
Sales Tax (No. 5) Amendment Act 1984

No. 86 of 1984


An Act to amend the Sales Tax Act (No. 5) 1930

[Assented to 21 September 1984]

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen, and the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:

Short title, &c.

1. (1) This Act may be cited as the Sales Tax (No. 5) Amendment Act 1984.

(2) The Sales Tax Act (No. 5) 19301 is in this Act referred to as the Principal Act.


2. This Act shall be deemed to have come into operation at the hour of 8 oclock in the evening, by standard time in the Australian Capital Territory, on 21 August 1984.

3. (1) Sections 3 and 4 of the Principal Act are repealed and the following sections are substituted:

Imposition of tax

3. Sales tax is imposed, at the rates specified in section 4, upon the sale value of goods imported into Australia, at or after the hour of 8 oclock in the evening, by standard time in the Australian Capital Territory, on 21 August 1984, by a taxpayer.

Rates of tax

4. The rates of the sales tax imposed by this Act are—

(a) in respect of goods covered by the Second Schedule to the Sales Tax (Exemptions and Classifications) Act 7955—32.5%;

(b) in respect of goods covered by the Third Schedule to that Act—7.5%;

(c) in respect of goods covered by the Fourth or Fifth Schedule to that Act—20%;

(d) in respect of goods covered by the Sixth Schedule to that Act—10%; and

(e) in respect of goods not covered by the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth or Sixth Schedule to that Act and on the sale value of which it is not provided by that Act that the sales tax imposed by this Act shall not be payable—20%..

(2) Where, before the commencement of this Act, sales tax was imposed by the provisions of the Principal Act repealed by sub-section (1) upon the sale value of any goods, that sales tax continues to be imposed as if those provisions had not been repealed.



1. No. 34, 1930, as amended. For previous amendments, see No. 34, 1931; No. 36, 1936; No. 34, 1938; No. 20, 1939; Nos. 7 and 81, 1940; No. 37, 1941; No. 11, 1942; No. 49, 1943; No. 62, 1946; No. 59, 1949; No. 42, 1950; No. 68, 1951; No. 49, 1952; No. 58, 1953: No. 50, 1954; No. 10, 1956; No. 76, 1957; No. 93, 1960; Nos. 6 and 81, 1961; No. 9, 1962; No. 80, 1964; No. 92, 1968; No. 73, 1970; No. 19, 1975; No. 148, 1978; No. 137, 1981; and Nos. 59 and 88, 1982.