) The amendment of the Repatriation Legislation Amendment Act 1982 made by this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on 28 October 1982.
(18) The amendment of the Special Prosecutors Act 1982 made by this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on 21 September 1982.
(19) The amendments of the States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1981 made by this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on 19 November 1981.
(20) The amendments of the States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1982 made by this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on 13 December 1982.
(21) The amendments of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act (No. 2) 1982 made by this Act shall be deemed to have come into operation on 20 October 1982.
(22) The repeal of the Australian Capital Territory Gaming and Liquor Authority Act 1981 by this Act shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by Proclamation.
Amendment of Acts
3. The Acts specified in Schedule 1 are amended as set out in that Schedule.
Formal amendment of Excise Act 1901
4. The Excise Act 1901 is amended as set out in Schedule 2.
Repeal of Acts
5. The following Acts are repealed:
Australian Capital Territory Gaming and Liquor Authority Act 1981
Defence Force (Papua New Guinea) Retirement Benefits Act 1973.
Transfer validated
6. The transfer by the Commonwealth to the Government of Papua New Guinea of $1,152,966, being the balance, as of 5 March 1975, standing to the credit of the Defence Force (Papua New Guinea) Retirement Benefits Fund established by the Defence Force (Papua New Guinea) Retirement Benefits Act 1973, shall be deemed to have been as validly done as if, at the time of the transfer, it had been authorized by that Act.
7. (1) Where this Act—
(a) amends a provision of an Act; or
(b) repeals and re-enacts (with or without modifications) a provision of an Act,
any act done or decision made under or in pursuance of the provision amended or repealed has effect after the amendment or repeal as if it had been done or made under or in pursuance of the provision as so amended or re-enacted.
(2) Notwithstanding the amendment of paragraphs 124 (1) (j), (k) and (l) of the Defence Act 1903 by this Act, regulations made under those paragraphs and in force immediately before the commencement of the amendment continue in force as if they had been made under that Act as so amended.
(3) The amendments of section 80 of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Act extend to proceedings pending immediately before the commencement of those amendments.
(4) The amendment of section 163a of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Act does not extend to proceedings pending on the commencement of that amendment.
(5) An amendment made by this Act increasing the rate of penalty arising in respect of a liability to pay a charge or levy extends to a penalty arising before the date of commencement of the amendment, but the rate as so increased does not apply in respect of that penalty before that date.
SCHEDULE 1 Section 3
Acts | Amendments |
Acts Interpretation | New paragraph 22 (f)— |
Act 1901 | After paragraph 22 (e), add the following paragraph: |
| “(f) ‘Foreign country’ means any country (whether or not an independent sovereign state) outside Australia and the external Territories.”. |
New section 34c— After section 34b, insert the following section: Periodic reports | |
| “34c. (1) In this section— ‘periodic report’ means a regular report relating to— |
(a) the activities, operations, business or affairs of a person; or (b) the administration, operation or working of an Act or part of an Act, during a particular period that ends on or after 30 June 1983; | |
| ‘person’ includes a body corporate, office, commission, authority, committee, tribunal, board, institute, organization or other body however described. |
| “(2) Where an Act requires a person to furnish a periodic report to a Minister but does not specify a period within which the report is to be so furnished, that person shall furnish the report to the Minister as soon as practicable after the end of the particular period to which the report relates and, in any event, within 6 months after the end of that particular period. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(3) Where an Act requires a person to furnish a periodic report to a Minister for presentation to the Parliament but does not specify a period within which the report is to be so presented, that Minister shall cause a copy of the periodic report to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report. |
“(4) Where this or any other Act requires a person to furnish a periodic report to a Minister within a specified period and that person is of the opinion that it will not be reasonably possible to comply with the requirement, that person may, within the specified period, apply to the Minister for an extension of the period, and, where he does so apply, he shall furnish to the Minister a statement in writing explaining why, in that person’s opinion, it will not be reasonably possible to comply with the requirement. | |
“(5) A Minister may, on application under sub-section (4), grant such extension as he considers reasonable in the circumstances. “(6) Notwithstanding sub-section (2) and the provisions of any other Act, where a Minister grants an extension pursuant to an application under sub-section (4)— | |
(a) the Minister shall cause to be laid before each House of the Parliament, within 3 sitting days of that House after the day on which he grants the extension, a copy of the statement furnished pursuant to sub-section (4) in respect of the application together with a statement specifying the extension granted and his reasons for granting the extension; (b) the person who made the application shall furnish the periodic report to the Minister within the period as so extended; and (c) the Minister shall cause a copy of the periodic report to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(7) Where this or any other Act requires a person to furnish a periodic report to a Minister within a specified period or an extension of that period under this section and that person fails to do so— |
(a) that person shall, not later than 14 days after the end of that specified period or extension, as the case may be, furnish to the Minister a statement in writing explaining why the report was not furnished as required; and (b) the Minister shall cause a copy of the statement to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 3 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the statement. | |
“(8) This section does not apply in relation to the Australian Security Intelligence Organization or the Office of National Assessments.”. | |
Advisory Council for Inter-government Relations Act 1976 | Sub-section 2(1), definition of “general election”— (a) Omit “and”. (b) After paragraph (b), add the following word and paragraph: |
“and (c) in relation to the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory—means a general election for the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory;”. Sub-section 2 (1), definition of “Parliamentary member”— | |
Omit “paragraphs 8 (2) (a) to (h)”, substitute “paragraphs 8 (2) (a) to (i)”. New sub-section 2 (3)— After sub-section 2 (2), add the following sub-section: “(3) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears— (a) a reference to a Parliament, or to a House of a Parliament, shall be read as including a reference to the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory; (b) a reference to a Premier shall be read as including a reference to the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory; and |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| (c) a reference to a State shall be read as including a reference to the Northern Territory.”. |
Sub-section 8 (2)— Omit “22”, substitute “24”. New paragraph 8 (2) (i)— After paragraph 8 (2) (h), insert the following paragraph: “(i) 1 member of the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory who shall be appointed on the nomination of the Chief Minister of that Territory;”. Paragraph 8 (2) (j)— Omit “6”, substitute “7”. Sub-section 16 (2)— Omit the sub-section. Sub-section 16 (5)— (a) Omit “body by which he was appointed”, substitute “House of Assembly”. (b) Omit “that body”, substitute “the House of Assembly”. Sub-section 16 (6)— Omit “body by which he was appointed”, substitute “House of Assembly”. Sub-section 16c (2)— (a) Omit “or of the Northern Territory”. (b) Omit “or Territory” (wherever occurring). | |
Air Navigation Act 1920 | Sub-section 3(1), definition of “non-scheduled flight”— Omit “Director-General”, substitute “Secretary”. Sub-section 22 (4)— (a) Omit “$400”, substitute “$2,500”. (b) Omit “$1,000”, substitute “$5,000”. (c) Omit “$10,000”, substitute “$25,000”. Paragraph 26 (2) (k)— Omit “$1,000”, substitute “$5,000”. Section 29— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| Annual report “29. (1) The Secretary shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the administration and operation of this Act and the regulations during the year that ended on that 30 June and on such other matters concerning civil aviation as the Secretary considers should be included in the report. “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
Airlines Agreement Act 1981 | Sub-section 8 (2)— After “, by regulation,” insert “amend or”. |
Airports (Surface Traffic) Act 1960 | Sub-section 3 (1), definition of “airport”— Omit “Air Navigation Act 1920-1960”, substitute “Air Navigation Act 1920”. Section 21— Omit “Minister under section 29 of the Air Navigation Act 1920-1960”, substitute “Secretary under section 29 of the Air Navigation Act 1920”. |
Amendments Incorporation Act 1905 | Sub-section 2 (3)— After “sub-paragraph,”, insert “sub-sub-paragraph,”. |
Apple and Pear Export Charge Collection Act 1976 | Sub-section 6 (1)— Omit “10 per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Apple and Pear Levy Collection Act 1976 | Sub-section 7 (1)— Omit “10 per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Ashmore and Cartier Islands Acceptance Act 1933 | New sub-sections 10 (7), (8) and (9)— After sub-section 10 (6), add the following sub-sections: “(7) All regulations made under an Ordinance shall be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which the regulations are made and, if they are not so laid before each House of the Parliament, are void and of no effect. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(8) Sub-sections (2) to (6), inclusive, apply to and in relation to regulations laid before a House of the Parliament as if the references in those sub-sections to an Ordinance were references to regulations. “(9) In this section, ‘regulations’ includes rules and by-laws.”. |
Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954 | New sub-sections 12 (6), (7) and (8)— After sub-section 12 (5), add the following sub-sections: “(6) All regulations made under an Ordinance shall be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which the regulations are made and, if they are not so laid before each House of the Parliament, shall be void and of no effect. “(7) Sub-sections (2) to (5), inclusive, apply to and in relation to regulations laid before a House of the Parliament as if the references in those sub-sections to an Ordinance were references to regulations. “(8) In this section, ‘regulations’ includes rules and by-laws.”. |
Australian Capital Territory Taxation (Administration) Act 1969 | New section 6a— After section 6, insert the following section: Annual report “6a. (1) The Commissioner of Taxation shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the working of this Act, including any breaches or evasions of this Act of which the Commissioner has notice. “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Act 1982 | Sub-section 4 (2)— (a) Omit “with perpetual succession”. (b) Omit “in its corporate name”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Australian Electoral Office Act 1973 | New sub-section 14 (1a)— |
After sub-section 14 (1), insert the following sub-section: | |
“(1a) An appointment of a person under sub-section (1) may be expressed to have effect only in such circumstances as are specified in the instrument of appointment.”. | |
Paragraph 14 (2) (a)— After “appointment”, insert “, including remuneration and allowances,”. | |
Sub-section 14 (3)— After “so acting”, insert “then, subject to sub-section (1a),”. | |
Sub-section 14 (4)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-sections: | |
“(4) The appointment of a person under sub-section (1) ceases to have effect if he resigns his appointment by writing signed by him and delivered to the Governor-General. | |
“(4a) Section 8 applies in relation to a person appointed under sub-section (1) in like manner as it applies in relation to an Officer.”. | |
Sub-section 14 (6)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: | |
“(6) The validity of anything done by a person purporting to act under sub-section (1) shall not be called in question on the ground that the occasion for his appointment had not arisen, that there was a defect or irregularity in or in connection with his appointment, that the appointment had ceased to have effect or that the occasion for him to act had not arisen or had ceased.”. | |
New section 15a— After section 15, insert the following section: Annual report | |
“15a. (1) The Chief Australian Electoral Officer shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report of the operations of the Australian Electoral Office during the year that ended on that 30 June. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 | Sub-section 36 (1)— After “promotion to a”, insert “position within a” Paragraph 36 (2) (a)— |
(a) After “in relation to a” (second occurring), insert “position within a”. | |
(b) Omit “members holding that rank”, substitute “a member holding that position”. | |
Bank Account Debits Tax Administration Act 1982 | Sub-sections 6 (1) and (2)— |
Omit the sub-sections, substitute the following sub-section: | |
“(1) The Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the working of this Act during the year that ended on that 30 June, including any breaches or evasions of this Act of which the Commissioner has notice.”. | |
Sub-section 6 (4)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: | |
“(4) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. | |
Sub-section 29 (1)— Omit all the words after “so far as practicable,”, substitute “mutatis mutandis, to and in relation to a proceeding to which this section applies in like manner as they would apply if the proceeding were a proceeding in the High Court.”. | |
Barley Research Act 1980 | Sub-section 7 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. Sub-section 7 (2)— |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Broadcasting and Television Act 1942 | Sub-paragraph 92f (3) (a) (v)— Omit “sub-paragraph (iii)”, substitute “sub-paragraph (iv)”. |
Canned Fruits Levy Collection Act 1979 | Sub-section 5 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Christmas Island Act 1958 | New sub-sections 10 (6), (7) and (8)— After sub-section 10 (5), add the following sub-sections: |
“(6) All regulations made under an Ordinance shall be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which the regulations are made and, if they are not so laid before each House of the Parliament, are, and shall be deemed to have been, void and of no effect. | |
“(7) Sub-sections (2) to (5), inclusive, apply to and in relation to regulations laid before a House of the Parliament as if the references in those sub-sections to an Ordinance were references to regulations. | |
“(8) In this section, ‘regulations’ includes rules and by-laws.”. | |
Civil Aviation (Carriers’ Liability) Act 1959 | Section 19— Omit “Judiciary Act 1903-1955”, substitute “Judiciary Act 1903”. |
Sub-section 25 (2)— Omit “Acts Interpretation Act 1901-1957”, substitute “Acts Interpretation Act 1901”. Sub-section 26 (1), definition of “the Air Navigation Regulations”— | |
Omit “Air Navigation Act 1920-1950”, substitute “Air Navigation Act 1920”. | |
Civil Aviation (Damage by Aircraft) Act 1958 | Sub-section 9 (5)— Omit the sub-section. |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act 1955 | New sub-sections 13 (6), (7) and (8)— After sub-section 13 (5), add the following sub-sections: |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(6) All regulations made under an Ordinance shall be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which the regulations are made and, if they are not so laid before each House of the Parliament, shall be void and of no effect. |
“(7) Sub-sections (2) to (5), inclusive, apply to and in relation to regulations laid before a House of the Parliament as if the references in those sub-sections to an Ordinance were references to regulations. | |
“(8) In this section, ‘regulations’ includes rules and by-laws.”. | |
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 | Sub-section 32 (1)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: |
“(1) The Governor-General may arrange with the Governor of a State or the Administrator of the Northern Territory for, or for the carrying out of a procedure relating to, the preparation, alteration or revision of the Rolls, in any manner consistent with the provisions of this Act, jointly by the Commonwealth and the State or jointly by the Commonwealth and the Northern Territory, as the case may be, whether for the purpose of the Rolls being used as Electoral Rolls for State elections or Northern Territory elections, as the case may be, as well as for Commonwealth elections, or for any other purpose.”. | |
Sub-section 32 (2)— (a) Omit “, for the purposes of such State elections”. | |
(b) After “State electors”, insert “or Northern Territory electors”. | |
Commonwealth Employees (Redeployment and Retirement) Act 1979 | Sub-paragraph 9 (2) (b) (ii)— Omit “sub-paragraph 7 (1) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii)”, substitute “sub-paragraph 7 (1) (b) (i), (ii) or (iii)”. |
Sub-section 20 (1)— After “upon report by the”, insert “Public Service”. | |
Sub-section 21 (1)— After “incapable of performing his duties, the”, insert “Public Service”. | |
Sub-paragraph 29 (1) (d) (iii)— |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Commonwealth Schools Commission Act 1973 | Omit “Naval Defence Act 1901”, substitute “Naval Defence Act 1910”. |
Section 6— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: Acting appointments | |
| “6. (1) The Minister may appoint a member or an acting member to act as Chairman— |
(a) during a vacancy in the office of Chairman; or (b) during any period, or during all periods, when the Chairman is absent from duty or from Australia or is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of his office, but a person appointed to act during a vacancy shall not continue so to act for more than 12 months. | |
“(2) The Minister may appoint a person to act as a member, other than the Chairman, during a vacancy in the office of such a member, but a person so appointed shall not continue to act as such a member for more than 12 months. | |
“(3) The Minister may appoint a person to act as a full-time member, other than the Chairman, during any period, or during all periods, when such a member is absent from duty or from Australia or is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of his office. | |
“(4) The Minister may appoint a person to act as a part-time member during any period, or during all periods, when such a member is unable (whether on account of illness or otherwise) to attend meetings of the Commission. | |
“(5) An appointment under this section may be expressed to have effect only in such circumstances as are specified in the instrument of appointment. | |
“(6) The Minister may— (a) determine the terms and conditions of appointment of a person appointed under this section; and (b) terminate such an appointment at any time. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(7) Where a person is acting as Chairman in accordance with paragraph (1) (b), or as a member in accordance with sub-section (3) or (4), and the office of Chairman or that member, as the case may be, becomes vacant while that person is so acting, then, subject to sub-section (5), that person may continue so to act until the Minister otherwise directs, the vacancy is filled or a period of 12 months from the date on which the vacancy occurred expires, whichever first happens. |
| “(8) While a person is acting as Chairman or any other member under this section, he has and may exercise all the powers, and shall perform all the functions, of the Chairman or that other member, as the case may be. |
| “(9) The validity of anything done by a person purporting to act under this section shall not be called in question on the ground that the occasion for his appointment had not arisen, that there was a defect or irregularity in or in connection with his appointment, that the appointment had ceased to have effect or that the occasion for him to act had not arisen or had ceased.” New section 17a— After section 17, insert the following section: |
| Annual report “17a. (1) The Commission shall, as soon as practicable after 31 December in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report of the operations of the Commission during the year that ended on that 31 December. |
| “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission Act 1977 | New sub-section 16 (4a)— After sub-section 16 (4), insert the following sub-section: “(4a) An appointment under this section may be expressed to have effect only in such circumstances as are specified in the instrument of appointment.”. Sub-section 16 (5)— |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| After “so acting”, insert “then, subject to sub-section (4a),”. |
| Paragraph 16 (6) (a)— |
| After “appointment”, insert “, including remuneration and allowances,”. |
| Sub-section 16 (7)— Omit” the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: |
| “(7) The appointment of a person under this section ceases to have effect if he resigns his appointment by writing signed by him and delivered to the Minister.”. |
| Sub-section 16 (9)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: |
| “(9) The validity of anything done by a person purporting to act under this section shall not be called in question on the ground that the occasion for his appointment had not arisen, that there was a defect or irregularity in or in connection with his appointment, that the appointment had ceased to have effect or that the occasion for him to act had not arisen or had ceased.”. |
| New sub-section 35 (1a)— After sub-section 35 (1), insert the following sub-section: |
| “(1a) An appointment of a person under sub-section (1) may be expressed to have effect only in such circumstances as are specified in the instrument of appointment.”. |
| Paragraph 35 (2) (a)— After “appointment”, insert “, including remuneration and allowances,”. |
| Sub-sections 35 (3) and (4)— Omit the sub-sections, substitute the following sub-sections: |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(3) Where a person is acting as a member of a Council in accordance with paragraph (1) (b) and the office of that member becomes vacant while that person is so acting, then, subject to sub-section (1a), that person may continue so to act until the Minister otherwise directs, the vacancy is filled or a period of 12 months from the date on which the vacancy occurred expires, whichever first happens. |
“(4) The appointment of a person under sub-section (1) ceases to have effect if he resigns his appointment by writing signed by him and delivered to the Minister. | |
“(5) The validity of anything done by a person purporting to act under sub-section (1) shall not be called in question on the ground that the occasion for his appointment had not arisen, that there was a defect or irregularity in or in connection with his appointment, that the appointment had ceased to have effect or that the occasion for him to act had not arisen or had ceased.”. New section 43a— After section 43, insert the following section: Annual report | |
“43a. (1) The Commission shall, as soon as practicable after 31 December in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report of the operations of the Commission during the year that ended on that 31 December. | |
“(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. | |
Coral Sea Islands Act 1969 | New sub-sections 7 (7), (8) and (9)— |
After sub-section 7 (6), add the following sub-sections: | |
“(7) All regulations made under an Ordinance shall be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which the regulations are made and, if they are not so laid before each House of the Parliament, are void and of no effect. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(8) Sub-sections (2) to (6), inclusive, apply to and in relation to regulations laid before a House of the Parliament as if the references in those sub-sections to an Ordinance were references to regulations. |
| “(9) In this section, ‘regulations’ includes rules and by-laws.”. |
Cotton Research Act 1982 | Sub-section 7 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. Sub-section 7 (2)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Crimes (Aircraft) Act 1963 | Sub-section 18 (1)— Omit from the foot of the sub-section “Penalty: Imprisonment for seven years.”, substitute “Penalty— |
| (a) if the offender is a natural person—imprisonment for seven years; or |
| (b) if the offender is a body corporate—$100,000.”. |
| Sub-section 22a (4)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: “(4) Where, in accordance with sub-section (3), a court of summary jurisdiction convicts a person of an offence against section 18, the penalty that the court may impose is— (a) if the offender is a natural person—a fine not exceeding $5,000 or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 2 years, or both; or (b) if the offender is a body corporate—a fine not exceeding $25,000.”. |
Customs Act 1901 | Sub-section 131a (1)— Omit “, subject to sub-section (2),”. |
| Sub-section 131a (2)— Omit the sub-section. |
| Paragraph 164 (3) (a)— Omit “paragraph (b) of sub-section (1)”, substitute “paragraph (1) (b)”. |
| Sub-section 164 (7), definition of “duty”— |
| Omit “sub-section (1) of section 163”, substitute “sub-section 163 (1)”. Sub-section 214a (3)— |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| Omit “paragraph (a) or (b) of sub-section (1)”, substitute “paragraph (1) (a) or (b)”. |
| Sub-section 214a (6)— |
| Omit all the words after “offence against” (first occurring), substitute “paragraph (9) (c) or an offence against paragraph 234 (b), (e) or (f) in relation to a rebate under section 164.”. |
| Sub-section 273f (2)— Omit “refence”, substitute “reference”. |
Customs and Excise Amendment Act 1982 | Paragraph 30 (a)— Omit “and” (second occurring). New paragraph 30 (c)— |
| After paragraph 30 (b), add the following word and paragraph: |
| “; and (c) by omitting from sub-section (3) ‘or for removal to a specified place’.”. |
| Section 76— Omit paragraphs (a) and (b), substitute the following paragraphs: |
| “(a) by omitting from paragraph (1) (e) ‘and’ (last occurring); and |
| (b) by adding at the end of sub-section (1) the following word and paragraph: |
| ‘; and (g) a decision of a Collector for the purposes of section 61d.’.”. |
Dairy Industry Stabilization Act 1977 | Sub-section 6 (1)— Omit “10 per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Dairy Industry Stabilization Amendment Act 1978 | Section 4— Omit “paragraph (b) of sub-section (1)”, substitute “paragraph (b) of sub-section (2)”. |
Dairy Products (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1982 | Sub-section 7 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Dairying Industry Research and Promotion Levy Collection Act 1972 | Sub-section 7(1)— Omit “ten per centum”, substitute “20%”. Sub-section 7 (2)— Omit “ten per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Defence Act 1903 | Sub-section 10 (1)— After “regulations”, insert “, by instrument in writing”. |
| Sub-section 10a (1)— Omit “10c”, substitute “120a”. Section 10c— |
| Repeal the section, substitute the following section: Extension and conversion of appointments “10c. An officer of the Army appointed for a specified period of service may, on or before the expiration of that period, volunteer for a further period of service or for a permanent appointment, and the Chief of the General Staff may, by instrument in writing, extend the appointment for a further specified period of service or convert the appointment to a permanent appointment accordingly.”. |
| Sub-section 17 (2)— After “Governor-General,”, insert “by instrument in writing,”. |
| Paragraph 17 (3) (a)— After “may”, insert “, by instrument in writing,”. Sub-section 17 (5)— After “may”, insert “, by instrument in writing,”. |
| Section 26— Omit “Governor-General may”, substitute “Chief of the General Staff may, by instrument in writing,”. New sub-section 26 (2)— Add at the end of section 26 the following sub-section: |
| “(2) A person whose name has been placed on a retired list in pursuance of this section is not, by reason only of that placement, a member of the Army or of the Defence Force.”. |
| Section 27— Omit “Governor-General may”, substitute “Minister may, by instrument in writing,”. New section 32c— |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| After section 32b, insert the following section: |
| Joint service units “32c. Subject to any regulations under this Act, the Naval Defence Act 1910 or the Air Force Act 1923 relating to the organization of the Defence Force or any arm of the Defence Force, the Chief of Defence Force Staff may establish a part or parts of the Defence Force consisting of members of more than one arm of the Defence Force.”. |
| Sub-section 36 (2)— After “and”, insert “may, by instrument in writing,”. |
| Sub-section 44 (1)— Omit “such authority and”, substitute “the Chief of the General Staff”. |
| Sub-section 44 (2)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: |
| “(2) Where a soldier has been discharged under sub-section (1) and the Chief of the General Staff or any person to whom powers under that sub-section have been delegated is satisfied that the soldier could properly have been discharged under that sub-section for a prescribed reason other than that for which he was discharged, the Chief of the General Staff or the delegate, as the case may be, may, at the request of the soldier, take such steps as are necessary to ensure that he is treated as having been discharged for that other reason, including the taking of steps to amend any relevant order of discharge and any other relevant documents.”. |
| Section 69— Repeal the section. |
| Section 87— Repeal the section. |
| Sub-section 116d (2)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-sections: |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| “(2) Where, in the course of preparing an order under sub-section (1) in relation to a country, the Chief of Defence Force Staff determines that there is no rank in a part of the Defence Force that can reasonably be regarded as corresponding with a particular rank in the forces of that country, he may specify in the order, for the purposes of this Division or any specified provision of this Division and either generally or for any other specified purposes— |
| (a) a rank in that part of the Defence Force that is to be regarded as corresponding with that particular rank; or |
| (b) the relationship that is to be regarded as existing between a member of those forces holding that particular rank and the members of that part of the Defence Force. |
| “(3) References in this section to ranks shall be read as including references to ratings in naval forces and, generally, as not restricted to the ranks of officers.”. |
| New sub-section 116r (4)— After sub-section 116r (3), add the following sub-section: |
| “(4) Sub-sections 120a (8) and (9) apply in relation to a delegation under this section as if it were a delegation under section 120a.”. |
| Section 120a— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: Delegation |
| “120a. (1) The Governor-General may, by instrument in writing, delegate to the Chief of Defence Force Staff or to an officer of the Army all or any of his powers under sections 10 and 10b. |
| “(2) The Governor-General may, by instrument in writing, delegate to an officer all or any of his powers under section 86. |
| “(3) The Minister may, by instrument in writing, delegate to an officer of the Army all or any of his powers under section 27. |
| “(4) The Chief of the General Staff may, by instrument in writing, delegate to an officer of the Army all or any of his powers under sections 10c, 26 and 44. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| “(5) A delegation under this section may be made either generally or otherwise as provided in the instrument of delegation. |
| “(6) A power delegated under this section shall, when exercised by the delegate, be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to have been exercised by the person who made the delegation. |
| “(7) A delegation under this section does not prevent the exercise of a power by the person who made the delegation. |
| “(8) A delegation under this section continues in force notwithstanding a change in the occupancy of, or a vacancy in, the office of the person who made the delegation. |
| “(9) A document purporting to be a copy of an instrument of delegation under this section and purporting to bear the signature, or a facsimile of the signature, of the person who made the delegation and an endorsement in writing that the delegation is, or was on a specified date, in force, is, upon mere production in a court or otherwise for any purpose arising under this Act, prima facie evidence that the delegation was duly made in the terms set out in the document and is, or was on the date specified, in force.”. |
| New section 123g— After section 123f, insert the following section in Part X: |
| Orders in relation to rifle ranges “123g. (1) The Minister may make orders, not inconsistent with this Act, for and in relation to the control and administration of rifle ranges. |
| “(2) Without limiting the generality of sub-section (1), orders may be made for or in relation to— |
| (a) the location and acquisition of property for use as a rifle range; |
| (b) the design, construction and use of a rifle range and any equipment or facilities for use in connection with a rifle range, including the setting of safety standards for such design, construction and use; and |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| (c) the regulation or prohibition of the carriage, possession or use of firearms on, or in connection with, a rifle range. |
| “(3) Sections 48, 49 and 50 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 apply to orders made under this section as if in those sections references to regulations were references to orders and references to a regulation were references to a provision of an order. |
| “(4) Orders made under this section shall be deemed not to be statutory rules within the meaning of the Statutory Rules Publication Act 1903. |
| “(5) Subject to sub-section (6), orders made under this section for the regulation or prohibition of the carriage, possession or use of firearms on, or in connection with, a rifle range have effect notwithstanding any provision of a law of a State or Territory. |
| “(6) Sub-section (5) is not intended to affect the operation of a law of a State or Territory to the extent that that law is capable of operating concurrently with orders referred to in that sub-section.”. |
| Paragraphs 124 (1) (j), (k) and (l)— Omit the paragraphs, substitute the following paragraphs: |
| “(j) The formation, incorporation and management of— (i) full-bore or small-bore rifle clubs; (ii) full-bore or small-bore rifle associations; (iii) a national body for the control and administration of full-bore rifle shooting; and (iv) a national body for the control and administration of small-bore rifle shooting; |
| (k) The empowering of clubs, associations or national bodies referred to in paragraph (j) to make, alter and repeal rules, not inconsistent with this Act, for the conduct of their affairs and for the conduct of any rifle competitions promoted by them; |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| (ka) The establishment, management, operation and control of canteens on rifle ranges or on the premises of rifle clubs, including the possession, supply, sale, purchase and consumption of intoxicating liquor at any such range or club;”. |
| Paragraph 124 (1) (p)— Add at the end of paragraph 124 (1) (p) the following words: |
| “, including any naval, military or air-force operation or practice in or adjacent to Australia of a country other than Australia;”. New paragraphs 124 (1) (qa) and (qaa)— |
| After paragraph 124(1) (q), insert the following paragraphs: |
| “(qa) The entry upon and survey of lands for defence purposes; |
| (qaa) The declaration and use of any area (by whomever owned or held) as a practice area for any naval, military or air force operation or practice and the regulation or prohibition of any entry upon or use of a practice area, including the prohibition of a person entering, being in or remaining in a practice area and the removal of any such person from the area;”. |
| Paragraph 124 (1) (v)— Omit “and” (last occurring). |
| Paragraph 124 (1) (w)— Omit “$200”, substitute “$500”. |
| New paragraph 124 (1) (x)— After paragraph 124 (1) (w), add the following word and paragraph: |
| “; and (x) Providing for penalties, not exceeding a fine of $500, for offences against orders made under section 123g.”. |
| New sub-sections 124 (3a), (3b) and (3c)— After sub-section 124 (3), insert the following sub-sections: |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| “(3a) Subject to sub-section (3b), regulations made by virtue of paragraph 124 (1) (ka) in relation to the possession, supply, sale, purchase and consumption of intoxicating liquor have effect notwithstanding any provision of a law of a State or Territory. |
| “(3b) Sub-section (3a) is not intended to affect the operation of a law of a State or Territory to the extent that that law is capable of operating concurrently with the regulations referred to in that sub-section. |
| “(3c) Regulations made by virtue of paragraph (1) (qa) or (qaa) shall include provision for and in relation to the payment of reasonable compensation for any loss or damage caused by anything done in pursuance of those regulations or otherwise caused by the operation of those regulations.”. |
Defence Force Re-organization Act 1975 | Part XII— Repeal the Part. Schedule 9— Repeal the Schedule. |
Domicile Act 1982 | Sub-section 5 (1)— After “this Act” (second occurring), insert “and the Domicile (Consequential Amendments) Act 1982”. |
Dried Fruit (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1981 | Sub-section 6 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Dried Fruits Levy Collection Act 1971 | Sub-section 7 (1)— Omit “ten per centum”, substitute “20%”. Sub-section 7 (2)— Omit “ten per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Dried Vine Fruits Equalization Act 1978 | Paragraph 10 (1) (a)— After “last day of the”, insert “third”. Sub-section 12 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
| Sub-section 12 (2)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Edible Oils (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1982 | Sub-section 7(1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Eggs (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1982 | Sub-section 7(1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Act 1978 | Paragraph 18 (1) (c)— Omit “2 members”, substitute “1 member”. |
Estate Duty Assessment Act 1914 | Section 7— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: |
Annual report “7. (1) The Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the working of this Act, including any breaches or evasions of this Act of which the Commissioner has notice. “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. | |
Export Control (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1982 | Part XV— Repeal the Part. |
Fish (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1981 | Sub-section 6 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Fishing Industry Research Act 1969 | Paragraph 11 (1) (d)— Omit “of Primary Industry”. Section 12— Omit “of Primary Industry”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Gift Duty Assessment Act 1941 | Section 9— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: |
| Annual report “9. (1) The Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the working of this Act, including any breaches or evasions of this Act of which the Commissioner has notice. “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
Governor-General Act 1974 | Section 3— Omit “salary” (first occurring), substitute “sum”. |
Grain (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1979 | Sub-section 6 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands Act 1953 | New sub-sections 11 (6), (7) and (8)— After sub-section 11 (5), add the following sub-sections: |
| “(6) All regulations made under an Ordinance shall be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which the regulations are made and, if they are not so laid before each House of the Parliament, shall be void and of no effect. “(7) Sub-sections (2) to (5), inclusive, apply to and in relation to regulations laid before a House of the Parliament as if the references in those sub-sections to an Ordinance were references to regulations. “(8) In this section, ‘regulations’ includes rules and by-laws.”. |
Honey Export Charge Collection Act 1973 | Sub-section 6 (1)— Omit “10 per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Honey Industry Act 1962 | Paragraph 18 (1) (c)— Omit “on the security of the honey”, substitute “on such security as the Board considers adequate”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Honey Levy Collection Act 1962 | Sub-section 8 (1)— Omit “ten per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 | Section 14— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: Annual report “14. (1) The Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the working of this Act, including any breaches or evasions of this Act of which the Commissioner has notice. “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
| Sub-paragraph 78 (1) (a) (xvi)— Omit “Department of Productivity”, substitute “Commonwealth”. |
| Sub-paragraph 221zc (5) (b) (i)— (a) Omit “not”. (b) Omit “and”. |
| Paragraph 251d (1) (a)— Omit “Commonwealth Sub-Treasury”, substitute “State Office of the Department of Finance”. |
Industrial Research and Development Incentives Act 1976 | Sub-section 35 (1a)— Omit “to sub-section (1b) and”. Sub-section 35 (1b)— (a) Omit “or (1a)”. |
| (b) After “in respect of a”, insert “commencement”. Sub-section 35 (3)— Omit “a security given in pursuance of sub-section”, substitute “any security given in respect of an advance made to a company in pursuance of sub-section (1a) or”. |
Judiciary Act 1903 | Sub-section 68 (1)— (a) Omit “each State”, substitute “a State”. (b) Omit “committed within that State or Territory, or whose trial for offences committed elsewhere may lawfully be held therein”, substitute “in respect of whom jurisdiction is conferred on the several courts of that State or Territory by this section”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| Sub-section 68 (2)— (a) After “shall”, insert “, subject to this section and to section 80 of the Constitution,”. (b) Omit “committed within the State or Territory, or who may lawfully be tried within the State or Territory for offences committed elsewhere”. |
| Sub-section 68 (5)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-sections: “(5) Subject to sub-section (5a)— |
| (a) the jurisdiction conferred on a court of a State or Territory by sub-section (2) in relation to the summary conviction of persons charged with offences against the laws of the Commonwealth; and (b) the jurisdiction conferred on a court of a State or Territory by virtue of sub-section (7) in relation to the conviction and sentencing of persons charged with offences against the laws of the Commonwealth in accordance with a provision of the law of that State or Territory of the kind referred to in sub-section (7), |
| is conferred notwithstanding any limits as to locality of the jurisdiction of that court under the law of that State or Territory. “(5a) A court of a State on which jurisdiction in relation to the summary conviction of persons charged with offences against the laws of the Commonwealth is conferred by sub-section (2) may, where it is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so, having regard to all the circumstances, including the public interest, decline to exercise that jurisdiction in relation to an offence against a law of the Commonwealth committed in another State. |
| “(5b) In sub-section (5a), ‘State’ includes Territory. |
| “(5c) The jurisdiction conferred on a court of a State or Territory by sub-section (2) in relation to— |
| (a) the examination and commitment for trial on indictment; and (b) the trial and conviction on indictment, |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| of persons charged with offences against the laws of the Commonwealth, being offences committed elsewhere than in a State or Territory (including offences in, over or under any area of the seas that is not part of a State or Territory), is conferred notwithstanding any limits as to locality of the jurisdiction of that court under the law of that State or Territory.”. |
Live-stock Export Charge Collection Act 1977 | Sub-section 6 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Live-stock Slaughter | Sub-section 8 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
(Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1979 | Sub-section 8 (2)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Live-stock Slaughter Levy Collection Act 1964 | Sub-section 9 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Sub-section 9 (2)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. | |
Meat Chicken Levy Collection Act 1969 | Sub-section 5 (1)— Omit “ten per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Meat Research Act 1960 | Sub-paragraph 8 (2) (a) (i)— Omit “section 6c” (second occurring), substitute “section 6e”. |
Naval Defence Act 1910 | Sub-section 8 (1)— After “regulations”, insert “, by instrument in writing”. |
| Sub-section 9 (1)— Omit “11”, substitute “44b”. |
| Section 11— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| Extension and conversion of appointments “11. An officer appointed for a specified period of service may, on or before the expiration of that period, volunteer for a further period of service or for a permanent appointment, and the Chief of Naval Staff may, by instrument in writing, extend the appointment for a further specified period of service or convert the appointment to a permanent appointment accordingly.”. |
| Sub-section 13 (2)— After “Governor-General,”, insert “by instrument in writing,”. |
| Paragraph 13 (3) (a)— After “may”, insert”, by instrument in writing,”. |
| Sub-section 13 (5)— After “may”, insert”, by instrument in writing,”. |
| Section 17— Omit “Governor-General may”, substitute “Minister may, by instrument in writing,”. |
| Section 17 a— Omit “Governor-General may”, substitute “Chief of Naval Staff may, by instrument in writing,”. |
| New sub-section 17a (2)— Add at the end of section 17a the following sub-section: |
| “(2) A person whose name has been placed on a retired list in pursuance of this section is not, by reason only of that placement, a member of the Navy or of the Defence Force.”. |
| Sub-section 25 (2)— After “and”, insert “may, by instrument in writing,”. |
| Sub-section 30 (1)— Omit “such authority and”, substitute “the Chief of Naval Staff’. |
| Sub-section 30 (2)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: |
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| “(2) Where a sailor has been discharged under sub-section (1) and the Chief of Naval Staff or any person to whom powers under that sub-section have been delegated is satisfied that the sailor could properly have been discharged under that sub-section for a prescribed reason other than that for which he was discharged, the Chief of Naval Staff or the delegate, as the case may be, may, at the request of the sailor, take such steps as are necessary to ensure that he is treated as having been discharged for that other reason, including the taking of steps to amend any relevant order of discharge and any other relevant documents.”. |
| Section 42— Repeal the section. New section 44b— |
| After section 44a, insert the following section: Delegation |
| “44b. (1) The Governor-General may, by instrument in writing, delegate to the Chief of Defence Force Staff or to an officer all or any of his powers under sections 8 and 10. |
| “(2) The Minister may, by instrument in writing, delegate to an officer all or any of his powers under section 17. |
| “(3) The Chief of Naval Staff may, by instrument in writing, delegate to an officer all or any of his powers under sections 11, 17a and 30. |
| “(4) The authorized person may, by instrument in writing, delegate to a person all or any of his powers under Part VI. |
| “(5) A delegation under this section may be made either generally or otherwise as provided in the instrument of delegation. |
| “(6) A power delegated under this section shall, when exercised by the delegate, be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to have been exercised by the person who made the delegation. |
| “(7) A delegation under this section does not prevent the exercise of a power by the person who made the delegation. |
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| “(8) A delegation under this section continues in force notwithstanding a change in the occupancy of, or a vacancy in, the office of the person who made the delegation. |
| “(9) A document purporting to be a copy of an instrument of delegation under this section and purporting to bear the signature, or a facsimile of the signature, of the person who made the delegation and an endorsement in writing that the delegation is, or was on a specified date, in force, is, upon mere production in a court or otherwise for any purpose arising under this Act, prima facie evidence that the delegation was duly made in the terms set out in the document and is, or was on the date specified, in force. |
| “(10) In this section, ‘authorized person’ has the same meaning as in section 40.”. |
| Paragraph 45 (1) (e)— Omit “$200”, substitute “$500”. |
Navigation Act 1912 | Section 32— (a) Omit “, at a port in Australia,”. (b) Omit “from a person”. New sub-sections 124 (3) and (4)— After sub-section 124 (2), add the following sub-sections: |
| “(3) Regulations made by virtue of this section may empower the Minister to make orders with respect to any matter for or in relation to which provision may be made by the regulations by virtue of this section. |
| “(4) Section 426 applies to orders made in pursuance of regulations made by virtue of sub-section (3).”. Sub-section 187a (1), definition of “classification certificate”— |
| Omit the definition, substitute the following definition: “‘classification certificate’ means a classification certificate issued by a survey authority and of a standard approved by the Minister under section 187ba;”. |
| Section 187ba— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| Approval of survey authorities and classification certificates |
| “187ba. The Minister may, for the purposes of this Part, by instrument in writing, approve— |
| (a) a corporation or association for the survey of shipping; and |
| (b) a standard of classification certificate issued by a survey authority.”. |
Navigation Amendment Act 1979 | Section 109— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: Transitional provisions in relation to complement of ships “109. (1) Notwithstanding the repeal by this Act of sections 14 and 43 of, and Schedules I and II to, the Principal Act as amended by this Act, orders made under those sections continue in force, mutatis mutandis, after that repeal as if they were orders made under sub-section 14 (1) of the Principal Act as amended by sub-section 8 (1) of this Act, and may be varied or revoked by orders so made. “(2) On and after the amendment of this section by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 1) 1983, the orders continued in force by sub-section (1) have effect as if references in those orders to duly certificated masters, to duly certificated officers and to other members of the crew (however described) were references to qualified masters, to qualified officers and to qualified seamen, respectively.”. |
Norfolk Island Act 1979 | New section 28a— After section 28, insert the following section: Laying of certain regulations before the Parliament “28a. (1) In this section, ‘regulations’ means regulations made by the Minister under an enactment and includes rules and by-laws so made. “(2) All regulations shall be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which the regulations are made and, if they are not so laid before each House of the Parliament, shall be void and of no effect. |
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| “(3) Sub-sections 28 (3) to (8), inclusive, apply to and in relation to regulations laid before a House of the Parliament as if the references in those sub-sections to an Ordinance were references to regulations.”. |
Oilseeds Levy Collection and | Sub-section 7 (1)— Omit “10 per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Research Act 1977 | Sub-section 7 (3)— Omit “10 per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Overseas Telecommunications Act 1946 | New sub-section 45 (3a)— After sub-section 45 (3), insert the following sub-section: |
“(3a) Without limiting the generality of sub-sections (1) and (3), a borrowing by the Commission under sub-section (1) may be by the issue of securities of such kinds as are prescribed.”. | |
New sub-section 45 (4a)— After sub-section 45 (4), insert the following sub-section: | |
“(4a) Where the Commission borrows money under this section by the issue of prescribed securities, the repayment by the Commission of the amounts borrowed and the payment of interest on those amounts is, by force of this sub-section, guaranteed by the Commonwealth.”. | |
Sub-section 52 (1)— Omit “The”, substitute “Subject to sub-section (4), the”. | |
New sub-section 52 (4)— After sub-section 52 (3), add the following sub-section: | |
“(4) Stamp duty or any similar tax is not payable under a law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory in respect of— | |
(a) a security issued by the Commission; | |
(b) the issue, redemption, transfer, sale or purchase of such a security, not including a transaction entered into without consideration or for an inadequate consideration; or |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| (c) any document executed by or on behalf of the Commission, or any transaction, in relation to the borrowing of moneys by the Commission.”. |
Parliamentary Allowances Act 1952 | Section 2— Omit “1st January, 1952”, substitute “1 January 1952”. |
| Sections 3a, 4 and 5— Repeal the sections, substitute the following sections: |
| Interpretation “3. (1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears, ‘member’ means a member of either House of the Parliament. “(2) For the purposes of this Act, the day of the election or re-election of a member shall be deemed to be— (a) where he was elected or re-elected, as the case may be, as the result of a polling—the day fixed for that polling; or (b) in any other case—the day on which he was declared duly elected. |
| Allowances to members “4. There are payable to members such allowances (including allowances in accordance with section 48 of the Constitution) as are determined by the Remuneration Tribunal in pursuance of sub-sections 7 (1) and (4) of the Remuneration Tribunals Act 1973. |
| Calculation of allowances payable to a senator “5. (1) The allowances payable to a senator shall be reckoned— (a) in the case of a senator chosen at the first election after a dissolution of the Senate—from and including the day of his election; (b) in the case of a senator chosen to fill a place that is to become vacant in rotation—from and including the first day of July following the day of his election; and (c) in the case of a senator chosen or appointed to fill a casual vacancy—from and including the day of his choice or appointment, as the case may be. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(2) The allowances payable to a senator who is a member of the Senate immediately before a dissolution of the Senate and is a candidate at the next following Senate election shall be reckoned to and including the day immediately preceding the day fixed for the polling at that election. |
| “(3) This section does not apply in relation to any allowance payable to a senator by reason of his holding a particular office, or performing particular functions in, or in relation to, the Parliament or the Senate. |
| Calculation of allowances payable to a member of the House of Representatives |
| “5a. (1) The allowances payable to a member of the House of Representatives shall be reckoned from and including the day of his election. |
| “(2) The allowances payable to a member of the House of Representatives who is a member of that House immediately before the dissolution or expiration of that House and is a candidate for election as a member of the House of Representatives at the next following general election shall be reckoned to and including the day immediately preceding the day of his re-election or, if he is not re-elected, the day immediately preceding the day fixed for the polling at that general election. |
| “(3) This section does not apply in relation to any allowance payable to a member of the House of Representatives by reason of his holding a particular office, or performing particular functions in, or in relation to, the Parliament or the House of Representatives.”. |
| Sub-section 6 (1)— Omit “referred to in section 4 or 5”, substitute “payable in accordance with section 5 or 5a, as the case may be”. |
| Section 13— Omit “three”, substitute “3”. |
Parliamentary Counsel Act 1970 | Section 3— (a) Add at the end of paragraph (b) “and”. (b) Omit paragraphs (c), (d) and (e). |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| New section 16a— After section 16, insert the following section: |
| Annual report “16a. (1) The First Parliamentary Counsel shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Attorney-General a report of the operations of the Office of Parliamentary Counsel during the year that ended on that 30 June. |
| “(2) The Attorney-General shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
Pay-roll Tax (Territories) Assessment Act 1971 | New section 7a— After section 7, insert the following section: Annual report “7a. (1) The Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the working of this Act, including any breaches or evasions of this Act of which the Commissioner has notice. “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
Pig Slaughter Levy Collection Act 1971 | Sub-section 7 (1)— Omit “ten per centum”, substitute “20%”. Sub-section 7 (2)— |
| Omit “ten per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Postal Services Act 1975 | Sub-sections 32 (1) and (2)— Omit the sub-sections, substitute the following sub-section: “(1) The Minister may appoint a person to act as Managing Director— (a) during a vacancy in the office of Managing Director; or (b) during any period, or during all periods, when the Managing Director is absent from duty or from Australia or is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of his office, |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| but a person appointed to act during a vacancy shall not continue so to act for more than 12 months.”. Sub-section 32 (4)— |
| Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: |
| “(4) The Minister may appoint a person to act as a part-time Commissioner— |
| (a) during a vacancy in the office of such a Commissioner; or (b) during any period, or during all periods, when such a Commissioner is unable (whether on account of illness or otherwise) to attend meetings of the Commission, but a person appointed to act during a vacancy shall not continue so to act for more than 12 months.”. |
| New sub-section 32 (5a)— After sub-section 32 (5), insert the following sub-section: |
| “(5a) An appointment under this section may be expressed to have effect only in such circumstances as are specified in the instrument of appointment.”. |
| Paragraph 32 (6) (a)— After “appointment”, insert “, including remuneration and allowances,”. |
| Sub-sections 32 (7) and (8)— Omit the sub-sections, substitute the following sub-sections: |
| “(7) Where a person is acting as Managing Director in accordance with paragraph (1) (b), or as a part-time Commissioner in accordance with paragraph (4) (b), and the office of Managing Director or that part-time Commissioner, as the case may be, becomes vacant while that person is so acting, then, subject to sub-section (5a), that person may continue so to act until the Minister otherwise directs, the vacancy is filled or a period of 12 months from the date on which the vacancy occurred expires, whichever first happens. |
| “(8) The appointment of a person under this section ceases to have effect if he resigns his appointment by writing signed by him and delivered to the Minister. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
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| “(9) While a person is acting as Managing Director or as a part-time Commissioner under this section, he has and may exercise all the powers, and shall perform all the functions, of the Managing Director or that part-time Commissioner, as the case may be. |
| “(10) The validity of anything done by a person purporting to act under this section shall not be called in question on the ground that the occasion for his appointment had not arisen, that there was a defect or irregularity in or in connection with his appointment, that the appointment had ceased to have effect or that the occasion for him to act had not arisen or had ceased.”. |
| Sub-sections 39 (1) and (2)— |
| Omit the sub-sections, substitute the following sub-sections: |
| “(1) The Minister may appoint a person to act as Chief General Manager— |
| (a) during a vacancy in the office of Chief General Manager; or |
| (b) during any period, or during all periods, when the Chief General Manager— (i) is acting as Managing Director; (ii) is absent from duty or from Australia; or (iii) is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of his office, but a person appointed to act during a vacancy shall not continue so to act for more than 12 months. |
| “(2) An appointment of a person under sub-section (1) may be expressed to have effect only in such circumstances as are specified in the instrument of appointment.”. |
| Paragraph 39 (3) (a)— After “appointment”, insert “, including remuneration and allowances,”. |
| Sub-sections 39 (4), (5) and (6)— Omit the sub-sections, substitute the following sub-sections: |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(4) Where a person is acting as Chief General Manager in accordance with paragraph (1) (b) and the office of Chief General Manager becomes vacant while that person is so acting, then, subject to sub-section (2), that person may continue so to act until the Minister otherwise directs, the vacancy is filled or a period of 12 months from the date on which the vacancy occurred expires, whichever first happens. |
| “(5) The appointment of a person under sub-section (1) ceases to have effect if he resigns his appointment by writing signed by him and delivered to the Minister. |
| “(6) Sub-section 37 (7) applies in relation to a person appointed under sub-section (1) in like manner as it applies in relation to the Chief General Manager. |
| “(7) While a person is acting as Chief General Manager, he has and may exercise all the powers, and shall perform all the functions, of the Chief General Manager. |
| “(8) The validity of anything done by a person purporting to act under sub-section (1) shall not be called in question on the ground that the occasion for his appointment had not arisen, that there was a defect or irregularity in or in connection with his appointment, that the appointment had ceased to have effect or that the occasion for him to act had not arisen or had ceased.”. |
| New section 100a— After section 100, insert the following section in Part VII: |
| Hoax explosives “100a. A person shall not send by post a postal article with the intention of inducing a false belief— (a) that the article encloses or contains an explosive, dangerous or deleterious substance; or (b) that an explosive, dangerous, or deleterious substance is or will be deposited in any place. Penalty: $10,000 or imprisonment for 5 years, or both.” |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Poultry Industry Assistance Act 1965 | New section 7a— After section 7, insert the following section: Delegation “7a. (1) The Minister may, either generally or as otherwise provided by the instrument of delegation, by writing signed by him, delegate to a person all or any of his powers under sections 6a, 6aa and 6b. “(2) A power so delegated, when exercised by the delegate, shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been exercised by the Minister. “(3) A delegation under this section does not prevent the exercise of a power by the Minister.”. |
Poultry Industry Levy Collection Act 1965 | Sub-section 8 (1)— Omit “ten per centum”, substitute “20%”. |
Protection of the Sea (Civil Liability) Act 1981 | Section 19— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: Review of decisions “19. (1) Application may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of— (a) a decision to refuse to issue an insurance certificate under section 16; or (b) a decision to cancel an insurance certificate under sub-section 17 (3). “(2) Where the Minister makes a decision referred to in sub-section (1) and gives to a person whose interests are affected by the decision notice in writing of the decision, that notice shall include a statement to the effect that, subject to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, an application may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of the decision by or on behalf of any person whose interests are affected by the decision. “(3) Any failure to comply with the requirements of sub-section (2) in relation to a decision does not affect the validity of the decision.”. |
Public Service Act 1922 | Sub-section 81zv (2)— After “allowances”, insert “and to long service leave or other leave”. New sub-paragraph 82d (4) (a) (viia)— |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| After sub-paragraph 82d (4) (a) (vii), insert the following sub-paragraph: “(viia) the rent to be paid by officers and employees occupying, for residential purposes, premises owned or occupied by the Commonwealth;”. |
| Section 89— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: Conditions of occupancy of residential premises “89. Where premises owned or occupied by the Commonwealth are occupied for residential purposes by an officer or employee, the occupation of those premises by the officer or employee, as the case may be, shall be subject to such conditions (if any) as are determined, by instrument in writing, by the Minister administering the Department controlling the premises.”. |
Public Service Acts Amendment Act 1982 | Section 22— Omit proposed sub-section 39 (4), substitute the following sub-section: “(4) If a person who is appointed to hold an office of Permanent Head at a time when he holds another office of Permanent Head ceases for any reason to hold the other office, he thereupon also ceases, by force of this sub-section, to hold the first-mentioned office.”. Sub-section 77 (4)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: “(4) If a person who is appointed to hold an office of Permanent Head at a time when he holds another office of Permanent Head ceases for any reason to hold the other office, he thereupon ceases, by force of this sub-section, to hold the first-mentioned office.”. |
Public Works Committee Act 1969 | Sub-section 18 (3)— Omit “Transport”, substitute “Housing”. Sub-section 18 (8a)— Omit “Transport”, substitute “Housing”. Sub-section 19 (2)— (a) Omit “of the last preceding section”, substitute “of section 18”. (b) Omit “Transport”, substitute “Housing”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Remuneration Tribunals Act 1973 | Sub-section 3 (1), definition of “Chairman”— Omit all the words after “appointed”, substitute “under sub-section 4a (1)”. New sub-sections 4 (7) and (8)— |
| After sub-section 4 (6), add the following sub-sections: “(7) The exercise of the powers, and the performance of the functions, of the Tribunal are not affected by a vacancy in the membership of the Tribunal. |
| “(8) In this section, ‘Chairman’ does not include an acting Chairman.”. |
| New section 4a— After section 4, insert the following section: |
| Acting Chairman “4a. (1) The Minister may appoint a member to act as Chairman— (a) during a vacancy in the office of Chairman; or (b) during any period, or during all periods, when the Chairman is absent from duty or from Australia or is, for any other reason, unable to perform the functions of his office, but a person appointed to act during a vacancy shall not continue so to act for more than 12 months. “(2) An appointment of a person under sub-section (1) may be expressed to have effect only in such circumstances as are specified in the instrument of appointment. |
| “(3) The Minister may— (a) determine the terms and conditions of appointment, including fees and allowances, of a person acting as Chairman; and (b) terminate such an appointment at any time. “(4) Where a person is acting as Chairman in accordance with paragraph (1) (b) and the office of Chairman becomes vacant while that person is so acting, then, subject to sub-section (2), that person may continue so to act until the Minister otherwise directs, the vacancy is filled or a period of 12 months from the date on which the vacancy occurred expires, whichever first happens. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(5) The appointment of a person to act as Chairman ceases to have effect if he resigns his appointment by writing signed by him and delivered to the Minister. |
| “(6) The validity of anything done by a person purporting to act under sub-section (1) shall not be called in question on the ground that the occasion for his appointment had not arisen, that there was a defect or irregularity in or in connection with his appointment, that the appointment had ceased to have effect or that the occasion for him to act had not arisen or had ceased.”. |
| New section 12aa— After section 12, insert the following section in Part II: |
| Annual report “12aa. (1) The Tribunal shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report of the operations of the Tribunal during the year that ended on that 30 June. |
| “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
| New section 12g— After section 12f, insert the following section in Part III: |
| Annual report “12g. (1) The Tribunal shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report of the operations of the Tribunal during the year that ended on that 30 June. |
| “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Repatriation Legislation Amendment Act 1982 | Paragraph 4 (1) (b)— Omit “‘Department’ “, substitute “‘Commissioner’”. |
Sales Tax Assessment Act (No. 1) 1930 | Section 9— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: Annual report “9. (1) The Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the working of this Act, including any breaches or evasions of this Act of which the Commissioner has notice. “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
Shipping Registration Act 19814 | Sub-section 78 (1)— Omit “sub-section (2)”, substitute “this section”. Paragraphs 78 (2) (b), (c) and (d)— Omit the paragraphs, substitute the following paragraphs: “(b) a decision of the Registrar under sub-section 10 (2), 21 (5), 22 (4), 22 (6), 27 (3), 65 (4), 87 (1) or 88 (3) or section 89; or (c) a decision of a proper officer under sub-section 22 (1).”. |
| New sub-sections 78 (3) and (4)— After sub-section 78 (2), add the following sub-sections: “(3) Where the Minister, the Registrar or a proper officer makes a decision referred to in sub-section (2) and gives to a person whose interests are affected by the decision notice in writing of the decision, that notice shall include a statement to the effect that, subject to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, an application may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of the decision by or on behalf of any person whose interests are affected by the decision. “(4) Any failure to comply with the requirements of sub-section (3) in relation to a decision does not affect the validity of the decision.”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Special Prosecutors Act 1982 | Sub-section 16 (4)— Omit “of a Special Prosecutor.”, substitute “of the Special Prosecutor in whose place he is acting.”. |
States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1981 | Sub-section 10 (2)— (a) Omit “, in respect of the year 1982,”, substitute “, in respect of courses commencing in 1982,”. (b) Omit “, in that year,”, substitute “, commencing in that year,”. |
| Paragraph 25 (2) (b)— (a) Omit “, in respect of the year 1982,”, substitute “, in respect of courses commencing in 1982,”. (b) Omit “, in that year,”, substitute “, commencing in that year,”. |
| Paragraph 26 (2) (b)— (a) Omit “, in respect of the year 1982,”, substitute “, in respect of courses commencing in 1982,”. (b) Omit “, in that year,”, substitute “, commencing in that year,”. |
States Grants (Schools Assistance) Act 1982 | Sub-section 12 (2)— (a) Omit “, in respect of the year 1983,”, substitute “, in respect of courses commencing in 1983,”. (b) Omit “, in that year,”, substitute “, commencing in that year,”. |
| Paragraph 27 (2) (b)— (a) Omit “, in respect of the year 1983,”, substitute “, in respect of courses commencing in 1983,”. (b) Omit “, in that year,”, substitute “, commencing in that year,”. |
| Paragraph 28 (2) (b)— (a) Omit “, in respect of the year 1983,”, substitute “, in respect of courses commencing in 1983,”. (b) Omit “, in the year,”, substitute “, commencing in that year,”. |
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act (No. 2) 1982 | Section 182— Omit “Part X”, substitute “Part XA”. Schedule 3— Add at the end of the first amendment of sub-section 4 (1)”, substitute ‘Director-General’”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Stevedoring Industry Charge Assessment Act 1947 | Section 9— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: Annual report “9. (1) The Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the working of this Act, including any breaches or evasions of this Act of which the Commissioner has notice. “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
Taxation Administration Act 1953 | Section 140— Repeal the section, substitute the following section: Annual report |
| “140. (1) The Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the operation of this Part, including any breaches or evasions of this Part, and any breaches of undertakings given for the purposes of sub-section (2) of section 14c, of which the Commissioner has notice. |
| “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
Tobacco Charges Assessment Act 1955 | New section 9a— After section 9, insert the following section: Annual report “9a. (1) The Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the working of this Act, including any breaches or evasions of this Act of which the Commissioner has notice. “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
Trade Practices Act 1974 | Sub-section 80 (1)— Omit the sub-section, substitute the following sub-section: |
| “(1) Subject to sub-section (1a), where, on the application of the Minister, the Commission or any other person, the Court is satisfied that a person has engaged, or is proposing to engage, in conduct that constitutes or would constitute— |
| (a) a contravention of a provision of Part IV or V; (b) attempting to contravene such a provision; (c) aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring a person to contravene such a provision; (d) inducing, or attempting to induce, whether by threats, promises or otherwise, a person to contravene such a provision; (e) being in any way, directly or indirectly, knowingly concerned in, or party to, the contravention by a person of such a provision; or (f) conspiring with others to contravene such a provision, the Court may grant an injunction in such terms as the Court determines to be appropriate.”. |
| Sub-sections 80 (4) and (5)— Omit the sub-sections, substitute the following sub-sections: |
| “(4) The power of the Court to grant an injunction restraining a person from engaging in conduct may be exercised— |
| (a) whether or not it appears to the Court that the person intends to engage again, or to continue to engage, in conduct of that kind; (b) whether or not the person has previously engaged in conduct of that kind; and (c) whether or not there is an imminent danger of substantial damage to any person if the first-mentioned person engages in conduct of that kind. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(5) The power of the Court to grant an injunction requiring a person to do an act or thing may be exercised— |
| (a) whether or not it appears to the Court that the person intends to refuse or fail again, or to continue to refuse or fail, to do that act or thing; |
| (b) whether or not the person has previously refused or failed to do that act or thing; and |
| (c) whether or not there is an imminent danger of substantial damage to any person if the first-mentioned person refuses or fails to do that act or thing.”. |
| Paragraph 80aa (1) (a)— |
| Omit “restraining a person from engaging in”, substitute “in respect of”. |
| Sub-section 80a (1)— Omit “Where”, substitute “Without limiting the generality of section 80, where”. |
| Sub-section 87 (1)— Omit “Where”, substitute “Without limiting the generality of section 80, where”. |
| Sub-section 87 (1a)— Omit “The”, substitute “Without limiting the generality of section 80, the”. |
| Paragraph 163a (1) (a)— After “Division 2”, insert “, 2a or 3”. |
Wine Grapes Levy Collection Act 1979 | Sub-section 5 (1)— Omit “10%”, substitute “20%”. |
Wool Industry Act 1972 | Sub-section 42j (5)— Omit “an account” (wherever occurring), substitute “one account only”. |
| New sub-section 42j (5a)— After sub-section 42j (5), insert the following sub-section: |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| “(5a) Where— (a) a wool-broker has furnished more than one account to a producer in respect of wool sold (whether in one lot or otherwise) by him on behalf of the producer, being wool that became participating wool in respect of a declared period by reason of its having been so sold; |
| (b) a registered wool-dealer has furnished more than one account to a producer in respect of wool purchased (whether in one lot or otherwise) by him from the producer, being wool that became participating wool in respect of a declared period by reason of its having been so purchased; |
| (c) a manufacturer has furnished more than one account to a producer in respect of wool purchased (whether in one lot or otherwise) by him from the producer, being wool that became participating wool in respect of a declared period by reason of its having been so purchased; |
| (d) a manufacturer has furnished more than one account to a producer in respect of wool subjected by him to a process of manufacture, being wool that became participating wool in respect of a declared period by reason of its having been subjected by him to a process of manufacture; or |
| (e) an exporter has furnished more than one account to a producer in respect of wool exported from Australia (whether in one lot or otherwise) by him on behalf of the producer, being wool that became participating wool in respect of a declared period by reason of its having been so exported, |
| a refund is not payable under this Part in respect of any of the wool to which any of the accounts relate if the refund, or the total of the refunds, that would, but for this sub-section, be payable in respect of all of the wool to which all of the accounts relate is less than $25 or such other amount as is prescribed from time to time by the regulations for the purposes of this sub-section.”. |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| Sub-section 42j (6)— Omit “sub-section (5)”, substitute “sub-sections (5) and (5a)”. |
| Paragraph 42k (7) (a)— Omit “or” (third occurring). |
| New paragraph 42k (7) (c)— After paragraph 42k (7) (b), insert the following word and paragraph: |
| “; or (c) a refund in respect of participating wool would, but for this sub-section, be required to be made by a registered person but the registered person requests the Corporation to make the payment and the Corporation, on considering the number of refunds involved, is satisfied that the cost to him of making the payment would be substantially disproportionate to the amount of the refund, agrees to do so,”. |
| Sub-section 42l (2)— Add at the end of sub-section 42l (2) the following words: |
| “or inform the registered person that it will make those payments pursuant to paragraph 42k (7) (b) or (c) or sub-section 42k. (8).”. |
| Sub-section 42n (1)— After “registered person”, insert “or the Corporation”. |
| Section 42aa— Omit from the foot of the section “Penalty: $5,000 or imprisonment for 2 years, or both.”. |
| New sub-sections 42aa (4) and (5)— After sub-section 42aa (3), add the following sub-sections: |
| “(4) Nothing in this section prevents an officer authorized for the purpose by the Corporation from divulging or communicating any information to the Commissioner of Taxation for the purpose of administering or enforcing the Administration Act or any Wool Tax Act. |
| “(5) The Commissioner of Taxation, and any person or employee under his control, are, in respect of any information divulged or communicated to the |
SCHEDULE 1—continued
Acts | Amendments |
| Commissioner under sub-section (4), entitled to rights and privileges, and subject to obligations and liabilities, under sub-sections (2) and (3) as if— |
| (a) the references in those sub-sections to an officer were references to the Commissioner or that person or employee; (b) the references in those sub-sections to the performance by the Corporation of its functions under this Part were references to the administration or enforcement of the Administration Act or any Wool Tax Act; and (c) the words “or administering or enforcing the Administration Act or any Wool Tax Act” were added at the end of sub-section (3). Penalty: $5,000 or imprisonment for 2 years, or both.”. |
Wool Tax (Administration) Act 1964 | New section 7a— After section 7, insert the following section: Annual report “7a. (1) The Commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 30 June in each year, prepare and furnish to the Minister a report on the working of this Act, including any breaches or evasions of this Act of which the Commissioner has notice. “(2) The Minister shall cause a copy of a report furnished to him under sub-section (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the day on which he receives the report.”. |
World Heritage Properties Conservation Act 1983 | Paragraph 17 (9) (a)— After “State”, insert “or in the Northern Territory”. Paragraph 17 (9) (b)— After “State”, insert “or the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, as the case may be”. |
SCHEDULE 2 Section 4
1. The following provisions of the Excise Act 1901 are amended by omitting any number expressed in words and substituting that number expressed in figures: 15, 17, 19, 42 (1b), 77a, 77b, 98, 113, 118, 121, 122, 124, 129, 131, 138 and 162a (2).
2. The Excise Act 1901 is further amended as set out in the following table:
Provision amended | Amendment |
Sub-section 4 (1) (definition of “Excise Acts”) | Omit “Distillation Act 1901-1968”, substitute “Distillation Act 1901”. |
Sub-section 4 (1) (definition of “Officer”) | Omit “Customs Act 1901-1957”, substitute “Customs Act 1901”. |
Sub-section 4 (1) (definition of “Warehouse”) | Omit “Customs Act 1901-1968”, substitute “Customs Act 1901”. |
Sub-section 12 (1).... | Omit “herein otherwise provided for”, substitute “otherwise provided for in this Act,”. |
Section 12a........ | Omit “Customs Act 1901-1968”, substitute “Customs Act 1901”. |
Section 21......... | Omit “hereto”. |
Section 25......... | Omit “Forty dollars”, substitute “$40”. |
Section 26......... | Omit “hereto” (wherever occurring). |
Section 27......... | Omit “Forty dollars”, substitute “$40”. |
Section 29......... | Omit “Forty dollars”, substitute “$40”. |
Section 30......... | Omit “Forty dollars”, substitute “$40”. |
Sub-section 32 (2).... | Omit “the last preceding sub-section”, substitute “sub-section (1)”. |
Section 33......... | Omit “Forty dollars”, substitute “$40”. |
Section 35......... | Omit “Two hundred dollars”, substitute “$200”. |
Section 45......... | (a) Omit “forty-five”, substitute “45”. |
| (b) Omit “Two hundred dollars”, substitute “$200”. |
Section 47......... | Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
Section 49......... | Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
Sub-section 50 (1).... | Omit “Two hundred and fifty dollars”, substitute “$250”. |
Sub-section 50 (2).... | Omit “the last preceding sub-section”, substitute “sub-section (1)”. |
Section 51......... | Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
Section 52......... | Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
SCHEDULE 2—continued
Provision amended | Amendment |
Paragraph 59 (b)..... | Omit “sub-section (2) of section 61”, substitute “sub-section 61 (2)”. |
Sub-section 59a (3)... | Omit “of this section and sub-section (6) of section 61c”, substitute “and sub-section 61c (6)”. |
Sub-section 59a (4)... | Omit “sub-section (6) of section 61c”, substitute “sub-section 61c (6)”. |
Sub-section 59a (9)... | Omit “sub-section (2) of section 61c”, substitute “sub-section 61c (2)”. |
Sub-section 60 (3).... | Omit “the last preceding sub-section”, substitute “sub-section (2)”. |
Section 61......... | Omit “One thousand dollars”, substitute “$1,000”. |
Paragraph 61a (4) (a) | Omit “One thousand dollars”, substitute “$1,000”. |
Paragraph 61a (4) (b) | Omit “paragraph (d) of section 116”, substitute “paragraph 116 (d)”. |
Sub-section 61b (1)... | Omit “sub-section (1) or (2) of the last preceding section”, substitute “sub-section 61a (1) or (2)”. |
Sub-section 61b (2)... | Omit the last preceding sub-section, substitute “sub-section (1)”. |
Sub-Section 61b (3).. | Omit “Customs Act 1901-1968”, substitute “Customs Act 1901”. |
Sub-section 61c (2)... | Omit “the last preceding sub-section”, substitute “sub-section (1)”. |
Paragraph 61c (4) (a) | Omit “One thousand dollars”, substitute “$1,000”. |
Paragraph 61c (4) (b) | Omit “paragraph (d) of section 116”, substitute “paragraph 116 (d)”. |
Sub-section 61c (5)... | (a) Omit “sub-section (3) of section 59a”, substitute “sub-section 59a (3)”. |
| (b) Omit “sub-section (8) of that section”, substitute “sub-section 59a (8)”. |
Section 70......... | Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
Section 76......... | (a) Omit “thirty per centum”, substitute “30%”. |
| (b) Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
Section 77......... | (a) Omit “one hundred degrees”, substitute “100°”. |
| (b) Omit “thirty per centum” (wherever occurring), substitute “30%”. |
Section 77c........ | Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
Section 77e........ | Omit “Two hundred dollars”, substitute “$200”. |
Sub-section 77f (3)... | Omit “either of the last two preceding sub-sections”, substitute “sub-section (1) or (2)”. |
Sub-section 77l (2a).. | Omit “sub-section (2) of section 77m”, substitute “sub-section 77m (2)”. |
SCHEDULE 2—continued
Provision amended | Amendment |
Sub-section 77m (2).. | Omit “paragraph (2) of sub-item (A) of item 17 to”, substitute “paragraph 17 (a) (2) in”. |
Paragraph 78a (3) (a) | Omit “paragraph (b) of sub-section (1)”, substitute “paragraph (1) (b)”. |
Section 90......... | Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
Section 92......... | Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
Section 94......... | Omit “Forty dollars”, substitute “$40”. |
Sub-section 99a (3)... | Omit “paragraph (a) or (b) of sub-section (1)”, substitute “paragraph (1) (a) or (b)”. |
Sub-section 99a (6)... | Omit “paragraph (c) of sub-section (9) or an offence against paragraph (vb), (vii) or (viii) of section 120”, substitute “paragraph (9) (c) or an offence against paragraph 120 (vb), (vii) or (viii)”. |
Section 107........ | Omit “Forty dollars”, substitute “$40”. |
Section 110........ | Omit “the last preceding section”, substitute “section 109”. |
Section 113........ | Omit “the next section”, substitute “section 114”. |
Sub-section 114 (1)... | Omit “the next succeeding section”, substitute “section 115”. |
Section 115........ | Omit “the last section”, substitute “section 114”. |
Sub-section 116 (2)... | (a) Omit “Excise Tariff 1921-1973”, substitute “Excise Tariff 1921”. |
| (b) Omit “paragraph (iiia) of section 120”, substitute “paragraph 120 (iiia)”. |
Section 117........ | Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
Section 119........ | Omit “Two hundred dollars”, substitute “$200”. |
Section 120........ | (a) Omit “Excise Tariff 1921-1973”, substitute “Excise Tariff 1921”. |
| (b) Omit “Two hundred dollars”, substitute “$200”. |
Section 120a....... | Omit “Two hundred dollars”, substitute “$200”. |
Section 123........ | Omit “One hundred dollars”, substitute “$100”. |
Section 125........ | Omit “Twenty dollars”, substitute “$20”. |
Section 134........ | Omit “One thousand dollars”, substitute “$1,000”. |
Section 135........ | (a) Omit “Two hundred dollars”, substitute “$200”. |
| (b) Omit “seven”, substitute “7”. |
Section 154........ | (a) Omit “six”, substitute “6”. |
| (b) Omit “Five per centum”, substitute 5%”. |
Sub-section 160a (2).. | Omit “Customs Act 1901-1968”, substitute “Customs Act 1901”. |
Sub-section 160a (3).. | Omit “Customs Act 1901-1968”, substitute “Customs Act 1901”. |
SCHEDULE 2—continued
Provision amended | Amendment |
Sub-section 162a (2).. | Omit “the last preceding sub-section”, substitute “sub-section (1)”. |
Sub-section 162a (3).. | Omit “the last preceding sub-section”, substitute “sub-section (2)”. |
Sub-section 162b (1).. | Omit “by the last preceding section or by section 77f”, substitute “by section 77f or 162a”. |
Paragraph 162b (5) (c) | Omit “the last preceding section or section 77f”, substitute “section 77f or 162a”. |